3 resultados para Canine neoplasia

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Aims To investigate the relationship between unilateral PIC and specific dentofacial parameters. Materials and methods A sample of 216 subjects, with 108 subjects in the retrospective and prospective samples respectively. Dental parameters: The following dental parameters were assessed: Inter-canine and intermolar width; palatal depth and palatal area; anterior Bolton tooth-size discrepancy (TSD); maxillary arch shape and ratio and maxillary central and lateral incisor shape and ratio. Facial parameters: Three-dimensional (3D) images were taken for subjects in the prospective sample only, and were used to assess the following facial parameters: Face shape; face ratio and 3D distances and angles. Results Dental parameters: Inter-canine width was significantly smaller in the test group compared to the control group in the retrospective (p= 0.0002) and prospective (p= 0.0018) samples respectively. Anterior Bolton TSD was significantly higher in the prospective test group compared to controls (p= 0.0070). Arch ratio was significantly smaller in the test group than the control group for the retrospective sample (p= 0.0029), whereas no significant difference was recorded in the prospective sample (p= 0.1017). Arch shape distribution was significantly different in the retrospective sample (p= 0.009). Tooth shape distribution was significantly different for the maxillary right central incisor in the retrospective sample (p= 0.030). Tooth ratio showed no significant difference for both samples. Facial parameters: Basal width was significantly smaller in the test compared to the control group (p= 0.0001). No significant difference was found in all other 3D distances and angles measured. Conclusion Inter-canine width was significantly smaller in unilateral PIC subjects compared to controls. Anterior Bolton TSD was significantly higher in prospective unilateral PIC compared to controls. Maxillary arch ratio was significantly smaller in retrospective subjects. Square/tapered tooth shape was significantly more common in the retrospective group. Basal width was significantly smaller in subjects with unilateral PIC than controls.


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Ecosystem goods and services provided by estuarine and near coastal regions are being increasingly recognised for their immense value, as is the biodiversity in these areas and these near coastal communities have been identified as sentinels of climate change also. Population structure and reproductive biology of two bivalve molluscs, Cerastoderma edule and, Mytilus edulis were assessed at two study sites over a 16-month study period. Following an anomalously harsh winter, advancement of spawning time was observed in both species. Throughout Ireland and Europe the cockle has experienced mass surfacings in geographically distinct regions, and a concurrent study of cockles was undertaken to explore this phenomenon. Surfaced and buried cockles were collected on a monthly basis and their health compared. Age was highlighted as a source of variation between dying and healthy animals with a parasite threshold being reached possibly around age three. Local factors dominated when looking at the cause of surfacing at each site. The health of mussels was explored too on a temporal and seasonal basis in an attempt to assess what constitutes a healthy organism. In essence external drivers can tip the balance between “acceptable” levels of infection where the mussel can still function physiologically and “unacceptable” where prevalence and intensity of infection can result in physiological impairment at the individual and population level. Synecological studies of intertidal ecosystems are lacking, so all bivalves encountered during the sampling were assessed in terms of population structure, reproduction, and health. It became clear, that some parasites might specialize on one host species while others are not so specific in host choice. Furthermore the population genetics of the cockle, its parasite Meiogymnophallus minutus, and its hyperparasite Unikaryon legeri were examined too. A small nucleotide polymorphism was detected upon comparison of Ireland and Morocco.


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Perfusion experiments on an isolated, canine lateral saphenous vein segment preparation have shown that noradrenaline causes potent, flow dependent effects, at a threshold concentration comparable to that of plasma noradrenaline, when it stimulates the segment by diffusion from its microcirculation (vasa vasorum). The effects caused are opposite to those neuronal noradrenaline causes in vivo and that, in the light of the principle that all information is transmitted in patterns that need contrast to be detected – star patterns need darkness, sound patterns, quietness – has generated the hypothesis that plasma noradrenaline provides the obligatory contrast tissues need to detect and respond to the regulatory information encrypted in the diffusion pattern of neuronal noradrenaline. Based on the implications of that hypothesis, the controlled variable of the peripheral noradrenergic system is believed to be the maintenance of a set point balance between the contrasting effects of plasma and neuronal noradrenaline on a tissue. The hypothalamic sympathetic centres are believed to monitor that balance through the level of afferent sympathetic traffic they receive from a tissue and to correct any deviation it detects in the balance by adjusting the level of efferent sympathetic input it projects to the tissue. The failure of the centres to maintain the correct balance, for reasons intrinsic or extrinsic to themselves, is believed to be responsible for degenerative and genetic disorders. When the failure causes the balance to be polarised in favour of the effect of plasma noradrenaline that is believed to cause inflammatory diseases like dilator cardiac failure, renal hypertension, varicose veins and aneurysms; when it causes it to be polarised in favour of the effect of neuronal noradrenaline that is believed to cause genetic diseases like hypertrophic cardiopathy, pulmonary hypertension and stenoses and when, in pregnancy, a factor causes the polarity to favour plasma noradrenaline in all the maternal tissues except the uterus and conceptus, where it favours neuronal noradrenaline, that is believed to cause preeclampsia.