10 resultados para D. Non-destructive testing

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The establishment and control of oxygen levels in packs of oxygen-sensitive food products such as cheese is imperative in order to maintain product quality over a determined shelf life. Oxygen sensors quantify oxygen concentrations within packaging using a reversible optical measurement process, and this non-destructive nature ensures the entire supply chain can be monitored and can assist in pinpointing negative issues pertaining to product packaging. This study was carried out in a commercial cheese packaging plant and involved the insertion of 768 sensors into 384 flow-wrapped cheese packs (two sensors per pack) that were flushed with 100% carbon dioxide prior to sealing. The cheese blocks were randomly assigned to two different storage groups to assess the effects of package quality, packaging process efficiency, and handling and distribution on package containment. Results demonstrated that oxygen levels increased in both experimental groups examined over the 30-day assessment period. The group subjected to a simulated industrial distribution route and handling procedures of commercial retailed cheese exhibited the highest level of oxygen detected on every day examined and experienced the highest rate of package failure. The study concluded that fluctuating storage conditions, product movement associated with distribution activities, and the possible presence of cheese-derived contaminants such as calcium lactate crystals were chief contributors to package failure.


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This article examines some preliminary tests which were performed in order to evaluate the best electrode configuration (width and spacing) for cell culture analyses. Biochips packaged with indium tin oxide (ITO) interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) were used to perform impedance measurements on A549 cells cultured on the surface of the biochip. Several tests were carried out using a 10 mM solution of Sodium Chloride (NaCl), cell medium and the cell culture itself to characterize some of the configurations already fabricated in the facilities at Tyndall National Institute.


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The principal objective of this thesis was to investigate the ability of reversible optical O2 sensors to be incorporated into food/beverage packaging systems to continuously monitor O2 levels in a non-destructive manner immediately postpackaging and over time. Residual levels of O2 present in packs can negatively affect product quality and subsequently, product shelf-life, especially for O2-sensitive foods/beverages. Therefore, the ability of O2 sensors to continuously monitor O2 levels present within food/beverage packages was considered commercially relevant in terms of identifying the consequences of residual O2 on product safety and quality over time. Research commenced with the development of a novel range of O2 sensors based on phosphorescent platinum and palladium octaethylporphyrin-ketones (OEPk) in nano-porous high density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) polymer supports. Sensors were calibrated over a temperature range of -10°C to +40°C and deemed suitable for food and beverage packaging applications. This sensor technology was used and demonstrated itself effective in determining failures in packaging containment. This was clearly demonstrated in the packaging of cheese string products. The sensor technology was also assessed across a wide range of packaged products; beer, ready-to-eat salad products, bread and convenience-style, muscle-based processed food products. The O2 sensor technology performed extremely well within all packaging systems. The sensor technology adequately detected O2 levels in; beer bottles prior to and following pasteurisation, modified atmosphere (MA) packs of ready-to-eat salad packs as respiration progressed during product storage and MA packs of bread and convenience-style muscle-based products as mycological growth occurred in food packs over time in the presence and absence of ethanol emitters. The use of the technology, in conjunction with standard food quality assessment techniques, showed remarkable usefulness in determining the impact of actual levels of O2 on specific quality attributes. The O2 sensing probe was modified, miniaturised and automated to screen for the determination of total aerobic viable counts (TVC) in several fish species samples. The test showed good correlation with conventional TVC test (ISO:4833:2003), analytical performance and ruggedness with respect to variation of key assay parameters (probe concentration and pipetting volume). Overall, the respirometric fish TVC test was simple to use, possessed a dynamic microbial range (104-107 cfu/g sample), had an accuracy of +/- one log(cfu/g sample) and was rapid. Its ability to assess highly perishable products such as fish for total microbial growth in <12 hr demonstrates commercial potential.


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This paper presents an image processing based detection method for detecting pitting corrosion in steel structures. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging has been carried out in this regard to demonstrate the effectiveness of such relatively inexpensive techniques that are of immense benefit to Non – Destructive – Tesing (NDT) community. The pitting corrosion of a steel sample in marine environment is successfully detected in this paper using the proposed methodology. It is observed, that the proposed method has a definite potential to be applied to a wider range of applications.


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Introduction: Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided-Manufacture (CAM) has been developed to fabricate fixed dental restorations accurately, faster and improve cost effectiveness of manufacture when compared to the conventional method. Two main methods exist in dental CAD/CAM technology: the subtractive and additive methods. While fitting accuracy of both methods has been explored, no study yet has compared the fabricated restoration (CAM output) to its CAD in terms of accuracy. The aim of this present study was to compare the output of various dental CAM routes to a sole initial CAD and establish the accuracy of fabrication. The internal fit of the various CAM routes were also investigated. The null hypotheses tested were: 1) no significant differences observed between the CAM output to the CAD and 2) no significant differences observed between the various CAM routes. Methods: An aluminium master model of a standard premolar preparation was scanned with a contact dental scanner (Incise, Renishaw, UK). A single CAD was created on the scanned master model (InciseCAD software, V2.5.0.140, UK). Twenty copings were then fabricated by sending the single CAD to a multitude of CAM routes. The copings were grouped (n=5) as: Laser sintered CoCrMo (LS), 5-axis milled CoCrMo (MCoCrMo), 3-axis milled zirconia (ZAx3) and 4-axis milled zirconia (ZAx4). All copings were micro-CT scanned (Phoenix X-Ray, Nanotom-S, Germany, power: 155kV, current: 60µA, 3600 projections) to produce 3-Dimensional (3D) models. A novel methodology was created to superimpose the micro-CT scans with the CAD (GOM Inspect software, V7.5SR2, Germany) to indicate inaccuracies in manufacturing. The accuracy in terms of coping volume was explored. The distances from the surfaces of the micro-CT 3D models to the surfaces of the CAD model (CAD Deviation) were investigated after creating surface colour deviation maps. Localised digital sections of the deviations (Occlusal, Axial and Cervical) and selected focussed areas were then quantitatively measured using software (GOM Inspect software, Germany). A novel methodology was also explored to digitally align (Rhino software, V5, USA) the micro-CT scans with the master model to investigate internal fit. Fifty digital cross sections of the aligned scans were created. Point-to-point distances were measured at 5 levels at each cross section. The five levels were: Vertical Marginal Fit (VF), Absolute Marginal Fit (AM), Axio-margin Fit (AMF), Axial Fit (AF) and Occlusal Fit (OF). Results: The results of the volume measurement were summarised as: VM-CoCrMo (62.8mm3 ) > VZax3 (59.4mm3 ) > VCAD (57mm3 ) > VZax4 (56.1mm3 ) > VLS (52.5mm3 ) and were all significantly different (p presented as areas with different colour. No significant differences were observed at the internal aspect of the cervical aspect between all groups of copings. Significant differences (p< M-CoCrMo Internal Occlusal, Internal Axial and External Axial 2 ZAx3 > ZAx4 External Occlusal, External Cervical 3 ZAx3 < ZAx4 Internal Occlusal 4 M-CoCrMo > ZAx4 Internal Occlusal and Internal Axial The mean values of AMF and AF were significantly (p M-CoCrMo and CAD > ZAx4. Only VF of M-CoCrMo was comparable with the CAD Internal Fit. All VF and AM values were within the clinically acceptable fit (120µm). Conclusion: The investigated CAM methods reproduced the CAD accurately at the internal cervical aspect of the copings. However, localised deviations at axial and occlusal aspects of the copings may suggest the need for modifications in these areas prior to fitting and veneering with porcelain. The CAM groups evaluated also showed different levels of Internal Fit thus rejecting the null hypotheses. The novel non-destructive methodologies for CAD/CAM accuracy and internal fit testing presented in this thesis may be a useful evaluation tool for similar applications.


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High throughput next generation sequencing, together with advanced molecular methods, has considerably enhanced the field of food microbiology. By overcoming biases associated with culture dependant approaches, it has become possible to achieve novel insights into the nature of food-borne microbial communities. In this thesis, several different sequencing-based approaches were applied with a view to better understanding microbe associated quality defects in cheese. Initially, a literature review provides an overview of microbe-associated cheese quality defects as well as molecular methods for profiling complex microbial communities. Following this, 16S rRNA sequencing revealed temporal and spatial differences in microbial composition due to the time during the production day that specific commercial cheeses were manufactured. A novel Ion PGM sequencing approach, focusing on decarboxylase genes rather than 16S rRNA genes, was then successfully employed to profile the biogenic amine producing cohort of a series of artisanal cheeses. Investigations into the phenomenon of cheese pinking formed the basis of a joint 16S rRNA and whole genome shotgun sequencing approach, leading to the identification of Thermus species and, more specifically, the pathway involved in production of lycopene, a red coloured carotenoid. Finally, using a more traditional approach, the effect of addition of a facultatively heterofermentative Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus casei) to a Swiss-type cheese, in which starter activity was compromised, was investigated from the perspective of its ability to promote gas defects and irregular eye formation. X-ray computed tomography was used to visualise, using a non-destructive method, the consequences of the undesirable gas formation that resulted. Ultimately this thesis has demonstrated that the application of molecular techniques, such as next generation sequencing, can provide a detailed insight into defect-causing microbial populations present and thereby may underpin approaches to optimise the quality and consistency of a wide variety of cheeses.


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In order to widely use Ge and III-V materials instead of Si in advanced CMOS technology, the process and integration of these materials has to be well established so that their high mobility benefit is not swamped by imperfect manufacturing procedures. In this dissertation number of key bottlenecks in realization of Ge devices are investigated; We address the challenge of the formation of low resistivity contacts on n-type Ge, comparing conventional and advanced rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and laser thermal annealing (LTA) techniques respectively. LTA appears to be a feasible approach for realization of low resistivity contacts with an incredibly sharp germanide-substrate interface and contact resistivity in the order of 10 -7 Ω.cm2. Furthermore the influence of RTA and LTA on dopant activation and leakage current suppression in n+/p Ge junction were compared. Providing very high active carrier concentration > 1020 cm-3, LTA resulted in higher leakage current compared to RTA which provided lower carrier concentration ~1019 cm-3. This is an indication of a trade-off between high activation level and junction leakage current. High ION/IOFF ratio ~ 107 was obtained, which to the best of our knowledge is the best reported value for n-type Ge so far. Simulations were carried out to investigate how target sputtering, dose retention, and damage formation is generated in thin-body semiconductors by means of energetic ion impacts and how they are dependent on the target physical material properties. Solid phase epitaxy studies in wide and thin Ge fins confirmed the formation of twin boundary defects and random nucleation growth, like in Si, but here 600 °C annealing temperature was found to be effective to reduce these defects. Finally, a non-destructive doping technique was successfully implemented to dope Ge nanowires, where nanowire resistivity was reduced by 5 orders of magnitude using PH3 based in-diffusion process.


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Photonic crystals (PhCs) influence the propagation of light by their periodic variation in dielectric contrast or refractive index. This review outlines the attractive optical qualities inherent to most PhCs namely the presence of full or partial photonic band gaps and the possibilities they present towards the inhibition of spontaneous emission and the localization of light. Colloidal self-assembly of polymer or silica spheres is one of the most favoured and low cost methods for the formation of PhCs as artificial opals. The state of the art in growth methods currently used for colloidal self-assembly are discussed and the use of these structures for the formation of inverse opal architectures is then presented. Inverse opal structures with their porous and interconnected architecture span several technological arenas - optics and optoelectronics, energy storage, communications, sensor and biological applications. This review presents several of these applications and an accessible overview of the physics of photonic crystal optics that may be useful for opal and inverse opal researchers in general, with a particular emphasis on the recent use of these three-dimensional porous structures in electrochemical energy storage technology. Progress towards all-optical integrated circuits may lie with the concepts of the photonic crystal, but the unique optical and structural properties of these materials and the convergence of PhC and energy storage disciplines may facilitate further developments and non-destructive optical analysis capabilities for (electro)chemical processes that occur within a wide variety of materials in energy storage research.


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The importance of non-destructive techniques (NDT) in structural health monitoring programmes is being critically felt in the recent times. The quality of the measured data, often affected by various environmental conditions can be a guiding factor in terms usefulness and prediction efficiencies of the various detection and monitoring methods used in this regard. Often, a preprocessing of the acquired data in relation to the affecting environmental parameters can improve the information quality and lead towards a significantly more efficient and correct prediction process. The improvement can be directly related to the final decision making policy about a structure or a network of structures and is compatible with general probabilistic frameworks of such assessment and decision making programmes. This paper considers a preprocessing technique employed for an image analysis based structural health monitoring methodology to identify sub-marine pitting corrosion in the presence of variable luminosity, contrast and noise affecting the quality of images. A preprocessing of the gray-level threshold of the various images is observed to bring about a significant improvement in terms of damage detection as compared to an automatically computed gray-level threshold. The case dependent adjustments of the threshold enable to obtain the best possible information from an existing image. The corresponding improvements are observed in a qualitative manner in the present study.


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Unique bimodal distributions of single crystal epitaxially grown In2O3 nanodots on silicon are shown to have excellent IR transparency greater than 87% at IR wavelengths up to 4 μm without sacrificing transparency in the visible region. These broadband antireflective nanodot dispersions are grown using a two-step metal deposition and oxidation by molecular beam epitaxy, and backscattered diffraction confirms a dominant (111) surface orientation. We detail the growth of a bimodal size distribution that facilitates good surface coverage (80%) while allowing a significant reduction in In2O3 refractive index. This unique dispersion offers excellent surface coverage and three-dimensional volumetric expansion compared to a thin film, and a step reduction in refractive index compared to bulk active materials or randomly porous composites, to more closely match the refractive index of an electrolyte, improving transparency. The (111) surface orientation of the nanodots, when fully ripened, allows minimum lattice mismatch strain between the In2O3 and the Si surface. This helps to circumvent potential interfacial weakening caused by volume contraction due to electrochemical reduction to lithium, or expansion during lithiation. Cycling under potentiodynamic conditions shows that the transparent anode of nanodots reversibly alloys lithium with good Coulombic efficiency, buffered by co-insertion into the silicon substrate. These properties could potentially lead to further development of similarly controlled dispersions of a range of other active materials to give transparent battery electrodes or materials capable of non-destructive in situ spectroscopic characterization during charging and discharging.