6 resultados para Cell counts, microbial

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Increased plasmin and plasminogen levels and elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) and polymorphonuclear leucocyte levels (PMN) were evident in late lactation milk. Compositional changes in these milks were associated with increased SCC. The quality of late lactation milks was related to nutritional status of herds, with milks from herds on a high plane of nutrition having composition and clotting properties similar to, or superior to, early-mid lactation milks. Nutritionally-deficient cows had elevated numbers of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) in their milk, elevated plasmin levels and increased overall proteolytic activity. The dominant effect of plasmin on proteolysis in milks of low SCC was established. When present in elevated numbers, somatic cells and PMNs in particular had a more significant influence on the proteolysis of both raw and pasteurised milks than plasmin. PMN protease action on the caseins showed proteolysis products of two specific enzymes, cathepsin B and elastase, which were also shown in high SCC milk. Crude extracts of somatic cells had a high specificity on αs1-casein. Cheeses made from late lactation milks had increased breakdown of αs1-casein, suggestive of the action of somatic cell proteinases, which may be linked to textural defects in cheese. Late lactation cheeses also showed decreased production of small peptides and amino acids, the reason for which is unknown. Plasmin, which is elevated in activity in late lactation milk, accelerated the ripening of Gouda-type cheese, but was not associated with defects of texture or flavour. The retention of somatic cell enzymes in cheese curd was confirmed, and a potential role in production of bitter peptides identified. Cheeses made from milks containing high levels of PMNs had accelerated αs1-casein breakdown relative to cheeses made from low PMN milk of the same total SCC, consistent with the demonstrated action of PMN proteinases. The two types of cheese were determined significantly different by blind triangle testing.


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Lactic acid bacteria expolysaccharides (LAB-EPS), in particular those formed from sucrose have the potential to improve food and beverage rheology and enhance their sensory properties potentially replacing or reducing expensive hydrocolloids currently used as improvers in food and beverage industries. Addition of sucrose not only enables EPS formation but also affects organic acid formation, thus influencing the sensory properties of the resulting food/beverage products. The first part of the study the organoleptic modulation of barley malt derived wort fermented using in situ produced bacterial polysaccharides has been investigated. Weisella cibaria MG1 was capable to produce exopolysaccharides during sucrosesupplemented barley malt derived wort fermentation. Even though the strain dominated the (sucrose-supplemented) wort fermentation, it was found to produce EPS (14.4 g l-1) with lower efficiency than in SucMRS (34.6 g l-1). Higher maltose concentration in wort led to the increased formation of oligosaccharide (OS) at the expense of EPS. Additionally, small amounts of organic acids were formed and ethanol remained below 0.5% (v/v). W. cibaria MG1 fermented worts supplemented with 5 or 10% sucrose displayed a shear-thinning behaviour indicating the formation of polymers. This report showed how novel and nutritious LAB fermented wort-base beverage with prospects for further advancements can be formulated using tailored microbial cultures. In the next step, the impact of exopolysaccharide-producing Weissella cibaria MG1 on the ability to improve rheological properties of fermented plant-based milk substitute plant based soy and quinoa grain was evaluated. W. cibaria MG1 grew well in soy milk, exceeding a cell count of log 8 cfu/g within 6 h of fermentation. The presence of W. cibaria MG1 led to a decrease in gelation and fermentation time. EPS isolated from soy yoghurts supplemented with sucrose were higher in molecular weight (1.1 x 108 g/mol vs 6.6 x 107 g/mol), and resulted in reduced gel stiffness (190 ± 2.89 Pa vs 244 ± 15.9 Pa). Soy yoghurts showed typical biopolymer gels structure and the network structure changed to larger pores and less cross-linking in the presence of sucrose and increasing molecular weight of the EPS. In situ investigation of Weissella cibaria MG1 producing EPS on quinoa-based milk was performed. The production of quinoa milk, starting from wholemeal quinoa flour, was optimised to maximise EPS production. On doing that, enzymatic destructuration of protein and carbohydrate components of quinoa milk was successfully achieved applying alpha-amylase and proteases treatments. Fermented wholemeal quinoa milk using Weissella cibaria MG1 showed high viable cell counts (>109 cfu/mL), a pH of 5.16, and significantly higher water holding capacity (WHC, 100 %), viscosity (> 0. 5 Pa s) and exopolysaccharide (EPS) amount (40 mg/L) than the chemically acidified control. High EPS (dextran) concentration in quinoa milk caused earlier aggregation because more EPS occupy more space, and the chenopodin were forced to interact with each other. Direct observation of microstructure in fermented quinoa milk indicated that the network structures of EPS-protein could improve the texture of fermented quinoa milk. Overall, Weissella cibaria MG1 showed favorable technology properties and great potential for further possible application in the development of high viscosity fermented quinoa milk. The last part of the study investigate the ex-situ LAB-EPS (dextran) application compared to other hydrocolloids as a novel food ingredient to compensate for low protein in biscuit and wholemeal wheat flour. Three hydrocolloids, xanthan gum, dextran and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, were incorporated into bread recipes based on high-protein flours, low-protein flours and coarse wholemeal flour. Hydrocolloid levels of 0–5 % (flour basis) were used in bread recipes to test the water absorption. The quality parameters of dough (farinograph, extensograph, rheofermentometre) and bread (specific volume, crumb structure and staling profile) were determined. Results showed that xanthan had negative impact on the dough and bread quality characteristics. HPMC and dextran generally improved dough and bread quality and showed dosage dependence. Volume of low-protein flour breads were significantly improved by incorporation of 0.5 % of the latter two hydrocolloids. However, dextran outperformed HPMC regarding initial bread hardness and staling shelf life regardless the flour applied in the formulation.


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Aquaculture is a fast-growing industry contributing to global food security and sustainable aquaculture, which may reduce pressures on capture fisheries. The overall objective of this thesis was to look at the immunostimulatory effects of different aspects of aquaculture on the host response of the edible sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, which are a prized delicacy (roe) in many Asian and Mediterranean countries. In Chapter 1, the importance of understanding the biology, ecology, and physiology of P. lividus, as well as the current status in the culture of this organism for mass production and introducing the thesis objectives for following chapters is discussed. As the research commenced, the difficulties of identifying individuals for repeat sampling became clear; therefore, Chapter 2 was a tagging experiment that indicated PIT tagging was a successful way of identifying individual sea urchins over time with a high tag retention rate. However, it was also found that repeat sampling via syringe to measure host response of an individual caused stress which masked results and thus animals would be sampled and sacrificed going forward. Additionally, from personal observations and discussion with peers, it was suggested to look at the effect that diet has on sea urchin immune function and the parameters I measured which led to Chapter 3. In this chapter, both Laminaria digitata and Mytilus edulis were shown to influence measured immune parameters of differential cell counts, nitric oxide production, and lysozyme activity. Therefore, trials commencing after Trial 5 in Chapter 4, were modified to include starvation in order to remove any effect of diet. Another important aspect of culturing any organism is the study of their immune function and its response to several immunostimulatory agents (Chapter 4). Zymosan A was shown to be an effective immunostimulatory agent in P. lividus. Further work on handled/stored animals (Chapter 5) showed Zymosan A reduced the measured levels of some immune parameters measured relative to the control, which may reduce the amount of stress in the animals. In Chapter 6, animals were infected with Vibrio anguillarum and, although V. anguillarum, impacted immune parameters of P. lividus, it did not cause mortality as predicted. Lastly, throughout this thesis work, it was noted that the immune parameters measured produced different values at different times of the year (Chapter 7); therefore, using collated baseline (control) data, results were compiled to observe seasonal effects. It was determined that both seasonality and sourcing sites influenced immune parameter measurements taken at different times throughout the year. In conclusion, this thesis work fits into the framework of development of aquaculture practices that affect immune function of the host and future research focusing on the edible sea urchin, P. lividus.


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TRIB2 is a member of the mammalian Tribbles family of serine/threonine pseudokinases (TRIB1-3). Here, we studied murine haematopoiesis after Trib2 ablation under steady state and proliferative stress conditions, including genotoxic and oncogenic stress. At the steady state, we found that TRIB2 loss did not adversely affect peripheral blood cell counts and populations. No detectable significant differences were found in the populations of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. However, Trib2-/- mice had significantly higher thymic cellularity due to the increased proliferation of Trib2-/- developing thymocytes which give rise to increased number of mature thymic subsets. During stressed haematopoiesis, Trib2-/- developing thymocytes demonstrate hypersensitivity to 5-fluorouracil-induced cell death. Nevertheless, Trib2-/- mice exhibit accelerated thymopoietic recovery post 5-fluorouracil treatment due to increased cell division kinetics of developing thymocytes. In an experimental murine T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL) model, Trib2-/- mice had reduced latency in vivo which associated with aggressive T-ALL phenotypes and impaired activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. Gene set enrichment analysis showed that TRIB2 expression is elevated in immature subtype of human T-ALL enriched with mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling. However, TRIB2 expression is suppressed in mature subtype of human T-ALL. Thus, TRIB2 emerges as a novel regulator of thymocyte cellular proliferation, important for the thymopoietic response to genotoxic and oncogenic stress, and possessing tumour suppressor function. In Drosophila, Tribbles promotes degradation of String which is an orthologue of mammalian CDC25 phosphatases in order to arrest cell cycle during embryonic development. Here, we showed that the role of Tribbles-induced degradation of String is evolutionarily conserved in TRIB2. We found that TRIB2 interacts with CDC25B/C but not CDC25A isoform. Overexpression of TRIB2 promotes polyubiquitination and degradation of CDC25C. Hence, future works are warranted to examine TRIB2-CDC25C interaction in the context of developing thymocytes and in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the malignant counterpart.


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Defects in commercial cheese result in a downgrading of the final cheese and a consequential economic loss to the cheese producer. Developments of defects in cheese are often not fully understood and therefore not controllable by the producer. This research investigated the underlying factors in the development of split and secondary fermentation defect and of pinking defects in commercial Irish cheeses. Split defect in Swiss-type cheese is a common defect associated with eye formation and manifests as slits and cracks visible in the cut cheese loaf (Reinbold, 1972; Daly et al., 2010). No consensus exists as to the definitive causes of the defect and possible factors which may contribute to the defect were reviewed. Models were derived to describe the relationship between moisture, pH, and salt levels and the distance from sample location to the closest external block surface during cheese ripening. Significant gradients within the cheese blocks were observed for all measured parameters in cheeses at 7 day post/after manufacture. No significant pH gradient was found within the blocks on exit from hot-room ripening and at three months post exit from the hot-room. Moisture content reached equilibrium within the blocks between exit from hot-room and 3 months after exit from hot-room while salt and salt-to-moisture levels had not reached equilibrium within the cheese blocks even at three months after exit from hot-room ripening. A characterisation of Swiss-type cheeses produced from a seasonal milk supply was undertaken. Cheeses were sampled on two days per month of the production year, at three different times during the manufacturing day, at internal and external regions of the cheese block and at four ripening time points (7 days post manufacture, post hot-room, 14 days post hot-room and 3 months in a cold room after exit from hot-room). Compositional, biochemical and microbial indices were determined, and the results were analysed as a splitplot with a factorial arrangement of treatments (season, time of day, area) on the main plot and ripening time on the sub-plot. Season (and interactions) had a significant effect on pH and salt-in-moisture levels (SM), mean viable counts of L. helveticus, propionic acid and non-starter lactic acid bacteria, levels of primary and secondary proteolysis and cheese firmness. Levels of proteolysis increased significantly during hot-room ripening but also during cold room storage, signifying continued development of cheese ripening during cold storage (> 8°C). Rheological parameters (e.g. springiness and cohesiveness) were significantly affected by interactions between ripening and location within cheese blocks. Time of day of manufacture significantly affected mean cheese calcium levels at 7 days post manufacture and mean levels of arginine and mean viable counts of NSLAB. Cheeses produced during the middle of the production day had the best grading scores and were more consistent compared to cheeses produced early or late during day of manufacture. Cheeses with low levels of S/M and low values of resilience were associated with poor grades at 7 days post manufacture. Chesses which had high elastic index values and low values of springiness in the external areas after exit from hot-room ripening also obtained good commercial grades. Development of a pink colour defect is an intermittent defect in ripened cheese which may or may not contain an added colourant, e.g., annatto. Factors associated with the defect were reviewed. Attempts at extraction and identification of the pink discolouration were unsuccessful. The pink colour partitioned with the water insoluble protein fraction. No significant difference was observed between ripened control and defect cheese for oxygen levels and redox potential or for the results of elemental analysis. A possible relationship between starter activity and defect development was established in cheeses with added coulourant, as lower levels of residual galactose and lactose were observed in defective cheese compared to control cheese free of the defect. Swiss-type cheese without added colourant had significantly higher levels of arginine and significantly lower lactate levels. Flow cell cytometry indicated that levels of bacterial cell viability and metabolic state differed between control and defect cheeses (without added colourant). Pyrosequencing analysis of cheese samples with and without the defect detected the previously unreported bacteria in cheese, Deinococcus thermus (a potential carotenoid producer). Defective Swiss-type cheeses had elevated levels of Deinococcus thermus compared to control cheeses, however the direct cause of pink was not linked to this bacterium alone. Overall, research was undertaken on underlying factors associated with the development of specific defects in commercial cheese, but also characterised the dynamic changes in key microbial and physicochemical parameters during cheese ripening and storage. This will enable the development of processing technologies to enable seasonal manipulation of manufacture protocols to minimise compositional and biochemical variability and to reduce and inhibit the occurrence of specific quality defects.


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BACKGROUND: The role of the microbiome has become synonymous with human health and disease. Bile acids, as essential components of the microbiome, have gained sustained credibility as potential modulators of cancer progression in several disease models. At physiological concentrations, bile acids appear to influence cancer phenotypes, although conflicting data surrounds their precise physiological mechanism of action. Previously, we demonstrated bile acids destabilised the HIF-1α subunit of the Hypoxic-Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) transcription factor. HIF-1 overexpression is an early biomarker of tumour metastasis and is associated with tumour resistance to conventional therapies, and poor prognosis in a range of different cancers. METHODS: Here we investigated the effects of bile acids on the cancer growth and migratory potential of cell lines where HIF-1α is known to be active under hypoxic conditions. HIF-1α status was investigated in A-549 lung, DU-145 prostate and MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines exposed to bile acids (CDCA and DCA). Cell adhesion, invasion, migration was assessed in DU-145 cells while clonogenic growth was assessed in all cell lines. RESULTS: Intracellular HIF-1α was destabilised in the presence of bile acids in all cell lines tested. Bile acids were not cytotoxic but exhibited greatly reduced clonogenic potential in two out of three cell lines. In the migratory prostate cancer cell line DU-145, bile acids impaired cell adhesion, migration and invasion. CDCA and DCA destabilised HIF-1α in all cells and significantly suppressed key cancer progression associated phenotypes; clonogenic growth, invasion and migration in DU-145 cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest previously unobserved roles for bile acids as physiologically relevant molecules targeting hypoxic tumour progression.