14 resultados para Platinum electrodeposition

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The research described in this thesis involved the synthesis and characterisation of rhodium, platinum and palladium derivatives of arsena-, carba- and telluraboranes.


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Three-dimensional vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) material architectures in the form of inverse opals (IOs) were fabricated using a simple electrodeposition process into artificial opal templates on stainless steel foil using an aqueous solution of VOSO4.χH2O with added ethanol. The direct deposition of V2O5 IOs was compared with V2O5 planar electrodeposition and confirms a similar progressive nucleation and growth mechanism. An in-depth examination of the chemical and morphological nature of the IO material was performed using X-ray crystallography, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman scattering and scanning/transmission electron microscopy. Electrodeposition is demonstrated to be a function of the interstitial void fraction of the artificial opal and ionic diffusivity that leads to high quality, phase pure V2O5 inverse opals is not adversely affected by diffusion pathway tortuosity. Methods to alleviate electrodeposited overlayer formation on the artificial opal templates for the fabrication of the porous 3D structures are also demonstrated. Such a 3D material is ideally suited as a cathode for lithium ion batteries, electrochromic devices, sensors and for applications requiring high surface area electrochemically active metal oxides.


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Comprehensive analysis of the electrical properties, structure and composition of Pt interconnects, developed via mask-less, electron beam induced deposition of the carbon-free Pt precursor, Pt(PF3)4, is presented. The results demonstrate significantly improved electrical performance in comparison with that generated from the standard organometallic precursor, (CH3)3Pt(CpCH3). In particular, the Pt interconnects exhibited perfect ohmic behavior and resistivity that can be diminished to 0.24 × 10−3 Ω cm, which is only one order of magnitude higher than bulk Pt, in comparison to 0.2 Ω cm for the standard carbon-containing interconnects. A maximum current density of 1.87 × 107 A cm−2 was achieved for the carbon-free Pt, compared to 9.44 × 105 A cm−2 for the standard Pt precursor. The enhanced electrical properties of the as-deposited materials can be explained by the absence of large amounts of carbon impurities, and their further improvement by postdeposition annealing in N2. In-situ TEM heating experiments confirmed that the annealing step induces sintering of the Pt nanocrystals and improved crystallinity, which contributes to the enhanced electrical performance. Alternative annealing under reducing conditions resulted in improved performance of the standard Pt interconnects, while the carbon-free deposit suffered electrical and structural breakage due to formation of larger Pt islands


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In this thesis a novel theory of electrocatalysis at metal (especially noble metal)/solution interfaces was developed based on the assumption of metal adatom/incipient hydrous oxide cyclic redox transitions. Adatoms are considered as metastable, low coverage species that oxidise in-situ at potentials of often significantly cathodic to the regular metal/metal oxide transition. Because the adatom coverage is so low the electrochemical or spectroscopic response for oxidation is frequently overlooked; however, the product of such oxidation, referred to here as incipient hydrous oxide seems to be the important mediator in a wide variety of electrocatalytically demanding oxidation processes. Conversely, electrocatalytically demanding reductions apparently occur only at adatom sites at the metal/solution interface - such reactions generally occur only at potentials below, i.e. more cathodic than, the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was established that while silver in base oxidises in a regular manner (forming initially OHads species) at potentials above 1.0 V (RHE), there is a minor redox transition at much lower potentials, ca. o.35 v (RHE). The latter process is assumed to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition and the low coverage Ag(l) hydrous oxide (or hydroxide) species was shown to trigger or mediate the oxidation of aldehydes, e. g. HCHO. The results of a study of this system were shown to be in good agreement with a kinetic model based on the above assumptions; the similarity between this type of behaviour and enzyme-catalysed processes - both systems involve interfacial active sites - was pointed out. Similar behaviour was established for gold where both Au(l) and Au(lll) hydrous oxide mediators were shown to be the effective oxidants for different organic species. One of the most active electrocatalytic materials known at the present time is platinum. While the classical view of this high activity is based on the concept of activated chemisorption (and the important role of the latter is not discounted here) a vital role is attributed to the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was suggested that the well known intermediate (or anomalous) peak in the hydrogen region of the cyclic voltanmogram for platinum region is in fact due to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition. Using potential stepping procedures to minimise the effect of deactivating (COads) species, it was shown that the onset (anodic sweep) and termination (cathodic sweep) potential for the oxidation of a wide variety of organics coincided with the potential for the intermediate peak. The converse was also shown to apply; sluggish reduction reactions, that involve interaction with metal adatoms, occur at significant rates only in the region below the hydrous oxide/adatom transition.


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This thesis is concerned with an investigation of the anodic behaviour of ruthenium and iridium in aqueous solution and particularly of oxygen evolution on these metals. The latter process is of major interest in the large-scale production of hydrogen gas by the electrolysis of water. The presence of low levels of ruthenium trichloride ca. 10-4 mol dm-3 in acid solution give a considerable increase in the rate of oxygen evolution from platinum and gold, but not graphite, anodes. The mechanism of this catalytic effect was investigated using potential step and a.c. impedance technique. Earlier suggestions that the effect is due to catalysis by metal ions in solution were proved to be incorrect and it was shown that ruthenium species were incorporated into the surface oxide film. Changes in the oxidation state of these ruthenium species is probably responsible for the lowering of the oxygen overvoltage. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of the reaction were complicated by the fact that at constant potential the rates of both the catalysed and the uncatalysed oxygen evolution processes exhibit an appreciable, continuous decrease with either time or degree of oxidation of the substrate. The anodic behaviour of iridium in the oxide layer region has been investigated using conventional electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry. Applying a triangular voltage sweep at 10 Hz, 0.01 to 1.50V increases the amount of electric charge which the surface can store in the oxide region. This activation effect and the mechanism of charge storage is discussed in terms of both an expanded lattice theory for oxide growth on noble metals and a more recent theory of irreversible oxide formation with subsequent stoichiometry changes. The lack of hysteresis between the anodic and cathodic peaks at ca. 0.9 V suggests that the process involved here is proton migration in a relatively thick surface layer, i.e. that the reaction involved is some type of oxide-hydroxide transition. Lack of chloride ion inhibition in the anodic region also supports the irreversible oxide formation theory; however, to account for the hydrogen region of the potential sweep a compromise theory involving partial reduction of the outer regions of iridium oxide film is proposed. The loss of charge storage capacity when the activated iridium surface is anodized for a short time above ca. 1.60 V is attributed to loss by corrosion of the outer active layer from the metal surface. The behaviour of iridium at higher anodic potentials in acid solution was investigated. Current-time curves at constant potential and Tafel plots suggested that a change in the mechanism of the oxygen evolution reaction occurs at ca. 1.8 V. Above this potential, corrosion of the metal occurred, giving rise to an absorbance in the visible spectrum of the electrolyte (λ max = 455 nm). It is suggested that the species involved was Ir(O2)2+. A similar investigation in the case of alkaline electrolyte gave no evidence for a change in mechanism at 1.8 V and corrosion of the iridium was not observed. Oxygen evolution overpotentials were much lower for iridium than for platinum in both acidic and alkaline solutions.


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This thesis focuses on the synthesis and analysis of novel chloride based platinum complexes derived from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands, along with studies on their reactivity towards substitution and oxidation reactions. Also explored here are the potential applications of these complexes for biological and luminescent purposes. Chapter one provides an extensive overview of platinum coordination chemistry with examples of various mixed donor ligands along with the history of platinum anticancer therapy. It also looks at metals in medicine, both for biological functions as well as for therapeutic purposes and gives a background to some other applications for platinum complexes. Chapter two outlines the design and synthetic strategies employed for the development of novel platinum (II) chloride complexes from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands. Also reported is the cyclometallation of these complexes to form stable tridentate mixed donor platinum (II) compounds. In Chapter three the development of a direct method for displacing a chloride from a platinum metal centre with a desired phosphine is reported. Numerous methods for successful oxidation of the platinum (II) complexes will also be explored, leading to novel platinum (IV) complexes being reported here also. The importance of stabilisation of the displaced anion, chloride, by the solvent system will also be discussed in this chapter. Chapter four investigates the reactivity of the platinum (II) complexes towards two different biomolecules to form novel platinum bio-adducts. The potential application of the platinum (II) cyclometallates as chemotherapeutics will also be explored here using in-vitro cancer cell testing. Finally, luminescence studies are also reported here for the ligands and platinum complexes reported in chapter two and three to investigate potential applications in this field also. Chapter five provides a final conclusion and an overall summary of the entire project as well as identifying key areas for future work.


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One-dimensional semiconductor nanowires are considered to be promising materials for future nanoelectronic applications. However, before these nanowires can be integrated into such applications, a thorough understanding of their growth behaviour is necessary. In particular, methods that allow the control over nanowire growth are deemed especially important as it is these methods that will enable the control of nanowire dimensions such as length and diameter (high aspect ratios). The production of nanowires with high-aspect ratios is vital in order to take advantage of the unique properties experienced at the nanoscale, thus allowing us to maximise their use in devices. Additionally, the development of low-resistivity interconnects is desirable in order to connect such nanowires in multi-nanowire components. Consequently, this thesis aims to discuss the synthesis and characterisation of germanium (Ge) nanowires and platinum (Pt) interconnects. Particular emphasis is placed on manipulating the nanowire growth kinetics to produce high aspect ratio structures. The discussion of Pt interconnects focuses on the development of low-resistivity devices and the electrical and structural analysis of those devices. Chapter 1 reviews the most critical aspects of Ge nanowire growth which must be understood before they can be integrated into future nanodevices. These features include the synthetic methods employed to grow Ge nanowires, the kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of their growth and nanowire morphology control. Chapter 2 outlines the experimental methods used to synthesise and characterise Ge nanowires as well as the methods used to fabricate and analyse Pt interconnects. Chapter 3 discusses the control of Ge nanowire growth kinetics via the manipulation of the supersaturation of Ge in the Au/Ge binary alloy system. This is accomplished through the use of bi-layer films, which pre-form Au/Ge alloy catalysts before the introduction of the Ge precursor. The growth from these catalysts is then compared with Ge nanowire growth from standard elemental Au seeds. Nanowires grown from pre-formed Au/Ge alloy seeds demonstrate longer lengths and higher growth rates than those grown from standard Au seeds. In-situ TEM heating on the Au/Ge bi-layer films is used to support the growth characteristics observed. Chapter 4 extends the work of chapter 3 by utilising Au/Ag/Ge tri-layer films to enhance the growth rates and lengths of Ge nanowires. These nanowires are grown from Au/Ag/Ge ternary alloy catalysts. Once again, the supersaturation is influenced, only this time it is through the simultaneous manipulation of both the solute concentration and equilibrium concentration of Ge in the Au/Ag/Ge ternary alloy system. The introduction of Ag to the Au/Ge binary alloy lowers the equilibrium concentration, thus increasing the nanowire growth rate and length. Nanowires with uniform diameters were obtained via synthesis from AuxAg1-x alloy nanoparticles. Manifestation of the Gibbs-Thomson effect, resulting from the dependence of the mean nanowire length as a function of diameter, was observed for all of the nanowires grown from the AuxAg1-x nanoparticles. Finally, in-situ TEM heating was used to support the nanowire growth characteristics. Chapter 5 details the fabrication and characterisation of Pt interconnects deposited by electron beam induced deposition of two different precursors. The fabrication is conducted inside a dual beam FIB. The electrical and structural characteristics of interconnects deposited from a standard organometallic precursor and a novel carbon-free precursor are compared. The electrical performance of the carbon-free interconnects is shown to be superior to that of the organometallic devices and this is correlated to the structural composition of both interconnects via in-situ TEM heating and HAADF-STEM analysis. Annealing of the interconnects is carried out under two different atmospheres in order to reduce the electrical resistivity even further. Finally, chapter 6 presents some important conclusions and summarises each of the previous chapters.


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This work concerns the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of copper. ALD is a technique that allows conformal coating of difficult topographies such as narrow trenches and holes or even shadowed regions. However, the deposition of pure metals has so far been less successful than the deposition of oxides except for a few exceptions. Challenges include difficulties associated with the reduction of the metal centre of the precursor at reasonable temperatures and the tendency of metals to agglomerate during the growth process. Cu is a metal of special technical interest as it is widely used for interconnects on CMOS devices. These interconnects are usually fabricated by electroplating, which requires the deposition of thin Cu seed layers onto the trenches and vias. Here, ALD is regarded as potential candidate for replacing the current PVD technique, which is expected to reach its limitations as the critical dimensions continue to shrink. This work is separated into two parts. In the first part, a laboratory-scale ALD reactor was constructed and used for the thermal ALD of Cu. In the second part, the potentials of the application of Cu ALD on industry scale fabrication were examined in a joint project with Applied Materials and Intel. Within this project precursors developed by industrial partners were evaluated on a 300 mm Applied Materials metal-ALD chamber modified with a direct RF-plasma source. A feature that makes ALD a popular technique among researchers is the possibility to produce high- level thin film coatings for micro-electronics and nano-technology with relatively simple laboratory- scale reactors. The advanced materials and surfaces group (AMSG) at Tyndall National Institute operates a range of home-built ALD reactors. In order to carry out Cu ALD experiments, modifications to the normal reactor design had to be made. For example a carrier gas mechanism was necessary to facilitate the transport of the low-volatile Cu precursors. Precursors evaluated included the readily available Cu(II)-diketonates Cu-bis(acetylacetonate), Cu-bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-hepta-3,5-dionate) and Cu-bis(1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoacetylacetonate) as well as the Cu-ketoiminate Cu-bis(4N-ethylamino- pent-3-en-2-onate), which is also known under the trade name AbaCus (Air Liquide), and the Cu(I)- silylamide 1,3-diisopropyl-imidazolin-2-ylidene Cu(I) hexamethyldisilazide ([NHC]Cu(hmds)), which was developed at Carleton University Ottawa. Forming gas (10 % H2 in Ar) was used as reducing agent except in early experiments where formalin was used. With all precursors an extreme surface selectivity of the deposition process was observed and significant growth was only achieved on platinum-group metals. Improvements in the Cu deposition process were obtained with [NHC]Cu(hmds) compared with the Cu(II) complexes. A possible reason is the reduced oxidation state of the metal centre. Continuous Cu films were obtained on Pd and indications for saturated growth with a rate of about 0.4 Å/cycle were found for deposition at 220 °C. Deposits obtained on Ru consisted of separated islands. Although no continuous films could be obtained in this work the relatively high density of Cu islands obtained was a clear improvement as compared to the deposits grown with Cu(II) complexes. When ultra-thin Pd films were used as substrates, island growth was also observed. A likely reason for this extreme difference to the Cu films obtained on thicker Pd films is the lack of stress compensation within the thin films. The most likely source of stress compensation in the thicker Pd films is the formation of a graded interlayer between Pd and Cu by inter-diffusion. To obtain continuous Cu films on more materials, reduction of the growth temperature was required. This was achieved in the plasma assisted ALD experiments discussed in the second part of this work. The precursors evaluated included the AbaCus compound and CTA-1, an aliphatic Cu-bis(aminoalkoxide), which was supplied by Adeka Corp.. Depositions could be carried out at very low temperatures (60 °C Abacus, 30 °C CTA-1). Metallic Cu could be obtained on all substrate materials investigated, but the shape of the deposits varied significantly between the substrate materials. On most materials (Si, TaN, Al2O3, CDO) Cu grew in isolated nearly spherical islands even at temperatures as low as 30 °C. It was observed that the reason for the island formation is the coalescence of the initial islands to larger, spherical islands instead of forming a continuous film. On the other hand, the formation of nearly two-dimensional islands was observed on Ru. These islands grew together forming a conductive film after a reasonably small number of cycles. The resulting Cu films were of excellent crystal quality and had good electrical properties; e.g. a resistivity of 2.39 µΩ cm was measured for a 47 nm thick film. Moreover, conformal coating of narrow trenches (1 µm deep 100/1 aspect ratio) was demonstrated showing the feasibility of the ALD process.


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The principal objective of this thesis was to investigate the ability of reversible optical O2 sensors to be incorporated into food/beverage packaging systems to continuously monitor O2 levels in a non-destructive manner immediately postpackaging and over time. Residual levels of O2 present in packs can negatively affect product quality and subsequently, product shelf-life, especially for O2-sensitive foods/beverages. Therefore, the ability of O2 sensors to continuously monitor O2 levels present within food/beverage packages was considered commercially relevant in terms of identifying the consequences of residual O2 on product safety and quality over time. Research commenced with the development of a novel range of O2 sensors based on phosphorescent platinum and palladium octaethylporphyrin-ketones (OEPk) in nano-porous high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer supports. Sensors were calibrated over a temperature range of -10°C to +40°C and deemed suitable for food and beverage packaging applications. This sensor technology was used and demonstrated itself effective in determining failures in packaging containment. This was clearly demonstrated in the packaging of cheese string products. The sensor technology was also assessed across a wide range of packaged products; beer, ready-to-eat salad products, bread and convenience-style, muscle-based processed food products. The O2 sensor technology performed extremely well within all packaging systems. The sensor technology adequately detected O2 levels in; beer bottles prior to and following pasteurisation, modified atmosphere (MA) packs of ready-to-eat salad packs as respiration progressed during product storage and MA packs of bread and convenience-style muscle-based products as mycological growth occurred in food packs over time in the presence and absence of ethanol emitters. The use of the technology, in conjunction with standard food quality assessment techniques, showed remarkable usefulness in determining the impact of actual levels of O2 on specific quality attributes. The O2 sensing probe was modified, miniaturised and automated to screen for the determination of total aerobic viable counts (TVC) in several fish species samples. The test showed good correlation with conventional TVC test (ISO:4833:2003), analytical performance and ruggedness with respect to variation of key assay parameters (probe concentration and pipetting volume). Overall, the respirometric fish TVC test was simple to use, possessed a dynamic microbial range (104-107 cfu/g sample), had an accuracy of +/- one log(cfu/g sample) and was rapid. Its ability to assess highly perishable products such as fish for total microbial growth in <12 hr demonstrates commercial potential.


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Integrated nanowire electrodes that permit direct, sensitive and rapid electrochemical based detection of chemical and biological species are a powerful emerging class of sensor devices. As critical dimensions of the electrodes enter the nanoscale, radial analyte diffusion profiles to the electrode dominate with a corresponding enhancement in mass transport, steady-state sigmoidal voltammograms, low depletion of target molecules and faster analysis. To optimise these sensors it is necessary to fully understand the factors that influence performance limits including: electrode geometry, electrode dimensions, electrode separation distances (within nanowire arrays) and diffusional mass transport. Therefore, in this thesis, theoretical simulations of analyte diffusion occurring at a variety of electrode designs were undertaken using Comsol Multiphysics®. Sensor devices were fabricated and corresponding experiments were performed to challenge simulation results. Two approaches for the fabrication and integration of metal nanowire electrodes are presented: Template Electrodeposition and Electron-Beam Lithography. These approaches allow for the fabrication of nanowires which may be subsequently integrated at silicon chip substrates to form fully functional electrochemical devices. Simulated and experimental results were found to be in excellent agreement validating the simulation model. The electrochemical characteristics exhibited by nanowire electrodes fabricated by electronbeam lithography were directly compared against electrochemical performance of a commercial ultra-microdisc electrode. Steady-state cyclic voltammograms in ferrocenemonocarboxylic acid at single ultra-microdisc electrodes were observed at low to medium scan rates (≤ 500 mV.s-1). At nanowires, steady-state responses were observed at ultra-high scan rates (up to 50,000 mV.s-1), thus allowing for much faster analysis (20 ms). Approaches for elucidating faradaic signal without the requirement for background subtraction were also developed. Furthermore, diffusional process occurring at arrays with increasing inter-electrode distance and increasing number of nanowires were explored. Diffusion profiles existing at nanowire arrays were simulated with Comsol Multiphysics®. A range of scan rates were modelled, and experiments were undertaken at 5,000 mV.s-1 since this allows rapid data capture required for, e.g., biomedical, environmental and pharmaceutical diagnostic applications.


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In developing a biosensor, the utmost important aspects that need to be emphasized are the specificity and selectivity of the transducer. These two vital prerequisites are of paramount in ensuring a robust and reliable biosensor. Improvements in electrochemical sensors can be achieved by using microelectrodes and to modify the electrode surface (using chemical or biological recognition layers to improve the sensitivity and selectivity). The fabrication and characterisations of silicon-based and glass-based gold microelectrode arrays with various geometries (band and disc) and dimension (ranging from 10 μm-100 nm) were reported. It was found that silicon-based transducers of 10 μm gold microelectrode array exhibited the most stable and reproducible electrochemical measurements hence this dimension was selected for further study. Chemical electrodeposition on both 10 μm microband and microdisc were found viable by electro-assisted self-assembled sol-gel silica film and nanoporous-gold electrodeposition respectively. The fabrication and characterisations of on-chip electrochemical cell was also reported with a fixed diameter/width dimension and interspacing variation. With this regard, the 10 μm microelectrode array with interspacing distance of 100 μm exhibited the best electrochemical response. Surface functionalisations on single chip of planar gold macroelectrodes were also studied for the immobilisation of histidine-tagged protein and antibody. Imaging techniques such as atomic force microscopy, fluorescent microscopy or scanning electron microscope were employed to complement the electrochemical characterisations. The long-chain thiol of self-assembled monolayer with NTA-metal ligand coordination was selected for the histidine-tagged protein while silanisation technique was selected for the antibody immobilisation. The final part of the thesis described the development of a T-2 labelless immunosensor using impedimetric approach. Good antibody calibration curve was obtained for both 10 μm microband and 10 μm microdisc array. For the establishment of the T-2/HT-2 toxin calibration curve, it was found that larger microdisc array dimension was required to produce better calibration curve. The calibration curves established in buffer solution show that the microelectrode arrays were sensitive and able to detect levels of T-2/HT-2 toxin as low as 25 ppb (25 μg kg-1) with a limit of quantitation of 4.89 ppb for a 10 μm microband array and 1.53 ppb for the 40 μm microdisc array.


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The work presented in this thesis described the development of low-cost sensing and separation devices with electrochemical detections for health applications. This research employs macro, micro and nano technology. The first sensing device developed was a tonerbased micro-device. The initial development of microfluidic devices was based on glass or quartz devices that are often expensive to fabricate; however, the introduction of new types of materials, such as plastics, offered a new way for fast prototyping and the development of disposable devices. One such microfluidic device is based on the lamination of laser-printed polyester films using a computer, printer and laminator. The resulting toner-based microchips demonstrated a potential viability for chemical assays, coupled with several detection methods, particularly Chip-Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence (CE-CL) detection which has never been reported in the literature. Following on from the toner-based microchip, a three-electrode micro-configuration was developed on acetate substrate. This is the first time that a micro-electrode configuration made from gold; silver and platinum have been fabricated onto acetate by means of patterning and deposition techniques using the central fabrication facilities in Tyndall National Institute. These electrodes have been designed to facilitate the integration of a 3- electrode configuration as part of the fabrication process. Since the electrodes are on acetate the dicing step can automatically be eliminated. The stability of these sensors has been investigated using electrochemical techniques with excellent outcomes. Following on from the generalised testing of the electrodes these sensors were then coupled with capillary electrophoresis. The final sensing devices were on a macro scale and involved the modifications of screenprinted electrodes. Screen-printed electrodes (SPE) are generally seen to be far less sensitive than the more expensive electrodes including the gold, boron-doped diamond and glassy carbon electrodes. To enhance the sensitivity of these electrodes they were treated with metal nano-particles, gold and palladium. Following on from this, another modification was introduced. The carbonaceous material carbon monolith was drop-cast onto the SPE and then the metal nano-particles were electrodeposited onto the monolith material


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The bottom-up colloidal synthesis of photonic crystals has attracted interest over top-down approaches due to their relatively simplicity, the potential to produce large areas, and the low-costs with this approach in fabricating complex 3-dimensional structures. This thesis focuses on the bottom-up approach in the fabrication of polymeric colloidal photonic crystals and their subsequent modification. Poly(methyl methacrylate) sub-micron spheres were used to produce opals, inverse opals and 3D metallodielectric photonic crystal (MDPC) structures. The fabrication of MDPCs with Au nanoparticles attached to the PMMA spheres core–shell particles is described. Various alternative procedures for the fabrication of photonic crystals and MDPCs are described and preliminary results on the use of an Au-based MDPC for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) are presented. These preliminary results suggest a threefold increase of the Raman signal with the MDPC as compared to PMMA photonic crystals. The fabrication of PMMA-gold and PMMA-nickel MDPC structures via an optimised electrodeposition process is described. This process results in the formation of a continuous dielectric-metal interface throughout a 3D inverted photonic crystal structure, which are shown to possess interesting optical properties. The fabrication of a robust 3D silica inverted structure with embedded Au nanoparticles is described by a novel co-crystallisation method which is capable of creating a SiO2/Au NP composite structure in a single step process. Although this work focuses on the creation of photonic crystals, this co-crystallisation approach has potential for the creation of other functional materials. A method for the fabrication of inverted opals containing silicon nanoparticles using aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition is described. Silicon is a high dielectric material and nanoparticles of silicon can improve the band gap and absorption properties of the resulting structure, and therefore have the potential to be exploited in photovoltaics.


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This thesis presents several routes towards achieving artificial opal templates by colloidal self-assembly of polystyrene (PS) or poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) spheres and the use of these template for the fabrication of V2O5 inverse opals as cathode materials for lithium ion battery applications. First, through the manipulation of different experimental factors, several methods of affecting or directing opal growth towards realizing different structures, improving order and/or achieving faster formation on a variety of substrates are presented. The addition of the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) at a concentration above the critical micelle concentration for SDS to a 5 wt% solution of PMMA spheres before dip-coating is presented as a method of achieving ordered 2D PhC monolayers on hydrophobic Au-coated silicon substrates at fast and slow rates of withdrawal. The effect that the degree of hydrophilicity of glass substrates has on the ordering of PMMA spheres is next investigated for a slow rate of withdrawal under noise agitation. Heating of the colloidal solution is also presented as a means of affecting order and thickness of opal deposits formed using fast rate dip coating. E-beam patterned substrates are shown as a means of altering the thermodynamically favoured FCC ordering of polystyrene spheres (PS) when dip coated at slow rate. Facile routes toward the synthesis of ordered V2O5 inverse opals are presented with direct infiltration of polymer sphere templates using liquid precursor. The use of different opal templates, both 2D and 3D partially ordered templates, is compared and the composition and arrangement of the subsequent IO structures post infiltration and calcination for various procedures is characterised. V2O5 IOs are also synthesised by electrodeposition from an aqueous VOSO4 solution at constant voltage. Electrochemical characterisation of these structures as cathode material for Li-ion batteries is assessed in a half cell arrangement for samples deposited on stainless steel foil substrates. Improved rate capabilities are demonstrated for these materials over bulk V2O5, with the improvement attributed to the shorter Li ion diffusion distances and increased electrolyte infiltration provided by the IO structure.