4 resultados para Semiconductor industry

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Highly doped polar semiconductors are essential components of today’s semiconductor industry. Most strikingly, transistors in modern electronic devices are polar semiconductor heterostructures. It is important to thoroughly understand carrier transport in such structures. In doped polar semiconductors, collective excitations of the carriers (plasmons) and the atoms (polar phonons) couple. These coupled collective excitations affect the electrical conductivity, here quantified through the carrier mobility. In scattering events, the carriers and the coupled collective modes transfer momentum between each other. Carrier momentum transferred to polar phonons can be lost to other phonons through anharmonic decay, resulting in a finite carrier mobility. The plasmons do not have a decay mechanism which transfers carrier momentum irretrievably. Hence, carrier-plasmon scattering results in infinite carrier mobility. Momentum relaxation due to either carrier–plasmon scattering or carrier–polar-phonon scattering alone are well understood. However, only this thesis manages to treat momentum relaxation due to both scattering mechanisms on an equal footing, enabling us to properly calculate the mobility limited by carrier–coupled plasmon–polar phonon scattering. We achieved this by solving the coupled Boltzmann equations for the carriers and the collective excitations, focusing on the “drag” term and on the anharmonic decay process of the collective modes. Our approach uses dielectric functions to describe both the carrier-collective mode scattering and the decay of the collective modes. We applied our method to bulk polar semiconductors and heterostructures where various polar dielectrics surround a semiconducting monolayer of MoS2, where taking plasmons into account can increase the mobility by up to a factor 15 for certain parameters. This screening effect is up to 85% higher than if calculated with previous methods. To conclude, our approach provides insight into the momentum relaxation mechanism for carrier–coupled collective mode scattering, and better tools for calculating the screened polar phonon and interface polar phonon limited mobility.


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Technology boosters, such as strain, HKMG and FinFET, have been introduced into semiconductor industry to extend Moore’s law beyond 130 nm technology nodes. New device structures and channel materials are highly demanded to keep performance enhancement when the device scales beyond 22 nm. In this work, the properties and feasibility of the proposed Junctionless transistor (JNT) have been evaluated for both Silicon and Germanium channels. The performance of Silicon JNTs with 22 nm gate length have been characterized at elevated temperature and stressed conditions. Furthermore, steep Subthreshold Slopes (SS) in JNT and IM devices are compared. It is observed that the floating body in JNT is relatively dynamic comparing with that in IM devices and proper design of the device structure may further reduce the VD for a sub- 60 mV/dec subthreshold slope. Diode configuration of the JNT has also been evaluated, which demonstrates the first diode without junctions. In order to extend JNT structure into the high mobility material Germanium (Ge), a full process has been develop for Ge JNT. Germanium-on-Insulator (GeOI) wafers were fabricated using Smart-Cut with low temperature direct wafer bonding method. Regarding the lithography and pattern transfer, a top-down process of sub-50-nm width Ge nanowires is developed in this chapter and Ge nanowires with 35 nm width and 50 nm depth are obtained. The oxidation behaviour of Ge by RTO has been investigated and high-k passivation scheme using thermally grown GeO2 has been developed. With all developed modules, JNT with Ge channels have been fabricated by the CMOScompatible top-down process. The transistors exhibit the lowest subthreshold slope to date for Ge JNT. The devices with a gate length of 3 μm exhibit a SS of 216 mV/dec with an ION/IOFF current ratio of 1.2×103 at VD = -1 V and DIBL of 87 mV/V.


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The wonder of the last century has been the rapid development in technology. One of the sectors that it has touched immensely is the electronic industry. There has been exponential development in the field and scientists are pushing new horizons. There is an increased dependence in technology for every individual from different strata in the society. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a unique technique for growing thin films. It is widely used in the semiconductor industry. Films as thin as few nanometers can be deposited using this technique. Although this process has been explored for a variety of oxides, sulphides and nitrides, a proper method for deposition of many metals is missing. Metals are often used in the semiconductor industry and hence are of significant importance. A deficiency in understanding the basic chemistry at the nanoscale for possible reactions has delayed the improvement in metal ALD. In this thesis, we study the intrinsic chemistry involved for Cu ALD. This work reports computational study using Density Functional Theory as implemented in TURBOMOLE program. Both the gas phase and surface reactions are studied in most of the cases. The merits and demerits of a promising transmetallation reaction have been evaluated at the beginning of the study. Further improvements in the structure of precursors and coreagent have been proposed. This has led to the proposal of metallocenes as co-reagents and Cu(I) carbene compounds as new set of precursors. A three step process for Cu ALD that generates ligand free Cu layer after every ALD pulse has also been studied. Although the chemistry has been studied under the umbrella of Cu ALD the basic principles hold true for ALD of other metals (e.g. Co, Ni, Fe ) and also for other branches of science like thin film deposition other than ALD, electrochemical reactions, etc.


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Electron microscopy (EM) has advanced in an exponential way since the first transmission electron microscope (TEM) was built in the 1930’s. The urge to ‘see’ things is an essential part of human nature (talk of ‘seeing is believing’) and apart from scanning tunnel microscopes which give information about the surface, EM is the only imaging technology capable of really visualising atomic structures in depth down to single atoms. With the development of nanotechnology the demand to image and analyse small things has become even greater and electron microscopes have found their way from highly delicate and sophisticated research grade instruments to key-turn and even bench-top instruments for everyday use in every materials research lab on the planet. The semiconductor industry is as dependent on the use of EM as life sciences and pharmaceutical industry. With this generalisation of use for imaging, the need to deploy advanced uses of EM has become more and more apparent. The combination of several coinciding beams (electron, ion and even light) to create DualBeam or TripleBeam instruments for instance enhances the usefulness from pure imaging to manipulating on the nanoscale. And when it comes to the analytic power of EM with the many ways the highly energetic electrons and ions interact with the matter in the specimen there is a plethora of niches which evolved during the last two decades, specialising in every kind of analysis that can be thought of and combined with EM. In the course of this study the emphasis was placed on the application of these advanced analytical EM techniques in the context of multiscale and multimodal microscopy – multiscale meaning across length scales from micrometres or larger to nanometres, multimodal meaning numerous techniques applied to the same sample volume in a correlative manner. In order to demonstrate the breadth and potential of the multiscale and multimodal concept an integration of it was attempted in two areas: I) Biocompatible materials using polycrystalline stainless steel and II) Semiconductors using thin multiferroic films. I) The motivation to use stainless steel (316L medical grade) comes from the potential modulation of endothelial cell growth which can have a big impact on the improvement of cardio-vascular stents – which are mainly made of 316L – through nano-texturing of the stent surface by focused ion beam (FIB) lithography. Patterning with FIB has never been reported before in connection with stents and cell growth and in order to gain a better understanding of the beam-substrate interaction during patterning a correlative microscopy approach was used to illuminate the patterning process from many possible angles. Electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyse the crystallographic structure, FIB was used for the patterning and simultaneously visualising the crystal structure as part of the monitoring process, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were employed to analyse the topography and the final step being 3D visualisation through serial FIB/SEM sectioning. II) The motivation for the use of thin multiferroic films stems from the ever-growing demand for increased data storage at lesser and lesser energy consumption. The Aurivillius phase material used in this study has a high potential in this area. Yet it is necessary to show clearly that the film is really multiferroic and no second phase inclusions are present even at very low concentrations – ~0.1vol% could already be problematic. Thus, in this study a technique was developed to analyse ultra-low density inclusions in thin multiferroic films down to concentrations of 0.01%. The goal achieved was a complete structural and compositional analysis of the films which required identification of second phase inclusions (through elemental analysis EDX(Energy Dispersive X-ray)), localise them (employing 72 hour EDX mapping in the SEM), isolate them for the TEM (using FIB) and give an upper confidence limit of 99.5% to the influence of the inclusions on the magnetic behaviour of the main phase (statistical analysis).