em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The research described in this thesis focuses, principally, on synthesis of stable α-diazosulfoxides and investigation of their reactivity under various reaction conditions (transition-metal catalysed, photochemical, thermal and microwave) with a particular emphasis on the reactive intermediates and mechanistic aspects of the reaction pathways involved. In agreement with previous studies carried out on these compounds, the key reaction pathway of α-diazosulfoxides was found to be hetero-Wolff rearrangement to give α-oxosulfine intermediates. However, a competing reaction pathway involving oxygen migration from sulfur to oxygen was also observed. Critically, isomerisation of α-oxosulfine stereoisomers was observed directly by 1H NMR spectroscopy in this work and this observation accounts for the stereochemical outcomes of the various cycloaddition reactions, whether carried out with in situ trapping or with preformed solutions of sulfines. Furthermore, matrix isolation experiments have shown that electrocyclisation of α-oxosulfines to oxathiiranes takes place and this verifies the proposed mechanisms for enol and disulfide formation. The introductory chapter includes a brief literature review of the synthesis and reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides prior to the commencement of research in this field by the Maguire group. The Wolff rearrangement is also discussed and the characteristic reactions of a number of reactive intermediates (sulfines, sulfenes and oxathiiranes) are outlined. The use of microwave-assisted organic synthesis is also examined, specifically, in the context of α-diazocarbonyl compounds as substrates. The second chapter describes the synthesis of stable monocyclic and bicyclic lactone derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides from sulfide precursors according to established experimental procedures. Approaches to precursors of ketone and sulfimide derivatives of α-diazosulfoxides are also described. The third chapter examines the reactivity of α-diazosulfoxides under thermal, microwave, rhodium(II)-catalysed and photochemical conditions. Comparison of the results obtained under thermal and microwave conditions indicates that there was no evidence for any effect, other than thermal, induced by microwave irradiation. The results of catalyst studies involving several rhodium(II) carboxylate and rhodium(II) carboxamidate catalysts are outlined. Under photochemical conditions, sulfur extrusion is a significant reaction pathway while under thermal or transition metal catalysed conditions, oxygen extrusion is observed. One of the most important observations in this work was the direct spectroscopic observation (by 1H NMR) of interconversion of the E and Z-oxosulfines. Trapping of the α-oxosulfine intermediates as cycloadducts by reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene proved useful both synthetically and mechanistically. As the stereochemistry of the α-oxosulfine is retained in the cycloadducts, this provided an ideal method for characterisation of this key feature. In the case of one α-oxosulfine, a novel [2+2] cycloaddition was observed. Preliminary experiments to investigate the reactivity of an α-diazosulfone under rhodium(II) catalysis and microwave irradiation are also described. The fourth chapter describes matrix isolation experiments which were carried out in Rühr Universität, Bochum in collaboration with Prof. Wolfram Sander. These experiments provide direct spectroscopic evidence of an α-oxosulfine intermediate formed by hetero-Wolff rearrangement of an α-diazosulfoxide and subsequent cyclisation of the sulfine to an oxathiirane was also observed. Furthermore, it was possible to identify which stereoisomer of the α-oxosulfine was present in the matrix. A preliminary laser flash photolysis experiment is also discussed. The experimental details, including all spectral and analytical data, are reported at the end of each chapter. The structural interpretation of 1H NMR spectra of the cycloadducts, described in Chapter 3, is discussed in Appendix I.


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Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is an integral part of infrastructure maintenance and management systems due to socio-economic, safety and security reasons. The behaviour of a structure under vibration depends on structure characteristics. The change of structure characteristics may suggest the change in system behaviour due to the presence of damage(s) within. Therefore the consistent, output signal guided, and system dependable markers would be convenient tool for the online monitoring, the maintenance, rehabilitation strategies, and optimized decision making policies as required by the engineers, owners, managers, and the users from both safety and serviceability aspects. SHM has a very significant advantage over traditional investigations where tangible and intangible costs of a very high degree are often incurred due to the disruption of service. Additionally, SHM through bridge-vehicle interaction opens up opportunities for continuous tracking of the condition of the structure. Research in this area is still in initial stage and is extremely promising. This PhD focuses on using bridge-vehicle interaction response for SHM of damaged or deteriorating bridges to monitor or assess them under operating conditions. In the present study, a number of damage detection markers have been investigated and proposed in order to identify the existence, location, and the extent of an open crack in the structure. The theoretical and experimental investigation has been conducted on Single Degree of Freedom linear system, simply supported beams. The novel Delay Vector Variance (DVV) methodology has been employed for characterization of structural behaviour by time-domain response analysis. Also, the analysis of responses of actual bridges using DVV method has been for the first time employed for this kind of investigation.


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The study of medieval carpentry is probably one of the most neglected aspects of archaeological research in Ireland. The principal difficulty is the nature of the evidence, in that timber, unless the conditions are right, rarely leaves a trace above ground. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that not a single medieval timber-framed building has survived in Ireland. Nevertheless, in recent years, in addition to the medieval roof of Dunsoghley, which up to quite recently was thought to be the only surviving roof structure in Ireland, a further eight medieval roof structures have been identified. Furthermore, an extensive corpus of early medieval mills, with evidence for advanced Roman carpentry techniques, has been excavated, while evidence for Viking houses, on what is probably the largest extant Viking settlement in Europe, have also been recovered. Although post and wattle structures dominate the archaeological record of the Viking period, nevertheless, it will be shown that the Roman tradition of carpentry, evidenced in the early medieval mills from the early seventh century, continued in use in the wider Gaelic community. And it is one of the pivotal points of this study, that with the takeover of Dublin by the Gaelic Irish in the late tenth century, this Roman carpentry tradition was gradually assimilated into the carpentry tradition of the Viking towns, which were now largely inhabited by a mixed population of Hiberno-Norse. Evidence for this Gaelic influence can be seen not only in the gradual replacement of the Viking post and wattle house by timber houses with load-bearing walls, but more importantly by the evidence for waterfront structures founded on baseplates with mortise and tenoned uprights on the pre-Norman waterfront in Cork. Furthermore, it will be shown, that the carpentry techniques used to build the Wood Quay revetments, shortly after the Anglo-Norman conquest in AD 1170, supports this contention.


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Although aspects of power generation of many offshore renewable devices are well understood, their dynamic responses under high wind and wave conditions are still to be investigated to a great detail. Output only statistical markers are important for these offshore devices, since access to the device is limited and information about the exposure conditions and the true behaviour of the devices are generally partial, limited, and vague or even absent. The markers can summarise and characterise the behaviour of these devices from their dynamic response available as time series data. The behaviour may be linear or nonlinear and consequently a marker that can track the changes in structural situations can be quite important. These markers can then be helpful in assessing the current condition of the structure and can indicate possible intervention, monitoring or assessment. This paper considers a Delay Vector Variance based marker for changes in a tension leg platform tested in an ocean wave basin for structural changes brought about by single column dampers. The approach is based on dynamic outputs of the device alone and is based on the estimation of the nonlinearity of the output signal. The advantages of the selected marker and its response with changing structural properties are discussed. The marker is observed to be important for monitoring the as- deployed structural condition and is sensitive to changes in such conditions. Influence of exposure conditions of wave loading is also discussed in this study based only on experimental data.