4 resultados para Stratification measure

em Boston University Digital Common


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Space carving has emerged as a powerful method for multiview scene reconstruction. Although a wide variety of methods have been proposed, the quality of the reconstruction remains highly-dependent on the photometric consistency measure, and the threshold used to carve away voxels. In this paper, we present a novel photo-consistency measure that is motivated by a multiset variant of the chamfer distance. The new measure is robust to high amounts of within-view color variance and also takes into account the projection angles of back-projected pixels. Another critical issue in space carving is the selection of the photo-consistency threshold used to determine what surface voxels are kept or carved away. In this paper, a reliable threshold selection technique is proposed that examines the photo-consistency values at contour generator points. Contour generators are points that lie on both the surface of the object and the visual hull. To determine the threshold, a percentile ranking of the photo-consistency values of these generator points is used. This improved technique is applicable to a wide variety of photo-consistency measures, including the new measure presented in this paper. Also presented in this paper is a method to choose between photo-consistency measures, and voxel array resolutions prior to carving using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.


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We propose a new characterization of protein structure based on the natural tetrahedral geometry of the β carbon and a new geometric measure of structural similarity, called visible volume. In our model, the side-chains are replaced by an ideal tetrahedron, the orientation of which is fixed with respect to the backbone and corresponds to the preferred rotamer directions. Visible volume is a measure of the non-occluded empty space surrounding each residue position after the side-chains have been removed. It is a robust, parameter-free, locally-computed quantity that accounts for many of the spatial constraints that are of relevance to the corresponding position in the native structure. When computing visible volume, we ignore the nature of both the residue observed at each site and the ones surrounding it. We focus instead on the space that, together, these residues could occupy. By doing so, we are able to quantify a new kind of invariance beyond the apparent variations in protein families, namely, the conservation of the physical space available at structurally equivalent positions for side-chain packing. Corresponding positions in native structures are likely to be of interest in protein structure prediction, protein design, and homology modeling. Visible volume is related to the degree of exposure of a residue position and to the actual rotamers in native proteins. In this article, we discuss the properties of this new measure, namely, its robustness with respect to both crystallographic uncertainties and naturally occurring variations in atomic coordinates, and the remarkable fact that it is essentially independent of the choice of the parameters used in calculating it. We also show how visible volume can be used to align protein structures, to identify structurally equivalent positions that are conserved in a family of proteins, and to single out positions in a protein that are likely to be of biological interest. These properties qualify visible volume as a powerful tool in a variety of applications, from the detailed analysis of protein structure to homology modeling, protein structural alignment, and the definition of better scoring functions for threading purposes.


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Locating hands in sign language video is challenging due to a number of factors. Hand appearance varies widely across signers due to anthropometric variations and varying levels of signer proficiency. Video can be captured under varying illumination, camera resolutions, and levels of scene clutter, e.g., high-res video captured in a studio vs. low-res video gathered by a web cam in a user’s home. Moreover, the signers’ clothing varies, e.g., skin-toned clothing vs. contrasting clothing, short-sleeved vs. long-sleeved shirts, etc. In this work, the hand detection problem is addressed in an appearance matching framework. The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based matching score function is reformulated to allow non-rigid alignment between pairs of images to account for hand shape variation. The resulting alignment score is used within a Support Vector Machine hand/not-hand classifier for hand detection. The new matching score function yields improved performance (in ROC area and hand detection rate) over the Vocabulary Guided Pyramid Match Kernel (VGPMK) and the traditional, rigid HOG distance on American Sign Language video gestured by expert signers. The proposed match score function is computationally less expensive (for training and testing), has fewer parameters and is less sensitive to parameter settings than VGPMK. The proposed detector works well on test sequences from an inexpert signer in a non-studio setting with cluttered background.


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How does the laminar organization of cortical circuitry in areas VI and V2 give rise to 3D percepts of stratification, transparency, and neon color spreading in response to 2D pictures and 3D scenes? Psychophysical experiments have shown that such 3D percepts are sensitive to whether contiguous image regions have the same relative contrast polarity (dark-light or lightdark), yet long-range perceptual grouping is known to pool over opposite contrast polarities. The ocularity of contiguous regions is also critical for neon color spreading: Having different ocularity despite the contrast relationship that favors neon spreading blocks the spread. In addition, half visible points in a stereogram can induce near-depth transparency if the contrast relationship favors transparency in the half visible areas. It thus seems critical to have the whole contrast relationship in a monocular configuration, since splitting it between two stereogram images cancels the effect. What adaptive functions of perceptual grouping enable it to both preserve sensitivity to monocular contrast and also to pool over opposite contrasts? Aspects of cortical development, grouping, attention, perceptual learning, stereopsis and 3D planar surface perception have previously been analyzed using a 3D LAMINART model of cortical areas VI, V2, and V4. The present work consistently extends this model to show how like-polarity competition between VI simple cells in layer 4 may be combined with other LAMINART grouping mechanisms, such as cooperative pooling of opposite polarities at layer 2/3 complex cells. The model also explains how the Metelli Rules can lead to transparent percepts, how bistable transparency percepts can arise in which either surface can be perceived as transparent, and how such a transparency reversal can be facilitated by an attention shift. The like-polarity inhibition prediction is consistent with lateral masking experiments in which two f1anking Gabor patches with the same contrast polarity as the target increase the target detection threshold when they approach the target. It is also consistent with LAMINART simulations of cortical development. Other model explanations and testable predictions will also be presented.