2 resultados para Calf

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The composition of equine milk differs considerably from that of the milk of the principal dairying species, i.e., the cow, buffalo, goat and sheep. Because equine milk resembles human milk in many respects and is claimed to have special therapeutic properties, it is becoming increasingly popular in Western Europe, where it is produced on large farms in several countries. Equine milk is considered to be highly digestible, rich in essential nutrients and to possess an optimum whey protein:casein ratio, making it very suitable as a substitute for bovine milk in paediatric dietetics. There is some scientific basis for the special nutritional and health-giving properties of equine milk but this study provides a comprehensive analysis of the composition and physico-chemical properties of equine milk which is required to fully exploit its potential in human nutrition. Quantification and distribution of the nitrogenous components and principal salts of equine milk are reported. The effects of the high concentration of ionic calcium, large casein micelles (~ 260 nm), low protein, lack of a sulphydryl group in equine β-lactoglobulin and a very low level of κ-casein on the physico-chemical properties of equine milk are reported. This thesis provides an insight into the stability of equine casein micelles to heat, ethanol, high pressure, rennet or acid. Differences in rennet- and acid-induced coagulation between equine and bovine milk are attributed not only to the low casein content of equine milk but also to differences in the mechanism by which the respective micelles are stabilized. It has been reported that β-casein plays a role in the stabilization of equine casein micelles and proteomic techniques support this view. In this study, equine κ-casein appeared to be resistant to hydrolysis by calf chymosin but equine β-casein was readily hydrolysed. Resolution of equine milk proteins by urea-PAGE showed the multi-phosphorylated isoforms of equine αs- and β-caseins and capillary zone electrophoresis showed 3 to 7 phosphorylated residues in equine β-casein. In vitro digestion of equine β-casein by pepsin and Corolase PP™ did not produce casomorphins BCM-5 or BCM-7, believed to be harmful to human health. Electron microscopy provided very clear, detailed images of equine casein micelles in their native state and when renneted or acidified. Equine milk formed flocs rather then a gel when renneted or acidified which is supported by dynamic oscillatory analysis. The results presented in this thesis will assist in the development of new products from equine milk for human consumption which will retain some of its unique compositional and health-giving properties.


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The effect of fortification of skim milk powder and sodium caseinate on Cheddar cheeses was investigated. SMP fortification led to decreased moisture, increased yield, higher numbers of NSLAB and reduced proteolysis. The functional and texture properties were also affected by SMP addition and formed a harder, less meltable cheese than the control. NaCn fortification led to increased moisture, increased yield, decreased proteolysis and higher numbers of NSLAB. The functional and textural properties were affected by fortification with NaCn and formed a softer cheese that had similar or less melt than the control. Reducing the lactose:casein ratio of Mozzarella cheese by using ultrafiltration led to higher pH, lower insoluble calcium, lower lactose, galactose and lactic acid levels in the cheese. The texture and functional properties of the cheese was affected by varying the lactose:casein ratio and formed a harder cheese that had similar melt to the control later in ripening. The flavour and bake properties were also affected by decreased lactose:casein ratio; the cheeses had lower acid flavour and blister colour than the control cheese. Varying the ratio of αs1:β-casein in Cheddar cheese affected the texture and functionality of the cheese but did not affect insoluble calcium, proteolysis or pH. Increasing the ratio of αs1:β-casein led to cheese with lower meltability and higher hardness without adverse effects on flavour. Using camel chymosin in Mozzarella cheese instead of calf chymosin resulted in cheese with lower proteolysis, higher softening point, higher hardness and lower blister quantity. The texture and functional properties that determine the shelf life of Mozzarella were maintained for a longer ripening period than when using calf chymosin therefore increasing the window of functionality of Mozzarella. In summary, the results of the trials in this thesis show means of altering the texture, functional, rheology and sensory properties of Mozzarella and Cheddar cheeses.