8 resultados para OPEN QUANTUM-SYSTEMS

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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In this thesis I present the work done during my PhD in the area of low dimensional quantum gases. The chapters of this thesis are self contained and represent individual projects which have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in respected international journals. Various systems are considered, the first of which is a two particle model which possesses an exact analytical solution. I investigate the non-classical correlations that exist between the particles as a function of the tunable properties of the system. In the second work I consider the coherences and out of equilibrium dynamics of a one-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau gas. I show how the coherence of the gas can be inferred from various properties of the reduced state and how this may be observed in experiments. I then present a model which can be used to probe a one-dimensional Fermi gas by performing a measurement on an impurity which interacts with the gas. I show how this system can be used to observe the so-called orthogonality catastrophe using modern interferometry techniques. In the next chapter I present a simple scheme to create superposition states of particles with special emphasis on the NOON state. I explore the effect of inter-particle interactions in the process and then characterise the usefulness of these states for interferometry. Finally I present my contribution to a project on long distance entanglement generation in ion chains. I show how carefully tuning the environment can create decoherence-free subspaces which allows one to create and preserve entanglement.


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In this thesis I present the work done during my PhD. The Thesis is divided into two parts; in the first one I present the study of mesoscopic quantum systems whereas in the second one I address the problem of the definition of Markov regime for quantum system dynamics. The first work presented is the study of vortex patterns in (quasi) two dimensional rotating Bose Einstein condensates (BECs). I consider the case of an anisotropy trapping potential and I shall show that the ground state of the system hosts vortex patterns that are unstable. In a second work I designed an experimental scheme to transfer entanglement from two entangled photons to two BECs. This work is meant to propose a feasible experimental set up to bring entanglement from microscopic to macroscopic systems for both the study of fundamental questions (quantum to classical transition) and technological applications. In the last work of the first part another experimental scheme is presented in order to detect coherences of a mechanical oscillator which is assumed to have been previously cooled down to the quantum regime. In this regime in fact the system can rapidly undergo decoherence so that new techniques have to be employed in order to detect and manipulate their states. In the scheme I propose a micro-mechanical oscillator is coupled to a BEC and the detection is performed by monitoring the BEC with a negligible back-action on the cantilever. In the second part of the thesis I give a definition of Markov regime for open quantum dynamics. The importance of such definition comes from both the mathematical description of the system dynamics and from the understanding of the role played by the environment in the evolution of an open system. In the Markov regime the mathematical description can be simplified and the role of the environment is a passive one.


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Background: Diagnostic decision-making is made through a combination of Systems 1 (intuition or pattern-recognition) and Systems 2 (analytic) thinking. The purpose of this study was to use the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) to evaluate and compare the level of Systems 1 and 2 thinking among medical students in pre-clinical and clinical programs. Methods: The CRT is a three-question test designed to measure the ability of respondents to activate metacognitive processes and switch to System 2 (analytic) thinking where System 1 (intuitive) thinking would lead them astray. Each CRT question has a correct analytical (System 2) answer and an incorrect intuitive (System 1) answer. A group of medical students in Years 2 & 3 (pre-clinical) and Years 4 (in clinical practice) of a 5-year medical degree were studied. Results: Ten percent (13/128) of students had the intuitive answers to the three questions (suggesting they generally relied on System 1 thinking) while almost half (44%) answered all three correctly (indicating full analytical, System 2 thinking). Only 3-13% had incorrect answers (i.e. that were neither the analytical nor the intuitive responses). Non-native English speaking students (n = 11) had a lower mean number of correct answers compared to native English speakers (n = 117: 1.0 s 2.12 respectfully: p < 0.01). As students progressed through questions 1 to 3, the percentage of correct System 2 answers increased and the percentage of intuitive answers decreased in both the pre-clinical and clinical students. Conclusions: Up to half of the medical students demonstrated full or partial reliance on System 1 (intuitive) thinking in response to these analytical questions. While their CRT performance has no claims to make as to their future expertise as clinicians, the test may be used in helping students to understand the importance of awareness and regulation of their thinking processes in clinical practice.


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Optical nanofibres are ultrathin optical fibres with a waist diameter typically less than the wavelength of light being guided through them. Cold atoms can couple to the evanescent field of the nanofibre-guided modes and such systems are emerging as promising technologies for the development of atom-photon hybrid quantum devices. Atoms within the evanescent field region of an optical nanofibre can be probed by sending near or on-resonant light through the fibre; however, the probe light can detrimentally affect the properties of the atoms. In this paper, we report on the modification of the local temperature of laser-cooled 87Rb atoms in a magneto-optical trap centred around an optical nanofibre when near-resonant probe light propagates through it. A transient absorption technique has been used to measure the temperature of the affected atoms and temperature variations from 160 μk to 850 μk, for a probe power ranging from 0 to 50 nW, have been observed. This effect could have implications in relation to using optical nanofibres for probing and manipulating cold or ultracold atoms.


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In this thesis we relate the formal description of various cold atomic systems in the energy eigenbasis, to the observable spatial mode dynamics. Herein the `spatial mode dynamics' refers to the direction of photon emission following the spontaneous emission of an excited fermion in the presence of a same species and spin ideal anisotropic Fermi sea in its internal ground state. Due to the Pauli principle, the presence of the ground state Fermi sea renders the phase space, anisotropic and only partially accessible, thereby a ecting the direction of photon emission following spontaneous emission. The spatial and energetic mode dynamics also refers to the quantum `tunneling' interaction between localised spatial modes, synonymous with double well type potentials. Here we relate the dynamics of the wavefunction in both the energetic and spatial representations. Using this approach we approximate the relationship between the spatial and energetic representations of a wavefunction spanning three spatial and energetic modes. This is extended to a process known as Spatial Adiabatic Passage, which is a technique to transport matter waves between localised spatial modes. This approach allows us to interpret the transport of matter waves as a signature of a geometric phase acquired by the one of the internal energy eigenstates of the system during the cyclical evolution. We further show that this geometric phase may be used to create spatial mode qubit and qutrit states.


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In this thesis I theoretically study quantum states of ultracold atoms. The majority of the Chapters focus on engineering specific quantum states of single atoms with high fidelity in experimentally realistic systems. In the sixth Chapter, I investigate the stability and dynamics of new multidimensional solitonic states that can be created in inhomogeneous atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In Chapter three I present two papers in which I demonstrate how the coherent tunnelling by adiabatic passage (CTAP) process can be implemented in an experimentally realistic atom chip system, to coherently transfer the centre-of-mass of a single atom between two spatially distinct magnetic waveguides. In these works I also utilise GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computing which offers a significant performance increase in the numerical simulation of the Schrödinger equation. In Chapter four I investigate the CTAP process for a linear arrangement of radio frequency traps where the centre-of-mass of both, single atoms and clouds of interacting atoms, can be coherently controlled. In Chapter five I present a theoretical study of adiabatic radio frequency potentials where I use Floquet theory to more accurately model situations where frequencies are close and/or field amplitudes are large. I also show how one can create highly versatile 2D adiabatic radio frequency potentials using multiple radio frequency fields with arbitrary field orientation and demonstrate their utility by simulating the creation of ring vortex solitons. In the sixth Chapter I discuss the stability and dynamics of a family of multidimensional solitonic states created in harmonically confined Bose-Einstein condensates. I demonstrate that these solitonic states have interesting dynamical instabilities, where a continuous collapse and revival of the initial state occurs. Through Bogoliubov analysis, I determine the modes responsible for the observed instabilities of each solitonic state and also extract information related to the time at which instability can be observed.


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Practical realisation of quantum information science is a challenge being addressed by researchers employing various technologies. One of them is based on quantum dots (QD), usually referred to as artificial atoms. Being capable to emit single and polarization entangled photons, they are attractive as sources of quantum bits (qubits) which can be relatively easily integrated into photonic circuits using conventional semiconductor technologies. However, the dominant self-assembled QD systems suffer from asymmetry related problems which modify the energetic structure. The main issue is the degeneracy lifting (the fine-structure splitting, FSS) of an optically allowed neutral exciton state which participates in a polarization-entanglement realisation scheme. The FSS complicates polarization-entanglement detection unless a particular FSS manipulation technique is utilized to reduce it to vanishing values, or a careful selection of intrinsically good candidates from the vast number of QDs is carried out, preventing the possibility of constructing vast arrays of emitters on the same sample. In this work, site-controlled InGaAs QDs grown on (111)B oriented GaAs substrates prepatterned with 7.5 μm pitch tetrahedrons were studied in order to overcome QD asymmetry related problems. By exploiting an intrinsically high rotational symmetry, pyramidal QDs were shown as polarization-entangled photon sources emitting photons with the fidelity of the expected maximally entangled state as high as 0.721. It is the first site-controlled QD system of entangled photon emitters. Moreover, the density of such emitters was found to be as high as 15% in some areas: the density much higher than in any other QD system. The associated physical phenomena (e.g., carrier dynamic, QD energetic structure) were studied, as well, by different techniques: photon correlation spectroscopy, polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence and magneto-photoluminescence.


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Leachate may be defined as any liquid percolating through deposited waste and emitted from or contained within a landfill. If leachate migrates from a site it may pose a severe threat to the surrounding environment. Increasingly stringent environmental legislation both at European level and national level (Republic of Ireland) regarding the operation of landfill sites, control of associated emissions, as well as requirements for restoration and aftercare management (up to 30 years) has prompted research for this project into the design and development of a low cost, low maintenance, low technology trial system to treat landfill leachate at Kinsale Road Landfill Site, located on the outskirts of Cork city. A trial leachate treatment plant was constructed consisting of 14 separate treatment units (10 open top cylindrical cells [Ø 1.8 m x 2.0 high] and four reed beds [5.0m x 5.0m x 1.0m]) incorporating various alternative natural treatment processes including reed beds (vertical flow [VF] and horizontal flow [HF]), grass treatment planes, compost units, timber chip units, compost-timber chip units, stratified sand filters and willow treatment plots. High treatment efficiencies were achieved in units operating in sequence containing compost and timber chip media, vertical flow reed beds and grass treatment planes. Pollutant load removal rates of 99% for NH4, 84% for BOD5, 46% for COD, 63% for suspended solids, 94% for iron and 98% for manganese were recorded in the final effluent of successfully operated sequences at irrigation rates of 945 l/m2/day in the cylindrical cells and 96 l/m2/day in the VF reed beds and grass treatment planes. Almost total pathogen removal (E. coli) occurred in the final effluent of the same sequence. Denitrification rates of 37% were achieved for a limited period. A draft, up-scaled leachate treatment plant is presented, based on treatment performance of the trial plant.