3 resultados para Speech anxiety

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The GABAB receptor is a functional heterodimer comprising the GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits, with the GABAB1 subunit displaying two major isoforms, GABAB(1a) and GABAB(1b). Preclinical findings have strongly implicated the GABAB receptor in stress-related psychiatric disorders, however, the precise contribution of the GABAB receptor in depression and anxiety disorders remains unknown. Emerging data suggest that the interaction between adverse environmental conditions, such as early life stress, and a specific genetic composition can increase the risk to develop psychiatric disorders in adulthood. This thesis investigated the role of the GABAB receptor alone or in combination with early-life stress (maternal separation), in modulating antidepressant like and anxiety-related behaviours. Pharmacological blockade of the GABAB receptor with CGP52432 had antidepressant-like behavioural effects. Moreover, mice lacking the GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform exhibited antidepressant-like behaviours in adulthood but anxiety-like behaviour in early-life. In response to maternal separation, GABAB(1a)-/- mice exhibited early-life stress-induced anhedonia, a core symptom of depression, while GABAB(1b)-/- mice exhibited a more resilient phenotype. Moreover, when compared with wildtype or GABAB(1a)-/- mice, GABAB(1b)-/- mice that underwent maternal separation exhibited enhanced stressinduced neuronal activation in the hippocampus and in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a critical area for anhedonia thus suggesting that enhanced stress-induced neuronal activation in the hippocampus and NAcc in GABAB(1b)-/- mice may be important for their antidepressant-like phenotype and their resilience to stress-induced anhedonia. Pharmacological blockade of GABAB receptor and GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform loss of function increased adult hippocampal cell proliferation, thus suggesting that increased hippocampal neurogenesis could be a potential mechanism for the antidepressant-like effects of GABAB receptor antagonists and GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform disruption. Finally, this thesis investigated whether the expression of several genes involved in hippocampal neurogenesis or the antidepressant response were altered in the mouse hippocampus following chronic treatment with a GABAB receptor antagonist.


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The GABAB receptor has been postulated as a possible drug target in the treatment of anxiety disorders and cocaine addiction. Indeed, a wealth of preclinical data is emerging that has shown that mice lacking functional GABAB receptors display a highly anxious behaviour across a range of behavioural models of anxiety. Additionally, novel compounds that act by altering the allosteric conformation of the GABAB receptor to a more active state; the GABAB receptor positive modulators, have been repeatedly demonstrated to have anxiolytic effects in animals. In addition to being a putative anxiolytic drug target, the GABAB receptor has been identified as a novel target for antiaddictive therapies. Indeed GABAB receptor positive modulators have been demonstrated to have anti-addictive properties across a broad variety of behavioural paradigms. Despite these findings, several gaps in our knowledge of the role played by the GABAB receptor in both anxiety and drug abuse disorder exist. The aim of this thesis was to use preclinical animal models in an effort to further probe the role played by the GABAB receptor in anxiety and addiction. Our studies initially examined the role played by the GABAB receptor in the neurodevelopmental processes underpinning of anxiety. Our studies demonstrated that treating mouse pups in early life with the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen produced an anxious phenotype in adult life, whereas treatment with the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP52432 produced no effects on adult behaviour. Further to this, we examined whether the anxious behaviour induced by early life blockade of the serotonin reuptake transporter was dependant on alterations in GABAB receptor function. Our studies however revealed no effect of early life selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment on adult life baclofen sensitivity. The next issue addressed in this thesis is the characterization of the effects of a GABAB receptor positive modulator and a GABAB receptor antagonist in a behavioural model of conditioned fear behaviour. These novel classes of GABAB receptor ligands have been considerably less well characterized in this facet of preclinical anxiety behaviour than in terms of innate anxiety behaviour. Our study however revealed that the GABAB receptor positive modulator GS39783 and the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP52432 were without effect on the acquisition, expression or extinction of conditioned fear in our model. The next element of this thesis dealt with the characterization of a novel mouse model, the GABAB(2)- S892A mouse. This mouse has been engineered to express a form of the GABAB(2) receptor subunit wherein the function determining serine phosphorylation site cannot be phosphorylated. We initially tested this mouse in terms of its GABAB receptor function in adult life, followed by testing it in a battery of tests of unconditioned and learned anxiety behaviour. We also examined the behavioural and molecular responses of the GABAB(2)-S892A mouse to cocaine. All of our studies appear to show that the GABAB(2)-S892A mouse is indistinguishable from wildtype controls. The final aim of the thesis was to investigate the behavioural and molecular sensitivity of the GABAB(1) subunit isoform null mice, the GABAB(1a) -/- and GABAB(1b) -/- mice to cocaine. Our studies revealed that these mice display differing behavioural responses to cocaine, with the GABAB(1a) -/- mouse displaying a hypersensitivity to the acute locomotor effects of cocaine, while the GABAB(1b) -/- displayed blunted locomotor sensitisation to cocaine.


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Existing work in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering demonstrates that Digital Signal Processing techniques can effectively identify the presence of stress in the speech signal. These techniques use datasets containing real or actual stress samples i.e. real-life stress such as 911 calls and so on. Studies that use simulated or laboratory-induced stress have been less successful and inconsistent. Pervasive, ubiquitous computing is increasingly moving towards voice-activated and voice-controlled systems and devices. Speech recognition and speaker identification algorithms will have to improve and take emotional speech into account. Modelling the influence of stress on speech and voice is of interest to researchers from many different disciplines including security, telecommunications, psychology, speech science, forensics and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The aim of this work is to assess the impact of moderate stress on the speech signal. In order to do this, a dataset of laboratory-induced stress is required. While attempting to build this dataset it became apparent that reliably inducing measurable stress in a controlled environment, when speech is a requirement, is a challenging task. This work focuses on the use of a variety of stressors to elicit a stress response during tasks that involve speech content. Biosignal analysis (commercial Brain Computer Interfaces, eye tracking and skin resistance) is used to verify and quantify the stress response, if any. This thesis explains the basis of the author’s hypotheses on the elicitation of affectively-toned speech and presents the results of several studies carried out throughout the PhD research period. These results show that the elicitation of stress, particularly the induction of affectively-toned speech, is not a simple matter and that many modulating factors influence the stress response process. A model is proposed to reflect the author’s hypothesis on the emotional response pathways relating to the elicitation of stress with a required speech content. Finally the author provides guidelines and recommendations for future research on speech under stress. Further research paths are identified and a roadmap for future research in this area is defined.