3 resultados para AFFERENT LIMB

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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The purpose of this preliminary study is to identify signs of fatigue in specific muscle groups that in turn directly influence accuracy in professional darts. Electromyography (EMG) sensors are employed to monitor the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles of the trunk and upper limb during throw. It is noted that the Flexor Pollicis Brevis muscle which controls the critical release action during throw shows signs of fatigue. This is accompanied by an inherent increase in mean integral EMG amplitude for a number of other throw related muscles indicating an attempt to maintain constant applied throwing force. A strong correlation is shown to exist between average score and decrease in mean integral ECG amplitude for the Flexor Pollicis Brevis.


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Renal failure (RF) is associated with an over activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the hypothesis that as the kidney progresses into RF there is an inappropriate and sustained activation of renal afferent nerves which results in a dysregulation of basal RSNA and reflexly controlled RSNA by the high and low pressure baroreceptors. Baroreflex gain curves for both RSNA and HR were generated in control and RF rats. This study clearly showed a blunted high-pressure baroreflex in RF rats, an impairment which was almost completely corrected by bilateral renal denervation. The integrity of the low-pressure cardiopulmonary receptors to inhibit RSNA was investigated using acute saline volume. Again, a blunted reflex sympatho-inhibition of RSNA was observed, which was corrected by renal denervation. Finally a functional study to examine how the renal excretory response to volume expansion differed in RF was carried out. This study revealed an impairment of the low-pressure baroreflex control of the sympathetic outflow. The result of these studies suggest that cisplatin induced RF initiates a neural signal from within the kidney, which over rides the normal reflex regulation of RSNA by the high and low – pressure baroreceptors and that this impairment in function can be normalised by renal denervation. This raises further questions as to the mechanisms involved in the afferent over activation arising from the diseased kidneys.


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Perfusion experiments on an isolated, canine lateral saphenous vein segment preparation have shown that noradrenaline causes potent, flow dependent effects, at a threshold concentration comparable to that of plasma noradrenaline, when it stimulates the segment by diffusion from its microcirculation (vasa vasorum). The effects caused are opposite to those neuronal noradrenaline causes in vivo and that, in the light of the principle that all information is transmitted in patterns that need contrast to be detected – star patterns need darkness, sound patterns, quietness – has generated the hypothesis that plasma noradrenaline provides the obligatory contrast tissues need to detect and respond to the regulatory information encrypted in the diffusion pattern of neuronal noradrenaline. Based on the implications of that hypothesis, the controlled variable of the peripheral noradrenergic system is believed to be the maintenance of a set point balance between the contrasting effects of plasma and neuronal noradrenaline on a tissue. The hypothalamic sympathetic centres are believed to monitor that balance through the level of afferent sympathetic traffic they receive from a tissue and to correct any deviation it detects in the balance by adjusting the level of efferent sympathetic input it projects to the tissue. The failure of the centres to maintain the correct balance, for reasons intrinsic or extrinsic to themselves, is believed to be responsible for degenerative and genetic disorders. When the failure causes the balance to be polarised in favour of the effect of plasma noradrenaline that is believed to cause inflammatory diseases like dilator cardiac failure, renal hypertension, varicose veins and aneurysms; when it causes it to be polarised in favour of the effect of neuronal noradrenaline that is believed to cause genetic diseases like hypertrophic cardiopathy, pulmonary hypertension and stenoses and when, in pregnancy, a factor causes the polarity to favour plasma noradrenaline in all the maternal tissues except the uterus and conceptus, where it favours neuronal noradrenaline, that is believed to cause preeclampsia.