6 resultados para ABSORPTION-EDGE

em CORA - Cork Open Research Archive - University College Cork - Ireland


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Amorphous silicon has become the material of choice for many technologies, with major applications in large area electronics: displays, image sensing and thin film photovoltaic cells. This technology development has occurred because amorphous silicon is a thin film semiconductor that can be deposited on large, low cost substrates using low temperature. In this thesis, classical molecular dynamics and first principles DFT calculations have been performed to generate structural models of amorphous and hydrogenated amorphous silicon and interfaces of amorphous and crystalline silicon, with the ultimate aim of understanding the photovoltaic properties of core-shell crystalline amorphous Si nanowire structures. We have shown, unexpectedly, from the simulations, that our understanding of hydrogenated bulk a-Si needs to be revisited, with our robust finding that when fully saturated with hydrogen, bulk a-Si exhibits a constant optical energy gap, irrespective of the hydrogen concentration in the sample. Unsaturated a-Si:H, with a lower than optimum hydrogen content, shows a smaller optical gap, that increases with hydrogen content until saturation is reached. The mobility gaps obtained from an analysis of the electronic states show similar behavior. We also obtained that the optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the H content is varied from 7% (undersaturation) to 18% (mild oversaturation). In the case of mild over saturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structures shows the extra H atoms in this case form a bridge between neighboring silicon atoms which increases the corresponding Si-Si distance and promotes bond length disorder in the sample. That has the potential to enhance the Staebler-Wronski effect. Planar interface models of amorphous-crystalline silicon have been generated in Si (100), (110) and (111) surfaces. The interface models are characterized by structure, RDF, electronic density of states and optical absorption spectrum. We find that the least stable (100) surface will result in the formation of the thickest amorphous silicon layer, while the most stable (110) surface forms the smallest amorphous region. We calculated for the first time band offsets of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions from first principles and examined the influence of different surface orientations and amorphous layer thickness on the offsets and implications for device performance. The band offsets depend on the amorphous layer thickness and increase with thickness. By controlling the amorphous layer thickness we can potentially optimise the solar cell parameters. Finally, we have successfully generated different amorphous layer thickness of the a-Si/c-Si and a-Si:H/c-Si 5 nm nanowires from heat and quench. We perform structural analysis of the a-Si-/c-Si nanowires. The RDF, Si-Si bond length distributions, and the coordination number distributions of amorphous regions of the nanowires reproduce similar behaviour compared to bulk amorphous silicon. In the final part of this thesis we examine different surface terminating chemical groups, -H, - OH and –NH2 in (001) GeNW. Our work shows that the diameter of Ge nanowires and the nature of surface terminating groups both play a significant role in both the magnitude and the nature of the nanowire band gaps, allowing tuning of the band gap by up to 1.1 eV. We also show for the first time how the nanowire diameter and surface termination shifts the absorption edge in the Ge nanowires to longer wavelengths. Thus, the combination of nanowire diameter and surface chemistry can be effectively utilised to tune the band gaps and thus light absorption properties of small diameter Ge nanowires.


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Semiconductor nanowires, based on silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge) are leading candidates for many ICT applications, including next generation transistors, optoelectronics, gas and biosensing and photovoltaics. Key to these applications is the possibility to tune the band gap by changing the diameter of the nanowire. Ge nanowires of different diameter have been studied with H termination, but, using ideas from chemistry, changing the surface terminating group can be used to modulate the band gap. In this paper we apply the generalised gradient approximation of density functional theory (GGA-DFT) and hybrid DFT to study the effect of diameter and surface termination using –H, –NH2 and –OH groups on the band gap of (001), (110) and (111) oriented germanium nanowires. We show that the surface terminating group allows both the magnitude and the nature of the band gap to be changed. We further show that the absorption edge shifts to longer wavelength with the –NH2 and –OH terminations compared to the –H termination and we trace the origin of this effect to valence band modifications upon modifying the nanowire with –NH2 or –OH. These results show that it is possible to tune the band gap of small diameter Ge nanowires over a range of ca. 1.1 eV by simple surface chemistry.


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The optical-structural characteristics of the direct optical band-gap semiconducting series of surfactant template-mediated laminar (CdS)x(CdCl2)y(CnH2n+4N)z nanocomposites are reported. X-ray diffraction measurements of the nanocomposites exhibited interlaminar distances in the range 2.9-3.6 nm with observations of eighth order {0 0 l} diffraction planes indicative of a high degree of laminarity and crystallographic order. Diffuse reflectance measurements have determined that the profile of their emission spectrum is that of a direct band-gap with absorption edges in the range 2.11-2.40 eV, depending on the CdS mole fraction in the nanocomposite. Photoluminescence (PL) excitation and time-resolved PL spectroscopies give an estimate of the maximum relative absorbance of the nanocomposites at ∼420 nm while the minimum was observed at ∼560 nm. The main emission was observed at ∼700 nm with emission from doubly ionized sulphur vacancies observed at ∼615 nm at room temperature. The CdS-containing nanocomposite is thus a surfactant-mediated modular system with variable band-gap energy emission.


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A novel spectroscopic method, incoherent broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS), has been modified and extended to measure absorption spectra in the near-ultraviolet with high sensitivity. The near-ultraviolet region extends from 300 to 400 nm and is particularly important in tropospheric photochemistry; absorption of near-UV light can also be exploited for sensitive trace gas measurements of several key atmospheric constituents. In this work, several IBBCEAS instruments were developed to record reference spectra and to measure trace gas concentrations in the laboratory and field. An IBBCEAS instrument was coupled to a flow cell for measuring very weak absorption spectra between 335 and 375 nm. The instrument was validated against the literature absorption spectrum of SO2. Using the instrument, we report new absorption cross-sections of O3, acetone, 2-butanone, and 2-pentanone in this spectral region, where literature data diverge considerably owing to the extremely weak absorption. The instrument was also applied to quantifying low concentrations of the short-lived radical, BrO, in the presence of strong absorption by Br2 and O3. A different IBBCEAS system was adapted to a 4 m3 atmosphere simulation chamber to record the absorption cross-sections of several low vapour pressure compounds, which are otherwise difficult to measure. Absorption cross-sections of benzaldehyde and the more volatile alkyl nitrites agree well with previous spectra; on this basis, the cross-sections of several nitrophenols are reported for the first time. In addition, the instrument was also used to study the optical properties of secondary organic aerosol formed following the photooxidation of isoprene. An extractive IBBCEAS instrument was developed for detecting HONO and NO2 and had a sensitivity of about 10-9 cm-1. This instrument participated in a major international intercomparison of HONO and NO2 measurements held in the EUPHORE simulation chamber in Valencia, Spain, and results from that campaign are also reported here.


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The sudden decrease of plasma stored energy and subsequent power deposition on the first wall of a tokamak due to edge localised modes (ELMs) is potentially detrimental to the success of a future fusion reactor. Understanding and control of ELMs is critical for the longevity of these devices and also to maximise their performance. The commonly accepted picture of ELMs posits a critical pressure gradient and current density in the plasma edge, above which coupled magnetohy drodynamic peeling-ballooning modes become unstable. Much analysis has been presented in recent years on the spatial and temporal evolution of the edge pressure gradient. However, the edge current density has typically been overlooked due to the difficulties in measuring this quantity. In this thesis, a novel method of current density recovery is presented, using the equilibrium solver CLISTE to reconstruct a high resolution equilibrium utilising both external magnetic and internal edge kinetic data measured on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. The evolution of the edge current density relative to an ELM crash is presented, showing that a resistive delay in the buildup of the current density is unlikely. An uncertainty analysis shows that the edge current density can be determined with an accuracy consistent with that of the kinetic data used. A comparison with neoclassical theory demonstrates excellent agreement be- tween the current density determined by CLISTE and the calculated profiles. Three ELM mitigation regimes are investigated: Type-II ELMs, ELMs sup- pressed by external magnetic perturbations, and Nitrogen seeded ELMs. In the first two cases, the current density is found to decrease as mitigation on- sets, indicating a more ballooning-like plasma behaviour. In the latter case, the flux surface averaged current density can decrease while the local current density increases, providing a mechanism to suppress both the peeling and ballooning modes.


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Although broadband incoherent light does not efficiently couple into a high-finesse optical cavity, its transmission is readily detectable and enables applications in cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy in the gas phase, liquid phase and on surfaces. This chapter gives an overview of measurement principles and experimental approaches implementing incoherent light sources in cavity-enhanced spectroscopic applications. The general principles of broadband CEAS are outlined and general “pros and cons” discussed, detailing aspects like cavity mirror reflectivity calibration or the establishment of detection limits. Different approaches concerning light sources, cavity design and detection schemes are discussed and a comprehensive overview of the current literature based on a methodological classification scheme is also presented.