3 resultados para commercial yield

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) of biodegradable waste is an environmentally and economically sustainable solution which incorporates waste treatment and energy recovery. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), which comprises mostly of food waste, is highly degradable under anaerobic conditions. Biogas produced from OFMSW, when upgraded to biomethane, is recognised as one of the most sustainable renewable biofuels and can also be one of the cheapest sources of biomethane if a gate fee is associated with the substrate. OFMSW is a complex and heterogeneous material which may have widely different characteristics depending on the source of origin and collection system used. The research presented in this thesis investigates the potential energy resource from a wide range of organic waste streams through field and laboratory research on real world samples. OFMSW samples collected from a range of sources generated methane yields ranging from 75 to 160 m3 per tonne. Higher methane yields are associated with source segregated food waste from commercial catering premises as opposed to domestic sources. The inclusion of garden waste reduces the specific methane yield from household organic waste. In continuous AD trials it was found that a conventional continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) gave the highest specific methane yields at a moderate organic loading rate of 2 kg volatile solids (VS) m-3 digester day-1 and a hydraulic retention time of 30 days. The average specific methane yield obtained at this loading rate in continuous digestion was 560 ± 29 L CH4 kg-1 VS which exceeded the biomethane potential test result by 5%. The low carbon to nitrogen ratio (C: N <14:1) associated with canteen food waste lead to increasing concentrations of volatile fatty acids in line with high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen at higher organic loading rates. At an organic loading rate of 4 kg VS m-3day-1 the specific methane yield dropped considerably (381 L CH4 kg-1 VS), the pH rose to 8.1 and free ammonia (NH3 ) concentrations reached toxicity levels towards the end of the trial (ca. 950 mg L-1). A novel two phase AD reactor configuration consisting of a series of sequentially fed leach bed reactors connected to an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) demonstrated a high rate of organic matter decay but resulted in lower specific methane yields (384 L CH4 kg-1 VS) than the conventional CSTR system.


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Due to the increasing incidence of antibiotic resistant strains, the use of novel antimicrobials, such as bacteriocins, has become an ever more likely prospect. Lacticin 3147 (of which there are two components, Ltnα and Ltnβ) and nisin belong to the subgroup of bacteriocins called the lantibiotics, which has attracted much attention in recent years. The lantibiotics are antimicrobial peptides that contain unusual amino acids resulting from a series of enzyme-mediated post translational modifications. Given that there have been relatively few examples of lantibiotic-specific resistance; these antimicrobials appear to represent valid alternatives to classical antibiotics. However, the fact that lantibiotics are naturally only produced in small amounts often hinders their commercialisation. In order to overcome this bottleneck, several approaches can be employed. For example, we can create a situation that reduces the quantity of a lantibiotic required to inhibit a target by combining it with other antimicrobials. Here, following an initial screen involving lacticin 3147 and several classical antibiotics, it was observed between lacticin 3147 and the commercial antibiotics polymyxin B/E function synergistically. This reduced the amounts of the individual antimicrobials required for kill and broadened the spectrum of inhibition of both agents. Upon combination with polymyxins, lacticin 3147, which has been associated with Gram positive targets only, actively targeted Gram negative species such as Escherichia coli and Cronobacter sp. An alternative means of addressing problems associated with lantibiotic yield is to better understand how production is regulated, and ultimately use this information to enhance peptide levels. With this in mind the regulation of lacticin 3147 production from the promoter Pbac was investigated using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression reporter system. This revealed that elements within both of the divergent operons of the lacticin 3147 gene cluster are involved in Pbac regulation. That is, LtnR, already established as a negative regulator of itself and the lacticin 3147 associated immunity genes, also acts as an activator of Pbac transcription. In contrast, an enhanced level of expression is observed in the absence of the lacticin 3147 structural genes, ltnA1 and ltnA2, indicating that these genes/gene products are involved in Pbac repression. In fact, through complementation of the ltnA2 gene, it was revealed that this regulation is more likely to be dependent on the presence of the gene transcript rather that the corresponding prepropeptide or modified Ltnβ. It may be that if lacticin 3147 production is successfully enhanced, the ability of the producing cell to protect itself may become an issue. To prepare for such a possibility a bioengineered derivative of the lacticin 3147 immunity protein LtnI (LtnI I81V) which provides enhanced protection was discovered through an in depth investigation involving the site and saturation mutagenesis of this protein. In addition, the creation of truncated forms of LtnI allowed the identification of important and essential regions of this immunity protein. Finally, as mentioned, self-immunity is essential to prevent self-killing. However the discovery of nisin U immunity and regulatory gene homologues (spiFEGRR’K) within the pathogenic strain S. infantarius subsp. infantarius is a cause for concern as it represents an example of immune mimicry, a form of lantibiotic-specific resistance. The ability of spiFEG to confer protection was apparent when they successfully provided protection to nisin A, F, Z, Q and U when expressed heterologously in the nisin sensitive L. lactis HP host. As a consequence of the studies presented in this thesis, it is likely that strategies will emerge that will facilitate the production of greater levels of lacticin 3147 production and lead to enhanced immunity in lactococcal backgrounds. Alternatively the need for enhanced production could be avoided through the use of antimicrobial combinations. In addition, providing awareness of the threats of the emergence of resistance through immune mimicry can allow researchers to develop strategies to prevent this phenomenon from leading to the dissemination of lantibiotic resistance.


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Defects in commercial cheese result in a downgrading of the final cheese and a consequential economic loss to the cheese producer. Developments of defects in cheese are often not fully understood and therefore not controllable by the producer. This research investigated the underlying factors in the development of split and secondary fermentation defect and of pinking defects in commercial Irish cheeses. Split defect in Swiss-type cheese is a common defect associated with eye formation and manifests as slits and cracks visible in the cut cheese loaf (Reinbold, 1972; Daly et al., 2010). No consensus exists as to the definitive causes of the defect and possible factors which may contribute to the defect were reviewed. Models were derived to describe the relationship between moisture, pH, and salt levels and the distance from sample location to the closest external block surface during cheese ripening. Significant gradients within the cheese blocks were observed for all measured parameters in cheeses at 7 day post/after manufacture. No significant pH gradient was found within the blocks on exit from hot-room ripening and at three months post exit from the hot-room. Moisture content reached equilibrium within the blocks between exit from hot-room and 3 months after exit from hot-room while salt and salt-to-moisture levels had not reached equilibrium within the cheese blocks even at three months after exit from hot-room ripening. A characterisation of Swiss-type cheeses produced from a seasonal milk supply was undertaken. Cheeses were sampled on two days per month of the production year, at three different times during the manufacturing day, at internal and external regions of the cheese block and at four ripening time points (7 days post manufacture, post hot-room, 14 days post hot-room and 3 months in a cold room after exit from hot-room). Compositional, biochemical and microbial indices were determined, and the results were analysed as a splitplot with a factorial arrangement of treatments (season, time of day, area) on the main plot and ripening time on the sub-plot. Season (and interactions) had a significant effect on pH and salt-in-moisture levels (SM), mean viable counts of L. helveticus, propionic acid and non-starter lactic acid bacteria, levels of primary and secondary proteolysis and cheese firmness. Levels of proteolysis increased significantly during hot-room ripening but also during cold room storage, signifying continued development of cheese ripening during cold storage (> 8°C). Rheological parameters (e.g. springiness and cohesiveness) were significantly affected by interactions between ripening and location within cheese blocks. Time of day of manufacture significantly affected mean cheese calcium levels at 7 days post manufacture and mean levels of arginine and mean viable counts of NSLAB. Cheeses produced during the middle of the production day had the best grading scores and were more consistent compared to cheeses produced early or late during day of manufacture. Cheeses with low levels of S/M and low values of resilience were associated with poor grades at 7 days post manufacture. Chesses which had high elastic index values and low values of springiness in the external areas after exit from hot-room ripening also obtained good commercial grades. Development of a pink colour defect is an intermittent defect in ripened cheese which may or may not contain an added colourant, e.g., annatto. Factors associated with the defect were reviewed. Attempts at extraction and identification of the pink discolouration were unsuccessful. The pink colour partitioned with the water insoluble protein fraction. No significant difference was observed between ripened control and defect cheese for oxygen levels and redox potential or for the results of elemental analysis. A possible relationship between starter activity and defect development was established in cheeses with added coulourant, as lower levels of residual galactose and lactose were observed in defective cheese compared to control cheese free of the defect. Swiss-type cheese without added colourant had significantly higher levels of arginine and significantly lower lactate levels. Flow cell cytometry indicated that levels of bacterial cell viability and metabolic state differed between control and defect cheeses (without added colourant). Pyrosequencing analysis of cheese samples with and without the defect detected the previously unreported bacteria in cheese, Deinococcus thermus (a potential carotenoid producer). Defective Swiss-type cheeses had elevated levels of Deinococcus thermus compared to control cheeses, however the direct cause of pink was not linked to this bacterium alone. Overall, research was undertaken on underlying factors associated with the development of specific defects in commercial cheese, but also characterised the dynamic changes in key microbial and physicochemical parameters during cheese ripening and storage. This will enable the development of processing technologies to enable seasonal manipulation of manufacture protocols to minimise compositional and biochemical variability and to reduce and inhibit the occurrence of specific quality defects.