3 resultados para Variational methods for second-order elliptic equations
em Boston University Digital Common
We consider the problems of typability[1] and type checking[2] in the Girard/Reynolds second-order polymorphic typed λ-calculus, for which we use the short name "System F" and which we use in the "Curry style" where types are assigned to pure λ -terms. These problems have been considered and proven to be decidable or undecidable for various restrictions and extensions of System F and other related systems, and lower-bound complexity results for System F have been achieved, but they have remained "embarrassing open problems"[3] for System F itself. We first prove that type checking in System F is undecidable by a reduction from semi-unification. We then prove typability in System F is undecidable by a reduction from type checking. Since the reverse reduction is already known, this implies the two problems are equivalent. The second reduction uses a novel method of constructing λ-terms such that in all type derivations, specific bound variables must always be assigned a specific type. Using this technique, we can require that specific subterms must be typable using a specific, fixed type assignment in order for the entire term to be typable at all. Any desired type assignment may be simulated. We develop this method, which we call "constants for free", for both the λK and λI calculi.
We study the problem of type inference for a family of polymorphic type disciplines containing the power of Core-ML. This family comprises all levels of the stratification of the second-order lambda-calculus by "rank" of types. We show that typability is an undecidable problem at every rank k ≥ 3 of this stratification. While it was already known that typability is decidable at rank ≤ 2, no direct and easy-to-implement algorithm was available. To design such an algorithm, we develop a new notion of reduction and show how to use it to reduce the problem of typability at rank 2 to the problem of acyclic semi-unification. A by-product of our analysis is the publication of a simple solution procedure for acyclic semi-unification.
Existing type systems for object calculi are based on invariant subtyping. Subtyping invariance is required for soundness of static typing in the presence of method overrides, but it is often in the way of the expressive power of the type system. Flexibility of static typing can be recovered in different ways: in first-order systems, by the adoption of object types with variance annotations, in second-order systems by resorting to Self types. Type inference is known to be P-complete for first-order systems of finite and recursive object types, and NP-complete for a restricted version of Self types. The complexity of type inference for systems with variance annotations is yet unknown. This paper presents a new object type system based on the notion of Split types, a form of object types where every method is assigned two types, namely, an update type and a select type. The subtyping relation that arises for Split types is variant and, as a result, subtyping can be performed both in width and in depth. The new type system generalizes all the existing first-order type systems for objects, including systems based on variance annotations. Interestingly, the additional expressive power does not affect the complexity of the type inference problem, as we show by presenting an O(n^3) inference algorithm.