7 resultados para Minorities in medicine

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Background: Career Choice in Medicine is an important and problematic topic. Medical education has been framed as professional identity development, yet career choice has not been viewed as a matter of identity. My primary aim was to offer new insights by exploring career choice using Figured Worlds theory, a socio-cultural theory of identity. Graduate retention is a challenge for many countries, including Ireland. My secondary aim was to address a gap in the data on postgraduate trainees in Ireland and to use the Irish case to illustrate points transferable to other contexts. Methodology & Methods: This was a predominantly qualitative Mixed Methods programme of research. My qualitative studies were oriented towards social constructionism. I collated existing data from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) and HSE-MET to describe trainees and their career paths. I surveyed Basic Specialist Training trainees (n=333) about their career plans. I surveyed new trainees (n=527) about their expectations of training and all RCPI trainees about their experiences of training (n=1246). I conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 medical students and doctors. A subgroup (n=6) provided longitudinal data. Figured Worlds theory and Gee’s discourse tools were used for analysis. Results: I have used the case of medical training and career choice in Ireland to explain how social, political and cultural context, and day to day experiences in the cultural world of medicine, shaped doctors’ career choices. My qualitative findings described a unifying model of career choice, consisting of priming, exposure, positioning and open-endedness, which can guide the design of interventions to shape and support career choice. Conclusion: My original contribution has been to demonstrate the fruitfulness of framing career choice in terms of identity development. This represents a turn in the conversation about career choice, which brings new starting points and moves the dialogue forward.


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Evidence suggests that inactivity during a hospital stay is associated with poor health outcomes in older medical inpatients. We aimed to estimate the associations of average daily step-count (walking) in hospital with physical performance and length of stay in this population. Medical in-patients aged ⩾65 years, premorbidly mobile, with an anticipated length of stay ⩾3 d, were recruited. Measurements included average daily step-count, continuously recorded until discharge, or for a maximum of 7 d (Stepwatch Activity Monitor); co-morbidity (CIRS-G); frailty (SHARE F-I); and baseline and end-of-study physical performance (short physical performance battery). Linear regression models were used to estimate associations between step-count and end-of-study physical performance or length of stay. Length of stay was log transformed in the first model, and step-count was log transformed in both models. Similar models were used to adjust for potential confounders. Data from 154 patients (mean 77 years, SD 7.4) were analysed. The unadjusted models estimated for each unit increase in the natural log of stepcount, the natural log of length of stay decreased by 0.18 (95% CI −0.27 to −0.09). After adjustment of potential confounders, while the strength of the inverse association was attenuated, it remained significant (βlog(steps) = −0.15, 95%CI −0.26 to −0.03). The back-transformed result suggested that a 50% increase in step-count was associated with a 6% shorter length of stay. There was no apparent association between step-count and end-of-study physical performance once baseline physical performance was adjusted for. The results indicate that step-count is independently associated with hospital length of stay, and merits further investigation.


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This paper provides a system description and preliminary results for an ongoing clinical study currently being carried out at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital, Nenagh, Ireland. The goal of the trial is to determine if wireless inertial measurement technology can be employed to identify elderly patients at risk of death or imminent clinical deterioration. The system measures cumulative movement and provides a score that will help provide a robust early warning to clinical staff of clinical deterioration. In addition the study examines some of the logistical barriers to the adoption of wearable wireless technology in front-line medical care.


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The observations of Hooke (1665), Schleiden & Schwann (1839) and Virchow (1855) led to the identification of the cell as the basic structural unit of living material. In the intervening years, it has been firmly established that the chemical processes which underlie the proper functioning, development and reproduction of the organism are cellular activities. The development of the electron microscope has enabled cell structure to be studied in detail. A picture of the cell as an entity with a complex and highly organised internal structure has emerged from the work of Palade, Porter, Fernandez-Moran and many others. Although cells from different tissues and organisms differ in aspects of their structure and consequently in function, they have several features in common. A retentive membrane encloses a number of cell constituents, which include membrane-enclosed subcellular structures known as organelles. The cells of most tissues also contain a reticulum or system of branching tubules. The interplay of the biochemical activities of these structures enables the cell to function. Almost thirty years ago, Claude, Palade, Schneider, Hogeboom, de Duve and others set out to analytically fractionate the subcellular components obtained after the fragmentation of liver cells. This approach has become known as subcellular fractionation, and signalled a major conceptual breakthrough in biochemistry (reviewed by de Duve, 1964, 1967, 1971). The significance of this breakthrough has been underlined by the award of the 1974 Nobel Prize in Medicine to de Duve, Palade and Claude. This thesis is concerned with the application of subcellular fractionation techniques to the separation and characterisation of the membrane systems of the rabbit skeletal muscle cell.


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This thesis focuses on the synthesis and analysis of novel chloride based platinum complexes derived from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands, along with studies on their reactivity towards substitution and oxidation reactions. Also explored here are the potential applications of these complexes for biological and luminescent purposes. Chapter one provides an extensive overview of platinum coordination chemistry with examples of various mixed donor ligands along with the history of platinum anticancer therapy. It also looks at metals in medicine, both for biological functions as well as for therapeutic purposes and gives a background to some other applications for platinum complexes. Chapter two outlines the design and synthetic strategies employed for the development of novel platinum (II) chloride complexes from iminophosphine and phosphinoamide ligands. Also reported is the cyclometallation of these complexes to form stable tridentate mixed donor platinum (II) compounds. In Chapter three the development of a direct method for displacing a chloride from a platinum metal centre with a desired phosphine is reported. Numerous methods for successful oxidation of the platinum (II) complexes will also be explored, leading to novel platinum (IV) complexes being reported here also. The importance of stabilisation of the displaced anion, chloride, by the solvent system will also be discussed in this chapter. Chapter four investigates the reactivity of the platinum (II) complexes towards two different biomolecules to form novel platinum bio-adducts. The potential application of the platinum (II) cyclometallates as chemotherapeutics will also be explored here using in-vitro cancer cell testing. Finally, luminescence studies are also reported here for the ligands and platinum complexes reported in chapter two and three to investigate potential applications in this field also. Chapter five provides a final conclusion and an overall summary of the entire project as well as identifying key areas for future work.


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This thesis explores the meaning-making practices of migrant and non-migrant children in relation to identities, race, belonging and childhood itself in their everyday lives and in the context of ‘normalizing’ discourses and spaces in Ireland. The relational, spatial and institutional contexts of children’s worlds are examined in the arenas of school, home, family, peer groups and consumer culture. The research develops a situated account of children’s complex subject positions, belongings and exclusions, as negotiated within discursive constructs, emerging in the ‘in-between’ spaces explored with other children and with adults. As a peripheral EU area both geographically and economically, Ireland has traditionally been a country of net emigration. This situation changed briefly in the late 1990s to early 2000s, sparking broad debate on Ireland’s perceived ‘new’ ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity arising from the arrival of migrant people both from within and beyond the EU as workers and as asylum seekers, and drawing attention to issues of race, identity, equality and integration in Irish society. Based in a West of Ireland town where migrant children and children of migrants comprise very small minorities in classroom settings, this research engages with a particular demographic of children who have started primary school since these changes have occurred. It seeks to represent the complexities of the processes which constitute children’s subjectivities, and which also produce and reproduce race and childhood itself in this context. The role of local, national and global spaces, relational networks and discursive currents as they are experienced and negotiated by children are explored, and the significance of embodied, sensory and affective processes are integrated into the analysis. Notions of the functions and rhetorics of play and playfulness (Sutton-Smith 1997) form a central thread that runs throughout the thesis, where play is both a feature of children’s cultural worlds and a site of resistance or ‘thinking otherwise’. The study seeks to examine how children actively participate in (re)producing definitions of both childhood and race arising in local, national and global spaces, demonstrating that while contestations of the boundaries of childhood discourses are contingently successful, race tends to be strongly reiterated, clinging to bodies and places and compromising belonging. In addition, it explores how children access belongings through agentic and imaginative practices with regard to peer and family relationships, particularly highlighting constructions of home, while also illustrating practices of excluding children positioned as unintelligible, including the role of silences in such situations. Finally, drawing on teachers’ understandings and on children’s playful micro-level negotiations of race, the study argues that assumptions of childhood innocence contribute to justifying depoliticised discourses of race in the early primary school years, and also tend to silence children’s own dialogues with this issue. Central throughout the thesis is an emphasis on the productive potentials of children’s marginal positioning in processes of transgressing definitional boundaries, including the generation of post-race conceptualisations that revealed the borders of race as performative and fluid. It suggests that interrupting exclusionary raced identities in Irish primary schools requires engagement with children’s world-making practices and the multiple resources that inform their lives.


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This paper, based on a narrative research inquiry, presents and explores a number of stories relating to the experience and identity of members of the small Irish Protestant minority. Drawing on these stories it uses Foucault’s conceptualisation of power and discourse to consider community, social withdrawal, and two different but linked expressions of silence as acts of resistance. These were simultaneously utilised to preserve a culture and ethos diametrically opposed to the religious and political hegemony of the Irish Catholic state and to combat the threat of extinction. The article concludes that an exploration of Ireland’s traditional religious minority not only raises awareness concerning a specific group’s experience but extends an understanding of the issues with which minorities (in more general terms) may have to cope in order to survive.