6 resultados para multiple data

em Boston University Digital Common


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We investigate adaptive buffer management techniques for approximate evaluation of sliding window joins over multiple data streams. In many applications, data stream processing systems have limited memory or have to deal with very high speed data streams. In both cases, computing the exact results of joins between these streams may not be feasible, mainly because the buffers used to compute the joins contain much smaller number of tuples than the tuples contained in the sliding windows. Therefore, a stream buffer management policy is needed in that case. We show that the buffer replacement policy is an important determinant of the quality of the produced results. To that end, we propose GreedyDual-Join (GDJ) an adaptive and locality-aware buffering technique for managing these buffers. GDJ exploits the temporal correlations (at both long and short time scales), which we found to be prevalent in many real data streams. We note that our algorithm is readily applicable to multiple data streams and multiple joins and requires almost no additional system resources. We report results of an experimental study using both synthetic and real-world data sets. Our results demonstrate the superiority and flexibility of our approach when contrasted to other recently proposed techniques.


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The data streaming model provides an attractive framework for one-pass summarization of massive data sets at a single observation point. However, in an environment where multiple data streams arrive at a set of distributed observation points, sketches must be computed remotely and then must be aggregated through a hierarchy before queries may be conducted. As a result, many sketch-based methods for the single stream case do not apply directly, as either the error introduced becomes large, or because the methods assume that the streams are non-overlapping. These limitations hinder the application of these techniques to practical problems in network traffic monitoring and aggregation in sensor networks. To address this, we develop a general framework for evaluating and enabling robust computation of duplicate-sensitive aggregate functions (e.g., SUM and QUANTILE), over data produced by distributed sources. We instantiate our approach by augmenting the Count-Min and Quantile-Digest sketches to apply in this distributed setting, and analyze their performance. We conclude with experimental evaluation to validate our analysis.


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Wireless sensor networks are characterized by limited energy resources. To conserve energy, application-specific aggregation (fusion) of data reports from multiple sensors can be beneficial in reducing the amount of data flowing over the network. Furthermore, controlling the topology by scheduling the activity of nodes between active and sleep modes has often been used to uniformly distribute the energy consumption among all nodes by de-synchronizing their activities. We present an integrated analytical model to study the joint performance of in-network aggregation and topology control. We define performance metrics that capture the tradeoffs among delay, energy, and fidelity of the aggregation. Our results indicate that to achieve high fidelity levels under medium to high event reporting load, shorter and fatter aggregation/routing trees (toward the sink) offer the best delay-energy tradeoff as long as topology control is well coordinated with routing.


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A mechanism is proposed that integrates low-level (image processing), mid-level (recursive 3D trajectory estimation), and high-level (action recognition) processes. It is assumed that the system observes multiple moving objects via a single, uncalibrated video camera. A novel extended Kalman filter formulation is used in estimating the relative 3D motion trajectories up to a scale factor. The recursive estimation process provides a prediction and error measure that is exploited in higher-level stages of action recognition. Conversely, higher-level mechanisms provide feedback that allows the system to reliably segment and maintain the tracking of moving objects before, during, and after occlusion. The 3D trajectory, occlusion, and segmentation information are utilized in extracting stabilized views of the moving object. Trajectory-guided recognition (TGR) is proposed as a new and efficient method for adaptive classification of action. The TGR approach is demonstrated using "motion history images" that are then recognized via a mixture of Gaussian classifier. The system was tested in recognizing various dynamic human outdoor activities; e.g., running, walking, roller blading, and cycling. Experiments with synthetic data sets are used to evaluate stability of the trajectory estimator with respect to noise.


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Fusion ARTMAP is a self-organizing neural network architecture for multi-channel, or multi-sensor, data fusion. Single-channel Fusion ARTMAP is functionally equivalent to Fuzzy ART during unsupervised learning and to Fuzzy ARTMAP during supervised learning. The network has a symmetric organization such that each channel can be dynamically configured to serve as either a data input or a teaching input to the system. An ART module forms a compressed recognition code within each channel. These codes, in turn, become inputs to a single ART system that organizes the global recognition code. When a predictive error occurs, a process called paraellel match tracking simultaneously raises vigilances in multiple ART modules until reset is triggered in one of them. Parallel match tracking hereby resets only that portion of the recognition code with the poorest match, or minimum predictive confidence. This internally controlled selective reset process is a type of credit assignment that creates a parsimoniously connected learned network. Fusion ARTMAP's multi-channel coding is illustrated by simulations of the Quadruped Mammal database.


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A neural model is presented of how cortical areas V1, V2, and V4 interact to convert a textured 2D image into a representation of curved 3D shape. Two basic problems are solved to achieve this: (1) Patterns of spatially discrete 2D texture elements are transformed into a spatially smooth surface representation of 3D shape. (2) Changes in the statistical properties of texture elements across space induce the perceived 3D shape of this surface representation. This is achieved in the model through multiple-scale filtering of a 2D image, followed by a cooperative-competitive grouping network that coherently binds texture elements into boundary webs at the appropriate depths using a scale-to-depth map and a subsequent depth competition stage. These boundary webs then gate filling-in of surface lightness signals in order to form a smooth 3D surface percept. The model quantitatively simulates challenging psychophysical data about perception of prolate ellipsoids (Todd and Akerstrom, 1987, J. Exp. Psych., 13, 242). In particular, the model represents a high degree of 3D curvature for a certain class of images, all of whose texture elements have the same degree of optical compression, in accordance with percepts of human observers. Simulations of 3D percepts of an elliptical cylinder, a slanted plane, and a photo of a golf ball are also presented.