9 resultados para density functional calculations

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The large intrinsic bandgap of NiO hinders its potential application as a photocatalyst under visible-light irradiation. In this study, we have performed first-principles screened exchange hybrid density functional theory with the HSE06 functional calculations of N- and C-doped NiO to investigate the effect of doping on the electronic structure of NiO. C-doping at an oxygen site induces gap states due to the dopant, the positions of which suggest that the top of the valence band is made up primarily of C 2p-derived states with some Ni 3d contributions, and the lowest-energy empty state is in the middle of the gap. This leads to an effective bandgap of 1.7 eV, which is of potential interest for photocatalytic applications. N-doping induces comparatively little dopant-Ni 3d interactions, but results in similar positions of dopant-induced states, i.e., the top of the valence band is made up of dopant 2p states and the lowest unoccupied state is the empty gap state derived from the dopant, leading to bandgap narrowing. With the hybrid density functional theory (DFT) results available, we discuss issues with the DFT corrected for on-site Coulomb description of these systems.


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The wonder of the last century has been the rapid development in technology. One of the sectors that it has touched immensely is the electronic industry. There has been exponential development in the field and scientists are pushing new horizons. There is an increased dependence in technology for every individual from different strata in the society. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a unique technique for growing thin films. It is widely used in the semiconductor industry. Films as thin as few nanometers can be deposited using this technique. Although this process has been explored for a variety of oxides, sulphides and nitrides, a proper method for deposition of many metals is missing. Metals are often used in the semiconductor industry and hence are of significant importance. A deficiency in understanding the basic chemistry at the nanoscale for possible reactions has delayed the improvement in metal ALD. In this thesis, we study the intrinsic chemistry involved for Cu ALD. This work reports computational study using Density Functional Theory as implemented in TURBOMOLE program. Both the gas phase and surface reactions are studied in most of the cases. The merits and demerits of a promising transmetallation reaction have been evaluated at the beginning of the study. Further improvements in the structure of precursors and coreagent have been proposed. This has led to the proposal of metallocenes as co-reagents and Cu(I) carbene compounds as new set of precursors. A three step process for Cu ALD that generates ligand free Cu layer after every ALD pulse has also been studied. Although the chemistry has been studied under the umbrella of Cu ALD the basic principles hold true for ALD of other metals (e.g. Co, Ni, Fe ) and also for other branches of science like thin film deposition other than ALD, electrochemical reactions, etc.


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Copper dimethylamino-2-propoxide [Cu(dmap)2] is used as a precursor for low-temperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) of copper thin films. Chemisorption of the precursor is the necessary first step of ALD, but it is not known in this case whether there is selectivity for adsorption sites, defects, or islands on the substrate. Therefore, we study the adsorption of the Cu(dmap)2 molecule on the different sites on flat and rough Cu surfaces using PBE, PBE-D3, optB88-vdW, and vdW-DF2 methods. We found the relative order of adsorption energies for Cu(dmap)2 on Cu surfaces is Eads (PBE-D3) > Eads (optB88-vdW) > Eads (vdW-DF2) > Eads (PBE). The PBE and vdW-DF2 methods predict one chemisorption structure, while optB88-vdW predicts three chemisorption structures for Cu(dmap)2 adsorption among four possible adsorption configurations, whereas PBE-D3 predicts a chemisorbed structure for all the adsorption sites on Cu(111). All the methods with and without van der Waals corrections yield a chemisorbed molecule on the Cu(332) step and Cu(643) kink because of less steric hindrance on the vicinal surfaces. Strong distortion of the molecule and significant elongation of Cu–N bonds are predicted in the chemisorbed structures, indicating that the ligand–Cu bonds break during the ALD of Cu from Cu(dmap)2. The molecule loses its initial square-planar structure and gains linear O–Cu–O bonding as these atoms attach to the surface. As a result, the ligands become unstable and the precursor becomes more reactive to the coreagent. Charge redistribution mainly occurs between the adsorbate O–Cu–O bond and the surface. Bader charge analysis shows that electrons are donated from the surface to the molecule in the chemisorbed structures, so that the Cu center in the molecule is partially reduced.


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This thesis is focused on the application of numerical atomic basis sets in studies of the structural, electronic and transport properties of silicon nanowire structures from first-principles within the framework of Density Functional Theory. First we critically examine the applied methodology and then offer predictions regarding the transport properties and realisation of silicon nanowire devices. The performance of numerical atomic orbitals is benchmarked against calculations performed with plane waves basis sets. After establishing the convergence of total energy and electronic structure calculations with increasing basis size we have shown that their quality greatly improves with the optimisation of the contraction for a fixed basis size. The double zeta polarised basis offers a reasonable approximation to study structural and electronic properties and transferability exists between various nanowire structures. This is most important to reduce the computational cost. The impact of basis sets on transport properties in silicon nanowires with oxygen and dopant impurities have also been studied. It is found that whilst transmission features quantitatively converge with increasing contraction there is a weaker dependence on basis set for the mean free path; the double zeta polarised basis offers a good compromise whereas the single zeta basis set yields qualitatively reasonable results. Studying the transport properties of nanowire-based transistor setups with p+-n-p+ and p+-i-p+ doping profiles it is shown that charge self-consistency affects the I-V characteristics more significantly than the basis set choice. It is predicted that such ultrascaled (3 nm length) transistors would show degraded performance due to relatively high source-drain tunnelling currents. Finally, it is shown the hole mobility of Si nanowires nominally doped with boron decreases monotonically with decreasing width at fixed doping density and increasing dopant concentration. Significant mobility variations are identified which can explain experimental observations.


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Thin film dielectrics based on titanium, zirconium or hafnium oxides are being introduced to increase the permittivity of insulating layers in transistors for micro/nanoelectronics and memory devices. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is the process of choice for fabricating these films, as it allows for high control of composition and thickness in thin, conformal films which can be deposited on substrates with high aspect-ratio features. The success of this method depends crucially on the chemical properties of the precursor molecules. A successful ALD precursor should be volatile, stable in the gas-phase, but reactive on the substrate and growing surface, leading to inert by-products. In recent years, many different ALD precursors for metal oxides have been developed, but many of them suffer from low thermal stability. Much promise is shown by group 4 metal precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl (Cp = C5H5-xRx) ligands. One of the main advantages of Cp precursors is their thermal stability. In this work ab initio calculations were carried out at the level of density functional theory (DFT) on a range of heteroleptic metallocenes [M(Cp)4-n(L)n], M = Hf/Zr/Ti, L = Me and OMe, in order to find mechanistic reasons for their observed behaviour during ALD. Based on optimized monomer structures, reactivity is analyzed with respect to ligand elimination. The order in which different ligands are eliminated during ALD follows their energetics which was in agreement with experimental measurements. Titanocene-derived precursors, TiCp*(OMe)3, do not yield TiO2 films in atomic layer deposition (ALD) with water, while Ti(OMe)4 does. DFT was used to model the ALD reaction sequence and find the reason for the difference in growth behaviour. Both precursors adsorb initially via hydrogen-bonding. The simulations reveal that the Cp* ligand of TiCp*(OMe)3 lowers the Lewis acidity of the Ti centre and prevents its coordination to surface O (densification) during both of the ALD pulses. Blocking this step hindered further ALD reactions and for that reason no ALD growth is observed from TiCp*(OMe)3 and water. The thermal stability in the gas phase of Ti, Zr and Hf precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl ligands was also considered. The reaction that was found using DFT is an intramolecular α-H transfer that produces an alkylidene complex. The analysis shows that thermal stabilities of complexes of the type MCp2(CH3)2 increase down group 4 (M = Ti, Zr and Hf) due to an increase in the HOMO-LUMO band gap of the reactants, which itself increases with the electrophilicity of the metal. The reverse reaction of α-hydrogen abstraction in ZrCp2Me2 is 1,2-addition reaction of a C-H bond to a Zr=C bond. The same mechanism is investigated to determine if it operates for 1,2 addition of the tBu C-H across Hf=N in a corresponding Hf dimer complex. The aim of this work is to understand orbital interactions, how bonds break and how new bonds form, and in what state hydrogen is transferred during the reaction. Calculations reveal two synchronous and concerted electron transfers within a four-membered cyclic transition state in the plane between the cyclopentadienyl rings, one π(M=X)-to-σ(M-C) involving metal d orbitals and the other σ(C-H)-to-σ(X-H) mediating the transfer of neutral H, where X = C or N. The reaction of the hafnium dimer complex with CO that was studied for the purpose of understanding C-H bond activation has another interesting application, namely the cleavage of an N-N bond and resulting N-C bond formation. Analysis of the orbital plots reveals repulsion between the occupied orbitals on CO and the N-N unit where CO approaches along the N-N axis. The repulsions along the N-N axis are minimized by instead forming an asymmetrical intermediate in which CO first coordinates to one Hf and then to N. This breaks the symmetry of the N-N unit and the resultant mixing of MOs allows σ(NN) to be polarized, localizing electrons on the more distant N. This allowed σ(CO) and π(CO) donation to N and back-donation of π*(Hf2N2) to CO. Improved understanding of the chemistry of metal complexes can be gained from atomic-scale modelling and this provides valuable information for the design of new ALD precursors. The information gained from the model decomposition pathway can be additionally used to understand the chemistry of molecules in the ALD process as well as in catalytic systems.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are hollow tubes of sp2-hybridised carbon with diameters of the order of nanometres. Due to their unique physical properties, which include ballistic transport and high mechanical strength, they are of significant interest for technological applications. The electronic properties of CNTs are of particular interest for use as gas sensors, interconnect materials in the semi-conductor industry and as the channel material in CNT based field effect transistors. The primary difficulty associated with the use of CNTs in electronic applications is the inability to control electronic properties at the growth stage; as grown CNTs consist of a mixture of metallic and semi-conducting CNTs. Doping has the potential to solve this problem and is a focus of this thesis. Nitrogen-doped CNTs typically have defective structures; the usual hollow CNT structure is replaced by a series of compartments. Through density functional theory (DFT) calculations and experimental results, we propose an explanation for the defective structures obtained, based on the stronger binding of N to the growth catalyst in comparison to C. In real electronic devices, CNTs need to be contacted to metal, we generate the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of metal-contacted CNTs considering both the effect of dopants and the structure of the interface region on electronic properties. We find that substitutionally doped CNTs produce Ohmic contacts and that scattering at the interface is strongly influenced by structure. In addition, we consider the effect of the common vacancy defects on the electronic properties of large diameter CNTs. Defects increase scattering in the CNT, with the greatest scattering occurring for the largest defect (555777). We validate the independent scattering approximation for small diameter CNTs, which enables mean free paths in large diameter CNTs to be calculated, with a smaller mean free paths found for larger defects.


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In this work, the properties of strained tetrahedrally bonded materials are explored theoretically, with special focus on group-III nitrides. In order to do so, a multiscale approach is taken: accurate quantitative calculations of material properties are carried out in a quantum first-principles frame, for small systems. These properties are then extrapolated and empirical methods are employed to make predictions for larger systems, such as alloys or nanostructures. We focus our attention on elasticity and electric polarization in semiconductors. These quantities serve as input for the calculation of the optoelectronic properties of these systems. Regarding the methods employed, our first-principles calculations use highly- accurate density functional theory (DFT) within both standard Kohn-Sham and generalized (hybrid functional) Kohn-Sham approaches. We have developed our own empirical methods, including valence force field (VFF) and a point-dipole model for the calculation of local polarization and local polarization potential. Our local polarization model gives insight for the first time to local fluctuations of the electric polarization at an atomistic level. At the continuum level, we have studied composition-engineering optimization of nitride nanostructures for built-in electrostatic field reduction, and have developed a highly efficient hybrid analytical-numerical staggered-grid computational implementation of continuum elasticity theory, that is used to treat larger systems, such as quantum dots.


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This PhD thesis concerns the computational modeling of the electronic and atomic structure of point defects in technologically relevant materials. Identifying the atomistic origin of defects observed in the electrical characteristics of electronic devices has been a long-term goal of first-principles methods. First principles simulations are performed in this thesis, consisting of density functional theory (DFT) supplemented with many body perturbation theory (MBPT) methods, of native defects in bulk and slab models of In0.53Ga0.47As. The latter consist of (100) - oriented surfaces passivated with A12O3. Our results indicate that the experimentally extracted midgap interface state density (Dit) peaks are not the result of defects directly at the semiconductor/oxide interface, but originate from defects in a more bulk-like chemical environment. This conclusion is reached by considering the energy of charge transition levels for defects at the interface as a function of distance from the oxide. Our work provides insight into the types of defects responsible for the observed departure from ideal electrical behaviour in III-V metal-oxidesemiconductor (MOS) capacitors. In addition, the formation energetics and electron scattering properties of point defects in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are studied using DFT in conjunction with Green’s function based techniques. The latter are applied to evaluate the low-temperature, low-bias Landauer conductance spectrum from which mesoscopic transport properties such as the elastic mean free path and localization length of technologically relevant CNT sizes can be estimated from computationally tractable CNT models. Our calculations show that at CNT diameters pertinent to interconnect applications, the 555777 divacancy defect results in increased scattering and hence higher electrical resistance for electron transport near the Fermi level.


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Treatment of Zn(Si(SiMe3)3)2 with ZnX2 (X = Cl, Br, I) in tetrahydrofuran (THF) at 23 °C afforded [Zn(Si(SiMe3)3)X(THF)]2 in 83–99% yield. X-ray crystal structures revealed dimeric structures with Zn2X2 cores. Thermogravimetric analyses of [Zn(Si(SiMe3)3)X(THF)]2 demonstrated a loss of coordinated THF between 50 and 155 °C and then single-step weight losses between 200 and 275 °C. The nonvolatile residue was zinc metal in all cases. Bulk thermolyses of [Zn(Si(SiMe3)3)X(THF)]2 between 210 and 250 °C afforded zinc metal in 97–99% yield, Si(SiMe3)3X in 91–94% yield, and THF in 81–98% yield. Density functional theory calculations confirmed that zinc formation becomes energetically favorable upon THF loss. Similar reactions are likely to be general for M(SiR3)n/MXn pairs and may lead to new metal-film-growth processes for chemical vapor deposition and atomic layer deposition.