em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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We report the observation of urchin-like nanostructures consisting of high-density spherical nanotube radial arrays of vanadium oxide nanocomposite, successfully synthesized by a simple chemical route using an ethanolic solution of vanadium tri-isopropoxide and alkyl amine hexadecylamine for 7 days at 180oC. The results show that the growth process of the NanoUrchin occurs in stages, starting with a radial self-organized arrangement of lamina followed by the rolling of the lamina into nanotubes. The longest nanotubes are measured to be several micrometers in length with diameters of ~120 nm and hollow centers typically measured to be ~75 nm. The NanoUrchin have an estimated density of nanotubes of ~40 sr-1. The tube walls comprise layers of vanadium oxide with the organic surfactant intercalated between atomic layers. The interlayer distance is measured to be 2.9 ± 0.1 nm and electron diffraction identified the vanadate phase in the VOx nanocomposite as orthorhombic V2O5. These nanostructures may be used as three-dimensional composite materials and as supports for other materials.


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We report the detailed characterization of high quality vanadium oxide (VOx) nanotubes (NTs) and highlight the zipping of adjacent vanadate layers in such NTs formed on remarkable nanourchin structures. These nanostructures consist of high-density spherical radial arrays of NTs. The results evidence vanadate NTs with unprecedented uniformity and evidences the first report of vanadate atomic layer zipping. The NTs are ∼2 μm in length with inner diameters of 20-30 nm. The tube walls comprise scrolled triplet-layers of vanadate intercalated with organic surfactant. Such high-volume structures might be useful as open-access electrolyte scaffolds for lithium insertion-based charge storage devices.


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We present a comparative structural–vibrational study of nanostructured systems of V2O5: nano-urchin (VONURs) which are spherical structures composed of a radially oriented array of VOx nanotubes (VOx-NTs) with a volumetric density of ∼40 sr–1, and vanadium oxide nanorods (VOx-NRDs) with an average length of ∼100 nm. The Raman scattering spectrum of the nano-urchin exhibits a band at 1014 cm–1 related to the distorted gamma conformation of the vanadium pentoxide (γ-V5+). The infrared vibrational spectra of the nanorods sample also exhibit a distorted laminar V2O5 structure with evidence observed for quadravalent V4+ species at 921 cm–1.


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This thesis presents several routes towards achieving artificial opal templates by colloidal self-assembly of polystyrene (PS) or poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) spheres and the use of these template for the fabrication of V2O5 inverse opals as cathode materials for lithium ion battery applications. First, through the manipulation of different experimental factors, several methods of affecting or directing opal growth towards realizing different structures, improving order and/or achieving faster formation on a variety of substrates are presented. The addition of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) at a concentration above the critical micelle concentration for SDS to a 5 wt% solution of PMMA spheres before dip-coating is presented as a method of achieving ordered 2D PhC monolayers on hydrophobic Au-coated silicon substrates at fast and slow rates of withdrawal. The effect that the degree of hydrophilicity of glass substrates has on the ordering of PMMA spheres is next investigated for a slow rate of withdrawal under noise agitation. Heating of the colloidal solution is also presented as a means of affecting order and thickness of opal deposits formed using fast rate dip coating. E-beam patterned substrates are shown as a means of altering the thermodynamically favoured FCC ordering of polystyrene spheres (PS) when dip coated at slow rate. Facile routes toward the synthesis of ordered V2O5 inverse opals are presented with direct infiltration of polymer sphere templates using liquid precursor. The use of different opal templates, both 2D and 3D partially ordered templates, is compared and the composition and arrangement of the subsequent IO structures post infiltration and calcination for various procedures is characterised. V2O5 IOs are also synthesised by electrodeposition from an aqueous VOSO4 solution at constant voltage. Electrochemical characterisation of these structures as cathode material for Li-ion batteries is assessed in a half cell arrangement for samples deposited on stainless steel foil substrates. Improved rate capabilities are demonstrated for these materials over bulk V2O5, with the improvement attributed to the shorter Li ion diffusion distances and increased electrolyte infiltration provided by the IO structure.


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Three-dimensional vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) material architectures in the form of inverse opals (IOs) were fabricated using a simple electrodeposition process into artificial opal templates on stainless steel foil using an aqueous solution of VOSO4.χH2O with added ethanol. The direct deposition of V2O5 IOs was compared with V2O5 planar electrodeposition and confirms a similar progressive nucleation and growth mechanism. An in-depth examination of the chemical and morphological nature of the IO material was performed using X-ray crystallography, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman scattering and scanning/transmission electron microscopy. Electrodeposition is demonstrated to be a function of the interstitial void fraction of the artificial opal and ionic diffusivity that leads to high quality, phase pure V2O5 inverse opals is not adversely affected by diffusion pathway tortuosity. Methods to alleviate electrodeposited overlayer formation on the artificial opal templates for the fabrication of the porous 3D structures are also demonstrated. Such a 3D material is ideally suited as a cathode for lithium ion batteries, electrochromic devices, sensors and for applications requiring high surface area electrochemically active metal oxides.


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Layered metal oxides provide a single-step route to sheathed superlattices of atomic layers of a variety of inorganic materials, where the interlayer spacing and overall layered structure forms the most critical feature in the nanomaterials’ growth and application in electronics, health, and energy storage. We use a combination of computer simulations and experiments to describe the atomic-scale structure, dynamics and energetics of alkanethiol-intercalated layered vanadium oxide-based nanostructures. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations identify the unusual substrate-constrained packing of the alkanethiol surfactant chains along each V2O5 (010) face that combines with extensive interdigitation between chains on opposing faces to maximize three-dimensional packing in the interlayer regions. The findings are supported by high resolution electron microscopy analyses of synthesized alkanethiol-intercalated vanadium oxide nanostructures, and the preference for this new interdigitated model is clarified using a large set of MD simulations. This dependency stresses the importance of organic–inorganic interactions in layered material systems, the control of which is central to technological applications of flexible hybrid nanomaterials.


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Both low-dimensional bar-coded metal oxide layers, which exhibit molecular hinging, and free-standing organic nanostructures can be obtained from unique nanofibers of vanadium oxide (VOx). The nanofibers are successfully synthesized by a simple chemical route using an ethanolic solution of vanadium pentoxide xerogel and dodecanethiol resulting in a double bilayered laminar turbostratic structure. The formation of vanadium oxide nanofibers is observed after hydrothermal treatment of the thiol-intercalated xerogel, resulting in typical lengths in the range 2–6 µm and widths of about 50–500 nm. We observe concomitant hinging of the flexible nanofiber lamina at periodic hinge points in the final product on both the nanoscale and molecular level. Bar-coded nanofibers comprise alternating segments of organic–inorganic (thiols–VOx) material and are amenable to segmented, localized metal nanoparticle docking. Under certain conditions free-standing bilayered organic nanostructures are realized.


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Template-directed synthesis is a promising route to realize vanadate-based 1-D nanostructures, an example of which is the formation of vanadium pentoxide nanotubes and associated nanostructures. In this work, we report the interchange of long-chained alkyl amines with alkyl thiols. This reaction was followed using gold nanoparticles prepared by the Chemical Liquid Deposition (CLD) method with an average diameter of ∼0.9 nm and a stability of ∼85 days. V2 O5 nanotubes (VOx-NTs) with lengths of ∼2 μm and internal hollow diameters of 20-100 nm were synthesized and functionalized in a Au-acetone colloid with a nominal concentration of ∼ 4 × 1 0- 3 mol dm-3. The interchange reaction with dodecylamine is found only to occur in polar solvents and incorporation of the gold nanoparticles is not observed in the presence of n-decane.


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Metal oxide thin films are important for modern electronic devices ranging from thin film transistors to photovoltaics and functional optical coatings. Solution processed techniques allow for thin films to be rapidly deposited over a range of surfaces without the extensive processing of comparative vapour or physical deposition methods. The production of thin films of vanadium oxide prepared through dip-coating was developed enabling a greater understanding of the thin film formation. Mechanisms of depositing improved large area uniform coverage on a number of technologically relevant substrates were examined. The fundamental mechanism for polymer-assisted deposition in improving thin film surface smoothness and long range order has been delivered. Different methods were employed for adapting the alkoxide based dip-coating technique to produce a variety of amorphous and crystalline vanadium oxide based thin films. Using a wide range of material, spectroscopic and optical measurement techniques the morphology, structure and optoelectronic properties of the thin films were studied. The formation of pinholes on the surface of the thin films, due to dewetting and spinodal effects, was inhibited using the polymer assisted deposition technique. Uniform thin films with sub 50 nm thicknesses were deposited on a variety of substrates controlled through alterations to the solvent-alkoxide dilution ratios and employing polymer assisted deposition techniques. The effects of polymer assisted deposition altered the crystallized VO thin films from a granular surface structure to a polycrystalline structure composed of high density small in-plane grains. The formation of transparent VO based thin film through Si and Na substrate mediated diffusion highlighted new methods for material formation and doping.


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The electron beam induced electronic transport in primary alkyl amine-intercalated V2O5 nanotubes is investigated where the organic amine molecules are employed as molecular conductive wires to an aminosilanized substrate surface and contacted to Au interdigitated electrode contacts. The results demonstrate that the high conductivity of the nanotubes is related to the non-resonant tunnelling through the amine molecules and a reduced polaron hopping conduction through the vanadium oxide itself. Both nanotube networks and individual nanotubes exhibit similarly high conductivities where the minority carrier transport is bias dependent and nanotube diameter invariant.


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We report the comparative structural-vibrational study of nanostructures of nanourchins, nanotubes, and nanorods of vanadium oxide. The tube walls comprise layers of vanadium oxide with the organic surfactant intercalated between atomic layers. Both Raman scattering and infrared spectroscopies showed that the structure of nanourchins, nanotubes, and nanorods of vanadium oxide nanocomposite are strongly dependent on the valency of the vanadium, its associated interactions with the organic surfactant template, and on the packing mechanism and arrangement of the surfactant between vanadate layers. Accurate assignment of the vibrational modes to the V-O coordinations has allowed their comparative classification and relation to atomic layer structure. Although all structures are formed from the same precursor, differences in vanadate conformations due to the hydrothermal treatment and surfactant type result in variable degrees of crystalline order in the final nanostructure. The nanotube-containing nanourchins contain vanadate layers in the nanotubes that are in a distorted γ- V5+ conformation, whereas the the nanorods, by comparison, show evidence for V5+ and V4+ species-containing ordered VOx lamina.


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A key element in the rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures, is control of surfactant packing and adsorption onto the inorganic phase in crystal growth and assembly. In layered single crystal nanofibers and bilayered 2D nanosheets of vanadium oxide, we show how the chemisorption of preferred densities of surfactant molecules can direct formation of ordered, curved layers. The atom-scale features of the structures are described using molecular dynamics simulations that quantify surfactant packing effects and confirm the preference for a density of 5 dodecanethiol molecules per 8 vanadium attachment sites in the synthesised structures. This assembly maintains a remarkably well ordered interlayer spacing, even when curved. The assemblies of interdigitated organic bilayers on V2O5 are shown to be sufficiently flexible to tolerate curvature while maintaining a constant interlayer distance without rupture, delamination or cleavage. The accommodation of curvature and invariant structural integrity points to a beneficial role for oxide-directed organic film packing effects in layered architectures such as stacked nanofibers and hybrid 2D nanosheet systems.


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Metal oxide clusters of sub-nm dimensions dispersed on a metal oxide support are an important class of catalytic materials for a number of key chemical reactions, showing enhanced reactivity over the corresponding bulk oxide. In this paper we present the results of a density functional theory study of small sub-nm TiO2 clusters, Ti2O4, Ti3O6 and Ti4O8 supported on the rutile (110) surface. We find that all three clusters adsorb strongly with adsorption energies ranging from -3 eV to -4.5 eV. The more stable adsorption structures show a larger number of new Ti-O bonds formed between the cluster and the surface. These new bonds increase the coordination of cluster Ti and O as well as surface oxygen, so that each has more neighbours. The electronic structure shows that the top of the valence band is made up of cluster derived states, while the conduction band is made up of Ti 3d states from the surface, resulting in a reduction of the effective band gap and spatial separation of electrons and holes after photon absorption, which shows their potential utility in photocatalysis. To examine reactivity, we study the formation of oxygen vacancies in the cluster-support system. The most stable oxygen vacancy sites on the cluster show formation energies that are significantly lower than in bulk TiO2, demonstrating the usefulness of this composite system for redox catalysis.


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The majority of electrode materials in batteries and related electrochemical energy storage devices are fashioned into slurries via the addition of a conductive additive and a binder. However, aggregation of smaller diameter nanoparticles in current generation electrode compositions can result in non-homogeneous active materials. Inconsistent slurry formulation may lead to inconsistent electrical conductivity throughout the material, local variations in electrochemical response, and the overall cell performance. Here we demonstrate the hydrothermal preparation of Ag nanoparticle (NP) decorated α-AgVO3 nanowires (NWs) and their conversion to tunnel structured β-AgVO3 NWs by annealing to form a uniform blend of intercalation materials that are well connected electrically. The synthesis of nanostructures with chemically bound conductive nanoparticles is an elegant means to overcome the intrinsic issues associated with electrode slurry production, as wire-to-wire conductive pathways are formed within the overall electrode active mass of NWs. The conversion from α-AgVO3 to β-AgVO3 is explained in detail through a comprehensive structural characterization. Meticulous EELS analysis of β-AgVO3 NWs offers insight into the true β-AgVO3 structure and how the annealing process facilitates a higher surface coverage of Ag NPs directly from ionic Ag content within the α-AgVO3 NWs. Variations in vanadium oxidation state across the surface of the nanowires indicate that the β-AgVO3 NWs have a core–shell oxidation state structure, and that the vanadium oxidation state under the Ag NP confirms a chemically bound NP from reduction of diffused ionic silver from the α-AgVO3 NWs core material. Electrochemical comparison of α-AgVO3 and β-AgVO3 NWs confirms that β-AgVO3 offers improved electrochemical performance. An ex situ structural characterization of β-AgVO3 NWs after the first galvanostatic discharge and charge offers new insight into the Li+ reaction mechanism for β-AgVO3. Ag+ between the van der Waals layers of the vanadium oxide is reduced during discharge and deposited as metallic Ag, the vacant sites are then occupied by Li+.


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Ceria is an important component of catalysts for oxidation reactions that proceed through the Mars-van Krevelen mechanism, promoting activity. A paradigm example of this is the VOx–CeO2 system for oxidative dehydrogenation reactions, where vanadium oxide species are supported on ceria and a special synergy between them is behind the enhanced activity: reduction of the catalyst is promoted by ceria undergoing reduction. This leads to favourable oxygen vacancy formation and hydrogen adsorption energies—useful descriptors for the oxidation activity of VOx–CeO2 catalysts. In this paper, we examine if this promoting effect on ceria-based catalysts holds for other metal oxide modifiers and we investigate MnOn– and CrOn–CeO2(111) (n = 0 − 4) as examples. We show, combining density functional theory calculations and statistical thermodynamics that similarly to the vanadia modifier, the stable species in each case is MnO2– and CrO2–CeO2. Both show favourable energetics for oxygen vacancy formation and hydrogen adsorption, indicating that VO2–CeO2 is not the only system of this type that can have an enhanced activity for oxidation reactions. However, the mechanism involved in each case is different: CrO2–CeO2 shows similar properties to VO2–CeO2 with ceria reduction upon oxygen removal stabilising the 5+ oxidation state of Cr. In contrast, with MnO2–CeO2, Mn is preferentially reduced. Finally, a model system of VO2–Mg:CeO2 is explored that shows a synergy between VO2 modification and Mg doping. These results shed light on the factors involved in active oxidation catalysts based on supported metal oxides on ceria that should be taken into consideration in a rational design of such catalysts.