15 resultados para settlement pattern

em Boston University Digital Common


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British Petroleum (89A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225)


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An active, attentionally-modulated recognition architecture is proposed for object recognition and scene analysis. The proposed architecture forms part of navigation and trajectory planning modules for mobile robots. Key characteristics of the system include movement planning and execution based on environmental factors and internal goal definitions. Real-time implementation of the system is based on space-variant representation of the visual field, as well as an optimal visual processing scheme utilizing separate and parallel channels for the extraction of boundaries and stimulus qualities. A spatial and temporal grouping module (VWM) allows for scene scanning, multi-object segmentation, and featural/object priming. VWM is used to modulate a tn~ectory formation module capable of redirecting the focus of spatial attention. Finally, an object recognition module based on adaptive resonance theory is interfaced through VWM to the visual processing module. The system is capable of using information from different modalities to disambiguate sensory input.


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The system presented here is based on neurophysiological and electrophysiological data. It computes three types of increasingly integrated temporal and probability contexts, in a bottom-up mode. To each of these contexts corresponds an increasingly specific top-down priming effect on lower processing stages, mostly pattern recognition and discrimination. Contextual learning of time intervals, events' temporal order or sequential dependencies and events' prior probability results from the delivery of large stimuli sequences. This learning gives rise to emergent properties which closely match the experimental data.


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A neural pattern generator based upon a non-linear cooperative-competitive feedback neural network is presented. It can generate the two standard human gaits: the walk and the run. A scalar arousal or GO signal causes a bifurcation from one gait to the next. Although these two gaits are qualitatively different, they both have the same limb order and may exhibit oscillation frequencies that overlap. The model simulates the walk and the run via qualitatively different waveform shapes. The fraction of cycle that activity is above threshold distinguishes the two gaits, much as the duty cycles of the feet are longer in the walk than in the run.


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A four-channel neural pattern generator is described in which both the frequency and the relative phase of oscillations are controlled by a scalar arousal or GO signal. The generator is used to simulate quadruped gaits; in particular, rapid transitions are simulated in the order - walk, trot, pace, and gallop - that occurs in the cat. Precise switching control is achieved by using an arousal dependent modulation of the model's inhibitory interactions. This modulation generates a different functional connectivity in a single network at different arousal levels.


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This article presents a new neural pattern recognition architecture on multichannel data representation. The architecture emploies generalized ART modules as building blocks to construct a supervised learning system generating recognition codes on channels dynamically selected in context using serial and parallel match trackings led by inter-ART vigilance signals.


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An extension to the orientational harmonic model is presented as a rotation, translation, and scale invariant representation of geometrical form in biological vision.


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The proposed model, called the combinatorial and competitive spatio-temporal memory or CCSTM, provides an elegant solution to the general problem of having to store and recall spatio-temporal patterns in which states or sequences of states can recur in various contexts. For example, fig. 1 shows two state sequences that have a common subsequence, C and D. The CCSTM assumes that any state has a distributed representation as a collection of features. Each feature has an associated competitive module (CM) containing K cells. On any given occurrence of a particular feature, A, exactly one of the cells in CMA will be chosen to represent it. It is the particular set of cells active on the previous time step that determines which cells are chosen to represent instances of their associated features on the current time step. If we assume that typically S features are active in any state then any state has K^S different neural representations. This huge space of possible neural representations of any state is what underlies the model's ability to store and recall numerous context-sensitive state sequences. The purpose of this paper is simply to describe this mechanism.


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The distributed outstar, a generalization of the outstar neural network for spatial pattern learning, is introduced. In the outstar, signals from a source node cause weights to learn and recall arbitrary patterns across a target field of nodes. The distributed outstar replaces the outstar source node with a source field of arbitrarily many nodes, whose activity pattern may be arbitrarily distributed or compressed. Learning proceeds according to a principle of atrophy due to disuse, whereby a path weight decreases in joint proportion to the transmitted path signal and the degree of disuse of the target node. During learning, the total signal to a target node converges toward that node's activity level. Weight changes at a node are apportioned according to the distributed pattern of converging signals. Three synaptic transmission functions, by a product rule, a capacity rule, and a threshold rule, are examined for this system. The three rules are computationally equivalent when source field activity is maximally compressed, or winner-take-all. When source field activity is distributed, catastrophic forgetting may occur. Only the threshold rule solves this problem. Analysis of spatial pattern learning by distributed codes thereby leads to the conjecture that the unit of long-term memory in such a system is an adaptive threshold, rather than the multiplicative path weight widely used in neural models.


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A new neural network architecture for spatial patttern recognition using multi-scale pyramida1 coding is here described. The network has an ARTMAP structure with a new class of ART-module, called Hybrid ART-module, as its front-end processor. Hybrid ART-module, which has processing modules corresponding to each scale channel of multi-scale pyramid, employs channels of finer scales only if it is necesssary to discriminate a pattern from others. This process is effected by serial match tracking. Also the parallel match tracking is used to select the spatial location having most salient feature and limit its attention to that part.


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An incremental, nonparametric probability estimation procedure using the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is introduced. In slow-learning mode, fuzzy ARTMAP searches for patterns of data on which to build ever more accurate estimates. In max-nodes mode, the network initially learns a fixed number of categories, and weights are then adjusted gradually.


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It is a neural network truth universally acknowledged, that the signal transmitted to a target node must be equal to the product of the path signal times a weight. Analysis of catastrophic forgetting by distributed codes leads to the unexpected conclusion that this universal synaptic transmission rule may not be optimal in certain neural networks. The distributed outstar, a network designed to support stable codes with fast or slow learning, generalizes the outstar network for spatial pattern learning. In the outstar, signals from a source node cause weights to learn and recall arbitrary patterns across a target field of nodes. The distributed outstar replaces the outstar source node with a source field, of arbitrarily many nodes, where the activity pattern may be arbitrarily distributed or compressed. Learning proceeds according to a principle of atrophy due to disuse whereby a path weight decreases in joint proportion to the transmittcd path signal and the degree of disuse of the target node. During learning, the total signal to a target node converges toward that node's activity level. Weight changes at a node are apportioned according to the distributed pattern of converging signals three types of synaptic transmission, a product rule, a capacity rule, and a threshold rule, are examined for this system. The three rules are computationally equivalent when source field activity is maximally compressed, or winner-take-all when source field activity is distributed, catastrophic forgetting may occur. Only the threshold rule solves this problem. Analysis of spatial pattern learning by distributed codes thereby leads to the conjecture that the optimal unit of long-term memory in such a system is a subtractive threshold, rather than a multiplicative weight.


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This article describes a. neural pattern generator based on a cooperative-competitive feedback neural network. The two-channel version of the generator supports both in-phase and anti-phase oscillations. A scalar arousal level controls both the oscillation phase and frequency. As arousal increases, oscillation frequency increases and bifurcations from in-phase to anti-phase, or anti-phase to in-phase oscillations can occur. Coupled versions of the model exhibit oscillatory patterns which correspond to the gaits used in locomotion and other oscillatory movements by various animals.


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This paper describes the design of a self~organizing, hierarchical neural network model of unsupervised serial learning. The model learns to recognize, store, and recall sequences of unitized patterns, using either short-term memory (STM) or both STM and long-term memory (LTM) mechanisms. Timing information is learned and recall {both from STM and from LTM) is performed with a learned rhythmical structure. The network, bearing similarities with ART (Carpenter & Grossberg 1987a), learns to map temporal sequences to unitized patterns, which makes it suitable for hierarchical operation. It is therefore capable of self-organizing codes for sequences of sequences. The capacity is only limited by the number of nodes provided. Selected simulation results are reported to illustrate system properties.