11 resultados para Russell Sage Foundation. Library

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The objective of this essay is not a description of the presently unresearched, unstated and unquantified tradition of collectors, collecting and collectables in Cork; it is rather one of signposting what survives in terms of influences which coalesced into what became the bibliographical and museological resources of the Queen's College and ultimately University College, Cork (UCC).


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The work described in this thesis reports the structural changes induced on micelles under a variety of conditions. The micelles of a liquid crystal film and dilute solutions of micelles were subjected to high pressure CO2 and selected hydrocarbon environments. Using small angle neutron scattering (SANS) techniques the spacing between liquid crystal micelles was measured in-situ. The liquid crystals studied were templated from different surfactants with varying structural characteristics. Micelles of a dilute surfactant solution were also subjected to elevated pressures of varying gas atmospheres. Detailed modelling of the in-situ SANS experiments revealed information of the size and shape of the micelles at a number of different pressures. Also reported in this thesis is the characterisation of mesoporous materials in the confined channels of larger porous materials. Periodic mesoporous organosilicas (PMOs) were synthesised within the channels of anodic alumina membranes (AAM) under different conditions, including drying rates and precursor concentrations. In-situ small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to determine the pore morphology of the PMO within the AAM channels. PMO materials were also used as templates in the deposition of gold nanoparticles and subsequently used in the synthesis of germanium nanostructures. Polymer thin films were also employed as templates for the directed deposition of gold nanoparticles which were again used as seeds for the production of germanium nanostructures. A supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2) technique was successfully used during the production of the germanium nanostructures.


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The objective of this thesis work is to develop methods for forming and interfacing nanocrystal-molecule nanostructures in order to explore their electrical transport properties in various controlled environments. This work demonstrates the potential of nanocrystal assemblies for laterally contacting molecules for electronic transport measurements. We first propose a phenomenological model based on rate equations for the formation of hybrid nanocrystal-molecule (respectively: 20 nm – 1.2 nm) nanostructures in solution. We then concentrate on nanocrystals (~ 60 nm) assembled between nano-gaps (~ 40 nm) as a contacting strategy for the measurement of electronic transport properties of thiophene-terminated conjugated molecules (1.5 nm long) in a two-terminal configuration, under vacuum conditions. Similar devices were also probed with a three-terminal configuration using thiophene-terminated oxidation-reduction active molecules (1.8 nm long) in liquid medium for the demonstration of the electrolytic gating technique. The experimental and modelling work presented in this thesis project brings into light physical and chemical processes taking place at the extremely narrow (~1 nm separation) and curved interface between two nanocrystals or one nanocrystal and a grain of a metallic electrode. The formation of molecular bridges at this kind of interface necessitates molecules to diffuse from a large liquid reservoir into the region in the first place. Molecular bonding must occur to the surface for both molecular ends: this is a low yield statistical process in itself as it depends on orientation of surfaces, on steric hindrance at the surface and on binding energies. On the other hand, the experimental work also touched the importance of the competition between potentially immiscible liquids in systems such that (organo-)metallic molecules solvated by organic solvent in water and organic solvent in contact with hydrated citrate stabilised nanocrystals dispersed in solutions or assembled between electrodes from both experimental and simulations point of view.


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A novel spectroscopic method, incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS), has been modified and extended to measure absorption spectra in the near-ultraviolet with high sensitivity. The near-ultraviolet region extends from 300 to 400 nm and is particularly important in tropospheric photochemistry; absorption of near-UV light can also be exploited for sensitive trace gas measurements of several key atmospheric constituents. In this work, several IBBCEAS instruments were developed to record reference spectra and to measure trace gas concentrations in the laboratory and field. An IBBCEAS instrument was coupled to a flow cell for measuring very weak absorption spectra between 335 and 375 nm. The instrument was validated against the literature absorption spectrum of SO2. Using the instrument, we report new absorption cross-sections of O3, acetone, 2-butanone, and 2-pentanone in this spectral region, where literature data diverge considerably owing to the extremely weak absorption. The instrument was also applied to quantifying low concentrations of the short-lived radical, BrO, in the presence of strong absorption by Br2 and O3. A different IBBCEAS system was adapted to a 4 m3 atmosphere simulation chamber to record the absorption cross-sections of several low vapour pressure compounds, which are otherwise difficult to measure. Absorption cross-sections of benzaldehyde and the more volatile alkyl nitrites agree well with previous spectra; on this basis, the cross-sections of several nitrophenols are reported for the first time. In addition, the instrument was also used to study the optical properties of secondary organic aerosol formed following the photooxidation of isoprene. An extractive IBBCEAS instrument was developed for detecting HONO and NO2 and had a sensitivity of about 10-9 cm-1. This instrument participated in a major international intercomparison of HONO and NO2 measurements held in the EUPHORE simulation chamber in Valencia, Spain, and results from that campaign are also reported here.


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Constraint programming has emerged as a successful paradigm for modelling combinatorial problems arising from practical situations. In many of those situations, we are not provided with an immutable set of constraints. Instead, a user will modify his requirements, in an interactive fashion, until he is satisfied with a solution. Examples of such applications include, amongst others, model-based diagnosis, expert systems, product configurators. The system he interacts with must be able to assist him by showing the consequences of his requirements. Explanations are the ideal tool for providing this assistance. However, existing notions of explanations fail to provide sufficient information. We define new forms of explanations that aim to be more informative. Even if explanation generation is a very hard task, in the applications we consider, we must manage to provide a satisfactory level of interactivity and, therefore, we cannot afford long computational times. We introduce the concept of representative sets of relaxations, a compact set of relaxations that shows the user at least one way to satisfy each of his requirements and at least one way to relax them, and present an algorithm that efficiently computes such sets. We introduce the concept of most soluble relaxations, maximising the number of products they allow. We present algorithms to compute such relaxations in times compatible with interactivity, achieving this by indifferently making use of different types of compiled representations. We propose to generalise the concept of prime implicates to constraint problems with the concept of domain consequences, and suggest to generate them as a compilation strategy. This sets a new approach in compilation, and allows to address explanation-related queries in an efficient way. We define ordered automata to compactly represent large sets of domain consequences, in an orthogonal way from existing compilation techniques that represent large sets of solutions.


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This study explores the topic of leadership as perceived and practised by public library leaders. Library leaders have a wide-ranging impact on society but have been largely overlooked as the subject of serious study. Prior to this study, only one small interview-based study and five survey-based studies have been undertaken on public library leaders/leadership — all in North America. No study on the topic has been researched and published outside of North America. The current study is the most in-depth study to date, drawing on face-to-face interviews with thirty public library leaders. As this study was undertaken in three national jurisdictions — Ireland, Britain, and America — it is also the first transnational study on the topic. The study investigates library leaders’ perceptions of leadership, and critically explores if head librarians distinguish classic leadership from management practices, both conceptually and in their work lives. In addition to exploring core leadership issues, such as positive or negative traits, the study also investigates the perceptions of library leaders on matters closely connected with their careers. The study investigates the impact of public library leaders on their followers and on the broader society they serve. This study of the perceptions of senior public library leaders, across national boundaries, makes a theoretical contribution not just to leadership in librarianship, but also to the broader theory of library and information science, and in a limited way to the broad corpus of literature on organizational leadership. The study aims to develop an understanding of the perceptions of current leaders in the field of public librarianship. The results of the study show that leadership is a relatively scarce quality in public libraries in Ireland, Britain, and America. Many public library leaders focus on management and administration issues rather than leadership. The study also illustrates that varying leadership styles are practised by the interviewed librarians, and that there are no universal or common traits, even within national boundaries, for effective public library leadership. The implications of the study for both practising librarians and research literatures in librarianship and organizational leadership are also explored and a future research agenda developed.


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The development of ultra high speed (~20 Gsamples/s) analogue to digital converters (ADCs), and the delayed deployment of 40 Gbit/s transmission due to the economic downturn, has stimulated the investigation of digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for compensation of optical transmission impairments. In the future, DSP will offer an entire suite of tools to compensate for optical impairments and facilitate the use of advanced modulation formats. Chromatic dispersion is a very significant impairment for high speed optical transmission. This thesis investigates a novel electronic method of dispersion compensation which allows for cost-effective accurate detection of the amplitude and phase of the optical field into the radio frequency domain. The first electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) schemes accessed only the amplitude information using square law detection and achieved an increase in transmission distances. This thesis presents a method by using a frequency sensitive filter to estimate the phase of the received optical field and, in conjunction with the amplitude information, the entire field can be digitised using ADCs. This allows DSP technologies to take the next step in optical communications without requiring complex coherent detection. This is of particular of interest in metropolitan area networks. The full-field receiver investigated requires only an additional asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer and balanced photodiode to achieve a 50% increase in EDC reach compared to amplitude only detection.


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The Internet and World Wide Web have had, and continue to have, an incredible impact on our civilization. These technologies have radically influenced the way that society is organised and the manner in which people around the world communicate and interact. The structure and function of individual, social, organisational, economic and political life begin to resemble the digital network architectures upon which they are increasingly reliant. It is increasingly difficult to imagine how our ‘offline’ world would look or function without the ‘online’ world; it is becoming less meaningful to distinguish between the ‘actual’ and the ‘virtual’. Thus, the major architectural project of the twenty-first century is to “imagine, build, and enhance an interactive and ever changing cyberspace” (Lévy, 1997, p. 10). Virtual worlds are at the forefront of this evolving digital landscape. Virtual worlds have “critical implications for business, education, social sciences, and our society at large” (Messinger et al., 2009, p. 204). This study focuses on the possibilities of virtual worlds in terms of communication, collaboration, innovation and creativity. The concept of knowledge creation is at the core of this research. The study shows that scholars increasingly recognise that knowledge creation, as a socially enacted process, goes to the very heart of innovation. However, efforts to build upon these insights have struggled to escape the influence of the information processing paradigm of old and have failed to move beyond the persistent but problematic conceptualisation of knowledge creation in terms of tacit and explicit knowledge. Based on these insights, the study leverages extant research to develop the conceptual apparatus necessary to carry out an investigation of innovation and knowledge creation in virtual worlds. The study derives and articulates a set of definitions (of virtual worlds, innovation, knowledge and knowledge creation) to guide research. The study also leverages a number of extant theories in order to develop a preliminary framework to model knowledge creation in virtual worlds. Using a combination of participant observation and six case studies of innovative educational projects in Second Life, the study yields a range of insights into the process of knowledge creation in virtual worlds and into the factors that affect it. The study’s contributions to theory are expressed as a series of propositions and findings and are represented as a revised and empirically grounded theoretical framework of knowledge creation in virtual worlds. These findings highlight the importance of prior related knowledge and intrinsic motivation in terms of shaping and stimulating knowledge creation in virtual worlds. At the same time, they highlight the importance of meta-knowledge (knowledge about knowledge) in terms of guiding the knowledge creation process whilst revealing the diversity of behavioural approaches actually used to create knowledge in virtual worlds and. This theoretical framework is itself one of the chief contributions of the study and the analysis explores how it can be used to guide further research in virtual worlds and on knowledge creation. The study’s contributions to practice are presented as actionable guide to simulate knowledge creation in virtual worlds. This guide utilises a theoretically based classification of four knowledge-creator archetypes (the sage, the lore master, the artisan, and the apprentice) and derives an actionable set of behavioural prescriptions for each archetype. The study concludes with a discussion of the study’s implications in terms of future research.


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In this thesis a novel transmission format, named Coherent Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CoWDM) for use in high information spectral density optical communication networks is proposed and studied. In chapter I a historical view of fibre optic communication systems as well as an overview of state of the art technology is presented to provide an introduction to the subject area. We see that, in general the aim of modern optical communication system designers is to provide high bandwidth services while reducing the overall cost per transmitted bit of information. In the remainder of the thesis a range of investigations, both of a theoretical and experimental nature are carried out using the CoWDM transmission format. These investigations are designed to consider features of CoWDM such as its dispersion tolerance, compatibility with forward error correction and suitability for use in currently installed long haul networks amongst others. A high bit rate optical test bed constructed at the Tyndall National Institute facilitated most of the experimental work outlined in this thesis and a collaboration with France Telecom enabled long haul transmission experiments using the CoWDM format to be carried out. An amount of research was also carried out on ancillary topics such as optical comb generation, forward error correction and phase stabilisation techniques. The aim of these investigations is to verify the suitability of CoWDM as a cost effective solution for use in both current and future high bit rate optical communication networks


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The concept of police accountability is not susceptible to a universal or concise definition. In the context of this thesis it is treated as embracing two fundamental components. First, it entails an arrangement whereby an individual, a minority and the whole community have the opportunity to participate meaningfully in the formulation of the principles and policies governing police operations. Second, it presupposes that those who have suffered as victims of unacceptable police behaviour should have an effective remedy. These ingredients, however, cannot operate in a vacuum. They must find an accommodation with the equally vital requirement that the burden of accountability should not be so demanding that the delivery of an effective police service is fatally impaired. While much of the current debate on police accountability in Britain and the USA revolves around the issue of where the balance should be struck in this accommodation, Ireland lacks the very foundation for such a debate as it suffers from a serious deficit in research and writing on police generally. This thesis aims to fill that gap by laying the foundations for an informed debate on police accountability and related aspects of police in Ireland. Broadly speaking the thesis contains three major interrelated components. The first is concerned with the concept of police in Ireland and the legal, constitutional and political context in which it operates. This reveals that although the Garda Siochana is established as a national force the legal prescriptions concerning its role and governance are very vague. Although a similar legislative format in Britain, and elsewhere, have been interpreted as conferring operational autonomy on the police it has not stopped successive Irish governments from exercising close control over the police. The second component analyses the structure and operation of the traditional police accountability mechanisms in Ireland; namely the law and the democratic process. It concludes that some basic aspects of the peculiar legal, constitutional and political structures of policing seriously undermine their capacity to deliver effective police accountability. In the case of the law, for example, the status of, and the broad discretion vested in, each individual member of the force ensure that the traditional legal actions cannot always provide redress where individuals or collective groups feel victimised. In the case of the democratic process the integration of the police into the excessively centralised system of executive government, coupled with the refusal of the Minister for Justice to accept responsibility for operational matters, project a barrier between the police and their accountability to the public. The third component details proposals on how the current structures of police accountability in Ireland can be strengthened without interfering with the fundamentals of the law, the democratic process or the legal and constitutional status of the police. The key elements in these proposals are the establishment of an independent administrative procedure for handling citizen complaints against the police and the establishment of a network of local police-community liaison councils throughout the country coupled with a centralised parliamentary committee on the police. While these proposals are analysed from the perspective of maximising the degree of police accountability to the public they also take into account the need to ensure that the police capacity to deliver an effective police service is not unduly impaired as a result.


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Quantum dashes are elongated quantum dots. Polarized edge-photovoltage and spontaneous emission spectroscopy are used to study the anisotropy of optical properties in 1.5μm InGaAsP and AlGaInAs-based quantum dash lasers. Strain, which causes TM-polarized transitions to be suppressed at the band edge, coupled with carrier confinement and dash shape leads to an enhancement of the optical properties for light polarized along the dash long axis, in excellent agreement with theoretical results. An analysis of the integrated facet and spontaneous emission rate with total current and temperature reveals that, in both undoped and p-doped InGaAsP-based quantum dash lasers at room temperature, the threshold current and its temperature dependence remain dominated by Auger recombination. We also identify two processes which can limit the output power and propose that the effects of the dopant in p-doped InGaAsP-based lasers dominate at low temperature but decrease with increasing temperature. A high threshold current density in undoped AlGaInAs-based quantum dash laser samples studied, which degrade rapidly at low temperature, is not due to intrinsic carrier recombination processes. 1.3μm GaAs-based quantum dots lasers have been widely studied, but there remains issues as to the nature of the electronic structure. Polarized edge-photovoltage spectroscopy is used to investigate the energy distribution and nature of the energy states in InAs/GaAs quantum dot material. A non-negligible TM-polarized transition, which is often neglected in calculations and analyses, is measured close to the main TE-polarized ground state transition. Theory is in very good agreement with the experimental results and indicates that the measured low-energy TM-polarized transition is due to the strong spatial overlap between the ground state electron and the light-hole component of a low-lying excited hole state. Further calculations suggest that the TM-polarized transition reduces at the band edge as the quantum dot aspect ratio decreases.