8 resultados para Foley

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Cream liqueurs manufactured by a one-step process, where alcohol was added before homogenisation, were more stable than those processed by a two -step process which involved addition of alcohol after homogenisation. Using the one-step process, it was possible to produce creaming-stable liqueurs by using one pass through a homogeniser (27.6 MPa) equipped with "liquid whirl" valves. Test procedures to characterise cream liqueurs and to predict shelf life were studied in detail. A turbidity test proved simple, rapid and sensitive for characterising particle size and homogenisation efficiency. Prediction of age thickening/gelation in cream liqueurs during incubation at 45 °C depended on the age of the sample when incubated. Samples that gelled at 45 °C may not do so at ambient temperature. Commercial cream liqueurs were similar in gross chemical composition, and unlike experimentally produced liqueurs, these did not exhibit either age-gelation at ambient or elevated temperatures. Solutions of commercial sodium caseinates from different sources varied in their calcium sensitivity. When incorporated into cream liqueurs, caseinates influenced the rate of viscosity increase, coalescence and, possibly, gelation during incubated storage. Mild heat and alcohol treatment modified the properties of caseinate used to stabilise non-alcoholic emulsions, while the presence of alcohol in emulsions was important in preventing clustering of globules. The response to added trisodium citrate varied. In many cases, addition of the recommended level (0.18%) did not prevent gelation. Addition of small amounts of NaOH with 0.18 % trisodium citrate before homogenisation was beneficial. The stage at which citrate was added during processing was critical to the degree of viscosity increase (as opposed to gelation) in the product during 45 °C incubation. The component responsible for age-gelation was present in the milk-solids non fat portion of the cream and variations in the creams used were important in the age-gelation phenomenon Results indicated that, in addition to possibly Ca++, the micellar casein portion of serum may play a role in gelation. The role of the low molecular weight surfactants, sodium stearoyl lactylate and monodiglycerides in preventing gelation, was influenced by the presence of trisodium citrate. Clustering of fat globules and age-gelation were inhibited when 0.18 % citrate was included. Inclusion of sodium stearoyl lactylate, but not monodiglycerides, reduced the extent of viscosity increase at 45 °C in citrate containing liqueurs.


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Increased plasmin and plasminogen levels and elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) and polymorphonuclear leucocyte levels (PMN) were evident in late lactation milk. Compositional changes in these milks were associated with increased SCC. The quality of late lactation milks was related to nutritional status of herds, with milks from herds on a high plane of nutrition having composition and clotting properties similar to, or superior to, early-mid lactation milks. Nutritionally-deficient cows had elevated numbers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) in their milk, elevated plasmin levels and increased overall proteolytic activity. The dominant effect of plasmin on proteolysis in milks of low SCC was established. When present in elevated numbers, somatic cells and PMNs in particular had a more significant influence on the proteolysis of both raw and pasteurised milks than plasmin. PMN protease action on the caseins showed proteolysis products of two specific enzymes, cathepsin B and elastase, which were also shown in high SCC milk. Crude extracts of somatic cells had a high specificity on αs1-casein. Cheeses made from late lactation milks had increased breakdown of αs1-casein, suggestive of the action of somatic cell proteinases, which may be linked to textural defects in cheese. Late lactation cheeses also showed decreased production of small peptides and amino acids, the reason for which is unknown. Plasmin, which is elevated in activity in late lactation milk, accelerated the ripening of Gouda-type cheese, but was not associated with defects of texture or flavour. The retention of somatic cell enzymes in cheese curd was confirmed, and a potential role in production of bitter peptides identified. Cheeses made from milks containing high levels of PMNs had accelerated αs1-casein breakdown relative to cheeses made from low PMN milk of the same total SCC, consistent with the demonstrated action of PMN proteinases. The two types of cheese were determined significantly different by blind triangle testing.


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Actinins are cytoskeleton proteins that cross-link actin filaments. Evolution of the actinin family resulted in the formation of Ca++-insensitive muscle isoforms (actinin-2 and- 3) and Ca++-sensitive non-muscle isoforms (actinin-1 and -4) with regard to their actin-binding function. Despite high sequence similarity, unique properties have been ascribed to actinin-4 compared with actinin-1. Actinin-4 is the predominant isoform reported to be associated with the cancer phenotype. Actinin-4, but not actinin-1, is essential for normal glomerular function in the kidney and and is able to translocate to the nucleus to regulate transcription. To understand the molecular basis for such isoform-specific functions I have comprehensively compared these proteins in terms of localisation, migration, alternative splicing, actin-binding properties, heterodimer formation and molecular interactions for the first time. This work characterises a number of commercially available actinin antibodies and in doing so, identifies actinin-1, -2 and -4 isoform-specific antibodies that enabled studies of actinin expression and localisation. This work identifies the actinin rod domain as the predominant domain that influences actinin localisation however localisation is likely to be effected by the entire actinin protein. si-RNA- mediated knockdown of actinin-1 and -4 did not affect migration in a number of cell lines highlighting that migration may only require a fraction of total non-muscle actinin levels. This work finds that the Ca++-insensitive variant of actinin-4 is expressed only in the nervous system and thus cannot be regarded as a smooth muscle isoform, as is the case for the Ca++-insensitive variant of actinin-1. This work also identifies a previously unreported exon 19a+19b expressing variant of actinin-4 in human skeletal muscle. This work finds that alternative splice variants of actinin-1 and -4 are co-expressed in a number of tissues, in particular the brain. In contrast to healthy brain, glioblastoma cells express Ca++-sensitive variants of both actinin-1 and -4. Actin-binding properties of actinin-1 and -4 are similar and are unlikely to explain isoform-specific functions. Surprisingly, this work reveals that actinin-1/-4 heterodimers, rather than homodimers, are the most abundant form of actinin in many cancer cell lines. Taken together this data suggests that actinin-1 and -4 cannot be viewed as distinct entities from each other but rather as proteins that can exist in both homodimeric and heterodimeric forms. Finally, this work employs yeast two-hybrid and proteomic approaches to identify actinin-interacting proteins. In doing so, this work identifies a number of putative actinin-4 specific interacting partners that may help to explain some of the unique functions attributed the actinin-4. The observation of alternative splice variants of actinin-1 and -4 combined with the observed potential of these proteins to form homodimers and heterodimers suggests that homodimers and heterodimers with novel actin-binding properties and interaction networks may exist. The ability to behave in this manner may have functional implications. This may be of importance considering that these proteins are central to such processes as cell migration and adhesion. This significantly alters our view of the non-muscle actinins.


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This study explores the experiences of stress and burnout in Irish second level teachers and examines the contribution of a number of individual, environmental and health factors in burnout development. As no such study has previously been carried out with this sample, a mixed-methods approach was adopted in order to comprehensively investigate the subject matter. Teaching has consistently been identified as a particularly stressful occupation and research investigating its development is of great importance in developing measures to address the problem. The first phase of study involved the use of focus groups conducted with a total of 20 second-level teachers from 11 different schools in the greater Cork city area. Findings suggest that teachers experience a variety of stressors – in class, in the staff room and outside of school. The second phase of study employed a survey to examine the factors associated with burnout. Analysis of 192 responses suggested that burnout results from a combination of demographic, personality, environmental and coping factors. Burnout was also found to be associated with a number of physical symptoms, particularly trouble sleeping and fatigue. Findings suggest that interventions designed to reduce burnout must reflect the complexity of the problem and its development. Based on the research findings, interventions that combine individual and organisational approaches should provide the optimal chance of effectively tackling burnout.


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HFE is a transmembrane protein that becomes N-glycosylated during transport to the cell membrane. It acts to regulate cellular iron uptake by interacting with the Type 1 transferrin receptor and interfering with its ability to bind iron-loaded transferrin. There is also evidence that HFE regulates systemic iron levels by binding to the Type II transferrin receptor although the mechanism by which this occurs is still not well understood. Mutations to HFE that disrupt this function, or physiological conditions that decrease HFE protein levels, are associated with increased iron uptake, and its accumulation in tissues and organs. This is exemplified by the point mutation that results in conversion of cysteine residue 282 to tyrosine (C282Y), and gives rise to the majority of HFE-related hemochromatoses. The C282Y mutation prevents the formation of a disulfide bridge and disrupts the interaction with its co-chaperone β2-microglobulin. The resulting misfolded protein is retained within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where it activates the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) and is subjected to proteasomal degradation. The absence of functional HFE at the cell surface leads to unregulated iron uptake and iron loading. While the E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in the degradation of HFE-C282Y has been identified, the mechanism by which it is targeted for degradation remains relatively obscure. The primary objective of this project was to further our understanding of how the iron regulatory HFE protein is targeted for degradation. Our studies suggest that the glycosylation status, and the active process of deglycosylation, are central to this process. We identified a number of additional factors that can contribute towards degradation and explored their regulation during ER stress conditions.


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Wind power generation differs from conventional thermal generation due to the stochastic nature of wind. Thus wind power forecasting plays a key role in dealing with the challenges of balancing supply and demand in any electricity system, given the uncertainty associated with the wind farm power output. Accurate wind power forecasting reduces the need for additional balancing energy and reserve power to integrate wind power. Wind power forecasting tools enable better dispatch, scheduling and unit commitment of thermal generators, hydro plant and energy storage plant and more competitive market trading as wind power ramps up and down on the grid. This paper presents an in-depth review of the current methods and advances in wind power forecasting and prediction. Firstly, numerical wind prediction methods from global to local scales, ensemble forecasting, upscaling and downscaling processes are discussed. Next the statistical and machine learning approach methods are detailed. Then the techniques used for benchmarking and uncertainty analysis of forecasts are overviewed, and the performance of various approaches over different forecast time horizons is examined. Finally, current research activities, challenges and potential future developments are appraised.


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Freestanding semipolar (11–22) indium gallium nitride (InGaN) multiplequantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at 445 nm have been realized by the use of laser lift-off (LLO) of the LEDs from a 50- m-thick GaN layer grown on a patterned (10–12) r -plane sapphire substrate (PSS). The GaN grooves originating from the growth on PSS were removed by chemical mechanical polishing. The 300 m × 300 m LEDs showed a turn-on voltage of 3.6 V and an output power through the smooth substrate of 0.87 mW at 20 mA. The electroluminescence spectrum of LEDs before and after LLO showed a stronger emission intensity along the [11–23]InGaN/GaN direction. The polarization anisotropy is independent of the GaN grooves, with a measured value of 0.14. The bandwidth of the LEDs is in excess of 150 MHz at 20 mA, and back-to-back transmission of 300 Mbps is demonstrated, making these devices suitable for visible light communication (VLC) applications.


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Incorporation of thymidine analogues in replicating DNA, coupled with antibody and fluorophore staining, allows analysis of cell proliferation, but is currently limited to monolayer cultures, fixed cells and end-point assays. We describe a simple microscopy imaging method for live real-time analysis of cell proliferation, S phase progression over several division cycles, effects of anti-proliferative drugs and other applications. It is based on the prominent (~ 1.7-fold) quenching of fluorescence lifetime of a common cell-permeable nuclear stain, Hoechst 33342 upon the incorporation of 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) in genomic DNA and detection by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). We show that quantitative and accurate FLIM technique allows high-content, multi-parametric dynamic analyses, far superior to the intensity-based imaging. We demonstrate its uses with monolayer cell cultures, complex 3D tissue models of tumor cell spheroids and intestinal organoids, and in physiological study with metformin treatment.