7 resultados para Oligomers, Supramolecular Chemistry, Solid Supported Synthesis, Blockcopolymers

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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A new solid state organometallic route to embedded nanoparticle-containing inorganic materials is shown, through pyrolysis of metal-containing derivatives of cyclotriphosphazenes. Pyrolysis in air and at 800 °C of new molecular precursors gives individual single-crystal nanoparticles of SiP2O7, TiO2, P4O7, WP2O7 and SiO2, depending on the precursor used. High resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations reveal, in most cases, perfect single crystals of metal oxides and the first nanostructures of negative thermal expansion metal phosphates with diameters in the range 2–6 nm for all products. While all nanoparticles are new by this method, WP2O7 and SiP2O7 nanoparticles are reported for the first time. In situ recrystallization formation of nanocrystals of SiP2O7 was also observed due to electron beam induced reactions during measurements of the nanoparticulate pyrolytic products SiO2 and P4O7. The possible mechanism for the formation of the nanoparticles at much lower temperatures than their bulk counterparts in both cases is discussed. Degrees of stabilization from the formation of P4O7 affects the nanocrystalline products: nanoparticles are observed for WP2O7, with coalescing crystallization occurring for the amorphous host in which SiP2O7 crystals form as a solid within a solid. The approach allows the simple formation of multimetallic, monometallic, metal-oxide and metal phosphate nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous dielectric. The method and can be extended to nearly any metal capable of successful coordination as an organometallic to allow embedded nanoparticle layers and features to be deposited or written on surfaces for application as high mobility pyrophosphate lithium–ion cathode materials, catalysis and nanocrystal embedded dielectric layers.


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Continuous-flow generation of α-diazosulfoxides results in a two- to three-fold increase in yields and decreased reaction times compared to standard batch synthesis methods. These high yielding reactions are enabled by flowing through a bed of polystyrene-supported base (PS-DBU or PS-NMe2) with highly controlled residence times. This engineered solution allows the α-diazosulfoxides to be rapidly synthesized while limiting exposure of the products to basic reaction conditions, which have been found to cause rapid decomposition. In addition to improved yields, this work has the added advantage of ease of processing, increased safety profile, and scale-up potential.


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This thesis outlines a more environmentally benign approach to diazo transfer, and the investigation of the reactivity of -diazocarbonyl compounds when subjected to transition metal and lanthanide catalysis. Extensive studies were carried out to find the optimum conditions for a greener diazo transfer methodology, and this was also applied to a continuous process for the synthesis of -diazo--ketoesters. The first chapter includes a literature review of the synthesis and subsequent reactivity of -diazocarbonyl compounds. An overview of the applications of flow chemistry for the synthesis of hazardous intermediates is also included. The applications of lanthanide catalysts in organic synthesis is also discussed. The second chapter outlines the extensive studies undertaken to determine the optimum conditions for a greener diazo transfer methodology, including base and solvent studies. Use of water as a viable solvent for diazo transfer was successfully investigated. Diazo transfer to a range of -diazo--ketoesters was achieved using 5 mol% triethylamine or DMAP in water with high conversions. Polystyrene-supported benzenesulfonyl azide as an alternative diazo transfer reagent was also explored, as well as investigations into cheaper generation of this safer reagent. This polymer-supported benzenesulfonyl azide was used with 25 mol% of base in water to achieve successful diazo transfer to a range of -diazo--ketoesters. The third chapter describes the application of the new methodology developed in Chapter 2 to a continuous processing approach. Various excellent conditions were identified for both batch and flow reactions. A series of -diazo--ketoesters were synthesised with excellent conversions using 25 mol% triethylamine in 90:10 acetone water using flow chemistry. Successful diazo transfer was also achieved using a polymer-supported benzenesulfonyl azide in water under flow conditions. The fourth chapter discusses the reactivity of -diazo--ketoesters under transition metal and lanthanide catalysis. This chapter describes the synthesis of a range of -ketoesters via transesterification, which were used to synthesise a range of novel -diazo--ketoesters that were used in subsequent decomposition reactions. A novel route to dioxinones via rhodium(II) catalysis is reported. Attempted OH and SH insertion reactions in the presence of various lanthanide(II) catalysts are outlined, leading to some unexpected and interesting rearrangement products. The experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data for all compounds prepared, are reported at the end of each chapter.


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The research described in this thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under a variety of conditions (transition-metal catalysis, thermal, photochemical and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of novel heterocyclic compounds with potential biological activity. The exclusive reaction pathway for these α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. In the first chapter, a literature review of sulfines is presented, including a discussion of naturally occurring sulfines, and an overview of the synthesis and reactivity of sulfines. The potential of sulfines in organic synthesis and recent developments in particular are highlighted. The second chapter discusses the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides, building on earlier results in this research group. The synthesis of lactone-based α-diazosulfoxides and, for the first time, ketone-based benzofused and monocyclic α-diazosulfoxides is described. The reactivity of these α-diazosulfoxides is then explored under a variety of conditions, such as transition-metal catalysis, photochemical and microwave, generating labile α-oxosulfine intermediates, which are trapped using amines and dienes, in addition to the spontaneous reaction pathways which occur with α-oxosulfines in the absence of a trap. A new reaction pathway was explored with the lactone based α-oxosulfines, involving reaction with amines to generate novel 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-ones via carbophilic attack, in very good yields. The reactivity of ketone-based α-diazosulfoxides was explored for the first time, and once again, pseudo-Wolff rearrangement to the α-oxosulfines was the exclusive reaction pathway observed. The intermediacy of the α-oxosulfines was confirmed by trapping as cycloadducts, with the stereochemical features dependant on the reaction conditions. In the absence of a diene trap, a number of reaction fates from the α-oxosulfines were observed, including complete sulfinyl extrusion to give indanones, sulfur extrusion to give indanediones, and, to a lesser extent, dimerisation. The indanediones were characterised by trapping as quinoxalines, to enable full characterisation. One of the overriding outcomes of this thesis was the provision of new insights into the behaviour of α-oxosulfines with different transition metal catalysts, and under thermal, microwave and photolysis conditions. A series of 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-ones and benzofused dihydro-2H-thiopyran S-oxides were submitted for anticancer screening at the U.S. National Cancer Institute. A number of these derivatives were identified as hit compounds, with excellent cell growth inhibition. One 3-aminofuran-2(5H)-one derivative has been chosen for further screening. The third chapter details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.


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This thesis focuses on the synthesis and analysis of novel chloride based platinum complexes derived from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands, along with studies on their reactivity towards substitution and oxidation reactions. Also explored here are the potential applications of these complexes for biological and luminescent purposes. Chapter one provides an extensive overview of platinum coordination chemistry with examples of various mixed donor ligands along with the history of platinum anticancer therapy. It also looks at metals in medicine, both for biological functions as well as for therapeutic purposes and gives a background to some other applications for platinum complexes. Chapter two outlines the design and synthetic strategies employed for the development of novel platinum (II) chloride complexes from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands. Also reported is the cyclometallation of these complexes to form stable tridentate mixed donor platinum (II) compounds. In Chapter three the development of a direct method for displacing a chloride from a platinum metal centre with a desired phosphine is reported. Numerous methods for successful oxidation of the platinum (II) complexes will also be explored, leading to novel platinum (IV) complexes being reported here also. The importance of stabilisation of the displaced anion, chloride, by the solvent system will also be discussed in this chapter. Chapter four investigates the reactivity of the platinum (II) complexes towards two different biomolecules to form novel platinum bio-adducts. The potential application of the platinum (II) cyclometallates as chemotherapeutics will also be explored here using in-vitro cancer cell testing. Finally, luminescence studies are also reported here for the ligands and platinum complexes reported in chapter two and three to investigate potential applications in this field also. Chapter five provides a final conclusion and an overall summary of the entire project as well as identifying key areas for future work.


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Ellipticine is a natural product which possesses multimodal anti-cancer activity. This thesis encompasses the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ellipticine and isoellipticine derivatives as anti-cancer agents. Expanding on previous work within the group utilising vinylmagnesium bromide, derivatisation of the C5 position of ellipticine was accomplished by reaction of a key ketolactam intermediate with Grignard reagents. Corresponding attempts to introduce diverse substitution at the C11 position were unsuccessful, although one novel C11 derivative was produced using an alkyllithium reagent. A panel of novel ellipticinium salts encompassing a range of substitutions at the N2, C9 and N6 positions were prepared. Extensive derivatisation of the N10 position of isoellipticine was undertaken for the first time. Novel substitution in the form of acid and methyl ester functionalities were introduced at the C7 position of isoellipticine while novel C7 aldehyde and alcohol derivatives were synthesised. A large panel of isoellipticinium salts were prepared with conditions adjusted for the reactivity of the alkyl halide. Novel coupling reactions to increase the yield of isoellipticine were attempted but proved unsuccessful. A panel of 54 novel derivatives was prepared and a multimodal analysis of their anti-cancer activity was conducted. The NCI 60-human tumour cell lines screen was a primary source of information on the in vitro activity of compounds with derivatives found to exert potent anticancer effects, with mean GI50 values as low as 1.01 μM across the full range of cancer types and as low as 16 nM in individual cell lines. A second in vitro screen in collaboration with researchers in the University of Nantes identified derivatives which could potently inhibit growth in a p53 mutant NSCLC cell line. The cell cycle effects of a selected panel of isoellipticines were studied in leukaemia cell lines by researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, UCC. Emerging from this, the therapeutic potential of one of the derivatives in AML was then assessed in vivo in an AML xenograft mouse model, with tumour weight reduced by a factor of 7 in treated mice relative to control.


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The synthesis and characterization of new organosilicon derivatives of N3P3Cl6, N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]6 (1), N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[NCH3(CH2)3CN]3 (2), and N3P3[NH(CH2)3Si(OEt)3]3[HOC6H4(CH2)CN]3 (3) are reported. Pyrolysis of 1, 2, and 3 in air and at several temperatures results in nanostructured materials whose composition and morphology depend on the temperature of pyrolysis and the substituents of the phosphazenes ring. The products stem from the reaction of SiO2 with P2O5, leading to either crystalline Si5(PO4)6O, SiP2O7 or an amorphous phase as the glass Si5(PO4)6O/3SiO2·2P2O5, depending on the temperature and nature of the trimer precursors. From 1 at 800 °C, core−shell microspheres of SiO2 coated with Si5(PO4)6O are obtained, while in other cases, mesoporous or dense structures are observed. Atomic force microscopy examination after deposition of the materials on monocrystalline silicon wafers evidences morphology strongly dependent on the precursors. Isolated islands of size ∼9 nm are observed from 1, whereas dense nanostructures with a mean height of 13 nm are formed from 3. Brunauer−Emmett−Teller measurements show mesoporous materials with low surface areas. The proposed growth mechanism involves the formation of cross-linking structures and of vacancies by carbonization of the organic matter, where the silicon compounds nucleate. Thus, for the first time, unique silicon nanostructured materials are obtained from cyclic phosphazenes containing silicon.