7 resultados para lactose intolerance
em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland
Water sorption-induced crystallization, α-relaxations and relaxation times of freeze-dried lactose/whey protein isolate (WPI) systems were studied using dynamic dewpoint isotherms (DDI) method and dielectric analysis (DEA), respectively. The fractional water sorption behavior of lactose/WPI mixtures shown at aw ≤ 0.44 and the critical aw for water sorption-related crystallization (aw(cr)) of lactose were strongly affected by protein content based on DDI data. DEA results showed that the α-relaxation temperatures of amorphous lactose at various relaxation times were affected by the presence of water and WPI. The α-relaxation-derived strength parameter (S) of amorphous lactose decreased with aw up to 0.44 aw but the presence of WPI increased S. The linear relationship for aw(cr) and S for lactose/WPI mixtures was also established with R2 > 0.98. Therefore, DDI offers another structural investigation of water sorption-related crystallization as governed by aw(cr), and S may be used to describe real time effects of structural relaxations in noncrystalline multicomponent solids.
Bifidobacteria are claimed to contribute positively to human health through a range of beneficial or probiotic activities, including amelioration of gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders, and therefore this particular group of gastrointestinal commensals has enjoyed increasing industrial and scientific attention in recent years. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these probiotic mechanisms are still largely unknown, mainly due to the fact that molecular tools for bifidobacteria are rather poorly developed, with many strains lacking genetic accessibility. In this work, we describe the generation of transposon insertion mutants in two bifidobacterial strains, B. breve UCC2003 and B. breve NCFB2258. We also report the creation of the first transposon mutant library in a bifidobacterial strain, employing B. breve UCC2003 and a Tn5-based transposome strategy. The library was found to be composed of clones containing single transposon insertions which appear to be randomly distributed along the genome. The usefulness of the library to perform phenotypic screenings was confirmed through identification and analysis of mutants defective in D-galactose, D-lactose or pullulan utilization abilities.
There are numerous review papers discussing liquid nanoemulsions and how they compare to other emulsion systems. Little research is available on dried nanoemulsions. The objectives of this research were to (i) study the effect of varying the continuous phase of nanoemulsions with different carbohydrate/protein ratios on subsequent emulsion stability, and (ii) compare the physicochemical properties, lactose crystallisation properties, microstructure, and lipid oxidation of spray dried nanoemulsions compared to spray dried conventional emulsions having different water and sugar contents. Nanoemulsions containing sunflower oil (10% w/w), β-casein (2.5–10% w/w) and lactose or trehalose (10–17.5%) were produced following optimisation of the continuous phase by maximising and minimising viscosity and glass transition temperature (Tg’) using mixture design software. Increasing levels of β-casein from caused a significant increase in viscosity, particle size, and nanoemulsion stability, while resulting in a decrease in Tg’. Powders were made from spray drying emulsions/nanoemulsions consisting of lactose or a 70:30 mixture of lactose:sucrose (23.9%), sodium caseinate (5.1%) and sunflower oil (11.5%) in water. Nanoemulsions, produced by microfluidisation (100 MPa), had higher stability and lower viscosity than control emulsions (homogenization at 17 MPa) with lower solvent extractable free fat in the resulting powder. Partial replacement of lactose with sucrose decreased Tg and delayed Tcr. DVS and PLM showed that in powdered nanoemulsions, lactose crystallises faster than in powdered conventional emulsions. Microstructure of both powders (CLSM and cryo-SEM) showed different FGS in powders and different structure post lactose crystallisation. Powdered nanoemulsions had lower pentanal and hexanal (indicators of lipid oxidation) after 24 months storage due to their lower free fat and porosity, measured using a validated GC HS-SPME method, This research has shown the effect of altering the continuous phase of nanoemulsions on microstructure of spray dried nanoemulsions, which affects physical properties, sugar crystallisation, and lipid oxidation.
The objectives of this thesis were to (i) study the effect of increasing protein concentration in milk protein concentrate (MPC) powders on surface composition and sorption properties; (ii) examine the effect of increasing protein content on the rehydration properties of MPC; (iii) study the physicochemical properties of spraydried emulsion-containing powders having different water and oil contents; (iv) analyse the effect of protein type on water sorption and diffusivity properties in a protein/lactose dispersion, and; (v) characterise lactose crystallisation and emulsion stability of model infant formula containing intact or hydrolysed whey proteins. Surface composition of MPC powders (protein contents 35 - 86 g / 100 g) indicated that fat and protein were preferentially located on the surface of powders. Low protein powder (35 g / 100 g) exhibited lactose crystallisation, whereas powders with higher protein contents did not, due to their high protein: lactose ratio. Insolubility was evident in high protein MPCs and was primarily related to insolubility of the casein fraction. High temperature (50 °C) was required for dissolution of high protein MPCs (protein content > 60 g / 100 g). The effect of different oil types and spray-drying outlet temperature on the physicochemical properties of the resultant fat-filled powders was investigated and showed that increasing outlet temperature reduced water content, water activity and tapped bulk density, irrespective of oil type, and increased solvent-extractable free fat for all oil types and onset of glass transition (Tg) and crystallisation (Tcr) temperature. Powder dispersions of protein/lactose (0.21:1), containing either intact or hydrolysed whey protein (12 % degree of hydrolysis; DH), were spray-dried at pilot scale. Moisture sorption analysis at 25 °C showed that dispersions containing intact whey protein exhibited lactose crystallisation at a lower relative humidity (RH). Dispersions containing hydrolysed whey protein had significantly higher (P < 0.05) water diffusivity. Finally, a spray-dried model infant formula was produced containing hydrolysed or intact whey as the protein with sunflower oil as the fat source. Reconstituted, hydrolysed formula had a significantly (P < 0.05) higher fat globule size and lower emulsion stability than intact formula. Lactose crystallisation in powders occurred at higher RH for hydrolysed formula. In conclusion, this research has shown the effect of altering the protein type, protein composition, and oil type on the surface composition and physical properties of different dairy powders, and how these variations greatly affect their rehydration characteristics and storage stability.
This thesis discusses socio-political issues worldwide through philosophical approaches to performance, politics and composition. My research also discuss sound decisions which I regard to be simultaneously an outlet for personal expression, as well as a practical tool to inspire a socio-political change in society. Although the latter is paramount to the methodology of the project, the sound cannot be regarded in isolation as a “political composition”. It can only become truly functional in a political sense through interaction with other art forms, within the context of a specific place and time. My portfolio for this project is of two socio-political projects which are my chief concern. The first project concerns the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I named this project PATH. PATH aims to foster and expand peaceful thought between Jewish and Palestinian civilians in Israel-Palestine. Through performance art, PATH spreads a message of acceptance, unity and brotherhood between our peoples. Above all, PATH demands and end to intolerance, hatred and violence among all the inhabitants of the State of Israel. The second project concerns women’s rights globally. I have realised that although we have come a long way in our struggle for rights for women, great challenges remain. There is a need to unite women and men against a form of oppression that discriminates against 50% of the world’s population. I called this project, For Utopia.
Human milk is the ideal nutrition source for healthy infants during the first six months of life and a detailed characterisation of the composition of milk from mothers that deliver prematurely (<37 weeks gestation), and of how human milk changes during lactation, would benefit our understanding of the nutritional requirements of premature infants. Individual milk samples from mothers delivering prematurely and at term were collected. The human milk metabolome, established by (NMR) spectroscopy, was influenced by gestational and lactation age. Metabolite profiling identified that levels of valine, leucine, betaine, and creatinine were increased in colostrum from term mothers compared with mature milk, while those of glutamate, caprylate, and caprate were increased in mature term milk compared with colostrum. Levels of oligosaccharides, citrate, and creatinine were increased in pre-term colostrum, while those of caprylate, caprate, valine, leucine, glutamate, and pantothenate increased with time postpartum. There were differences between pre-term and full-term milk in the levels of carnitine, caprylate, caprate, pantothenate, urea, lactose, oligosaccharides, citrate, phosphocholine, choline, and formate. These findings suggest that the metabolome of pre-term milk changes within 5-7 weeks postpartum to resemble that of term milk, independent of time of gestation at pre-mature delivery.
Cheddar cheese was made using control culture (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis), or with control culture plus a galactose-metabolising (Gal+) or galactose-non-metabolising (Gal-) Streptococcus thermophilus adjunct; for each culture type, the pH at whey drainage was either low (pH 6.15) or high (pH 6.45). Sc. thermophilus affected the levels of residual lactose and galactose, and the volatile compound profile and sensory properties of the mature cheese (270 d) to an extent dependent on the drain pH and phenotype (Gal+ or Gal-). For all culture systems, reducing drain pH resulted in lower levels of moisture and lactic acid, a higher concentration of free amino acids, and higher firmness. The results indicate that Sc. thermophilus may be used to diversify the sensory properties of Cheddar cheese, for example from a fruity buttery odour and creamy flavour to a more acid taste, rancid odour, and a sweaty cheese flavour at high drain pH.