10 resultados para cooperative cache

em Boston University Digital Common


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The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is growing rapidly on the Internet. Web users want fast response time and easy access to a enormous variety of information across the world. Thus, performance is becoming a main issue in the Web. Fractals have been used to study fluctuating phenomena in many different disciplines, from the distribution of galaxies in astronomy to complex physiological control systems. The Web is also a complex, irregular, and random system. In this paper, we look at the document reference pattern at Internet Web servers and use fractal-based models to understand aspects (e.g. caching schemes) that affect the Web performance.


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With web caching and cache-related services like CDNs and edge services playing an increasingly significant role in the modern internet, the problem of the weak consistency and coherence provisions in current web protocols is becoming increasingly significant and drawing the attention of the standards community [LCD01]. Toward this end, we present definitions of consistency and coherence for web-like environments, that is, distributed client-server information systems where the semantics of interactions with resource are more general than the read/write operations found in memory hierarchies and distributed file systems. We then present a brief review of proposed mechanisms which strengthen the consistency of caches in the web, focusing upon their conceptual contributions and their weaknesses in real-world practice. These insights motivate a new mechanism, which we call "Basis Token Consistency" or BTC; when implemented at the server, this mechanism allows any client (independent of the presence and conformity of any intermediaries) to maintain a self-consistent view of the server's state. This is accomplished by annotating responses with additional per-resource application information which allows client caches to recognize the obsolescence of currently cached entities and identify responses from other caches which are already stale in light of what has already been seen. The mechanism requires no deviation from the existing client-server communication model, and does not require servers to maintain any additional per-client state. We discuss how our mechanism could be integrated into a fragment-assembling Content Management System (CMS), and present a simulation-driven performance comparison between the BTC algorithm and the use of the Time-To-Live (TTL) heuristic.


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We consider the problem of delivering popular streaming media to a large number of asynchronous clients. We propose and evaluate a cache-and-relay end-system multicast approach, whereby a client joining a multicast session caches the stream, and if needed, relays that stream to neighboring clients which may join the multicast session at some later time. This cache-and-relay approach is fully distributed, scalable, and efficient in terms of network link cost. In this paper we analytically derive bounds on the network link cost of our cache-and-relay approach, and we evaluate its performance under assumptions of limited client bandwidth and limited client cache capacity. When client bandwidth is limited, we show that although finding an optimal solution is NP-hard, a simple greedy algorithm performs surprisingly well in that it incurs network link costs that are very close to a theoretical lower bound. When client cache capacity is limited, we show that our cache-and-relay approach can still significantly reduce network link cost. We have evaluated our cache-and-relay approach using simulations over large, synthetic random networks, power-law degree networks, and small-world networks, as well as over large real router-level Internet maps.


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Energy-efficient communication has recently become a key challenge for both researchers and industries. In this paper, we propose a new model in which a Content Provider and an Internet Service Provider cooperate to reduce the total power consumption. We solve the problem optimally and compare it with a classic formulation, whose aim is to minimize user delay. Results, although preliminary, show that power savings can be huge: up to 71% on real ISP topologies. We also show how the degree of cooperation impacts overall power consumption. Finally, we consider the impact of the Content Provider location on the total power savings.


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Although cooperation generally increases the amount of resources available to a community of nodes, thus improving individual and collective performance, it also allows for the appearance of potential mistreatment problems through the exposition of one node’s resources to others. We study such concerns by considering a group of independent, rational, self-aware nodes that cooperate using on-line caching algorithms, where the exposed resource is the storage of each node. Motivated by content networking applications – including web caching, CDNs, and P2P – this paper extends our previous work on the off-line version of the problem, which was limited to object replication and was conducted under a game-theoretic framework. We identify and investigate two causes of mistreatment: (1) cache state interactions (due to the cooperative servicing of requests) and (2) the adoption of a common scheme for cache replacement/redirection/admission policies. Using analytic models, numerical solutions of these models, as well as simulation experiments, we show that online cooperation schemes using caching are fairly robust to mistreatment caused by state interactions. When this becomes possible, the interaction through the exchange of miss-streams has to be very intense, making it feasible for the mistreated nodes to detect and react to the exploitation. This robustness ceases to exist when nodes fetch and store objects in response to remote requests, i.e., when they operate as Level-2 caches (or proxies) for other nodes. Regarding mistreatment due to a common scheme, we show that this can easily take place when the “outlier” characteristics of some of the nodes get overlooked. This finding underscores the importance of allowing cooperative caching nodes the flexibility of choosing from a diverse set of schemes to fit the peculiarities of individual nodes. To that end, we outline an emulation-based framework for the development of mistreatment-resilient distributed selfish caching schemes.


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Although cooperation generally increases the amount of resources available to a community of nodes, thus improving individual and collective performance, it also allows for the appearance of potential mistreatment problems through the exposition of one node's resources to others. We study such concerns by considering a group of independent, rational, self-aware nodes that cooperate using on-line caching algorithms, where the exposed resource is the storage at each node. Motivated by content networking applications -- including web caching, CDNs, and P2P -- this paper extends our previous work on the on-line version of the problem, which was conducted under a game-theoretic framework, and limited to object replication. We identify and investigate two causes of mistreatment: (1) cache state interactions (due to the cooperative servicing of requests) and (2) the adoption of a common scheme for cache management policies. Using analytic models, numerical solutions of these models, as well as simulation experiments, we show that on-line cooperation schemes using caching are fairly robust to mistreatment caused by state interactions. To appear in a substantial manner, the interaction through the exchange of miss-streams has to be very intense, making it feasible for the mistreated nodes to detect and react to exploitation. This robustness ceases to exist when nodes fetch and store objects in response to remote requests, i.e., when they operate as Level-2 caches (or proxies) for other nodes. Regarding mistreatment due to a common scheme, we show that this can easily take place when the "outlier" characteristics of some of the nodes get overlooked. This finding underscores the importance of allowing cooperative caching nodes the flexibility of choosing from a diverse set of schemes to fit the peculiarities of individual nodes. To that end, we outline an emulation-based framework for the development of mistreatment-resilient distributed selfish caching schemes. Our framework utilizes a simple control-theoretic approach to dynamically parameterize the cache management scheme. We show performance evaluation results that quantify the benefits from instantiating such a framework, which could be substantial under skewed demand profiles.


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In many networked applications, independent caching agents cooperate by servicing each other's miss streams, without revealing the operational details of the caching mechanisms they employ. Inference of such details could be instrumental for many other processes. For example, it could be used for optimized forwarding (or routing) of one's own miss stream (or content) to available proxy caches, or for making cache-aware resource management decisions. In this paper, we introduce the Cache Inference Problem (CIP) as that of inferring the characteristics of a caching agent, given the miss stream of that agent. While CIP is insolvable in its most general form, there are special cases of practical importance in which it is, including when the request stream follows an Independent Reference Model (IRM) with generalized power-law (GPL) demand distribution. To that end, we design two basic "litmus" tests that are able to detect LFU and LRU replacement policies, the effective size of the cache and of the object universe, and the skewness of the GPL demand for objects. Using extensive experiments under synthetic as well as real traces, we show that our methods infer such characteristics accurately and quite efficiently, and that they remain robust even when the IRM/GPL assumptions do not hold, and even when the underlying replacement policies are not "pure" LFU or LRU. We exemplify the value of our inference framework by considering example applications.


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A neural network model of synchronized oscillations in visual cortex is presented to account for recent neurophysiological findings that such synchronization may reflect global properties of the stimulus. In these experiments, synchronization of oscillatory firing responses to moving bar stimuli occurred not only for nearby neurons, but also occurred between neurons separated by several cortical columns (several mm of cortex) when these neurons shared some receptive field preferences specific to the stimuli. These results were obtained for single bar stimuli and also across two disconnected, but colinear, bars moving in the same direction. Our model and computer simulations obtain these synchrony results across both single and double bar stimuli using different, but formally related, models of preattentive visual boundary segmentation and attentive visual object recognition, as well as nearest-neighbor and randomly coupled models.


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A neural network model of synchronized oscillator activity in visual cortex is presented in order to account for recent neurophysiological findings that such synchronization may reflect global properties of the stimulus. In these recent experiments, it was reported that synchronization of oscillatory firing responses to moving bar stimuli occurred not only for nearby neurons, but also occurred between neurons separated by several cortical columns (several mm of cortex) when these neurons shared some receptive field preferences specific to the stimuli. These results were obtained not only for single bar stimuli but also across two disconnected, but colinear, bars moving in the same direction. Our model and computer simulations obtain these synchrony results across both single and double bar stimuli. For the double bar case, synchronous oscillations are induced in the region between the bars, but no oscillations are induced in the regions beyond the stimuli. These results were achieved with cellular units that exhibit limit cycle oscillations for a robust range of input values, but which approach an equilibrium state when undriven. Single and double bar synchronization of these oscillators was achieved by different, but formally related, models of preattentive visual boundary segmentation and attentive visual object recognition, as well as nearest-neighbor and randomly coupled models. In preattentive visual segmentation, synchronous oscillations may reflect the binding of local feature detectors into a globally coherent grouping. In object recognition, synchronous oscillations may occur during an attentive resonant state that triggers new learning. These modelling results support earlier theoretical predictions of synchronous visual cortical oscillations and demonstrate the robustness of the mechanisms capable of generating synchrony.


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The Grey-White Decision Network is introduced as an application of an on-center, off-surround recurrent cooperative/competitive network for segmentation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images. The three layer dynamical system relaxes into a solution where each pixel is labeled as either grey matter, white matter, or "other" matter by considering raw input intensity, edge information, and neighbor interactions. This network is presented as an example of applying a recurrent cooperative/competitive field (RCCF) to a problem with multiple conflicting constraints. Simulations of the network and its phase plane analysis are presented.