6 resultados para Solar batteries.

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Semiconductor nanowires are pseudo 1-D structures where the magnitude of the semiconducting material is confined to a length of less than 100 nm in two dimensions. Semiconductor nanowires have a vast range of potential applications, including electronic (logic devices, diodes), photonic (laser, photodetector), biological (sensors, drug delivery), energy (batteries, solar cells, thermoelectric generators), and magnetic (spintronic, memory) devices. Semiconductor nanowires can be fabricated by a range of methods which can be categorised into one of two paradigms, bottom-up or top-down. Bottom-up processes can be defined as those where structures are assembled from their sub-components in an additive fashion. Top-down fabrication strategies use sculpting or etching to carve structures from a larger piece of material in a subtractive fashion. This seminar will detail a number of novel routes to fabricate semiconductor nanowires by both bottom-up and top-down paradigms. Firstly, a novel bottom-up route to fabricate Ge nanowires with controlled diameter distributions in the sub-20 nm regime will be described. This route details nanowire synthesis and diameter control in the absence of a foreign seed metal catalyst. Additionally a top-down route to nanowire array fabrication will be detailed outlining the importance of surface chemistry in high-resolution electron beam lithography (EBL) using hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) on Ge and Bi2Se3 surfaces. Finally, a process will be described for the directed self-assembly of a diblock copolymer (PS-b-PDMS) using an EBL defined template. This section will also detail a route toward selective template sidewall wetting of either block in the PS-b-PDMS system, through tailored functionalisation of the template and substrate surfaces.


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This thesis is concerned with inductive charging of electric vehicle batteries. Rectified power form the 50/60 Hz utility feeds a dc-ac converter which delivers high-frequency ac power to the electric vehicle inductive coupling inlet. The inlet configuration has been defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers in Recommended Practice J-1773. This thesis studies converter topologies related to the series resonant converter. When coupled to the vehicle inlet, the frequency-controlled series-resonant converter results in a capacitively-filtered series-parallel LCLC (SP-LCLC) resonant converter topology with zero voltage switching and many other desirable features. A novel time-domain transformation analysis, termed Modal Analysis, is developed, using a state variable transformation, to analyze and characterize this multi-resonant fourth-orderconverter. Next, Fundamental Mode Approximation (FMA) Analysis, based on a voltage-source model of the load, and its novel extension, Rectifier-Compensated FMA (RCFMA) Analysis, are developed and applied to the SP-LCLC converter. The RCFMA Analysis is a simpler and more intuitive analysis than the Modal Analysis, and provides a relatively accurate closed-form solution for the converter behavior. Phase control of the SP-LCLC converter is investigated as a control option. FMA and RCFMA Analyses are used for detailed characterization. The analyses identify areas of operation, which are also validated experimentally, where it is advantageous to phase control the converter. A novel hybrid control scheme is proposed which integrates frequency and phase control and achieves reduced operating frequency range and improved partial-load efficiency. The phase-controlled SP-LCLC converter can also be configured with a parallel load and is an excellent option for the application. The resulting topology implements soft-switching over the entire load range and has high full-load and partial-load efficiencies. RCFMA Analysis is used to analyze and characterize the new converter topology, and good correlation is shown with experimental results. Finally, a novel single-stage power-factor-corrected ac-dc converter is introduced, which uses the current-source characteristic of the SP-LCLC topology to provide power factor correction over a wide output power range from zero to full load. This converter exhibits all the advantageous characteristics of its dc-dc counterpart, with a reduced parts count and cost. Simulation and experimental results verify the operation of the new converter.


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Solar Energy is a clean and abundant energy source that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels around which questions still persist about their contribution to climate and long-term availability. Monolithic triple-junction solar cells are currently the state of the art photovoltaic devices with champion cell efficiencies exceeding 40%, but their ultimate efficiency is restricted by the current-matching constraint of series-connected cells. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the use of solar cells with lattice constants equal to InP in order to reduce the constraint of current matching in multi-junction solar cells. This was addressed by two approaches: Firstly, the formation of mechanically stacked solar cells (MSSC) was investigated through the addition of separate connections to individual cells that make up a multi-junction device. An electrical and optical modelling approach identified separately connected InGaAs bottom cells stacked under dual-junction GaAs based top cells as a route to high efficiency. An InGaAs solar cell was fabricated on an InP substrate with a measured 1-Sun conversion efficiency of 9.3%. A comparative study of adhesives found benzocyclobutene to be the most suitable for bonding component cells in a mechanically stacked configuration owing to its higher thermal conductivity and refractive index when compared to other candidate adhesives. A flip-chip process was developed to bond single-junction GaAs and InGaAs cells with a measured 4-terminal MSSC efficiency of 25.2% under 1-Sun conditions. Additionally, a novel InAlAs solar cell was identified, which can be used to provide an alternative to the well established GaAs solar cell. As wide bandgap InAlAs solar cells have not been extensively investigated for use in photovoltaics, single-junction cells were fabricated and their properties relevant to PV operation analysed. Minority carrier diffusion lengths in the micrometre range were extracted, confirming InAlAs as a suitable material for use in III-V solar cells, and a 1-Sun conversion efficiency of 6.6% measured for cells with 800 nm thick absorber layers. Given the cost and small diameter of commercially available InP wafers, InGaAs and InAlAs solar cells were fabricated on alternative substrates, namely GaAs. As a first demonstration the lattice constant of a GaAs substrate was graded to InP using an InxGa1-xAs metamorphic buffer layer onto which cells were grown. This was the first demonstration of an InAlAs solar cell on an alternative substrate and an initial step towards fabricating these cells on Si. The results presented offer a route to developing multi-junction solar cell devices based on the InP lattice parameter, thus extending the range of available bandgaps for high efficiency cells.


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By using Si(100) with different dopant type (n++-type (As) or p-type (B)), it is shown how metal-assisted chemically (MAC) etched silicon nanowires (Si NWs) can form with rough outer surfaces around a solid NW core for p-type NWs, and a unique, defined mesoporous structure for highly doped n-type NWs. High resolution electron microscopy techniques were used to define the characteristic roughening and mesoporous structure within the NWs and how such structures can form due to a judicious choice of carrier concentration and dopant type. Control of roughness and internal mesoporosity is demonstrated during the formation of Si NWs from highly doped n-type Si(100) during electroless etching through a systematic investigation of etching parameters (etching time, AgNO3 concentration, %HF and temperature). Raman scattering measurements of the transverse optical phonon confirm quantum size effects and phonon scattering in mesoporous wires associated with the etching condition, including quantum confinement effects for the nanocrystallites of Si comprising the internal structure of the mesoporous NWs. Laser power heating of NWs confirms phonon confinement and scattering from internal mesoporosity causing reduced thermal conductivity. The Li+ insertion and extraction characteristics at n-type and p-type Si(100) electrodes with different carrier density and doping type are investigated by cyclic voltammetry and constant current measurements. The insertion and extraction potentials are demonstrated to vary with cycling and the occurrence of an activation effect is shown in n-type electrodes where the charge capacity and voltammetric currents are found to be much higher than p-type electrodes. X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman scattering demonstrate that highly doped n-type Si(100) retains Li as a silicide and converts to an amorphous phase as a two-step phase conversion process. The findings show the succinct dependence of Li insertion and extraction processes for uniformly doped Si(100) single crystals and how the doping type and its effect on the semiconductor-solution interface dominate Li insertion and extraction, composition, crystallinity changes and charge capacity. The effect of dopant, doping density and porosity of MAC etched Si NWs are investigated. The CV response is shown to change in area (current density) with increasing NW length and in profile shape with a changing porosity of the Si NWs. The CV response also changes with scan rate indicative of a transition from intercalation or alloying reactions, to pseudocapactive charge storage at higher scan rates and for p-type NWs. SEM and TEM show a change in structure of the NWs after Li insertion and extraction due to expansion and contraction of the Si NWs. Galvanostatic measurements show the cycling behavior and the Coulombic efficiency of the Si NWs in comparison to their bulk counterparts.


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The power output of dual-junction mechanically stacked solar cells comprising different sub-cell materials in a terrestrial concentrating photovoltaic module has been evaluated. The ideal bandgap combination of both cells in a stack was found using EtaOpt. A combination of 1.4 eV and 0.7 eV has been found to produce the highest photovoltaic conversion efficiency under the AM1.5 Direct Solar Spectrum with x500 concentration. As EtaOpt does not consider the absorption profile of solar cell materials; the practical power output per unit area of a dual junction mechanically stacked solar cell has been modelled considering the optical absorption co-efficients and thicknesses of the individual solar cells. The model considered a GaAs top cell and a Ge, GaSb, Ga0.47In0.53As or Si bottom cell. It was found that GaSb gives the highest power contribution as a bottom cell in a dual junction configuration followed by Ge and GaInAs. While the additional power provided by a Si bottom cell is less than these it remains a suitable candidate for a bottom cell owing to its lower cost


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This thesis presents several routes towards achieving artificial opal templates by colloidal self-assembly of polystyrene (PS) or poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) spheres and the use of these template for the fabrication of V2O5 inverse opals as cathode materials for lithium ion battery applications. First, through the manipulation of different experimental factors, several methods of affecting or directing opal growth towards realizing different structures, improving order and/or achieving faster formation on a variety of substrates are presented. The addition of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) at a concentration above the critical micelle concentration for SDS to a 5 wt% solution of PMMA spheres before dip-coating is presented as a method of achieving ordered 2D PhC monolayers on hydrophobic Au-coated silicon substrates at fast and slow rates of withdrawal. The effect that the degree of hydrophilicity of glass substrates has on the ordering of PMMA spheres is next investigated for a slow rate of withdrawal under noise agitation. Heating of the colloidal solution is also presented as a means of affecting order and thickness of opal deposits formed using fast rate dip coating. E-beam patterned substrates are shown as a means of altering the thermodynamically favoured FCC ordering of polystyrene spheres (PS) when dip coated at slow rate. Facile routes toward the synthesis of ordered V2O5 inverse opals are presented with direct infiltration of polymer sphere templates using liquid precursor. The use of different opal templates, both 2D and 3D partially ordered templates, is compared and the composition and arrangement of the subsequent IO structures post infiltration and calcination for various procedures is characterised. V2O5 IOs are also synthesised by electrodeposition from an aqueous VOSO4 solution at constant voltage. Electrochemical characterisation of these structures as cathode material for Li-ion batteries is assessed in a half cell arrangement for samples deposited on stainless steel foil substrates. Improved rate capabilities are demonstrated for these materials over bulk V2O5, with the improvement attributed to the shorter Li ion diffusion distances and increased electrolyte infiltration provided by the IO structure.