6 resultados para representation of linear operators

em Boston University Digital Common


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Oceanic bubble plumes caused by ship wakes or breaking waves disrupt sonar communi- cation because of the dramatic change in sound speed and attenuation in the bubbly fluid. Experiments in bubbly fluids have suffered from the inability to quantitatively characterize the fluid because of continuous air bubble motion. Conversely, single bubble experiments, where the bubble is trapped by a pressure field or stabilizing object, are limited in usable frequency range, apparatus complexity, or the invasive nature of the stabilizing object (wire, plate, etc.). Suspension of a bubble in a viscoelastic Xanthan gel allows acoustically forced oscilla- tions with negligible translation over a broad frequency band. Assuming only linear, radial motion, laser scattering from a bubble oscillating below, through, and above its resonance is measured. As the bubble dissolves in the gel, different bubble sizes are measured in the range 240 – 470 μm radius, corresponding to the frequency range 6 – 14 kHz. Equalization of the cell response in the raw data isolates the frequency response of the bubble. Compari- son to theory for a bubble in water shows good agreement between the predicted resonance frequency and damping, such that the bubble behaves as if it were oscillating in water.


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This study develops a neuromorphic model of human lightness perception that is inspired by how the mammalian visual system is designed for this function. It is known that biological visual representations can adapt to a billion-fold change in luminance. How such a system determines absolute lightness under varying illumination conditions to generate a consistent interpretation of surface lightness remains an unsolved problem. Such a process, called "anchoring" of lightness, has properties including articulation, insulation, configuration, and area effects. The model quantitatively simulates such psychophysical lightness data, as well as other data such as discounting the illuminant, the double brilliant illusion, and lightness constancy and contrast effects. The model retina embodies gain control at retinal photoreceptors, and spatial contrast adaptation at the negative feedback circuit between mechanisms that model the inner segment of photoreceptors and interacting horizontal cells. The model can thereby adjust its sensitivity to input intensities ranging from dim moonlight to dazzling sunlight. A new anchoring mechanism, called the Blurred-Highest-Luminance-As-White (BHLAW) rule, helps simulate how surface lightness becomes sensitive to the spatial scale of objects in a scene. The model is also able to process natural color images under variable lighting conditions, and is compared with the popular RETINEX model.


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This paper describes a self-organizing neural network that rapidly learns a body-centered representation of 3-D target positions. This representation remains invariant under head and eye movements, and is a key component of sensory-motor systems for producing motor equivalent reaches to targets (Bullock, Grossberg, and Guenther, 1993).


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A neural model is described of how the brain may autonomously learn a body-centered representation of 3-D target position by combining information about retinal target position, eye position, and head position in real time. Such a body-centered spatial representation enables accurate movement commands to the limbs to be generated despite changes in the spatial relationships between the eyes, head, body, and limbs through time. The model learns a vector representation--otherwise known as a parcellated distributed representation--of target vergence with respect to the two eyes, and of the horizontal and vertical spherical angles of the target with respect to a cyclopean egocenter. Such a vergence-spherical representation has been reported in the caudal midbrain and medulla of the frog, as well as in psychophysical movement studies in humans. A head-centered vergence-spherical representation of foveated target position can be generated by two stages of opponent processing that combine corollary discharges of outflow movement signals to the two eyes. Sums and differences of opponent signals define angular and vergence coordinates, respectively. The head-centered representation interacts with a binocular visual representation of non-foveated target position to learn a visuomotor representation of both foveated and non-foveated target position that is capable of commanding yoked eye movementes. This head-centered vector representation also interacts with representations of neck movement commands to learn a body-centered estimate of target position that is capable of commanding coordinated arm movements. Learning occurs during head movements made while gaze remains fixed on a foveated target. An initial estimate is stored and a VOR-mediated gating signal prevents the stored estimate from being reset during a gaze-maintaining head movement. As the head moves, new estimates arc compared with the stored estimate to compute difference vectors which act as error signals that drive the learning process, as well as control the on-line merging of multimodal information.


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We propose to investigate a model-based technique for encoding non-rigid object classes in terms of object prototypes. Objects from the same class can be parameterized by identifying shape and appearance invariants of the class to devise low-level representations. The approach presented here creates a flexible model for an object class from a set of prototypes. This model is then used to estimate the parameters of low-level representation of novel objects as combinations of the prototype parameters. Variations in the object shape are modeled as non-rigid deformations. Appearance variations are modeled as intensity variations. In the training phase, the system is presented with several example prototype images. These prototype images are registered to a reference image by a finite element-based technique called Active Blobs. The deformations of the finite element model to register a prototype image with the reference image provide the shape description or shape vector for the prototype. The shape vector for each prototype, is then used to warp the prototype image onto the reference image and obtain the corresponding texture vector. The prototype texture vectors, being warped onto the same reference image have a pixel by pixel correspondence with each other and hence are "shape normalized". Given sufficient number of prototypes that exhibit appropriate in-class variations, the shape and the texture vectors define a linear prototype subspace that spans the object class. Each prototype is a vector in this subspace. The matching phase involves the estimation of a set of combination parameters for synthesis of the novel object by combining the prototype shape and texture vectors. The strengths of this technique lie in the combined estimation of both shape and appearance parameters. This is in contrast with the previous approaches where shape and appearance parameters were estimated separately.


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This paper demonstrates an optimal control solution to change of machine set-up scheduling based on dynamic programming average cost per stage value iteration as set forth by Cararnanis et. al. [2] for the 2D case. The difficulty with the optimal approach lies in the explosive computational growth of the resulting solution. A method of reducing the computational complexity is developed using ideas from biology and neural networks. A real time controller is described that uses a linear-log representation of state space with neural networks employed to fit cost surfaces.