6 resultados para IN-VARIABLES MODELS

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Seaweeds contain a range of antioxidant compounds such as polyphenols, carotenoids, sulphated polysaccharides and vitamins and have the potential to be used as ingredients in neutraceuticals. The antioxidant activity of crude 60% methanol extracts prepared from five Irish seaweeds, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria hyperborea, Pelvetia canaliculata, Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus were examined using in-vitro assays and a cell model system to determine the antioxidant activity of the extracts and their ability to protect against H2O2 and tert-BOOH-induced DNA damage and alterations in cellular antioxidant status in the human adenocarcinoma, Caco-2 cell line. To optimise the extraction of antioxidant compounds from seaweeds, an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE®) was used in combination with food grade solvents. The antioxidant activity of these extracts against H2O2 and tert-BOOH-induced DNA damage and alterations in cellular antioxidant status was also assessed. Extracts that exhibited the highest antioxidant activity, A. nodosum (100% water and 80% ethanol extracts) and F. vesiculosus (60% ethanol extract) were selected as ingredients for incorporation into fluid milk and yogurt at concentrations of 0.25% and 0.5%. The addition of the seaweed extracts to milk and yogurt did not affect the pH or shelf-life properties of the products. Seaweed addition did however significantly influence the colour properties of the milk and yogurt. Yellowness values were significantly higher in yogurts containing F. vesiculosus at both concentrations and A. nodosum (80% ethanol) at the 0.5% concentration. In milk, the F. vesiculosus (60% ethanol) and A. nodosum (80% ethanol) at both the 0.25% and the 0.5% concentrations had higher greenness and yellowness values than the milk containing A. nodosum (100% water). Sensory analysis revealed that appearance and flavour governed the overall acceptability of yogurts with the control yogurt, and yogurts containing A. nodosum (100% water) were the most preferred samples by panellists. However, in the milk trial the perception of a fishy taste was the determining factor in the negative perception of milk. The unsupplemented control and the milk containing A. nodosum (100% water) at a concentration of 0.5% were the most overall accepted milk samples by the sensory panellists. The antioxidant activity of the extracts in milk and yogurt remained stable during storage as determined by the in-vitro assays. Seaweed supplemented milk and yogurt were also subjected to an in-vitro digestion procedure which mimics the human digestive system. The milk and yogurt samples and their digestates were added to Caco-2 cells to investigate their antioxidant potential however neither the undigested or digested samples protected against H2O2-induced DNA damage in Caco-2 cells.


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Growth/differentiation factor 5 (GDF5) and glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are neurotrophic factors that promote the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo. Both factors have potent neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects in rat models of Parkinson's disease (PD), and may represent promising new therapies for PD. The aim of the present study was to investigate the endogenous expression and function of GDF5 and GDNF in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system during development and in rat models of PD. Examination of the temporal expression patterns of endogenous GDF5, GDNF, and their respective receptors, in the developing and adult nigrostriatal dopaminergic system suggest that these factors play important roles in promoting the survival and maturation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons during the period of postnatal programmed cell death. The relative levels of GDF5 and GDNF mRNAs in the midbrain and striatum, and their individual temporal expression patterns during development, suggest that their modes of actions are quite distinct in vivo. Furthermore, the sustained expression of GDF5, GDNF, and their receptors into adulthood suggest roles for these factors in the continued support and maintenance of mature nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. The present study found that endogenous GDF5, GDNF, and their receptors are differentially expressed in two 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesion adult rat models of PD. In both terminal and axonal lesion models of PD, GDF5 mRNA levels in the striatum increased at 10 days post-lesion, while GDNF mRNA levels in the nigrostriatal system decreased at 10 and 28 days post-lesion. Thus, despite the fact that exogenous GDF5 and GDNF have similar effects on midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo, their endogenous responses to a neurotoxic injury are quite distinct. These results highlight the importance of studying the temporal dynamic changes in neurotrophic factor expression during development and in animal models of PD.


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Growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, a family of proteins that play diverse roles in many aspects of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. GDF-5 has also been shown to be a trophic factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Krieglstein et al. 1995) and after transplantation to adult rats in vivo (Sullivan et al. 1998). GDF-5 has also been shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (Sullivan et al. 1997, 1999; Hurley et al. 2004). This experimental evidence has lead to GDF-5 being proposed as a neurotrophic factor with potential for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However, it is not know if GDF-5 is expressed in the brain and whether it plays a role in dopaminergic neuron development. The experiments presented here aim to address these questions. To that end this thesis is divided into five separate studies each addressing a particular question associated with GDF-5 and its expression patterns and roles during the development of the rat midbrain. Expression of the GDF-5 in the developing rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) was found to begin at E12 and peak on E14, the day that dopaminergic neurons undergo terminal differentiation. In the adult rat, GDF-5 was found to be restricted to heart and brain, being expressed in many areas of the brain, including striatum and midbrain. This indicated a role for GDF-5 in the development and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. The appropriate receptors for GDF-5 (BMPR-II and BMPR-Ib) were found to be expressed at high levels in the rat VM at E14 and BMPR-II expression was demonstrated on dopaminergic neurons in the E13 mouse VM. GDF-5 resulted in a three-fold increase in the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in cultures of E14 rat VM, without affecting the numbers of neurones or total cells. GDF-5 was found to increase the proportion of neurons that were dopaminergic. The numbers of Nurr1-positive cells were not affected by GDF-5 treatment, but GDF-5 did increase the numbers of Nurr1- positive cells that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Taken together this data indicated that GDF-5 increases the conversion of Nurr1-positive, TH-negative cells to Nurr1-positive, TH-positive cells. In GDF-5 treated cultures, total neurite length, neurite arborisation and somal area of dopaminergic were all significantly increased compared to control cultures. Thus this study showed that GDF-5 increased the numbers and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro. In order to examine if GDF-5 could induce a dopaminergic phenotype in neural progenitor cells, neurosphere cultures prepared from embryonic rat VM were established. The effect of the gestational age of the donor VM on the proportion of cell types generated from neurospheres from E12, E13 and E14 VM was examined. Dopaminergic neurons could only be generated from neurospheres which were prepared from E12 VM. Thus in subsequent studies the effect of GDF-5 on dopaminergic induction was examined in progentior cell cultures prepared from the E12 rat VM. In primary cultures of E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the numbers of TH-positive cells without affecting the proliferation or survival of these cells. In cultures of expanded neural progenitor cells from the E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the expression of Nurr1 and TH, an action that was dependent on signalling through the BMPR-Ib receptor. Taken together, these experiments provide evidence that GDF-5 is expressed in the developing rat VM, is involved in both the induction of a dopaminergic phenotype in cells of the VM and in the subsequent morphological development of these dopaminergic neurons


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Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is the most common form of acute leukaemia in adults. Its treatment has remained largely unchanged for the past 30 years. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) represents a tremendous success story in the era of targeted therapy but significant challenges remain including the development of drug resistance and disease persistence due to presence of CML stem cells. The Aurora family of kinases is essential for cell cycle regulation and their aberrant expression in cancer prompted the development of small molecules that selectively inhibit their activity. Chapter 2 of this thesis outlines the efficacy and mechanism of action of alisertib, a novel inhibitor of Aurora A kinase, in preclinical models of CML. Alisertib possessed equipotent activity against CML cells expressing unmutated and mutated forms of BCR-ABL. Notably, this agent retained high activity against the T315I and E255K BCR-ABL mutations, which confer the greatest degree of resistance to standard CML therapy. Chapter 3 explores the activity of alisertib in preclinical models of AML. Alisertib disrupted cell viability, diminished clonogenic survival, induced expression of the forkhead box O3 (FOXO3a) targets p27 and BCL-2 interacting mediator (BIM), and triggered apoptosis. A link between Aurora A expression and sensitivity to ara-C was established. Chapter 4 outlines the role of the proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein (PIM) kinases in resistance to ara-C in AML. We report that the novel small molecule PIM kinase inhibitor SGI-1776 disrupted cell viability and induced apoptosis in AML. We establish a link between ara-C resistance and PIM over-expression. Finally, chapter 5 explores how the preclinical work outlined in this thesis may be translated into clinical studies that may lead to novel therapeutic approaches for patients with refractory myeloid leukaemia.


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Neurogenesis occurs in two distinct regions of the adult brain; the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG) in the hippocampus, and the subventricular zone (SVZ) lining the lateral ventricles. It is now well-known that adult hippocampal neurogenesis can be modulated by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors e.g. local signalling molecules, exercise, environmental enrichment and learning. Moreover, levels of adult hippocampal neurogenesis decrease with age, at least in rodents, and alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis have been reported in animal models and human studies of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions. Neuroinflammation is a common pathological feature of these conditions and is also a potent modulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Recently, the orphan nuclear receptor TLX has been identified as an important regulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis as its expression is necessary to maintain the neural precursor cell (NPC) pool in the adult DG. Likewise, exposure of animals to voluntary exercise has been consistently demonstrated to promote adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Lentivirus (LV)- mediated gene transfer is a useful tool to elucidate gene function and to explore potential therapeutic candidates across an array of conditions as it facilitates sustained gene expression in both dividing and post-mitotic cell populations. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are important regulators of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Examining how these factors are affected by an inflammatory stimulus, and the subsequent effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis provides important information for the development of novel treatment strategies for neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions in which adult hippocampal neurogenesis is impaired. The aims of the series of experiments presented in this thesis were to examine the effect of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) on adult hippocampal NPCs both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, we have shown that IL-1β reduces proliferation of adult hippocampal NPCs in a dose and time-dependent manner. In addition, we have demonstrated that TLX expression is reduced by IL-1β. Blockade of IL-1β signalling prevented both the IL-1β-induced reduction in cell proliferation and TLX expression. In vivo, we examined the effect of short term and long term exposure to LV-IL-1β in sedentary mice and in mice exposed to voluntary running. We demonstrated that impaired hippocampal neurogenesis is only evident after long term exposure to IL-1β. In mice exposed to voluntary running, hippocampal neurogenesis is significantly increased following short-term but not long-term exposure to running. Moreover, short-term running effectively prevents any IL-1β-induced effects on hippocampal neurogenesis; however, no such effects are seen following long-term exposure to running.


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Visceral pain is a debilitating disorder which affects up to 25% of the population at any one time. It is a global term used to describe pain originating from the internal organs, which is distinct from somatic pain. Currently the treatment strategies are unsatisfactory, with development of novel therapeutics hindered by a lack of detailed knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. The work presented in this thesis aimed to redress this issue and look in more detail at the molecular mechanisms of visceral pain in preclinical models. Stress has long been implicated in the pathophysiology of visceral pain in both preclinical and clinical studies. Here a mouse model of early-life stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity was validated. Moreover, mouse strain differences were also apparent in visceral sensitivity suggesting a possible genetic component to the underlying pathophysiology. Furthermore, gender and sex hormones were also implicated in stress sensitivity and visceral pain. Using the rat model of maternal separation, some of the epigenetic mechanisms underpinning visceral hypersensitivity, specifically the contribution of histone acetylation were unravelled. Glutamate has been well established in somatic pain processing, however, its contribution to visceral pain has not been extensively characterised. It was found that glutamate uptake is impaired in viscerally hypersensitive animals, an effect which could be reversed by treatment with riluzole, a glutamate uptake activator. Moreover, negative modulation of the metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptor 7 was sufficient to reverse visceral hypersensitivity in a stress sensitive rat strain, the Wistar Kyoto rat. Furthermore, toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) was implicated in chronic stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Taken together, these findings have furthered our knowledge of the pathophysiology of visceral pain. In addition, we have identified glutamate transporters, mGlu7 receptor, histone acetylation and TLR4 as novel targets, amenable to pharmacological manipulation for the specific treatment of visceral pain.