5 resultados para Common Knowledge

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Comfort is, in essence, satisfaction with the environment, and with respect to the indoor environment it is primarily satisfaction with the thermal conditions and air quality. Improving comfort has social, health and economic benefits, and is more financially significant than any other building cost. Despite this, comfort is not strictly managed throughout the building lifecycle. This is mainly due to the lack of an appropriate system to adequately manage comfort knowledge through the construction process into operation. Previous proposals to improve knowledge management have not been successfully adopted by the construction industry. To address this, the BabySteps approach was devised. BabySteps is an approach, proposed by this research, which states that for an innovation to be adopted into the industry it must be implementable through a number of small changes. This research proposes that improving the management of comfort knowledge will improve comfort. ComMet is a new methodology proposed by this research that manages comfort knowledge. It enables comfort knowledge to be captured, stored and accessed throughout the building life-cycle and so allowing it to be re-used in future stages of the building project and in future projects. It does this using the following: Comfort Performances – These are simplified numerical representations of the comfort of the indoor environment. Comfort Performances quantify the comfort at each stage of the building life-cycle using standard comfort metrics. Comfort Ratings - These are a means of classifying the comfort conditions of the indoor environment according to an appropriate standard. Comfort Ratings are generated by comparing different Comfort Performances. Comfort Ratings provide additional information relating to the comfort conditions of the indoor environment, which is not readily determined from the individual Comfort Performances. Comfort History – This is a continuous descriptive record of the comfort throughout the project, with a focus on documenting the items and activities, proposed and implemented, which could potentially affect comfort. Each aspect of the Comfort History is linked to the relevant comfort entity it references. These three components create a comprehensive record of the comfort throughout the building lifecycle. They are then stored and made available in a common format in a central location which allows them to be re-used ad infinitum. The LCMS System was developed to implement the ComMet methodology. It uses current and emerging technologies to capture, store and allow easy access to comfort knowledge as specified by ComMet. LCMS is an IT system that is a combination of the following six components: Building Standards; Modelling & Simulation; Physical Measurement through the specially developed Egg-Whisk (Wireless Sensor) Network; Data Manipulation; Information Recording; Knowledge Storage and Access.Results from a test case application of the LCMS system - an existing office room at a research facility - highlighted that while some aspects of comfort were being maintained, the building’s environment was not in compliance with the acceptable levels as stipulated by the relevant building standards. The implementation of ComMet, through LCMS, demonstrates how comfort, typically only considered during early design, can be measured and managed appropriately through systematic application of the methodology as means of ensuring a healthy internal environment in the building.


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Although Common Pool Resources (CPRs) make up a significant share of total income for rural households in Ethiopia and elsewhere in developing world, limited access to these resources and environmental degradation threaten local livelihoods. As a result, the issues of management, governance of CPRs and how to prevent their over-exploitation are of great importance for development policy. This study examines the current state and dynamics of CPRs and overall resource governance system of the Lake Tana sub-basin. This research employed the modified form of Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework. The framework integrates the concept of Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) and Interactive Governance (IG) perspectives where social actors, institutions, the politico-economic context, discourses and ecological features across governance and government levels were considered. It has been observed that overexploitation, degradation and encroachment of CPRs have increased dramatically and this threatens the sustainability of Lake Tana ecosystem. The stakeholder analysis result reveals that there are multiple stakeholders with diverse interest in and power over CPRs. The analysis of institutional arrangements reveals that the existing formal rules and regulations governing access to and control over CPRs could not be implemented and were not effective to legally bind and govern CPR user’s behavior at the operational level. The study also shows that a top-down and non-participatory policy formulation, law and decision making process overlooks the local contexts (local knowledge and informal institutions). The outcomes of examining the participation of local resource users, as an alternative to a centralized, command-and-control, and hierarchical approach to resource management and governance, have called for a fundamental shift in CPR use, management and governance to facilitate the participation of stakeholders in decision making. Therefore, establishing a multi-level stakeholder governance system as an institutional structure and process is necessary to sustain stakeholder participation in decision-making regarding CPR use, management and governance.


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This dissertation critically examines Ireland’s knowledge economy policy, the country’s basis for economic recovery and growth, to enhance future policy decisions and debate. Much has been written internationally on the ‘knowledge economy’ with its emergence closely related to globalisation and technological progression in the 1990s. Since the late 1990s, Irish policy-makers have been firmly committed to positioning Ireland as a leading knowledge economy. Transforming the country’s competitive base to a knowledge economy is pivotal, directly shaping the course of Ireland’s economy and society. Given Ireland’s current economic crisis, limited resources, global competition from leaders in science and technology and growing challenges from emerging economies, a systematic study of Ireland’s major competitive policy is imperative. Above all, this study explores the processes behind the policy and the multiple actors from different institutions who follow and seek to influence decisions. The advocacy coalition framework is used to identify the advocacy coalition operating in the knowledge economy policy subsystem. The theoretical insights of this framework are also combined with other public policy approaches, providing complementary insights into the policy process. The research is framed around three elements - the beliefs underpinning the policy; who is driving the policy; and the prospects of the policy. Primary information is collected by way of semi-structured in-depth interviews with 49 Irish elites (politicians, senior bureaucrats, academics and business leaders) involved in the formation and implementation of the policy. This study finds that a strong advocacy coalition has formed in this policy subsystem whose members are collectively driving the policy. Both exogenous and endogenous forces help frame a common perception of the problems the policy addresses and the solutions it offers. Evidence suggests that this policy is a sustainable option for Ireland’s economic future and the study concludes with policy recommendations for advancing Ireland’s knowledge economy.


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Valuable genetic variation for bean breeding programs is held within the common bean secondary gene pool which consists of Phaseolus albescens, P. coccineus, P. costaricensis, and P. dumosus. However, the use of close relatives for bean improvement is limited due to the lack of knowledge about genetic variation and genetic plasticity of many of these species. Characterisation and analysis of the genetic diversity is necessary among beans' wild relatives; in addition, conflicting phylogenies and relationships need to be understood and a hypothesis of a hybrid origin of P. dumosus needs to be tested. This thesis research was orientated to generate information about the patterns of relationships among the common bean secondary gene pool, with particular focus on the species Phaseolus dumosus. This species displays a set of characteristics of agronomic interest, not only for the direct improvement of common bean but also as a source of valuable genes for adaptation to climate change. Here I undertake the first comprehensive study of the genetic diversity of P. dumosus as ascertained from both nuclear and chloroplast genome markers. A germplasm collection of the ancestral forms of P. dumosus together with wild, landrace and cultivar representatives of all other species of the common bean secondary gene pool, were used to analyse genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and structure of P. dumosus. Data on molecular variation was generated from sequences of cpDNA loci accD-psaI spacer, trnT-trnL spacer, trnL intron and rps14-psaB spacer and from the nrDNA the ITS region. A whole genome DArT array was developed and used for the genotyping of P. dumosus and its closes relatives. 4208 polymorphic markers were generated in the DArT array and from those, 742 markers presented a call rate >95% and zero discordance. DArT markers revealed a moderate genetic polymorphism among P. dumosus samples (13% of polymorphic loci), while P. coccineus presented the highest level of polymorphism (88% of polymorphic loci). At the cpDNA one ancestral haplotype was detected among all samples of all species in the secondary genepool. The ITS region of P. dumosus revealed high homogeneity and polymorphism bias to P. coccineus genome. Phylogenetic reconstructions made with Maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods confirmed previously reported discrepancies among the nuclear and chloroplast genomes of P. dumosus. The outline of relationships by hybridization networks displayed a considerable number of interactions within and between species. This research provides compelling evidence that P. dumosus arose from hybridisation between P. vulgaris and P. coccineus and confirms that P. costaricensis has likely been involved in the genesis or backcrossing events (or both) in the history of P. dumosus. The classification of the specie P. persistentus was analysed based on cpDNA and ITS sequences, the results found this species to be highly related to P. vulgaris but not too similar to P. leptostachyus as previously proposed. This research demonstrates that wild types of the secondary genepool carry a significant genetic variation which makes this a valuable genetic resource for common bean improvement. The DArT array generated in this research is a valuable resource for breeding programs since it has the potential to be used in several approaches including genotyping, discovery of novel traits, mapping and marker-trait associations. Efforts should be made to search for potential populations of P. persistentus and to increase the collection of new populations of P. dumosus, P. albescens and P. costaricensis that may provide valuable traits for introgression into common bean and other Phaseolus crops.


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Aim: Fever and febrile illness are some of the most common conditions managed by parents. The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of parents around fever in children under five years of age. Methods: Between July and August 2014, a convenience sample of parents was invited to participate in this study in Copenhagen, Denmark. Results were analysed thematically using a constant comparison method. Results: Twenty-one parents participated in the study. Five themes emerged from the data: parental concern, help-seeking behaviour, parental knowledge, parent fever management practices and initiatives. Parents used a range of information sources to obtain their knowledge on management of fever; however, due to issues of trust with these sources, reassurance was often sought from healthcare practitioners. There was a desire amongst most parents for initiatives to be introduced which provide general information on how to manage fever in children. Conclusion: Parents were very concerned when their child was febrile and instigated practices obtained from accessible information sources. This study has identified a need for specific and reliable information initiatives to be introduced as a means of reducing parental concern and ensuring evidence-based strategies for managing a child with fever.