4 resultados para CIS-PROLINE

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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This thesis describes the optimisation of chemoenzymatic methods in asymmetric synthesis. Modern synthetic organic chemistry has experienced an enormous growth in biocatalytic methodologies; enzymatic transformations and whole cell bioconversions have become generally accepted synthetic tools for asymmetric synthesis. Biocatalysts are exceptional catalysts, combining broad substrate scope with high regio-, enantio- and chemoselectivities enabling the resolution of organic substrates with superb efficiency and selectivity. In this study three biocatalytic applications in enantioselective synthesis were explored and perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the excellent enantioselectivity achieved through optimisation of reaction conditions improving the synthetic utility of the biotransformations. In the first chapter a summary of literature discussing the stereochemical control of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisae) mediated reduction of ketones by the introduction of sulfur moieties is presented, and sets the work of Chapter 2 in context. The focus of the second chapter was the synthesis and biocatalytic resolution of (±)-trans-2-benzenesulfonyl-3-n-butylcyclopentanone. For the first time the practical limitations of this resolution have been addressed providing synthetically useful quantities of enantiopure synthons for application in the total synthesis of both enantiomers of 4-methyloctanoic acid, the aggregation pheromone of the rhinoceros beetles of the genus Oryctes. The unique aspect of this enantioselective synthesis was the overall regio- and enantioselective introduction of the methyl group to the octanoic acid chain. This work is part of an ongoing research programme in our group focussed on baker’s yeast mediated kinetic resolution of 2-keto sulfones. The third chapter describes hydrolase-catalysed kinetic resolutions leading to a series of 3-aryl alkanoic acids. Hydrolysis of the ethyl esters with a series of hydrolases was undertaken to identify biocatalysts that yield the corresponding acids in highly enantioenriched form. Contrary to literature reports where a complete disappearance of efficiency and, accordingly enantioselection, was described upon kinetic resolution of sterically demanding 3-arylalkanoic acids, the highest reported enantiopurities of these acids was achieved (up to >98% ee) in this study through optimisation of reaction conditions. Steric and electronic effects on the efficiency and enantioselectivity of the biocatalytic transformation were also explored. Furthermore, a novel approach to determine the absolute stereochemistry of the enantiopure 3-aryl alkanoic acids was investigated through combination of co-crystallisation and X-ray diffraction linked with chiral HPLC analysis. The fourth chapter was focused on the development of a biocatalytic protocol for the asymmetric Henry reaction. Efficient kinetic resolution in hydrolase-mediated transesterification of cis- and trans- β-nitrocyclohexanol derivatives was achieved. Combination of a base-catalysed intramolecular Henry reaction coupled with the hydrolase-mediated kinetic resolution with the view to selective acetylation of a single stereoisomer was investigated. While dynamic kinetic resolution in the intramolecular Henry was not achieved, significant progress in each of the individual elements was made and significantly the feasibility of this process has been demonstrated. The final chapter contains the full experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data of all compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral HPLC analysis are included in the appendix. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.


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The ability of the Gram-positive foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to survive and grow in environments of elevated osmolarity can be attributed, at least in part, to the accumulation of a restricted range of low molecular mass solutes compatible with cellular function. Accumulated to high internal concentrations in hyper-saline environments, compatible solutes, either transported into the cell or synthesized de novo, play a dual role: helping to stabilize protein structure and function while also counterbalancing external osmotic strength, thus preventing water loss from the cell and plasmolysis. While previous physiological investigations identified glycine betaine, carnitine, and proline as the principal compatible solutes in the listerial osmostress response, genetic alanysis of the uptake/synthesis systems governing the accumulation of these compounds has, until now, remained largely unexplored. Representing the first genetic analysis of compatible solute accumulation in L. monocytogenes, this thesis describes the molecular characterization of BetL; a highly specific secondary glycine betaine transport system, OpuC; a multicomponent carnitine/glycine betaine transporter, and finally proBA; a two-gene operon encoding the first two enzymes of the listerial proline piosynthesis pathway. In addition to their role in osmotolerance, the potential of each system in contributing to listerial pathogenesis was investigated. While mutations in each gene cluster exhibited dramatic reductions in listerial osmotolerance, OpuC- mutants were additionally shown to exhibit reduced virulence when admisistered via the oral route. This represents the first direct link between the salt stress response and virulence in L. monocytogenes.


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The full virulence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) to plants depends upon cell-to-cell signalling mediated by the signal molecule DSF (for diffusible signal factor), that has been characterised as cis-11-methyl-2-dodecenoic acid. DSF-mediated signalling regulates motility, biofilm dynamics and the synthesis of particular virulence determinants. The synthesis and perception of the DSF signal molecule involves products of the rpf (regulation of pathogenicity factors) gene cluster. DSF synthesis is fully dependent on RpfF, which encodes a putative enoyl-CoA hydratase. A two-component system, comprising the complex sensor histidine kinase RpfC and the HD-GYP domain regulator RpfG, is implicated in DSF perception. The HD-GYP domain of RpfG is a phosphodiesterase working on cyclic di-GMP; DSF perception is thereby linked to the turnover of this intracellular second messenger. The full range of regulatory influences of the Rpf/DSF system and of cyclic di-GMP in Xcc has yet to be established. In order to further characterise the Rpf/DSF regulatory network in Xcc, a proteomic approach was used to compare protein expression in the wildtype and defined rpf mutants. This work shows that the Rpf/DSF system regulates a range of biological functions that are associated with virulence and biofilm formation but also reveals new functions mediated by DSF regulation. These functions include antibiotic resistance, detoxification and stress tolerance. Mutational analysis showed that several of these regulated protein functions contribute to virulence in Chinese radish. Interestingly, it was demonstrated that different patterns of protein expression are associated with mutations of rpfF, rpfC and rpfG. This suggests that RpfG and RpfC have broader roles in regulation other than perception and transduction of DSF. Taken together, this analysis indicates the broad and complex regulatory role of Rpf/DSF system and identifies a number of new functions under Rpf/DSF control, which were shown to play a role in virulence.


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There is an increasing appreciation of the polymicrobial nature of bacterial infections associated with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and of the important role for interactions in influencing bacterial virulence and response to therapy. Patients with CF are co-infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cenocepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. These latter bacteria produce signal molecules of the diffusible signal factor (DSF) family, which are cis-2-unsaturated fatty acids. Previous studies showed that DSF from S. maltophilia leads to altered biofilm formation and increased tolerance to antibiotics in P. aeruginosa and that these responses require the P. aeruginosa sensor kinase PA1396. The work in this thesis aims of further elucidate the influence and mechanism of DSF signalling on P. aeruginosa and examine the role that such interspecies signalling play in infection of the CF airway. Next generation sequencing technologies targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA gene were applied to DNA and RNA isolated from sputum taken from cohorts of CF and non-CF subjects to characterise the bacterial community. In parallel, metabolomics analysis of sputum provided insight into the environment of the CF airway. This analysis revealed a number of observations including; that differences in metabolites occur in sputum taken from clinically stable CF patients and those with exacerbation and DNA- and RNA-based methods suggested that a strong relationship existed between the abundance of specific strict anaerobes and fluctuations in the level of metabolites during exacerbation. DSF family signals were also detected in the sputum and a correlation with the presence of DSFproducing organisms was observed. To examine the signal transduction mechanisms used by P. aeruginosa, bioinformatics with site directed mutagenesis were employed to identify signalling partners for PA1396. A pathway suggesting a role for a number of proteins in the regulation of several factors following DSF recognition by PA1396 were observed.