17 resultados para toll-like receptor


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The Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor (IGF-1R) has an essential function in normal cell growth and in cancer progression. However, anti-IGF-1R therapies have mostly been withdrawn from clinical trials owing to a lack of efficacy and predictive biomarkers. IGF-1R activity and signalling in cancer cells is regulated by its C-terminal tail, and in particular, by a motif that encompasses tyrosines 1250 and 1251 flanked by serines 1248 and 1252 (1248- SFYYS-1252). Mutation of Y1250/1251 greatly reduces IGF-1-promoted cell migration, interaction with the scaffolding protein RACK1 in the context Integrin signalling, and IGF- 1R kinase activity. Here we investigated the phosphorylation of the SFYYS motif and characterise the conditions under which this motif may be phosphorylated under. As phosphorylated residues, the SFYYS motif may also serve to recruit interacting proteins to the IGF-1R. To this end we identified a novel IGF-1R interacting partner which requires phosphorylated residues in the SFYYS motif to interact with the IGF-1R. This interaction was found to be IGF-1-dependent, and required the scaffold protein RACK1. The interaction of this binding protein with the IGF-1R likely functions to promote maximal phosphorylation of Shc and ERK in IGF-1-stimulated cell migration, and may be important for IGF-1 signalling in cancer cells. Lastly, we have investigated possible kinases that may confer resistance or sensitivity to the IGF-1R kinase inhibitor BMS-754807. In this screen we identified ATR as a mediator of resistance and showed that suppression or chemical inhibition of ATR synergised with BMS-754807 to reduce colony formation. This work has contributes to our understanding of IGF-1R kinase regulation and signalling and suggests that administration of anti-IGF-1R drugs with ATR inhibitors may have therapeutic benefit.


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The GABAB receptor is a functional heterodimer comprising the GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits, with the GABAB1 subunit displaying two major isoforms, GABAB(1a) and GABAB(1b). Preclinical findings have strongly implicated the GABAB receptor in stress-related psychiatric disorders, however, the precise contribution of the GABAB receptor in depression and anxiety disorders remains unknown. Emerging data suggest that the interaction between adverse environmental conditions, such as early life stress, and a specific genetic composition can increase the risk to develop psychiatric disorders in adulthood. This thesis investigated the role of the GABAB receptor alone or in combination with early-life stress (maternal separation), in modulating antidepressant like and anxiety-related behaviours. Pharmacological blockade of the GABAB receptor with CGP52432 had antidepressant-like behavioural effects. Moreover, mice lacking the GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform exhibited antidepressant-like behaviours in adulthood but anxiety-like behaviour in early-life. In response to maternal separation, GABAB(1a)-/- mice exhibited early-life stress-induced anhedonia, a core symptom of depression, while GABAB(1b)-/- mice exhibited a more resilient phenotype. Moreover, when compared with wildtype or GABAB(1a)-/- mice, GABAB(1b)-/- mice that underwent maternal separation exhibited enhanced stressinduced neuronal activation in the hippocampus and in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a critical area for anhedonia thus suggesting that enhanced stress-induced neuronal activation in the hippocampus and NAcc in GABAB(1b)-/- mice may be important for their antidepressant-like phenotype and their resilience to stress-induced anhedonia. Pharmacological blockade of GABAB receptor and GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform loss of function increased adult hippocampal cell proliferation, thus suggesting that increased hippocampal neurogenesis could be a potential mechanism for the antidepressant-like effects of GABAB receptor antagonists and GABAB(1b) receptor subunit isoform disruption. Finally, this thesis investigated whether the expression of several genes involved in hippocampal neurogenesis or the antidepressant response were altered in the mouse hippocampus following chronic treatment with a GABAB receptor antagonist.