8 resultados para Dry Surfaces.

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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In this thesis a novel theory of electrocatalysis at metal (especially noble metal)/solution interfaces was developed based on the assumption of metal adatom/incipient hydrous oxide cyclic redox transitions. Adatoms are considered as metastable, low coverage species that oxidise in-situ at potentials of often significantly cathodic to the regular metal/metal oxide transition. Because the adatom coverage is so low the electrochemical or spectroscopic response for oxidation is frequently overlooked; however, the product of such oxidation, referred to here as incipient hydrous oxide seems to be the important mediator in a wide variety of electrocatalytically demanding oxidation processes. Conversely, electrocatalytically demanding reductions apparently occur only at adatom sites at the metal/solution interface - such reactions generally occur only at potentials below, i.e. more cathodic than, the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was established that while silver in base oxidises in a regular manner (forming initially OHads species) at potentials above 1.0 V (RHE), there is a minor redox transition at much lower potentials, ca. o.35 v (RHE). The latter process is assumed to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition and the low coverage Ag(l) hydrous oxide (or hydroxide) species was shown to trigger or mediate the oxidation of aldehydes, e. g. HCHO. The results of a study of this system were shown to be in good agreement with a kinetic model based on the above assumptions; the similarity between this type of behaviour and enzyme-catalysed processes - both systems involve interfacial active sites - was pointed out. Similar behaviour was established for gold where both Au(l) and Au(lll) hydrous oxide mediators were shown to be the effective oxidants for different organic species. One of the most active electrocatalytic materials known at the present time is platinum. While the classical view of this high activity is based on the concept of activated chemisorption (and the important role of the latter is not discounted here) a vital role is attributed to the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was suggested that the well known intermediate (or anomalous) peak in the hydrogen region of the cyclic voltanmogram for platinum region is in fact due to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition. Using potential stepping procedures to minimise the effect of deactivating (COads) species, it was shown that the onset (anodic sweep) and termination (cathodic sweep) potential for the oxidation of a wide variety of organics coincided with the potential for the intermediate peak. The converse was also shown to apply; sluggish reduction reactions, that involve interaction with metal adatoms, occur at significant rates only in the region below the hydrous oxide/adatom transition.


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We introduce the notion of flat surfaces of finite type in the 3- sphere, give the algebro-geometric description in terms of spectral curves and polynomial Killing fields, and show that finite type flat surfaces generated by curves on S2 with periodic curvature functions are dense in the space of all flat surfaces generated by curves on S2 with periodic curvature functions.


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Nanostructured materials are central to the evolution of future electronics and biomedical applications amongst other applications. This thesis is focused on developing novel methods to prepare a number of nanostructured metal oxide particles and films by a number of different routes. Part of the aim was to see how techniques used in nanoparticle science could be applied to thin film methods to develop functional surfaces. Wet-chemical methods were employed to synthesize and modify the metal oxide nanostructures (CeO2 and SiO2) and their structural properties were characterized through advanced X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy and other techniques. Whilst particulates have uses in many applications, their attachment to surfaces is of importance and this is frequently challenging. We examined the use of block copolymer methods to form very well defined metal oxide particulate-like structures on the surface of a number of substrates. Chapter 2 describes a robust method to synthesize various sized silica nanoparticles. As-synthesized silica nanoparticles were further functionalized with IR-820 and FITC dyes. The ability to create size controlled nanoparticles with associated (optical) functionality may have significant importance in bio-medical imaging. Thesis further describes how non-organic modified fluorescent particles might be prepared using inorganic oxides. A study of the concentrations and distributions of europium dopants within the CeO2 nanoparticles was undertaken and investigated by different microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. The luminescent properties were enhanced by doping and detailed explanations are reported. Additionally, the morphological and structural evolution and optical properties were correlated as a function of concentrations of europium doping as well as with further annealing. Further work using positron annihilation spectroscopy allowed the study of vacancy type defects formed due to europium doping in CeO2 crystallites and this was supported by complimentary UV-Vis spectra and XRD work. During the last few years the interest in mesoporous silica materials has increased due to their typical characteristics such as potential ultra-low dielectric constant materials, large surface area and pore volume, well-ordered and uniform pores with adjustable pores between 2 and 50 nm. A simple, generic and cost-effective route was used to demonstrate the synthesis of 2D mesoporous silica thin films over wafer scale dimensions in chapter 5. Lithographic resist and in situ hard mask block copolymer followed by ICP dry etching were used to fabricate mesoporous silica nanostructures. The width of mesoporous silica channels can be varied by using a variety of commercially available lithographic resists whereas depth of the mesoporous silica channels can be varied by altering the etch time. The crystal structure, morphology, pore arrangement, pore diameters, thickness of films and channels were determined by XRD, SEM, ellipsometry and the results reported. This project also extended work towards the study of the antimicrobial study of nanopatterned silver nanodot arrays formed using the block copolymer approach defined above. Silver nanodot arrays were successfully tested for antimicrobial activity over S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms and results shows silver nanodots has good antimicrobial activity for both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms. Thus, these silver nanodot arrays shows a potential to be used as a substitute for the resolution of infection complications in many areas.


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Dry mixing of binary food powders was conducted in a 2L lab-scale paddle mixer. Different types of food powders such as paprika, oregano, black pepper, onion powder and salt were used for the studies. A novel method based on a digital colour imaging system (DCI) was developed to measure the mixture quality (MQ) of binary food powder mixtures. The salt conductivity method was also used as an alternative method to measure the MQ. In the first part of the study the DCI method was developed and it showed potential for assessing MQ of binary powder mixes provided there was huge colour difference between the powders. In the second and third part of the study the effect of composition, water content, particle size and bulk density on MQ was studied. Flowability of powders at various moisture contents was also investigated. The mixing behaviour was assessed using coefficient of variation. Results showed that water content and composition influence the mixing behavior of powders. Good mixing was observed up to size ratios of 4.45 and at higher ratios MQ disimproved. The bulk density had a larger influence on the MQ. In the final study the MQ evaluation of binary and ternary powder mixtures was compared by using two methods – salt conductivity method and DCI method. Two binary food and two quaternary food powder mixtures with different coloured ingredients were studied. Overall results showed that DCI method has a potential for use by industries and it can analyse powder mixtures with components that have differences in colour and that are not segregating in nature.


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Infant milk formula (IMF) is fortified milk with composition based on the nutrient content in human mother's milk, 0 to 6 months postpartum. Extensive medical and clinical research has led to advances in the nutritional quality of infant formula; however, relatively few studies have focused on interactions between nutrients and the manufacturing process. The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of composition and processing parameters on physical behaviour of high dry matter (DM) IMF systems with a view to designing more sustainable manufacturing processes. The study showed that commercial IMF, with similar compositions, manufactured by different processes, had markedly different physical properties in dehydrated or reconstituted state. Commercial products made with hydrolysed protein were more heat stable compared to products made with intact protein, however, emulsion quality was compromised. Heat-induced denaturation of whey proteins resulted in increased viscosity of wet-mixes, an effect that was dependant on both whey concentration and interactions with lactose and caseins. Expanding on fundamental laboratory studies, a novel high velocity steam injection process was developed whereby high DM (60%) wet-mixes with lower denaturation/viscosity compared to conventional processes could be achieved; powders produced using this process were of similar quality to those manufactured conventionally. Hydrolysed proteins were also shown to be an effective way of reducing viscosity in heat-treated high DM wet-mixes. In particular, using a whey protein concentrate whereby β-Lactoglobulin was selectively hydrolysed, i.e., α-Lactalbumin remained intact, reduced viscosity of wet-mixes during processing while still providing good emulsification. The thesis provides new insights into interactions between nutrients and/or processing which influence physical stability of IMF both in concentrated liquid and powdered form. The outcomes of the work have applications in such areas as; increasing the DM content of spray drier feeds in order to save energy, and, controlling final powder quality.


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Copper dimethylamino-2-propoxide [Cu(dmap)2] is used as a precursor for low-temperature atomic layer deposition (ALD) of copper thin films. Chemisorption of the precursor is the necessary first step of ALD, but it is not known in this case whether there is selectivity for adsorption sites, defects, or islands on the substrate. Therefore, we study the adsorption of the Cu(dmap)2 molecule on the different sites on flat and rough Cu surfaces using PBE, PBE-D3, optB88-vdW, and vdW-DF2 methods. We found the relative order of adsorption energies for Cu(dmap)2 on Cu surfaces is Eads (PBE-D3) > Eads (optB88-vdW) > Eads (vdW-DF2) > Eads (PBE). The PBE and vdW-DF2 methods predict one chemisorption structure, while optB88-vdW predicts three chemisorption structures for Cu(dmap)2 adsorption among four possible adsorption configurations, whereas PBE-D3 predicts a chemisorbed structure for all the adsorption sites on Cu(111). All the methods with and without van der Waals corrections yield a chemisorbed molecule on the Cu(332) step and Cu(643) kink because of less steric hindrance on the vicinal surfaces. Strong distortion of the molecule and significant elongation of Cu–N bonds are predicted in the chemisorbed structures, indicating that the ligand–Cu bonds break during the ALD of Cu from Cu(dmap)2. The molecule loses its initial square-planar structure and gains linear O–Cu–O bonding as these atoms attach to the surface. As a result, the ligands become unstable and the precursor becomes more reactive to the coreagent. Charge redistribution mainly occurs between the adsorbate O–Cu–O bond and the surface. Bader charge analysis shows that electrons are donated from the surface to the molecule in the chemisorbed structures, so that the Cu center in the molecule is partially reduced.


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Surface modification of silicon with organic monolayers tethered to the surface by different linkers is an important process in realizing future (opto-)electronic devices. Understanding the role played by the nature of the linking group and the chain length on the adsorption structures and electronic properties of these assemblies is vital to advance this technology. This Thesis is a study of such properties and contributes in particular to a microscopic understanding of induced changes in the work function of experimentally studied functionalized silicon surfaces. Using first-principles density functional theory (DFT), at the first step, we provide predictions for chemical trends in the work function of hydrogenated silicon (111) surfaces modified with various terminations. For nonpolar terminating atomic species such as F, Cl, Br, and I, the change in the work function is directly proportional to the amount of charge transferred from the surface, thus relating to the difference in electronegativity of the adsorbate and silicon atoms. The change is a monotonic function of coverage in this case, and the work function increases with increasing electronegativity. Polar species such as −TeH, −SeH, −SH, −OH, −NH2, −CH3, and −BH2 do not follow this trend due to the interaction of their dipole with the induced electric field at the surface. In this case, the magnitude and sign of the surface dipole moment need to be considered in addition to the bond dipole to generally describe the change in work function. Compared to hydrogenated surfaces, there is slight increase in the work function of H:Si(111)-XH, where X = Te, Se, and S, whereas reduction is observed for surfaces covered with −OH, −CH3, and −NH2. Next, we study the hydrogen passivated Si(111) surface modified with alkyl chains of the general formula H:Si–(CH2)n–CH2 and H:Si–X–(CH2)n–CH3, where X = NH, O, S and n = (0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), at half coverage. For (X)–Hexyl and (X)–Dodecyl functionalization, we also examined various coverages up to full monolayer grafting in order to validate the result of half covered surface and the linker effect on the coverage. We find that it is necessary to take into account the van der Waals interaction between the alkyl chains. The strongest binding is for the oxygen linker, followed by S, N, and C, irrespective of chain length. The result revealed that the sequence of the stability is independent of coverage; however, linkers other than carbon can shift the optimum coverage considerably and allow further packing density. For all linkers apart from sulfur, structural properties, in particular, surface-linker-chain angles, saturate to a single value once n > 3. For sulfur, we identify three regimes, namely, n = 0–3, n = 5–7, and n = 9–11, each with its own characteristic adsorption structures. Where possible, our computational results are shown to be consistent with the available experimental data and show how the fundamental structural properties of modified Si surfaces can be controlled by the choice of linking group and chain length. Later we continue by examining the work function tuning of H:Si(111) over a range of 1.73 eV through adsorption of alkyl monolayers with general formula -[Xhead-group]-(CnH2n)-[Xtail-group], X = O(H), S(H), NH(2). The work function is practically converged at 4 carbons (8 for oxygen), for head-group functionalization. For tail-group functionalization and with both head- and tail-groups, there is an odd-even effect in the behavior of the work function, with peak-to-peak amplitudes of up to 1.7 eV in the oscillations. This behavior is explained through the orientation of the terminal-group's dipole. The shift in the work function is largest for NH2-linked and smallest for SH-linked chains and is rationalized in terms of interface dipoles. Our study reveals that the choice of the head- and/or tail-groups effectively changes the impact of the alkyl chain length on the work function tuning using self-assembled monolayers and this is an important advance in utilizing hybrid functionalized Si surfaces. Bringing together the understanding gained from studying single type functionalization of H:Si(111) with different alkyl chains and bearing in mind how to utilize head-group, tail-group or both as well as monolayer coverage, in the final part of this Thesis we study functionalized H:Si(111) with binary SAMs. Aiming at enhancing work function adjustment together with SAM stability and coverage we choose a range of terminations and linker-chains denoted as –X–(Alkyl) with X = CH3, O(H), S(H), NH(2) and investigate the stability and work function of various binary components grafted onto H:Si(111) surface. Using binary functionalization with -[NH(2)/O(H)/S(H)]-[Hexyl/Dodecyl] we show that work function can be tuned within the interval of 3.65-4.94 eV and furthermore, enhance the SAM’s stability. Although direct Si-C grafted SAMs are less favourable compared to their counterparts with O, N or S linkage, regardless of the ratio, binary functionalized alkyl monolayers with X-alkyl (X = NH, O) is always more stable than single type alkyl functionalization with the same coverage. Our results indicate that it is possible to go beyond the optimum coverage of pure alkyl functionalized SAMs (50%) by adding a linker with the correct choice of the linker. This is very important since dense packed monolayers have fewer defects and deliver higher efficiency. Our results indicate that binary anchoring can modify the charge injection and therefore bond stability while preserving the interface electronic structure.


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This thesis investigated well-ordered block copolymer (BCP) thin film characteristics and their use for nanoscale pattern formation using a series of polystyrene-block-polymethylmethacrylate (PS-b-PMMA), polystyrene-blockpolydimethylsiloxane (PS-b-PDMS) and polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) systems of various molecular weights. BCP thin films, which act as an ‘on-chip’ etch mask and material templates, are highly promising self-assembling process for future scalable nanolithography. Unlike conventional BCP processing methods, the work in this thesis demonstrates that well-ordered patterns can be achieved in a few seconds compared to several hours by use of a non-conventional microwave assisted technique. As a result, well-ordered BCP nanoscale structures can be developed in industry appropriate periods facilitating their incorporation into current technologies. An optimised and controlled plasma dry etch process was used for successful pattern transfer to the underlying silicon substrate. Long range ordered BCP templates were further modified by selective metal inclusion technique to form a hard mask template towards fabrication of high aspect ratio nanopillars and nanowires. The work described here is centred on how these templates might be used to generate function at substrate surfaces. Herein we describe a number of innovations which might allow their successful uptake in a number of applications.