9 resultados para Microchip electrophoresis

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The research work in this thesis reports rapid separation of biologically important low molecular weight compounds by microchip electrophoresis and ultrahigh liquid chromatography. Chapter 1 introduces the theory and principles behind capillary electrophoresis separation. An overview of the history, different modes and detection techniques coupled to CE is provided. The advantages of microchip electrophoresis are highlighted. Some aspects of metal complex analysis by capillary electrophoresis are described. Finally, the theory and different modes of the liquid chromatography technology are presented. Chapter 2 outlines the development of a method for the capillary electrophoresis of (R, S) Naproxen. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized (i.e. buffer concentration and pH, concentration of chiral selector additives, applied voltage and injection condition).The method was validated in terms of linearity, precision, and LOD. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system. Two different types of injection i.e. gated and pinched, were investigated. This microchip method represents the fastest reported chiral separation of Naproxen to date. Chapter 3 reports ultra-fast separation of aromatic amino acid by capillary electrophoresis using the short-end technique. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized and validated. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system where the separation time was further reduced. Chapter 4 outlines the use of microchip electrophoresis as an efficient tool for analysis of aluminium complexes. A 2.5 cm channel with linear imaging UV detection was used to separate and detect aluminium-dopamine complex and free dopamine. For the first time, a baseline, separation of aluminium dopamine was achieved on a 15 seconds timescale. Chapter 5 investigates a rapid, ultra-sensitive and highly efficient method for quantification of histamine in human psoriatic plaques using microdialysis and ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The method utilized a sub-two-micron packed C18 stationary phase. A fluorescent reagent, 4-(1-pyrene) butyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester was conjugated to the primary and secondary amino moieties of histamine. The dipyrene-labeled histamine in human urine was also investigated by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography using a C18 column with 1.8 μm particle diameter. These methods represent one of the fastest reported separations to date of histamine using fluorescence detection.


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This novel capillary electrophoresis microchip, or also known as μTAS (micro total analysis system) was designed to separate complex aqueous based compounds, similar to commercial CE & microchip (capillary electrophoresis) systems, but more compact. This system can be potentially used for mobile/portable chemical analysis equipment. Un-doped silicon wafer & ultra-thin borofloat glass (Pyrex) wafers have been used to fabricate the device. Double-L injection feature, micro pillars column, bypass separation channel & hybrid- referenced C4D electrodes were designed to achieve a high SNR (signal to noise ratio), easy- separation, for a durable and reusable μTAS for CE use.


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The research work in this thesis included the sensitive and selective separation of biological substance by capillary electrophoresis with a boron doped diamond electrode for amperometric detection. Chapter 1 introduced the capillary electrophoresis and electrochemical detection. It included the different modes of capillary electrophoresis, polyelectrolyte multilayers coating for open tubular capillary electrochromatography, different modes of electrochemical detection and carbon based electrodes. Chapter 2 showed the synthesized and electropolymerized N-acetyltyramine with a negatively charged sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin on a boron doped diamond (BDD) electrode followed by the electropolymerzation of pyrrole to form a stable and permselective film for selective dopamine detection. For comparison, a glassy carbon (GC) electrode with a combined electropolymerized permselective film of polytyramine and polypyrrole-1-propionic acid was used for selective detection of dopamine. The detection limit of dopamine was improved from 100 nM at a GC electrode to 5 nM at a BDD electrode. Chapter 3 showed field-amplified sample stacking using a fused silica capillary coated with gold nanoparticles embedded in poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride, which has been investigated for the electrophoretic separation of indoxyl sulphate, homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid. The detection limit of the three analytes obtained by using a boron doped diamond electrode was around 75 nM, which was significantly below their normal physiological levels in biological fluids. This combined separation and detection scheme was applied to the direct analysis of these analytes and other interfereing chemicals including uric and ascorbic acids in urine samples without off-line sample treatment or preconcentration. Chapter 4 showed the selective detection of Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal, PQS for quorum sensing from its precursor HHQ, using a simply boron doped diamond electrode. Furthermore, by combining poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride modified fused silica capillary with a BDD electrode for amperometric detection, PQS was separated from HHQ and other analogues. The detection limit of PQS was as low as 65 nM. Different P. aeruginosa mutant strains were studied. Chapter 5 showed the separation of aminothiols by layer-by-layer coating of silica capillary with a boron doped diamond electrode. The capillary was layer-by-layer coated with the polycation poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride and negatively charged silica nanoparticles. All the aminothiols was separated and detected using a BDD electrode in an acidic electrolyte. It was a novel scheme for the separation and detection of glutathione reduced and oxidized forms, which is important for estimated overstressed level in the human system.


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The work presented in this thesis described the development of low-cost sensing and separation devices with electrochemical detections for health applications. This research employs macro, micro and nano technology. The first sensing device developed was a tonerbased micro-device. The initial development of microfluidic devices was based on glass or quartz devices that are often expensive to fabricate; however, the introduction of new types of materials, such as plastics, offered a new way for fast prototyping and the development of disposable devices. One such microfluidic device is based on the lamination of laser-printed polyester films using a computer, printer and laminator. The resulting toner-based microchips demonstrated a potential viability for chemical assays, coupled with several detection methods, particularly Chip-Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence (CE-CL) detection which has never been reported in the literature. Following on from the toner-based microchip, a three-electrode micro-configuration was developed on acetate substrate. This is the first time that a micro-electrode configuration made from gold; silver and platinum have been fabricated onto acetate by means of patterning and deposition techniques using the central fabrication facilities in Tyndall National Institute. These electrodes have been designed to facilitate the integration of a 3- electrode configuration as part of the fabrication process. Since the electrodes are on acetate the dicing step can automatically be eliminated. The stability of these sensors has been investigated using electrochemical techniques with excellent outcomes. Following on from the generalised testing of the electrodes these sensors were then coupled with capillary electrophoresis. The final sensing devices were on a macro scale and involved the modifications of screenprinted electrodes. Screen-printed electrodes (SPE) are generally seen to be far less sensitive than the more expensive electrodes including the gold, boron-doped diamond and glassy carbon electrodes. To enhance the sensitivity of these electrodes they were treated with metal nano-particles, gold and palladium. Following on from this, another modification was introduced. The carbonaceous material carbon monolith was drop-cast onto the SPE and then the metal nano-particles were electrodeposited onto the monolith material


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The composition of equine milk differs considerably from that of the milk of the principal dairying species, i.e., the cow, buffalo, goat and sheep. Because equine milk resembles human milk in many respects and is claimed to have special therapeutic properties, it is becoming increasingly popular in Western Europe, where it is produced on large farms in several countries. Equine milk is considered to be highly digestible, rich in essential nutrients and to possess an optimum whey protein:casein ratio, making it very suitable as a substitute for bovine milk in paediatric dietetics. There is some scientific basis for the special nutritional and health-giving properties of equine milk but this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the composition and physico-chemical properties of equine milk which is required to fully exploit its potential in human nutrition. Quantification and distribution of the nitrogenous components and principal salts of equine milk are reported. The effects of the high concentration of ionic calcium, large casein micelles (~ 260 nm), low protein, lack of a sulphydryl group in equine β-lactoglobulin and a very low level of κ-casein on the physico-chemical properties of equine milk are reported. This thesis provides an insight into the stability of equine casein micelles to heat, ethanol, high pressure, rennet or acid. Differences in rennet- and acid-induced coagulation between equine and bovine milk are attributed not only to the low casein content of equine milk but also to differences in the mechanism by which the respective micelles are stabilized. It has been reported that β-casein plays a role in the stabilization of equine casein micelles and proteomic techniques support this view. In this study, equine κ-casein appeared to be resistant to hydrolysis by calf chymosin but equine β-casein was readily hydrolysed. Resolution of equine milk proteins by urea-PAGE showed the multi-phosphorylated isoforms of equine αs- and β-caseins and capillary zone electrophoresis showed 3 to 7 phosphorylated residues in equine β-casein. In vitro digestion of equine β-casein by pepsin and Corolase PP™ did not produce casomorphins BCM-5 or BCM-7, believed to be harmful to human health. Electron microscopy provided very clear, detailed images of equine casein micelles in their native state and when renneted or acidified. Equine milk formed flocs rather then a gel when renneted or acidified which is supported by dynamic oscillatory analysis. The results presented in this thesis will assist in the development of new products from equine milk for human consumption which will retain some of its unique compositional and health-giving properties.


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A bacteriocin-producing strain of Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was used as an adjunct culture in Cheddar cheese in order to control the growth of “wild” nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. No suppression of growth of the indicator strain was observed in the experimental cheese. The bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus paracasei DPC 4715 was sensitive to chymosin and cathepsin D and it may have been cleaved by the rennet used for the cheese manufactured or by indigenous milk proteases. A series of studies were performed using various microbial adjuncts to influence cheese ripening. Microbacterium casei DPC 5281, Corynebacterium casei DPC 5293 and Corynebacterium variabile DPC 5305 were added to the cheesemilk at level of 109 cfu/ml resulting in a final concentration of 108 cfu/g in Cheddar cheese. The strains significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino acids after 60 and 180 d of ripening and some individual free amino acids after 180 d. Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6266, Yarrowia lipolytica DPC 6268 and Candida intermedia DPC 6271 were used to accelerate the ripening of Cheddar cheese. Strains were grown in YG broth to a final concentration of 107 cfu/ml, microfluidized, freeze-dried and added to the curd during salting at level of 2% w/w. The yeasts positively affected the primary, secondary proteolysis and lipolysis of cheeses and had aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, esterase and 5’ phosphodiestere activities that contributed to accelerate the ripening and improve the flavor of cheese. Hafia alvei was added to Cheddar cheesemilk at levels of 107 cfu/ml and 108 cfu/ml and its contribution during ripening was evaluated. The strain significantly increased the level of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen, total free amino-acids, and some individual free amino-acids of Cheddar cheese, whereas no differences in the urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) electrophoretograms of the cheeses were detected. Hafia alvei also significantly increased the level of some biogenic amines. A low-fat Cheddar cheese was made with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, strain BB-12® at level of 108 cfu/ml, as a probiotic adjunct culture and Hi-Maize® 260 (resistant high amylose maize starch) at level of 2% and 4% w/v, as a prebiotic fiber which also played the role of fat replacer. Bifidobacterium BB-12 decreased by 1 log cycle after 60 d of ripening and remained steady at level of ~107 cfu/g during ripening. The Young’s modulus also increased proportionally with increasing levels of Hi-maize. Hencky strain at fracture decreased over ripening and increased with increasing in fat replacer. A cheese based medium (CBM) was developed with the purpose of mimicking the cheese environment at an early ripening stage. The strains grown in CBM showed aminopeptidase activity against Gly-, Arg-, Pro- and Phe-p-nitroanalide, whereas, when grown in MRS they were active against all the substrates tested. Both Lb. danicus strains grown in MRS and in CBM had aminotransferase activity towards aromatic amino acids (Phe and Trp) and also branched-chain amino acids (Leu and Val). Esterase activity was expressed against p-nitrophenyl-acetate (C2), pnitrophenyl- butyrate (C4) and p-nitrophenyl-palmitate (C16) and was significantly higher in CBM than in MRS.


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The keystone aquatic organism Daphnia magna is extensively used to assess the toxicity of chemicals. This has recently lead to an increase in the omics literature focusing on daphnids, an increase fuelled by the sequencing of the Daphnia pulex genome. Yet, no omics study has looked directly at oxidative stress (OS) in daphnids, even though OS is of primary importance in the response of aquatic organisms to their changing environment and is often induced by anthropogenic xenobiotics. This thesis thus focuses on the application of redox-proteomics, the study of the oxidative modification of proteins, to D. magna Specifically, daphnids were exposed to copper or paraquat, two well studied prooxidants, and protein carbonyls were labelled with fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide prior to twodimensional electrophoresis (2DE). This showed clearly that both compounds affect a different portion of the proteome. The identified proteins indicated that energy metabolism was affected by paraquat, while copper induced a reduction of the heat shock response (heat shock proteins, proteases and chaperones) a counterintuitive result which may be adaptative to metal toxicity in arthropods. The same approach was then applied to the study of the toxicity mechanism of silver nanoparticles (AgNP), an increasingly utilised form of silver with expected environmental toxicity, and its comparison to silver nitrate. The results demonstrate that, although less toxic than silver ions, AgNP toxicity functions through a different mechanism. AgNP toxicity is thus not a product of silver dissolution and increased protein carbonylation indicates that AgNP cause OS. Interestingly three of the four tested compounds altered vitellogenin levels and oxidation. Vitellogenins could thus represent an interesting subproteome for the detection of stress in daphnids. Finally, an experiment with oxidised BSA demonstrates the applicability of solid phase hydrazide in the enrichment of undigested carbonylated proteins.


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M66 an X-ray induced mutant of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv. Guardian exhibits broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici), and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici), along with partial resistance to stagnonospora nodorum blotch (caused by the necrotroph Stagonosporum nodorum) and septoria tritici blotch (caused by the hemibiotroph Mycosphaerella graminicola) compared to the parent plant ‘Guardian’. Analysis revealed that M66 exhibited no symptoms of infection following artificial inoculation with Bgt in the glasshouse after adult growth stage (GS 45). Resistance in M66 was associated with widespread leaf flecking which developed during tillering. Flecking also occurred in M66 leaves without Bgt challenge; as a result grain yields were reduced by approximately 17% compared to ‘Guardian’ in the absence of disease. At the seedling stage, M66 exhibited partial resistance. M66, along with Tht mutants (Tht 12, Tht13), also exhibit increased tolerance to environmental stresses (abiotic), such as drought and heat stress at seedling and adult growth stages, However, adult M66 exhibited increased susceptibility to the aphid Schizaphis graminum compared to ‘Guardian’. Resistance to Bgt in M66 was characterized with increased and earlier H2O2 accumulation at the site of infection which resulted in increased papilla formation in epidermal cells, compared to ‘Guardian’. Papilla formation was associated with reduced pathogen ingress and haustorium formation, indicating that the primary cause of resistance in M66 was prevention of pathogen penetration. Heat treatment at 46º C prior to challenge with Bgt also induced partial disease resistance to Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in ‘Guardian’ and M66 seedlings. This was characterized by a delay in primary infection, due to increased production of ROS species, such as hydrogen peroxide, ROS-scavenging enzymes and Hsp70, resulting in cross-linking of cell wall components prior to inoculation. This actively prevented the fungus from penetrating the epidermal cell wall. Proteomics analysis using 2-D gel electrophoresis identified primary and secondary disease resistance effects in M66 including detection of ROS scavenging enzymes (4, 24 hai), such as ascorbate peroxidase and a superoxidase dismutase isoform (CuZnSOD) in M66 which were absent from ‘Guardian’. Chitinase (PR protein) was also upregulated (24 hai) in M66 compared to ‘Guardian’.Monosomic and ditelosomic analysis of M66 revealed that the mutation in M66 is located on the long arm of chromosome 2B (2BL). Chromosome 2BL is known to have key genes involved in resistance to pathogens such as those causing stripe rust and powdery mildew. The TaMloB1 gene, an orthologue of the barley Mlo gene, is also located on chromosome 2BL. Sanger sequencing of part of the coding sequence revealed no deletions in the TaMloB1 gene between ‘Guardian’ and M66.


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Anthropogenic pollutant chemicals pose a major threat to aquatic organisms. There is a need for more research on emerging categories of environmental chemicals such as nanomaterials, endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals. Proteomics offers options and advantages for early warning of alterations in environmental quality by detecting sub-lethal changes in sentinel species such as the mussel, Mytilus edulis. This thesis aimed to compare the potential of traditional biomarkers (such as enzyme activity measurement) and newer redox proteomic approaches. Environmental proteomics, especially a redox proteomics toolbox, may be a novel way to study pollutant effects on organisms which can also yield information on risks to human health. In particular, it can probe subtle biochemical changes at sub-lethal concentrations and thus offer novel insights to toxicity mechanisms. In the first instance, the present research involved a field-study in three stations in Cork Harbour, Ireland (Haulbowline, Ringaskiddy and Douglas) compared to an outharbour control site in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Then, further research was carried out to detect effects of anthropogenic pollution on selected chemicals. Diclofenac is an example of veterinary and human pharmaceuticals, an emerging category of chemical pollutants, with potential to cause serious toxicity to non-target organisms. A second chemical used for this study was copper which is a key source of contamination in marine ecosystems. Thirdly, bisphenol A is a major anthropogenic chemical mainly used in polycarbonate plastics manufacturing that is widespread in the environment. It is also suspected to be an endocrine disruptor. Effects on the gill, the principal feeding organ of mussels, were investigated in particular. Effects on digestive gland were also investigated to compare different outcomes from each tissue. Across the three anthropogenic chemicals studied (diclofenac, copper and bisphenol A), only diclofenac exposure did not show any significant difference towards glutathione transferase (GST) responses. Meanwhile, copper and bisphenol A significantly increased GST in gill. Glutathione reductase (GR) enzyme analysis revealed that all three chemicals have significant responses in gill. Catalase activity showed significant differences in digestive gland exposed to diclofenac and gills exposed to bisphenol A. This study focused then on application of redox proteomics; the study of the oxidative modification of proteins, to M. edulis. Thiol proteins were labelled with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein prior to one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoresis. This clearly revealed some similarities on a portion of the redox proteome across chemical exposures indicating where toxicity mechanism may be common and where effects are unique to a single treatment. This thesis documents that proteomics is a robust tool to provide valuable insights into possible mechanisms of toxicity of anthropogenic contaminants in M. edulis. It is concluded that future research should focus on gill tissue, on protein thiols and on key individual proteins discovered in this study such as calreticulin and arginine kinase which have not previously been considered as biomarkers in aquatic toxicology prior to this study.