4 resultados para acute toxicity

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The present study investigated the genotoxic potential of the marine biotoxins okadaic acid (OA) and azaspiracids (AZAs). Harmful algae blooms (HABs) are an increasing global problem with implications for the ecosystem, economy and human health. Most data available on human intoxication are based on acute toxicity. To date, limited data has been published on possible long term effects, carcinogenicity and genotoxicity. To investigate genotoxicity in the present study, DNA fragmentation was detected using the COMET assay. In contrast to most other available studies, two further endpoints were included. The Trypan Blue Exclusion assay was used to provide information on possible cytotoxicity and assess the right concentration range. Flow cytometer analysis was included to detect the possible involvement of apoptotic processes. In house background data for all endpoints were established using positive controls. Three different cell lines, Jurkat T cells, CaCo-2 cells and HepG-2 cells, representing the main target organs, were exposed to OA and AZA1-3 at different concentrations and exposure times. Data obtained from the COMET assay showed an increase in DNA fragmentation for all phycotoxins, indicating a modest genotoxic effect. However, the data obtained from the Trypan Blue Exclusion assay showed a clear reduction in cell viability and cell number, indicating the involvement of cytotoxic and/or apoptotic processes. This is supported by data obtained by flow cytometer analysis. All phycotoxins investigated showed signs of early/late apoptosis. Therefore, the combined observations made in the present study indicate that OA and AZA1-3 are not genotoxic per se. Apoptotic processes appear to make a major contribution to the observed DNA fragmentation. The information obtained in this study stresses the importance of inclusion of additional endpoints and appropriate positive controls in genotoxicity studies. Furthermore, these data can assist in future considerations on risk assessment, especially regarding repeated exposure and exposure at sub-clinical doses.


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Acute myeloid leukaemia refers to cancer of the blood and bone marrow characterised by the rapid expansion of immature blasts of the myeloid lineage. The aberrant proliferation of these blasts interferes with normal haematopoiesis, resulting in symptoms such as anaemia, poor coagulation and infections. The molecular mechanisms underpinning acute myeloid leukaemia are multi-faceted and complex, with a range of diverse genetic and cytogenetic abnormalities giving rise to the acute myeloid leukaemia phenotype. Amongst the most common causative factors are mutations of the FLT3 gene, which codes for a growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase required by developing haematopoietic cells. Disruptions to this gene can result in constitutively active FLT3, driving the de-regulated proliferation of undifferentiated precursor blasts. FLT3-targeted drugs provide the opportunity to inhibit this oncogenic receptor, but over time can give rise to resistance within the blast population. The identification of targetable components of the FLT3 signalling pathway may allow for combination therapies to be used to impede the emergence of resistance. However, the intracellular signal transduction pathway of FLT3 is relatively obscure. The objective of this study is to further elucidate this pathway, with particular focus on the redox signalling element which is thought to be involved. Signalling via reactive oxygen species is becoming increasingly recognised as a crucial aspect of physiological and pathological processes within the cell. The first part of this study examined the effects of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species on the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. Using two-dimensional phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, a range of proteins were identified as undergoing tyrosine phosphorylation in response to NADPH oxidase activity. Ezrin, a cytoskeletal regulatory protein and substrate of Src kinase, was selected for further study. The next part of this study established that NADPH oxidase is subject to regulation by FLT3. Both wild type and oncogenic FLT3 signalling were shown to affect the expression of a key NADPH oxidase subunit, p22phox, and FLT3 was also demonstrated to drive intracellular reactive oxygen species production. The NADPH oxidase target protein, Ezrin, undergoes phosphorylation on two tyrosine residues downstream of FLT3 signalling, an effect which was shown to be p22phox-dependent and which was attributed to the redox regulation of Src. The cytoskeletal associations of Ezrin and its established role in metastasis prompted the investigation of the effects of FLT3 and NADPH oxidase activity on the migration of acute myeloid leukaemia cell lines. It was found that inhibition of either FLT3 or NADPH oxidase negatively impacted on the motility of acute myeloid leukaemia cells. The final part of this study focused on the relationship between FLT3 signalling and phosphatase activity. It was determined, using phosphatase expression profiling and real-time PCR, that several phosphatases are subject to regulation at the levels of transcription and post-translational modification downstream of oncogenic FLT3 activity. In summary, this study demonstrates that FLT3 signal transduction utilises a NADPH oxidase-dependent redox element, which affects Src kinase, and modulates leukaemic cell migration through Ezrin. Furthermore, the expression and activity of several phosphatases is tightly linked to FLT3 signalling. This work reveals novel components of the FLT3 signalling cascade and indicates a range of potential therapeutic targets.


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Yersiniosis is an acute or chronic enteric zoonosis caused by enteropathogenic Yersinia species. Although yersiniosis is predominantly associated with gastroenteric forms of infection, extraintestinal forms are often reported from the elderly or patients with predisposing factors. Yersiniosis is often reported in countries with cold and mild climates (Northern and Central Europe, New Zealand and North of Russian Federation). The Irish Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) currently records only 3-7 notified cases of yersiniosis per year. At the same time pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica is recovered from pigs (main source of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica) at the levels similar to that observed in Yersinia endemic countries. Introduction of Yersinia selective culture procedures may increase Yersinia isolation rates. To establish whether the small number of notifications of human disease was an underestimate due to lack of specific selective culture for Yersinia we carried out a prospective culture study of faecal samples from outpatients with diarrhoea, with additional culture of appendix and throat swabs. Higher levels of anti-Yersinia seroprevalence than yersiniosis notification rates in endemic countries suggests that most yersiniosis cases are unrecognised by culture. Subsequently, in addition to a prospective culture study of clinical specimens, we carried out serological screening of Irish blood donors and environmental screening of human sewage. Pathogenic Yersinia strains were not isolated from 1,189 faeces samples, nor from 297 throat swabs, or 23 appendix swabs. This suggested that current low notification rates in Ireland are not due to the lack of specific Yersinia culture procedures. Molecular screening detected a wider variety of Y. enterocolitica-specific targets in pig slurry than in human sewage. A serological survey for antibodies against Yersinia YOP (Yersinia Outer Proteins) proteins in Irish blood donors found antibodies in 25%, with an age-related trend to increased seropositivity, compatible with the hypothesis that yersiniosis may have been more prevalent in Ireland in the recent past. Y. enterocolitica is a heterogeneous group of microorganisms that comprises strains with different degree of pathogenicity. Although non-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica lack conventional virulence factors, these strains can be isolated from patients with diarrhoea. Insecticidal Toxin Complex (ITC) and Cytolethal Distending Toxins can potentially contribute to the virulence of non-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in the absence of other virulence factors. We compared distribution of ITC and CDT loci among pathogenic and non-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica. Additionally, to demonstrate potential pathogenicity of non-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica we compared their virulence towards Galleria mellonella larvae (a non-mammalian model of human bacterial infections) with the virulence of highly and mildly pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains. Surprisingly, virulence of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica in Galleria mellonella larvae observed at 37°C did not correlate with their pathogenic potential towards humans. Comparative phylogenomic analysis detects predicted coding sequences (CDSs) that define host-pathogen interactions and hence providing insights into molecular evolution of bacterial virulence. Comparative phylogenomic analysis of microarray data generated in Y. enterocolitica strains isolated in the Great Britain from humans with diarrhoea and domestic animals revealed high genetic heterogeneity of these species. Because of the extensive human, animal and food exchanges between the UK and Ireland the objective of this study was to gain further insight into genetic heterogeneity and relationships among clinical and non-clinical Y. enterocolitica strains of various pathogenic potential isolated in Ireland and Great Britain. No evidence of direct transfer of strains between the two countries was found.


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The rapid development of nanotechnology has led to a rise in the large-scale production and commercial use of engineered nano-ZnO. Engineered/manufactured nano-ZnO are applied in a broad range of products such as drugs, paints, cosmetics, abrasive agents and insulators. This can result in the unintended exposure of human beings to nano-ZnO and will inevitably result in the release of nano-ZnO in to the environment. Thus, it is necessary to assess the risk of nano-ZnO to the environment. In this thesis the toxicity of nano-ZnO was analysed using the aquatic, primary producer lesser duckweed (Lemna minor), and the mechanism of toxicity was analysed. Both short-term (one week) and long-term (six weeks) toxicity of nano-ZnO (uncoated) were determined. Results show that the toxicity of nano-ZnO added to the aquatic growth medium increases with increasing concentration and that toxicity accumulates with exposure time. A study of nano-ZnO dissolution reveals that the main reason for nano-ZnO toxicity on Lemna minor is the release of Zn ions. Nano-ZnO dissolution is pH dependent, and toxicity matches the release of Zn2+. Functional coating materials are commonly added to nano-ZnO particles to improve specific industrial applications. To test if coating materials contribute to nano-ZnO toxicity on lesser duckweed, the effect of silane coupling agent (KH550) coated nano-ZnO on Lemma minor was investigated. Results show that coating can decrease the release of Zn ions, which reduces toxicity to Lemna minor, in contrast to uncoated particles. Another commonly hypothesized reason for nano-ZnO toxicity is the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) on the particles surface. As part of this thesis, the ROS formation induced by nano-ZnO was studied. Results show that nano-ZnO catalyse ROS formation and this can negatively affect duckweed growth. In conclusion, this work has detailed potentially toxic effects of nano-ZnO on Lemna minor. This study has also provides references for future research, and informs regulatory testing for nanoparticle toxicity. Specifically, the outcomes of this study emphasize the importance of exposure time, environmental parameters and coating material when analysing NPs toxicity. Firstly, impacts of longer exposure time should be studied. Secondly, environmental parameters such as pH and medium-composition need to be considered when investigating NPs toxicity. Lastly, coating of NPs should always be considered in the context of NPs toxicity, and similar NPs with different coatings require separate toxicity tests.