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Accurate knowledge of traffic demands in a communication network enables or enhances a variety of traffic engineering and network management tasks of paramount importance for operational networks. Directly measuring a complete set of these demands is prohibitively expensive because of the huge amounts of data that must be collected and the performance impact that such measurements would impose on the regular behavior of the network. As a consequence, we must rely on statistical techniques to produce estimates of actual traffic demands from partial information. The performance of such techniques is however limited due to their reliance on limited information and the high amount of computations they incur, which limits their convergence behavior. In this paper we study strategies to improve the convergence of a powerful statistical technique based on an Expectation-Maximization iterative algorithm. First we analyze modeling approaches to generating starting points. We call these starting points informed priors since they are obtained using actual network information such as packet traces and SNMP link counts. Second we provide a very fast variant of the EM algorithm which extends its computation range, increasing its accuracy and decreasing its dependence on the quality of the starting point. Finally, we study the convergence characteristics of our EM algorithm and compare it against a recently proposed Weighted Least Squares approach.
A method for reconstruction of 3D polygonal models from multiple views is presented. The method uses sampling techniques to construct a texture-mapped semi-regular polygonal mesh of the object in question. Given a set of views and segmentation of the object in each view, constructive solid geometry is used to build a visual hull from silhouette prisms. The resulting polygonal mesh is simplified and subdivided to produce a semi-regular mesh. Regions of model fit inaccuracy are found by projecting the reference images onto the mesh from different views. The resulting error images for each view are used to compute a probability density function, and several points are sampled from it. Along the epipolar lines corresponding to these sampled points, photometric consistency is evaluated. The mesh surface is then pulled towards the regions of higher photometric consistency using free-form deformations. This sampling-based approach produces a photometrically consistent solution in much less time than possible with previous multi-view algorithms given arbitrary camera placement.
An iterative method for reconstructing a 3D polygonal mesh and color texture map from multiple views of an object is presented. In each iteration, the method first estimates a texture map given the current shape estimate. The texture map and its associated residual error image are obtained via maximum a posteriori estimation and reprojection of the multiple views into texture space. Next, the surface shape is adjusted to minimize residual error in texture space. The surface is deformed towards a photometrically-consistent solution via a series of 1D epipolar searches at randomly selected surface points. The texture space formulation has improved computational complexity over standard image-based error approaches, and allows computation of the reprojection error and uncertainty for any point on the surface. Moreover, shape adjustments can be constrained such that the recovered model's silhouette matches those of the input images. Experiments with real world imagery demonstrate the validity of the approach.
Training data for supervised learning neural networks can be clustered such that the input/output pairs in each cluster are redundant. Redundant training data can adversely affect training time. In this paper we apply two clustering algorithms, ART2 -A and the Generalized Equality Classifier, to identify training data clusters and thus reduce the training data and training time. The approach is demonstrated for a high dimensional nonlinear continuous time mapping. The demonstration shows six-fold decrease in training time at little or no loss of accuracy in the handling of evaluation data.