10 resultados para SEMICONDUCTOR-LASERS

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Mode-locked semiconductor lasers are compact pulsed sources with ultra-narrow pulse widths and high repetition-rates. In order to use these sources in real applications, their performance needs to be optimised in several aspects, usually by external control. We experimentally investigate the behaviour of recently-developed quantum-dash mode-locked lasers (QDMLLs) emitting at 1.55 μm under external optical injection. Single-section and two-section lasers with different repetition frequencies and active-region structures are studied. Particularly, we are interested in a regime which the laser remains mode-locked and the individual modes are simultaneously phase-locked to the external laser. Injection-locked self-mode-locked lasers demonstrate tunable microwave generation at first or second harmonic of the free-running repetition frequency with sub-MHz RF linewidth. For two-section mode-locked lasers, using dual-mode optical injection (injection of two coherent CW lines), narrowing the RF linewidth close to that of the electrical source, narrowing the optical linewidths and reduction in the time-bandwidth product is achieved. Under optimised bias conditions of the slave laser, a repetition frequency tuning ratio >2% is achieved, a record for a monolithic semiconductor mode-locked laser. In addition, we demonstrate a novel all-optical stabilisation technique for mode-locked semiconductor lasers by combination of CW optical injection and optical feedback to simultaneously improve the time-bandwidth product and timing-jitter of the laser. This scheme does not need an RF source and no optical to electrical conversion is required and thus is ideal for photonic integration. Finally, an application of injection-locked mode-locked lasers is introduced in a multichannel phase-sensitive amplifier (PSA). We show that with dual-mode injection-locking, simultaneous phase-synchronisation of two channels to local pump sources is realised through one injection-locking stage. An experimental proof of concept is demonstrated for two 10 Gbps phase-encoded (DPSK) channels showing more than 7 dB phase-sensitive gain and less than 1 dB penalty of the receiver sensitivity.


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As a device, the laser is an elegant conglomerate of elementary physical theories and state-of-the-art techniques ranging from quantum mechanics, thermal and statistical physics, material growth and non-linear mathematics. The laser has been a commercial success in medicine and telecommunication while driving the development of highly optimised devices specifically designed for a plethora of uses. Due to their low-cost and large-scale predictability many aspects of modern life would not function without the lasers. However, the laser is also a window into a system that is strongly emulated by non-linear mathematical systems and are an exceptional apparatus in the development of non-linear dynamics and is often used in the teaching of non-trivial mathematics. While single-mode semiconductor lasers have been well studied, a unified comparison of single and two-mode lasers is still needed to extend the knowledge of semiconductor lasers, as well as testing the limits of current model. Secondly, this work aims to utilise the optically injected semiconductor laser as a tool so study non-linear phenomena in other fields of study, namely ’Rogue waves’ that have been previously witnessed in oceanography and are suspected as having non-linear origins. The first half of this thesis includes a reliable and fast technique to categorise the dynamical state of optically injected two mode and single mode lasers. Analysis of the experimentally obtained time-traces revealed regions of various dynamics and allowed the automatic identification of their respective stability. The impact of this method is also extended to the detection regions containing bi-stabilities. The second half of the thesis presents an investigation into the origins of Rogue Waves in single mode lasers. After confirming their existence in single mode lasers, their distribution in time and sudden appearance in the time-series is studied to justify their name. An examination is also performed into the existence of paths that make Rogue Waves possible and the impact of noise on their distribution is also studied.


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Semiconductor lasers have the potential to address a number of critical applications in advanced telecommunications and signal processing. These include applications that require pulsed output that can be obtained from self-pulsing and mode-locked states of two-section devices with saturable absorption. Many modern applications place stringent performance requirements on the laser source, and a thorough understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying these pulsed modes of operation is therefore highly desirable. In this thesis, we present experimental measurements and numerical simulations of a variety of self-pulsation phenomena in two-section semiconductor lasers with saturable absorption. Our theoretical and numerical results will be based on rate equations for the field intensities and the carrier densities in the two sections of the device, and we establish typical parameter ranges and assess the level of agreement with experiment that can be expected from our models. For each of the physical examples that we consider, our model parameters are consistent with the physical net gain and absorption of the studied devices. Following our introductory chapter, the first system that we consider is a two-section Fabry-Pérot laser. This example serves to introduce our method for obtaining model parameters from the measured material dispersion, and it also allows us to present a detailed discussion of the bifurcation structure that governs the appearance of selfpulsations in two-section devices. In the following two chapters, we present two distinct examples of experimental measurements from dual-mode two-section devices. In each case we have found that single mode self-pulsations evolve into complex coupled dualmode states following a characteristic series of bifurcations. We present optical and mode resolved power spectra as well as a series of characteristic intensity time traces illustrating this progression for each example. Using the results from our study of a twosection Fabry-Pérot device as a guide, we find physically appropriate model parameters that provide qualitative agreement with our experimental results. We highlight the role played by material dispersion and the underlying single mode self-pulsing orbits in determining the observed dynamics, and we use numerical continuation methods to provide a global picture of the governing bifurcation structure. In our concluding chapter we summarise our work, and we discuss how the presented results can inform the development of optimised mode-locked lasers for performance applications in integrated optics.


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The dynamics of two mutually coupled identical single-mode semi-conductor lasers are theoretically investigated. For small separation and large coupling between the lasers, symmetry-broken one-colour states are shown to be stable. In this case the light output of the lasers have significantly different intensities whilst at the same time the lasers are locked to a single common frequency. For intermediate coupling we observe stable two-colour states, where both single-mode lasers lase simultaneously at two optical frequencies which are separated by up to 150 GHz. For low coupling but possibly large separation, the frequency of the relaxation oscillations of the freerunning lasers defines the dynamics. Chaotic and quasi-periodic states are identified and shown to be stable. For weak coupling undamped relaxation oscillations dominate where each laser is locked to three or more odd number of colours spaced by the relaxation oscillation frequency. It is shown that the instabilities that lead to these states are directly connected to the two colour mechanism where the change in the number of optical colours due to a change in the plane of oscillation. At initial coupling, in-phase and anti-phase one colour states are shown to emerge from “on” uncoupled lasers using a perturbation method. Similarly symmetry-broken one-colour states come from considering one free-running laser initially “on” and the other laser initially “off”. The mechanism that leads to a bi-stability between in-phase and anti-phase one-colour states is understood. Due to an equivariant phase space symmetry of being able to exchange the identical lasers, a symmetric and symmetry-broken variant of all states mentioned above exists and is shown to be stable. Using a five dimensional model we identify the bifurcation structure which is responsible for the appearance of symmetric and symmetry-broken one-colour, symmetric and symmetry-broken two-colour, symmetric and symmetry-broken undamped relaxation oscillations, symmetric and symmetry-broken quasi-periodic, and symmetric and symmetry-broken chaotic states. As symmetry-broken states always exist in pairs, they naturally give rise to bi-stability. Several of these states show multistabilities between symmetric and symmetry-broken variants and among states. Three memory elements on the basis of bi-stabilities in one and two colour states for two coupled single-mode lasers are proposed. The switching performance of selected designs of optical memory elements is studied numerically.


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We theoretically investigate the dynamics of two mutually coupled, identical single-mode semi-conductor lasers. For small separation and large coupling between the lasers, symmetry-broken one-color states are shown to be stable. In this case the light outputs of the lasers have significantly different intensities while at the same time the lasers are locked to a single common frequency. For intermediate coupling we observe stable symmetry-broken two-color states, where both lasers lase simultaneously at two optical frequencies which are separated by up to 150 GHz. Using a five-dimensional model, we identify the bifurcation structure which is responsible for the appearance of symmetric and symmetry-broken one-color and two-color states. Several of these states give rise to multistabilities and therefore allow for the design of all-optical memory elements on the basis of two coupled single-mode lasers. The switching performance of selected designs of optical memory elements is studied numerically.


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The use of InGaAs metamorphic buffer layers (MBLs) to facilitate the growth of lattice-mismatched heterostructures constitutes an attractive approach to developing long-wavelength semiconductor lasers on GaAs substrates, since they offer the improved carrier and optical confinement associated with GaAs-based materials. We present a theoretical study of GaAs-based 1.3 and 1.55 μm (Al)InGaAs quantum well (QW) lasers grown on InGaAs MBLs. We demonstrate that optimised 1.3 μm metamorphic devices offer low threshold current densities and high differential gain, which compare favourably with InP-based devices. Overall, our analysis highlights and quantifies the potential of metamorphic QWs for the development of GaAs-based long-wavelength semiconductor lasers, and also provides guidelines for the design of optimised devices.


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Photonic integration has become an important research topic in research for applications in the telecommunications industry. Current optical internet infrastructure has reached capacity with current generation dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems fully occupying the low absorption region of optical fibre from 1530 nm to 1625 nm (the C and L bands). This is both due to an increase in the number of users worldwide and existing users demanding more bandwidth. Therefore, current research is focussed on using the available telecommunication spectrum more efficiently. To this end, coherent communication systems are being developed. Advanced coherent modulation schemes can be quite complex in terms of the number and array of devices required for implementation. In order to make these systems viable both logistically and commercially, photonic integration is required. In traditional DWDM systems, arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) are used to both multiplex and demultiplex the multi-wavelength signal involved. AWGs are used widely as they allow filtering of the many DWDM wavelengths simultaneously. However, when moving to coherent telecommunication systems such as coherent optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) smaller FSR ranges are required from the AWG. This increases the size of the device which is counter to the miniaturisation which integration is trying to achieve. Much work was done with active filters during the 1980s. This involved using a laser device (usually below threshold) to allow selective wavelength filtering of input signals. By using more complicated cavity geometry devices such as distributed feedback (DFB) and sampled grating distributed Bragg gratings (SG-DBR) narrowband filtering is achievable with high suppression (>30 dB) of spurious wavelengths. The active nature of the devices also means that, through carrier injection, the index can be altered resulting in tunability of the filter. Used above threshold, active filters become useful in filtering coherent combs. Through injection locking, the coherence of the filtered wavelengths with the original comb source is retained. This gives active filters potential application in coherent communication system as demultiplexers. This work will focus on the use of slotted Fabry-Pérot (SFP) semiconductor lasers as active filters. Experiments were carried out to ensure that SFP lasers were useful as tunable active filters. In all experiments in this work the SFP lasers were operated above threshold and so injection locking was the mechanic by which the filters operated. Performance of the lasers under injection locking was examined using both single wavelength and coherent comb injection. In another experiment two discrete SFP lasers were used simultaneously to demultiplex a two-line coherent comb. The relative coherence of the comb lines was retained after demultiplexing. After showing that SFP lasers could be used to successfully demultiplex coherent combs a photonic integrated circuit was designed and fabricated. This involved monolithic integration of a MMI power splitter with an array of single facet SFP lasers. This device was tested much in the same way as the discrete devices. The integrated device was used to successfully demultiplex a two line coherent comb signal whilst retaining the relative coherence between the filtered comb lines. A series of modelling systems were then employed in order to understand the resonance characteristics of the fabricated devices, and to understand their performance under injection locking. Using this information, alterations to the SFP laser designs were made which were theoretically shown to provide improved performance and suitability for use in filtering coherent comb signals.


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Dilute bismide alloys, containing small fractions of bismuth (Bi), have recently attracted interest due to their potential for applications in a range of semiconductor devices. Experiments have revealed that dilute bismide alloys such as GaBixAs1−x, in which a small fraction x of the atoms in the III-V semiconductor GaAs are replaced by Bi, exhibit a number of unusual and unique properties. For example, the band gap energy (E g) decreases rapidly with increasing Bi composition x, by up to 90 meV per % Bi replacing As in the alloy. This band gap reduction is accompanied by a strong increase in the spin-orbit-splitting energy (ΔSO) with increasing x, and both E g and ΔSO are characterised by strong, composition-dependent bowing. The existence of a ΔSO > E g regime in the GaBixAs1−x alloy has been demonstrated for x ≳10%, a band structure condition which is promising for the development of highly efficient, temperature stable semiconductor lasers that could lead to large energy savings in future optical communication networks. In addition to their potential for specific applications, dilute bismide alloys have also attracted interest from a fundamental perspective due to their unique properties. In this thesis we develop the theory of the electronic and optical properties of dilute bismide alloys. By adopting a multi-scale approach encompassing atomistic calculations of the electronic structure using the semi-empirical tight-binding method, as well as continuum calculations based on the k•p method, we develop a fundamental understanding of this unusual class of semiconductor alloys and identify general material properties which are promising for applications in semiconductor optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices. By performing detailed supercell calculations on both ordered and disordered alloys we explicitly demonstrate that Bi atoms act as isovalent impurities when incorporated in dilute quantities in III-V (In)GaAs(P) materials, strongly perturbing the electronic structure of the valence band. We identify and quantify the causes and consequences of the unusual electronic properties of GaBixAs1−x and related alloys, and our analysis is reinforced throughout by a series of detailed comparisons to the results of experimental measurements. Our k•p models of the band structure of GaBixAs1−x and related alloys, which we derive directly from detailed atomistic calculations, are ideally suited to the study of dilute bismide-based devices. We focus in the latter part of the thesis on calculations of the electronic and optical properties of dilute bismide quantum well lasers. In addition to developing an understanding of the effects of Bi incorporation on the operational characteristics of semiconductor lasers, we also present calculations which have been used explicitly in designing and optimising the first generation of GaBixAs1−x-based devices.


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In this paper, we present a novel 1x2 multi-mode-interferometer-Fabry-Perot (MMI-FP) laser diode, which demonstrated tunable single frequency operation with more than 30dB side mode suppression ratio (SMSR) and a tuning range of 25nm in the C and L bands, as well as a 750 kHz linewidth. These lasers do not require material regrowth and high resolution gratings; resulting in a simpler process that can significantly increase the yield and reduce the cost.


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Energy efficient Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is the key to satisfying the future bandwidth requirements of datacentres. As the silicon photonics platform is regarded the only technology able to meet the required power and cost efficiency levels, the development of silicon photonics compatible narrow linewidth lasers is now crucial. We discuss the requirements for such laser systems and report the experimental demonstration of a compact uncooled external-cavity mW-class laser architecture with a tunable Si Photonic Crystal resonant reflector, suitable for direct Frequency Modulation.