3 resultados para Hatching synchronicity
em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland
Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) cause significant damage to the potato crop worldwide and growers experience economic losses related to yield loss and the cost of control measures. Experiments were set up to further elucidate the complex tritrophic PCNpotato-soil bacteria relationship. Bacterial strains isolated from the sugar beet rhizosphere were shown to be hatch active towards Globodera pallida and to be capable of successfully colonising the sugar beet rhizosphere when applied exogenously. A trap-crop system, based on these isolates, was proposed. Ridge and bulk soil taken from a commercial potato field were incubated with sterile potato root leachate (sPRL) and subsequent in vitro hatching assays showed that PCN hatch was influenced by microorganisms present in the ridge, but not in the bulk soil. Community level physiological profiling (CLPP) of ridge and bulk soil, using BIOLOG EcoplatesTM, demonstrated differences in bacterial functional diversity between the two soil types. An investigation of the inter-species competition between G. pallida and G. rostochiensis showed that G. pallida performed significantly better, in terms of multiplication rate, in competition with G. rostochiensis compared to its multiplication rate in single-species populations. Effectively removing the early hatch of G. rostochiensis in pot trials led to the removal of this competitive advantage of G. pallida suggesting that this advantage was due, at least in part, to morphological changes to the root caused by the early hatching of G. rostochiensis.
The two potato cyst nematode species, Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis, are among the most important pests of potato. PCN are difficult to manage, while the two species respond differently to the main control methods. An increase in the incidence of G. pallida had been reported and is generally attributed to greater effectiveness of control measures against G. rostochiensis. The status of PCN in Ireland was studied using PCR. The results demonstrated qPCR to be an efficient means of high-throughput PCN sampling, being able to accurately identify both species in mixed-species populations. Species discrimination using qPCR revealed an increase in the incidence of G. pallida in Ireland in the absence of G. pallida-selective control measures. The population dynamics of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis in Ireland were studied in mixed- and single-species competition assays in vivo. G. pallida proved to be the more successful species, with greater multiplication in mixed- than single-species populations, with G. rostochiensis showing the opposite. This effect was similarly observed in staggered inoculation trials and population proportion trials. It was hypothesised that the greater G. pallida competitiveness could be attributed to its later hatch. G. pallida exhibited a later peak in hatching activity and more prolonged hatch, relative to G. rostochiensis. G. rostochiensis hatch was significantly reduced in mixedspecies hatching assays. G. pallida hatch was significantly higher when hatch was induced in potato root leachates containing G. rostochiensis-specific compounds, indicating that G. pallida hatch is stimulated upon perception of G. rostochiensis–derived compounds. Rhizotron studies revealed that root damage, caused by feeding of the early-hatching G. rostochiensis, resulted in increased lateral root proliferation and significantly increased G. pallida multiplication. Split-root trials indicated a significant G. pallida-induced ISR effect. G. rostochiensis multiplication was significantly reduced in split-root rhizotrons when G. pallida colonised roots before or after G. rostochiensis infection.
Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) are native to the remote oceanic islands of Bermuda and presently inhabit only four small brackish water ponds on a private golf course. The life history of this species is poorly understood on Bermuda and so the aim of this study was to fill these knowledge gaps, to compare the results with what is known from other areas in the North American range, and to inform the development of a local management plan. The results of a mark-recapture census revealed that ca. 100 individuals ≥81 mm straight carapace length live on Bermuda, of which nearly half (48.5%) were considered sexually mature. The population is dominated by females (sex ratio 2.9:1) and annual recruitment over the three year period was found to be extremely low (approximately two terrapins). Female diamondback terrapins in Bermuda nest almost exclusively within a limited number of sand bunkers on the golf course. Nesting commenced in late March or early April and ended in late August. Peak oviposition was observed in May and June. Clutch size averaged 5.1 eggs (range 0-10; SD 2.4) and the incubation period averaged 61.8 days (range 49-83; SD 10.5). Delayed emergence was documented, with 43.8% of the hatchlings remaining in their natal nests over the winter months. The mean annual hatching success rate was determined to be 19% (range 17.6-21; SD 1.9). Radio-telemetry was used to investigate the movements and survivorship of postemergent hatchling diamondback terrapins. The results indicated that mangrove swamps and grass-dominated marshes adjacent to the ponds are important developmental habitats for hatchlings. Yellow-crowned night herons (Nyctanassa violacea) were found to be significant predators of small terrapins during spring emergence. Small aquatic gastropods comprised 66.7% of the faecal samples analysed from the Bermudian population. Scavenged fish and vertebrate animal remains, terrestrial arthropods, polychaete worms and bivalves were consumed in lesser amounts. Sediment from the pond environment was found in 74% of the faecal samples analysed and is believed to have been incidentally ingested while foraging for the small benthic gastropods. Eco-toxicological analyses of the pond sediment, prey and terrapin eggs showed that the Bermudian diamondback terrapins live and feed in wetland habitats characterised by chronic, multifactorial contamination; principally total petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and a variety of heavy metals. This study found that some of those contaminants are accumulating in the gastropod prey as well as being transferred to terrapin eggs. This may be reducing the incidence of successful embryonic development for this species in Bermuda and may likely contribute to the observed low hatching rates. These collective findings indicate that the Bermudian population is very vulnerable to local extirpation.