7 resultados para Harmful ellements

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The composition of equine milk differs considerably from that of the milk of the principal dairying species, i.e., the cow, buffalo, goat and sheep. Because equine milk resembles human milk in many respects and is claimed to have special therapeutic properties, it is becoming increasingly popular in Western Europe, where it is produced on large farms in several countries. Equine milk is considered to be highly digestible, rich in essential nutrients and to possess an optimum whey protein:casein ratio, making it very suitable as a substitute for bovine milk in paediatric dietetics. There is some scientific basis for the special nutritional and health-giving properties of equine milk but this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the composition and physico-chemical properties of equine milk which is required to fully exploit its potential in human nutrition. Quantification and distribution of the nitrogenous components and principal salts of equine milk are reported. The effects of the high concentration of ionic calcium, large casein micelles (~ 260 nm), low protein, lack of a sulphydryl group in equine β-lactoglobulin and a very low level of κ-casein on the physico-chemical properties of equine milk are reported. This thesis provides an insight into the stability of equine casein micelles to heat, ethanol, high pressure, rennet or acid. Differences in rennet- and acid-induced coagulation between equine and bovine milk are attributed not only to the low casein content of equine milk but also to differences in the mechanism by which the respective micelles are stabilized. It has been reported that β-casein plays a role in the stabilization of equine casein micelles and proteomic techniques support this view. In this study, equine κ-casein appeared to be resistant to hydrolysis by calf chymosin but equine β-casein was readily hydrolysed. Resolution of equine milk proteins by urea-PAGE showed the multi-phosphorylated isoforms of equine αs- and β-caseins and capillary zone electrophoresis showed 3 to 7 phosphorylated residues in equine β-casein. In vitro digestion of equine β-casein by pepsin and Corolase PP™ did not produce casomorphins BCM-5 or BCM-7, believed to be harmful to human health. Electron microscopy provided very clear, detailed images of equine casein micelles in their native state and when renneted or acidified. Equine milk formed flocs rather then a gel when renneted or acidified which is supported by dynamic oscillatory analysis. The results presented in this thesis will assist in the development of new products from equine milk for human consumption which will retain some of its unique compositional and health-giving properties.


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A small proportion of harmful algae produce toxins which are harmful to human health. Strict monitoring programmes are in place within Ireland and the EU to effectively manage risk to human consumers of shellfish species that have accumulated marine biotoxins in their tissues. However, little is known about the impacts of HABs on shellfish health. This study used Solid Phase Adsorption and Toxin Tracking (SPATT) for the passive sampling of algal biotoxins at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve in West Cork, Ireland. Spatial and temporal monitoring of the incidence of a wide range of lipophilic toxins was assessed over a 4-month period. Active sampling accumulated sufficient quantities of toxin for use in subsequent experimentation. In addition to commonly occurring Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) toxins, Dinophysis toxin-1 and Pinnatoxin-G were both detected in the samples. This is the first identification of these latter two toxins in Irish waters. The effects of the DSP toxin okadaic acid (OA) were investigated on three shellfish species: Mytilus edulis, Ruditapes philippinarum and Crassostrea gigas. Histological examination of the gill, mantle and hepatopancreas tissues revealed varying intensity of damage depending both on the tissue type and the species involved. At the cellular level, flow cytometric analysis of the differential cell population distribution was assessed. No change in cell population distribution was observed in Mytilus edulis or Ruditapes philippinarum, however significant changes were observed in Crassostrea gigas granulocytes at the lower levels of toxin exposure. This indicated a chemically-induced response to OA. DNA fragmentation was measured in the haemolymph and hepatopancreas cells post OA-exposure in Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. A significant increase in DNA fragmentation was observed in both species over time, even at the lowest OA concentrations. DNA fragmentation could be due to genotoxicity of OA and/or to the induction of cell apoptosis.


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It has become clear that inflammation is beneficial to man, there are situations though that the inflammatory response causes damage to the host that is harmful to health. When the inflammatory response fails or is too strong, the health of the host is damaged and disease can occur. The implication of intestinal disease caused by an ineffective immune response is of great social and economic burden to society. The overarching purpose of this thesis is to assess inflammatory signalling targets associated with immune mediated disorders such as IBD, IBS and inflammatory liver disease. By assessing these targets and modifying their function I hope to contribute and expand further the pre-existing information on these disorders and improve the therapeutic interventions available in these debilitating conditions. I will assess the role of inflammation in disorders of the GI tract and liver IBD, IBS, hepatic inflammatory injury and furthermore, I will use pharmaceutical agents to activate and suppress components of the immune system. I will examine the inflammatory response in experimental models of disease for IBD and liver injury, I will attempt to alter these pathways using pharmaceutical intervention to delineate the disease causing mechanism that may lead to clinically relevant therapeutic interventions. In regards to IBS, I will attempt to improve the existing knowledge that exists in relation to the pathogenesis of this functional bowel disorder. I will attempt to define a mechanism by which the low grade mucosal inflammation that has been demonstrated by others arises and what this inflammation is induced by. The overall aim of this thesis is to attempt to further understand the mechanisms behind GI and liver disease. Looking at the inflammatory response in these specific conditions and how they can be altered may lead to exciting new therapies for inflammatory conditions in the gastrointestinal tract.


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This thesis investigates the optimisation of Coarse-Fine (CF) spectrum sensing architectures under a distribution of SNRs for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA). Three different detector architectures are investigated: the Coarse-Sorting Fine Detector (CSFD), the Coarse-Deciding Fine Detector (CDFD) and the Hybrid Coarse-Fine Detector (HCFD). To date, the majority of the work on coarse-fine spectrum sensing for cognitive radio has focused on a single value for the SNR. This approach overlooks the key advantage that CF sensing has to offer, namely that high powered signals can be easily detected without extra signal processing. By considering a range of SNR values, the detector can be optimised more effectively and greater performance gains realised. This work considers the optimisation of CF spectrum sensing schemes where the security and performance are treated separately. Instead of optimising system performance at a single, constant, low SNR value, the system instead is optimised for the average operating conditions. The security is still provided such that at the low SNR values the safety specifications are met. By decoupling the security and performance, the system’s average performance increases whilst maintaining the protection of licensed users from harmful interference. The different architectures considered in this thesis are investigated in theory, simulation and physical implementation to provide a complete overview of the performance of each system. This thesis provides a method for estimating SNR distributions which is quick, accurate and relatively low cost. The CSFD is modelled and the characteristic equations are found for the CDFD scheme. The HCFD is introduced and optimisation schemes for all three architectures are proposed. Finally, using the Implementing Radio In Software (IRIS) test-bed to confirm simulation results, CF spectrum sensing is shown to be significantly quicker than naive methods, whilst still meeting the required interference probability rates and not requiring substantial receiver complexity increases.


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The present study investigated the genotoxic potential of the marine biotoxins okadaic acid (OA) and azaspiracids (AZAs). Harmful algae blooms (HABs) are an increasing global problem with implications for the ecosystem, economy and human health. Most data available on human intoxication are based on acute toxicity. To date, limited data has been published on possible long term effects, carcinogenicity and genotoxicity. To investigate genotoxicity in the present study, DNA fragmentation was detected using the COMET assay. In contrast to most other available studies, two further endpoints were included. The Trypan Blue Exclusion assay was used to provide information on possible cytotoxicity and assess the right concentration range. Flow cytometer analysis was included to detect the possible involvement of apoptotic processes. In house background data for all endpoints were established using positive controls. Three different cell lines, Jurkat T cells, CaCo-2 cells and HepG-2 cells, representing the main target organs, were exposed to OA and AZA1-3 at different concentrations and exposure times. Data obtained from the COMET assay showed an increase in DNA fragmentation for all phycotoxins, indicating a modest genotoxic effect. However, the data obtained from the Trypan Blue Exclusion assay showed a clear reduction in cell viability and cell number, indicating the involvement of cytotoxic and/or apoptotic processes. This is supported by data obtained by flow cytometer analysis. All phycotoxins investigated showed signs of early/late apoptosis. Therefore, the combined observations made in the present study indicate that OA and AZA1-3 are not genotoxic per se. Apoptotic processes appear to make a major contribution to the observed DNA fragmentation. The information obtained in this study stresses the importance of inclusion of additional endpoints and appropriate positive controls in genotoxicity studies. Furthermore, these data can assist in future considerations on risk assessment, especially regarding repeated exposure and exposure at sub-clinical doses.


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Through the recognition of potentially harmful stimuli, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) initiate the innate immune response and induce the expression of hundreds of immune and pro-inflammatory genes. TLRs are critical in mounting a defence against invading pathogens however, strict control of TLR signalling is vital to prevent host damage from excessive or prolonged immune activation. In this thesis the role of the IκB protein Bcl (B-cell lymphoma)-3 in the regulation of TLR signalling is investigated. Bcl3-/- mice and cells are hyper responsive to TLR stimulation and are defective in LPS tolerance. Bcl-3 interacts with and blocks the ubiquitination of homodimers of the NF-κB subunit, p50. Through stabilisation of inhibitory p50 homodimers, Bcl-3 negatively regulates NF-κB dependent inflammatory gene transcription following TLR activation. Firstly, we investigated the nature of the interaction between Bcl-3 and p50 and using peptide array technology. Key amino acids required for the formation of the p50:Bcl-3 immunosuppressor complex were identified. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that interaction between Bcl-3 and p50 is necessary and sufficient for the anti-inflammatory properties of Bcl-3. Using the data generated from peptide array analysis we then generated cell permeable peptides designed to mimic Bcl-3 function and stabilise p50 homodimers. These Bcl-3 derived peptides are potent inhibitors of NF-κB dependent transcription activity in vitro and provide a solid basis for the development of novel gene-specific approaches in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Secondly, we demonstrate that Bcl-3 mediated regulation of TLR signalling is not limited to NF-κB and identify the MAK3K Tumour Progression Locus (Tpl)-2 as a new binding partner of Bcl-3. Our data establishes role for Bcl-3 as a negative regulator of the MAPK-ERK pathway.


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Background: On-going surveillance of behaviours during pregnancy is an important but overlooked population health activity that is particularly lacking in Ireland. Few, if any, nationally representative estimates of most maternal behaviours and experiences are available. While on-going surveillance of maternal behaviours has not been a priority thus far in European countries including Ireland, on-going surveillance was identified as a key priority in the United States (US) during the 1980’s when the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), was established. Today, PRAMS is the only surveillance programme of maternal behaviours and experiences world-wide. Although on-going prevalence estimates are required in Ireland, studies which examine the offspring health effects of maternal behaviours are also required, since various questions regarding maternal exposures and their offspring health effects remain unanswered. Gestational alcohol consumption is one such important maternal exposure which is common in pregnancy, though its offspring health effects are unclear, particularly at lower or moderate levels. Thus, guidelines internationally have not reached consensus on safe alcohol recommendations for pregnant women. The aims of this thesis are to implement the PRAMS in Ireland (PRAMS Ireland), to describe the prevalence of health behaviours around the time of pregnancy in Ireland and to examine the effect of health behaviours on pregnancy and child outcomes (specifically the relationship between alcohol use during pregnancy and infant and child growth). Structure: In Chapter 1, a brief background and rationale for the work, as well as the thesis aims and objective is provided. A detailed description of the design and implementation of PRAMS Ireland is described in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 describe the methodological results of the implementation of the PRAMS Ireland pilot study and PRAMS Ireland main study. In Chapter 5, a comparison of alcohol prevalence in two Irish studies (PRAMS Ireland and Growing up in Ireland (GUI)) and one multi-centre prospective cohort study, Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) Study is detailed. Chapter 6 describes findings on adherence to National Clinical Guidelines on health behaviours and nutrition around the time of pregnancy in PRAMS Ireland. Findings on exposure to alcohol use in pregnancy and infant growth outcomes are described in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8. The results of analysis conducted to examine the impact of gestational alcohol use on offspring growth trajectories to age ten are described in Chapter 9. Finally, a discussion of the findings, strengths and limitations of the thesis, direction for future research, policy, practice and public health implications are discussed in Chapter 10.Results: Implementation of PRAMS: PRAMS may be an effective system for the surveillance of health behaviours around the time of pregnancy in the Irish context. PRAMS Ireland had high response rates (67% and 61% response rates in the pilot and main study respectively), high item completion rates and valid prevalence estimates for many health behaviours. Examining prevalence of health behaviours: We found high levels of alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy, poor adherence to healthy diets and high levels of smoking before and during pregnancy among women in Ireland. Socially disadvantaged women had higher rates of deleterious health behaviours before pregnancy, although women with the most deleterious behaviour profiles before pregnancy appeared to experience the greatest gain in protective health behaviours during pregnancy. The impact of alcohol use on infant and offspring growth: We found that low and moderate levels of alcohol use did not impact on birth outcomes or offspring growth whereas heavy alcohol consumption resulted in reduced birth length and birth weight; however, this finding was not consistently observed across all studies. Selection, reporting and confounding biases which are common in observational research could be masking harmful effects. Conclusion: PRAMS is a valid and feasible method of surveillance of health behaviours around the time of pregnancy in Ireland. A surveillance program of maternal behaviours and experiences is immediately warranted due to high levels of deleterious health behaviours around the time of pregnancy in Ireland. Although our results do not indicate any evidence of harm, given the quality of evidence available, abstinence and advice of abstinence from alcohol may be the most prudent choice for patients and healthcare professionals respectively. Further studies of the effects of gestational alcohol use are required; particularly those which can reduce selection bias, reporting bias and confounding.