10 resultados para Atmospheric radio refractivity.

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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A novel spectroscopic method, incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS), has been modified and extended to measure absorption spectra in the near-ultraviolet with high sensitivity. The near-ultraviolet region extends from 300 to 400 nm and is particularly important in tropospheric photochemistry; absorption of near-UV light can also be exploited for sensitive trace gas measurements of several key atmospheric constituents. In this work, several IBBCEAS instruments were developed to record reference spectra and to measure trace gas concentrations in the laboratory and field. An IBBCEAS instrument was coupled to a flow cell for measuring very weak absorption spectra between 335 and 375 nm. The instrument was validated against the literature absorption spectrum of SO2. Using the instrument, we report new absorption cross-sections of O3, acetone, 2-butanone, and 2-pentanone in this spectral region, where literature data diverge considerably owing to the extremely weak absorption. The instrument was also applied to quantifying low concentrations of the short-lived radical, BrO, in the presence of strong absorption by Br2 and O3. A different IBBCEAS system was adapted to a 4 m3 atmosphere simulation chamber to record the absorption cross-sections of several low vapour pressure compounds, which are otherwise difficult to measure. Absorption cross-sections of benzaldehyde and the more volatile alkyl nitrites agree well with previous spectra; on this basis, the cross-sections of several nitrophenols are reported for the first time. In addition, the instrument was also used to study the optical properties of secondary organic aerosol formed following the photooxidation of isoprene. An extractive IBBCEAS instrument was developed for detecting HONO and NO2 and had a sensitivity of about 10-9 cm-1. This instrument participated in a major international intercomparison of HONO and NO2 measurements held in the EUPHORE simulation chamber in Valencia, Spain, and results from that campaign are also reported here.


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This paper presents a novel architecture and its implementation for a versatile, miniaturised mote which can communicate concurrently using a variety of combinations of ISM bands, has increased processing capability, and interoperability with mainstream GSM technology. All these features are integrated in a small form factor platform. The platform can have many configurations which could satisfy a variety of applications’ constraints. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first integrated platform of this type reported in the literature. The proposed platform opens the way for enhanced levels of Quality of Service (QoS), with respect to reliability, availability and latency, in addition to facilitating interoperability and power reduction compared to existing platforms. The small form factor also allows potential of integration with other mobile platforms including smart phones.


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Ultra Wide Band (UWB) transmission has recently been the object of considerable attention in the field of next generation location aware wireless sensor networks. This is due to its fine time resolution, energy efficient and robustness to interference in harsh environments. This paper presents a thorough applied examination of prototype IEEE 802.15.4a impulse UWB transceiver technology to quantify the effect of line of sight (LOS) and non line of sight (NLOS) ranging in real indoor and outdoor environments. Results included draw on an extensive array of experiments that fully characterize the 802.15.4a UWB transceiver technology, its reliability and ranging capabilities for the first time. A new two way (TW) ranging protocol is proposed. The goal of this work is to validate the technology as a dependable wireless communications mechanism for the subset of sensor network localization applications where reliability and precision positions are key concerns.


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A detailed series of simulation chamber experiments has been performed on the atmospheric degradation pathways of the primary air pollutant naphthalene and two of its photooxidation products, phthaldialdehyde and 1-nitronaphthalene. The measured yields of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) arising from the photooxidation of naphthalene varied from 6-20%, depending on the concentrations of naphthalene and nitrogen oxides as well as relative humidity. A range of carbonyls, nitro-compounds, phenols and carboxylic acids were identified among the gas- and particle-phase products. On-line analysis of the chemical composition of naphthalene SOA was performed using aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS) for the first time. The results indicate that enhanced formation of carboxylic acids may contribute to the observed increase in SOA yields at higher relative humidity. The photolysis of phthaldialdehyde and 1-nitronaphthalene was investigated using natural light at the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE) in Valencia, Spain. The photolysis rate coefficients were measured directly and used to confirm that photolysis is the major atmospheric loss process for these compounds. For phthaldialdehyde, the main gas-phase products were phthalide and phthalic anhydride. SOA yields in the range 2-11% were observed, with phthalic acid and dihydroxyphthalic acid identified among the particle phase products. The photolysis of 1-nitronaphthalene yielded nitric oxide and a naphthoxy radical which reacted to form several products. SOA yields in the range 57-71% were observed, with 1,4-naphthoquinone, 1-naphthol and 1,4-naphthalenediol identified in the particle phase. On-line analysis of the SOA generated in an indoor chamber using ATOFMS provided evidence for the formation of high-molecular-weight products. Further investigations revealed that these products are oxygenated polycyclic compounds most likely produced from the dimerization of naphthoxy radicals. These results of this work indicate that naphthalene is a potentially large source of SOA in urban areas and should be included in atmospheric models. The kinetic and mechanistic information could be combined with existing literature data to produce an overall degradation mechanism for naphthalene suitable for inclusion in photochemical models that are used to predict the effect of emissions on air quality.


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Science Foundation Ireland (CSET - Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology, Grant No. 07/CE/11147)


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This thesis investigates the optimisation of Coarse-Fine (CF) spectrum sensing architectures under a distribution of SNRs for Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA). Three different detector architectures are investigated: the Coarse-Sorting Fine Detector (CSFD), the Coarse-Deciding Fine Detector (CDFD) and the Hybrid Coarse-Fine Detector (HCFD). To date, the majority of the work on coarse-fine spectrum sensing for cognitive radio has focused on a single value for the SNR. This approach overlooks the key advantage that CF sensing has to offer, namely that high powered signals can be easily detected without extra signal processing. By considering a range of SNR values, the detector can be optimised more effectively and greater performance gains realised. This work considers the optimisation of CF spectrum sensing schemes where the security and performance are treated separately. Instead of optimising system performance at a single, constant, low SNR value, the system instead is optimised for the average operating conditions. The security is still provided such that at the low SNR values the safety specifications are met. By decoupling the security and performance, the system’s average performance increases whilst maintaining the protection of licensed users from harmful interference. The different architectures considered in this thesis are investigated in theory, simulation and physical implementation to provide a complete overview of the performance of each system. This thesis provides a method for estimating SNR distributions which is quick, accurate and relatively low cost. The CSFD is modelled and the characteristic equations are found for the CDFD scheme. The HCFD is introduced and optimisation schemes for all three architectures are proposed. Finally, using the Implementing Radio In Software (IRIS) test-bed to confirm simulation results, CF spectrum sensing is shown to be significantly quicker than naive methods, whilst still meeting the required interference probability rates and not requiring substantial receiver complexity increases.


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Poor oxygenation (hypoxia) is a common characteristic of human solid tumours, and is associated with cell survival, metastasis and resistance to radio- and chemotherapies. Hypoxia-induced stabilisation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) leads to changes in expression of various genes associated with growth, vascularisation and metabolism. However whether HIF-1α plays a causal role in promoting hypoxic resistance to antitumour therapies remains unclear. In this study we used pharmacological and genetic methods to investigate the HIF-1α contribution to radio- and chemoresistance in four cancer cell lines derived from cervical, breast, prostate and melanoma human tumours. Under normoxia or hypoxia (<0.2% or 0.5% oxygen) the cells were exposed to either a standard irradiation dose (6.2 Gy) or chemotherapeutic drug (cisplatin), and subsequent cell proliferation (after 7 days) was measured in terms of resazurin reduction. Oxygen-dependent radio- and chemosensitivity was evident in all wild type whereas it was reduced or abolished in HIF-1α (siRNA) knockdown cells. The effects of HIF-1α-modulating drugs (EDHB, CoCl2, deferoxamine to stabilise and R59949 to destabilise it) reflected both HIF-1α-dependent and independent mechanisms. Collectively the data show that HIF-1α played a causal role in our in vitro model of hypoxia-induced radioresistance whereas its contribution to oxygendependent sensitivity to cisplatin was less clear-cut. Although this behavior is likely to be conditioned by further biological and physical factors operating in vivo, it is consistent with the hypothesis that interventions directed at HIF-1α may improve the clinical effectiveness of tumour treatments.


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Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) polarisation observations of the relativistic jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) allow the magnetic field environment around the jet to be probed. In particular, multi-wavelength observations of AGN jets allow the creation of Faraday rotation measure maps which can be used to gain an insight into the magnetic field component of the jet along the line of sight. Recent polarisation and Faraday rotation measure maps of many AGN show possible evidence for the presence of helical magnetic fields. The detection of such evidence is highly dependent both on the resolution of the images and the quality of the error analysis and statistics used in the detection. This thesis focuses on the development of new methods for high resolution radio astronomy imaging in both of these areas. An implementation of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) suitable for multi-wavelength VLBI polarisation observations is presented and the advantage in resolution it possesses over the CLEAN algorithm is discussed and demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations. This new polarisation MEM code has been applied to multi-wavelength imaging of the Active Galactic Nuclei 0716+714, Mrk 501 and 1633+382, in each case providing improved polarisation imaging compared to the case of deconvolution using the standard CLEAN algorithm. The first MEM-based fractional polarisation and Faraday-rotation VLBI images are presented, using these sources as examples. Recent detections of gradients in Faraday rotation measure are presented, including an observation of a reversal in the direction of a gradient further along a jet. Simulated observations confirming the observability of such a phenomenon are conducted, and possible explanations for a reversal in the direction of the Faraday rotation measure gradient are discussed. These results were originally published in Mahmud et al. (2013). Finally, a new error model for the CLEAN algorithm is developed which takes into account correlation between neighbouring pixels. Comparison of error maps calculated using this new model and Monte Carlo maps show striking similarities when the sources considered are well resolved, indicating that the method is correctly reproducing at least some component of the overall uncertainty in the images. The calculation of many useful quantities using this model is demonstrated and the advantages it poses over traditional single pixel calculations is illustrated. The limitations of the model as revealed by Monte Carlo simulations are also discussed; unfortunately, the error model does not work well when applied to compact regions of emission.


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In order to determine the size-resolved chemical composition of single particles in real-time an ATOFMS was deployed at urban background sites in Paris and Barcelona during the MEGAPOLI and SAPUSS monitoring campaigns respectively. The particle types detected during MEGAPOLI included several carbonaceous species, metal-containing types and sea-salt. Elemental carbon particle types were highly abundant, with 86% due to fossil fuel combustion and 14% attributed to biomass burning. Furthermore, 79% of the EC was apportioned to local emissions and 21% to continental transport. The carbonaceous particle types were compared with quantitative measurements from other instruments, and while direct correlations using particle counts were poor, scaling of the ATOFMS counts greatly improved the relationship. During SAPUSS carbonaceous species, sea-salt, dust, vegetative debris and various metal-containing particle types were identified. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North African air masses the city was heavily influenced by Saharan dust. A regional stagnation was also observed leading to a large increase in carbonaceous particle counts. While the ATOFMS provides a list of particle types present during the measurement campaigns, the data presented is not directly quantitative. The quantitative response of the ATOFMS to metals was examined by comparing the ion signals within particle mass spectra and to hourly mass concentrations of; Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb. The ATOFMS was found to have varying correlations with these metals depending on sampling issues such as matrix effects. The strongest correlations were observed for Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb. Overall the results of this work highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS in providing composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution. However they also show its limitations in delivering quantitative information directly.


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Mercury is a potent neurotoxin even at low concentrations. The unoxidised metal has a high vapour pressure and can circulate through the atmosphere, but when oxidised can deposit and be accumulated through the food chain. This work aims to investigate the oxidation processes of atmospheric Hg0(g). The first part describes efforts to make a portable Hg sensor based on Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS). The detection limit achieved was 66 ngm−3 for a 10 second averaging time. The second part of this work describes experiments carried out in a temperature controlled atmospheric simulation chamber in the Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA. The chamber was built around an existing Hg CRDS system that could measure Hg concentrations in the chamber of<100 ngm−3 at 1 Hz enabling reactions to be followed. The main oxidant studied was bromine, which was quantified with a LED based CEAS system across the chamber. Hg oxidation in the chamber was found to be mostly too slow for current models to explain. A seven reaction model was developed and tested to find which parameters were capable of explaining the deviation. The model was overdetermined and no unique solution could be found. The most likely possibility was that the first oxidation step Hg + Br →HgBr was slower than the preferred literature value by a factor of two. However, if the more uncertain data at low [Br2] was included then the only parameter that could explain the experiments was a fast, temperature independent dissociation of HgBr some hundreds of times faster than predicted thermolysis or photolysis rates. Overall this work concluded that to quantitatively understand the reaction of Hg with Br2, the intermediates HgBr and Br must be measured. This conclusion will help to guide the planning of future studies of atmospheric Hg chemistry.