7 resultados para Ketones

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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A large number of optically active drugs and natural products contain α-functionalised ketones or simple derivatives thereof. Furthermore, chiral α-alkylated ketones are useful synthons and have found widespread use in total synthesis. The asymmetric alkylation of ketones represents one of the most powerful and longstanding procedures in organic chemistry. Surprisingly, however, only one effective methodology is available, and this involves the use of chiral auxiliaries. This is discussed in Chapter 1, which also provides a background of other key topics discussed throughout the thesis. Expanding on the existing methodology of chiral auxiliaries, Chapter 2 details the synthesis of a novel chiral auxiliary containing a pyrrolidine ring and its use in the asymmetric preparation of α-alkylated ketones with good enantioselectivity. The synthesis of racemic α-alkylated ketones as reference standards for GC chromatography is also reported in this chapter. Chapter 3 details a new approach to chiral α-alkylated ketones using an intermolecular chirality transfer methodology. This approach employs the use of simple non-chiral dimethylhydrazones and their asymmetric alkylation using the chiral diamine ligands, (+)- and (-)-sparteine. The methodology described represents the first example of an asymmetric alkylation of non-chiral azaenolates. Enantiomeric ratios up to 83 : 17 are observed. Chapter 4 introduces the first aldol-Tishchenko reaction of an imine derivative for the preparation of 1,3-aminoalcohol precursors. 1,3-Aminoalcohols can be synthesised via indirect routes involving various permutations of stepwise construction with asymmetric induction. Our approach offers an alternative highly diastereomeric route to the synthesis of this important moiety utilising N-tert-butanesulfinyl imines in an aldol-Tishchenko-type reaction. Chapter 5 details the experimental procedures for all of the above work. Chapter 6 discusses the results of a separate research project undertaken during this PhD. 2-alkyl-quinolin-4-ones and their N-substituted derivatives have several important biological functions such as the role of Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) in quorum sensing. Herein, we report the synthesis of its biological precursor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) and possible isosteres of PQS; the C-3 Cl, Br and I analogues. N-Methylation of the iodide was also feasible and the usefulness of this compound showcased in Pd-catalysed cross-coupling reactions, thus allowing access to a diverse set of biologically important molecules.


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This thesis is split into three sections based on three different areas of research. In the first section, investigations into the α-alkylation of ketones using a novel chiral auxiliary is reported. This chiral auxiliary was synthesised containing a pyrrolidine ring in the chiral arm and was applied in the preparation of α-alkylated ketones which were obtained in up to 92% ee and up to 63% yield over two steps. Both 3-pentanone and propiophenone based ketones were used in the investigation with a variety of both alkyl and benzyl based electrophiles. The novel chiral auxiliary was also successful when applied to Michael and aldol reactions. A diamine precursor en route to the chiral auxiliary was also applied as an organocatalyst in a Michael reaction, with the product obtained in excellent enantioselectivity. In the second section, investigations into potential anti-quorum sensing molecules are reported. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an antibiotic-resistant pathogen that demonstrates cooperative behaviours and communicates using small chemical molecules in a process termed quorum sensing. A variety of C-3 analogues of the quorum sensing molecules used by P. aeruginosa were synthesised. Expanding upon previous research within the group, investigations were carried out into alternative protecting group strategies of 2-heptyl-4-(1H)- quinolone with the aim of improving the yields of products of cross-coupling reactions. In the third section, investigations into fluorination and trifluoromethylation of 2-pyrones, pyridones and quinolones is reported. The incorporation of a fluorine atom or a trifluoromethyl group into a molecule is important in pharmaceutical drug discovery programmes as it can lead to increased lipophilicity and bioavailability, however late-stage incorporation is rarely reported. Both direct fluorination and trifluoromethylation were attempted. Eight trifluoromethylated 2-pyrones, five trifluoromethylated 2-pyridones and a trifluoromethylated 2-quinolone were obtained in a late-stage synthesis from their respective iodinated precursors using methyl fluorosulfonyldifluoroacetate as a trifluoromethylating reagent.


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This thesis describes the optimisation of chemoenzymatic methods in asymmetric synthesis. Modern synthetic organic chemistry has experienced an enormous growth in biocatalytic methodologies; enzymatic transformations and whole cell bioconversions have become generally accepted synthetic tools for asymmetric synthesis. Biocatalysts are exceptional catalysts, combining broad substrate scope with high regio-, enantio- and chemoselectivities enabling the resolution of organic substrates with superb efficiency and selectivity. In this study three biocatalytic applications in enantioselective synthesis were explored and perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the excellent enantioselectivity achieved through optimisation of reaction conditions improving the synthetic utility of the biotransformations. In the first chapter a summary of literature discussing the stereochemical control of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisae) mediated reduction of ketones by the introduction of sulfur moieties is presented, and sets the work of Chapter 2 in context. The focus of the second chapter was the synthesis and biocatalytic resolution of (±)-trans-2-benzenesulfonyl-3-n-butylcyclopentanone. For the first time the practical limitations of this resolution have been addressed providing synthetically useful quantities of enantiopure synthons for application in the total synthesis of both enantiomers of 4-methyloctanoic acid, the aggregation pheromone of the rhinoceros beetles of the genus Oryctes. The unique aspect of this enantioselective synthesis was the overall regio- and enantioselective introduction of the methyl group to the octanoic acid chain. This work is part of an ongoing research programme in our group focussed on baker’s yeast mediated kinetic resolution of 2-keto sulfones. The third chapter describes hydrolase-catalysed kinetic resolutions leading to a series of 3-aryl alkanoic acids. Hydrolysis of the ethyl esters with a series of hydrolases was undertaken to identify biocatalysts that yield the corresponding acids in highly enantioenriched form. Contrary to literature reports where a complete disappearance of efficiency and, accordingly enantioselection, was described upon kinetic resolution of sterically demanding 3-arylalkanoic acids, the highest reported enantiopurities of these acids was achieved (up to >98% ee) in this study through optimisation of reaction conditions. Steric and electronic effects on the efficiency and enantioselectivity of the biocatalytic transformation were also explored. Furthermore, a novel approach to determine the absolute stereochemistry of the enantiopure 3-aryl alkanoic acids was investigated through combination of co-crystallisation and X-ray diffraction linked with chiral HPLC analysis. The fourth chapter was focused on the development of a biocatalytic protocol for the asymmetric Henry reaction. Efficient kinetic resolution in hydrolase-mediated transesterification of cis- and trans- β-nitrocyclohexanol derivatives was achieved. Combination of a base-catalysed intramolecular Henry reaction coupled with the hydrolase-mediated kinetic resolution with the view to selective acetylation of a single stereoisomer was investigated. While dynamic kinetic resolution in the intramolecular Henry was not achieved, significant progress in each of the individual elements was made and significantly the feasibility of this process has been demonstrated. The final chapter contains the full experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data of all compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral HPLC analysis are included in the appendix. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.


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Development of novel synthetic methodology for selective transformation of organic compounds is a central element underpinning organic synthesis with control of chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity a very high priority. Reactions which can be conducted under mild reaction conditions and, ideally in an environmentally attractive manner, are particularly advantageous. The principal objective of this thesis was to explore the synthesis, reactivity and synthetic utility of a series of α,β-thio-β-chloroenones. The stereochemical features of these transformations and the potential of this novel series of compounds in the synthesis of bioactive compounds were of particular interest. In exploring the reactivity of these compounds, the key transformations included nucleophilic additions and Stille cross-coupling at the β-carbon. Chapter 1 reviews the literature relevant to the research conducted, and focuses in particular on the synthesis of β-chloroenones and related unsaturated carbonyl compounds. The synthesis of chalcone compounds from various precursors is also discussed, with particular emphasis on the use of palladium cross-coupling reactions in the preparation of these compounds. The biological activity of chalcones is also summarised in this chapter. The second chapter delineates the stereoselective synthesis of the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones from the corresponding α-thioketones in a multistep reaction cascade initiated by a NCS-mediated chlorination. A range of both alkyl and aryl β-chloroenones were prepared in this work and the oxidation of these compounds to the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfones is also outlined. The electrophilicity of the β-carbon of the enones was examined in nucleophilic addition/substitution reactions with successful access to a variety of synthetically useful novel adducts including acetals and enaminoketones. Investigation of the synthetic potential of the Stille cross-coupling reaction with the novel α-thio-β-chloroenones was explored and provided an efficient route for the synthesis of a novel series of chalcones. Most importantly this new methodology provided a new and synthetically powerful approach for carbon-carbon bond formation at the β-carbon under mild neutral conditions. A preliminary investigation into the use of these β-chloroenones as dienophiles in Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions is also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 also reports the nucleophilic addition of N, O, S and C nucleophiles to previously described β-chloroacrylamides and their corresponding sulfoxide derivatives. This work builds on previous research carried out in this programme and the reactivity of these β-chloroacrylamides at the sulfide and sulfoxide level is compared. Comparison of the reactivity of the β-chloroacrylamides, in nucleophilic substitution and Stille-coupling, with that of the novel β-chloroenones is of interest. Finally, the biological activity of both the β-chloroenones and the β-chloroacrylamides in terms of cytotoxicity is summarised in Chapter 2. The final chapter, Chapter 3, details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.


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Antifungal compounds produced by Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) metabolites can be natural and reliable alternative for reducing fungal infections pre- and post-harvest with a multitude of additional advantages for cereal-base products. Toxigenic and spoilage fungi are responsible for numerous diseases and economic losses. This thesis includes an overview of the impact fungi have on aspects of the cereal food chain. The applicability of LAB in plant protection and cereal industry is discussed in detail. Specific case studies include Fusarium head blight, and the impact of fungi in the malting and baking industry. The impact of Fusarium culmorum infected raw barley on the final malt quality was part of the investigation. In vitro infected barley grains were fully characterized. The study showed that the germinative energy of infected barley grains decreased by 45% and grains accumulated 199 μg.kg-1 of deoxynivalenol (DON). Barley grains were subsequently malted and fully characterized. Fungal biomass increased during all stages of malting. Infected malt accumulated 8-times its DON concentration during malting. Infected malt grains revealed extreme structural changes due to proteolytic, (hemi)-cellulolytic and starch degrading activity of the fungi, this led to increased friability and fragmentation. Infected grains also had higher protease and β-glucanase activities, lower amylase activity, a greater proportion of free amino and soluble nitrogen, and a lower β-glucan content. Malt loss was over 27% higher in infected malt when compared to the control. The protein compositional changes and respective enzymatic activity of infected barley and respective malt were characterized using a wide range of methods. F. culmorum infected barley grains showed an increase in proteolytic activity and protein extractability. Several metabolic proteins decreased and increased at different rates during infection and malting, showing a complex F. culmorum infection interdependence. In vitro F. culmorum infected malt was used to produce lager beer to investigate changes caused by the fungi during the brewing processes and their effect on beer quality attributes. It was found, that the wort containing infected malt had a lower pH, a higher FAN, higher β-glucan and a 45% increase in the purging rate, and led to premature yeast flocculation. The beer produced with infected malt (IB) had also a significantly different amino acid profile. IB flavour characterization revealed a higher concentration of esters, fusel alcohols, fatty acids, ketones, and dimethylsulfide, and in particular, acetaldehyde, when compared to the control. IB had a greater proportion of Strecker aldehydes and Maillard products contributing to an increased beer staling character. IB resulted in a 67% darker colour with a trend to better foam stability. It was also found that 78% of the accumulated mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in the malt was transferred into beer. A LAB cell-freesupernatant (cfs), produced in wort-base substrate, was investigated for its ability to inhibit Fusarium growth during malting. Wort was a suitable substrate for LAB exhibiting antifungal activity. Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM19280 inhibited 104 spores.mL-1 for 7 days, after 120 h of fermentation, while Lactobacillus reuteri R29 inhibited 105 spores.mL-1 for 7 days, after 48 h of fermentation. Both LAB cfs had significant different organic acid profiles. Acid-base antifungal compounds were identified and, phenyllactic, hydroxy-phenyllactic, and benzoic acids were present in higher concentrations when compared to the control. A 3 °P wort substrate inoculated With L. reuteri R29 (cfs) was applied in malting and successfully inhibited Fusarium growth by 23%, and mycotoxin DON by 80%. Malt attributes resulted in highly modified grains, lower pH, higher colouration, and higher extract yield. The implementation of selected LAB producing antifungal compounds can be used successfully in the malting process to reduce mould growth and mycotoxin production.


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The principal objective of this thesis was to investigate the ability of reversible optical O2 sensors to be incorporated into food/beverage packaging systems to continuously monitor O2 levels in a non-destructive manner immediately postpackaging and over time. Residual levels of O2 present in packs can negatively affect product quality and subsequently, product shelf-life, especially for O2-sensitive foods/beverages. Therefore, the ability of O2 sensors to continuously monitor O2 levels present within food/beverage packages was considered commercially relevant in terms of identifying the consequences of residual O2 on product safety and quality over time. Research commenced with the development of a novel range of O2 sensors based on phosphorescent platinum and palladium octaethylporphyrin-ketones (OEPk) in nano-porous high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer supports. Sensors were calibrated over a temperature range of -10°C to +40°C and deemed suitable for food and beverage packaging applications. This sensor technology was used and demonstrated itself effective in determining failures in packaging containment. This was clearly demonstrated in the packaging of cheese string products. The sensor technology was also assessed across a wide range of packaged products; beer, ready-to-eat salad products, bread and convenience-style, muscle-based processed food products. The O2 sensor technology performed extremely well within all packaging systems. The sensor technology adequately detected O2 levels in; beer bottles prior to and following pasteurisation, modified atmosphere (MA) packs of ready-to-eat salad packs as respiration progressed during product storage and MA packs of bread and convenience-style muscle-based products as mycological growth occurred in food packs over time in the presence and absence of ethanol emitters. The use of the technology, in conjunction with standard food quality assessment techniques, showed remarkable usefulness in determining the impact of actual levels of O2 on specific quality attributes. The O2 sensing probe was modified, miniaturised and automated to screen for the determination of total aerobic viable counts (TVC) in several fish species samples. The test showed good correlation with conventional TVC test (ISO:4833:2003), analytical performance and ruggedness with respect to variation of key assay parameters (probe concentration and pipetting volume). Overall, the respirometric fish TVC test was simple to use, possessed a dynamic microbial range (104-107 cfu/g sample), had an accuracy of +/- one log(cfu/g sample) and was rapid. Its ability to assess highly perishable products such as fish for total microbial growth in <12 hr demonstrates commercial potential.


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DOB (4‐bromo‐2,5‐dimethoxyamphetamine) is a newly emerging hallucinogenic amphetamine that sparked serious health warnings in Ireland, following its first seizure back in 2003. Known more commonly as “snowball”, this drug is highly potent and may be used as a substitute to ecstasy (MDMA) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). To date, the work carried out on the impurity profiling of DOB is limited in comparison to amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA. In this work, the impurity profile of 4‐bromo‐2,5‐dimethoxyphenyl‐2‐propanone (4‐Br‐2,5‐P2P) is explored. This ketone is a direct precursor to DOB. Its more versatile non‐bromo analogue, 2,5‐ dimethoxyphenyl‐2‐propanone (2,5‐P2P) is also examined, as in addition to DOB, it may be used in the synthesis of a range of several other hallucinogenic amphetamines. A number of different routes to both 2,5‐P2P and 4‐Br‐2,5‐P2P were investigated. For each of these routes, the impurities produced were carefully isolated. Following isolation, the impurities were fully characterised (by 1H‐NMR/13C‐NMR spectroscopy, IR, MS), in order to aid structure elucidation. Compounds not easily resolved by flash column chromatography were analysed by LC‐MS and/or independently synthesised for the purpose of attaining reference standards. Adaptation of the well‐known ‘phenylacetic acid route’ to synthesis of both 2,5‐P2P and 4‐Br‐2,5‐P2P, was found to provide low yields of the expected ketone products. Four impurities were isolated during the preparation of both ketones. The yield of one of these impurities (possessing a dibenzylketone core), was greatly influenced by the amount of acetic anhydride reagent used during the reaction. Having carried out the reaction with several different equivalents of acetic anhydride, it was found that formation of the ‘dibenzylketone’ could not be eliminated. This may increase its likelihood of being detected in the final drug product. The ‘Darzens route’, having very recently emerged as a synthetic route to amphetamine and MDMA precursors, was discovered to be a viable route for manufacture of 2,5‐P2P and 4‐Br‐2,5‐P2P. Despite execution of the reaction being more tedious, the route provides superior yields (≈50–60%) to those achieved using the ‘phenylacetic acid route’ (≈35–38%). Incorporation of a bromine atom (at the aromatic 4‐position) is required at some stage during synthesis of DOB. The bromination of many intermediates/starting materials was therefore also examined in detail. Bromination of the acid starting material 2,5‐dimethoxyphenylacetic acid (2,5‐PAA) was found to be clean and high yielding. This was in stark contrast to the bromination of the benzaldehyde starting material, the ketone precursor 2,5‐P2P and the dibenzylketone‐based impurity. Numerous brominated products were isolated from each of these reactions, many of which were novel compounds, and previously unreported as impurities in the literature. The unpredictable/nondescript nature of these brominations is likely to have a significant impact on the impurity profile of illicitly produced DOB.