18 resultados para IP traceback

em Boston University Digital Common


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MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) has recently emerged to facilitate the engineering of network traffic. This can be achieved by directing packet flows over paths that satisfy multiple requirements. MPLS has been regarded as an enhancement to traditional IP routing, which has the following problems: (1) all packets with the same IP destination address have to follow the same path through the network; and (2) paths have often been computed based on static and single link metrics. These problems may cause traffic concentration, and thus degradation in quality of service. In this paper, we investigate by simulations a range of routing solutions and examine the tradeoff between scalability and performance. At one extreme, IP packet routing using dynamic link metrics provides a stateless solution but may lead to routing oscillations. At the other extreme, we consider a recently proposed Profile-based Routing (PBR), which uses knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs as well as the traffic profile among them. Minimum Interference Routing (MIRA) is another recently proposed MPLS-based scheme, which only exploits knowledge of potential ingress-egress pairs but not their traffic profile. MIRA and the more conventional widest-shortest path (WSP) routing represent alternative MPLS-based approaches on the spectrum of routing solutions. We compare these solutions in terms of utility, bandwidth acceptance ratio as well as their scalability (routing state and computational overhead) and load balancing capability. While the simplest of the per-flow algorithms we consider, the performance of WSP is close to dynamic per-packet routing, without the potential instabilities of dynamic routing.


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Considerable attention has been focused on the properties of graphs derived from Internet measurements. Router-level topologies collected via traceroute studies have led some authors to conclude that the router graph of the Internet is a scale-free graph, or more generally a power-law random graph. In such a graph, the degree distribution of nodes follows a distribution with a power-law tail. In this paper we argue that the evidence to date for this conclusion is at best insufficient. We show that graphs appearing to have power-law degree distributions can arise surprisingly easily, when sampling graphs whose true degree distribution is not at all like a power-law. For example, given a classical Erdös-Rényi sparse, random graph, the subgraph formed by a collection of shortest paths from a small set of random sources to a larger set of random destinations can easily appear to show a degree distribution remarkably like a power-law. We explore the reasons for how this effect arises, and show that in such a setting, edges are sampled in a highly biased manner. This insight allows us to distinguish measurements taken from the Erdös-Rényi graphs from those taken from power-law random graphs. When we apply this distinction to a number of well-known datasets, we find that the evidence for sampling bias in these datasets is strong.


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Detecting and understanding anomalies in IP networks is an open and ill-defined problem. Toward this end, we have recently proposed the subspace method for anomaly diagnosis. In this paper we present the first large-scale exploration of the power of the subspace method when applied to flow traffic. An important aspect of this approach is that it fuses information from flow measurements taken throughout a network. We apply the subspace method to three different types of sampled flow traffic in a large academic network: multivariate timeseries of byte counts, packet counts, and IP-flow counts. We show that each traffic type brings into focus a different set of anomalies via the subspace method. We illustrate and classify the set of anomalies detected. We find that almost all of the anomalies detected represent events of interest to network operators. Furthermore, the anomalies span a remarkably wide spectrum of event types, including denial of service attacks (single-source and distributed), flash crowds, port scanning, downstream traffic engineering, high-rate flows, worm propagation, and network outage.


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The popularity of TCP/IP coupled with the premise of high speed communication using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology have prompted the network research community to propose a number of techniques to adapt TCP/IP to ATM network environments. ATM offers Available Bit Rate (ABR) and Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) services for best-effort traffic, such as conventional file transfer. However, recent studies have shown that TCP/IP, when implemented using ABR or UBR, leads to serious performance degradations, especially when the utilization of network resources (such as switch buffers) is high. Proposed techniques-switch-level enhancements, for example-that attempt to patch up TCP/IP over ATMs have had limited success in alleviating this problem. The major reason for TCP/IP's poor performance over ATMs has been consistently attributed to packet fragmentation, which is the result of ATM's 53-byte cell-oriented switching architecture. In this paper, we present a new transport protocol, TCP Boston, that turns ATM's 53-byte cell-oriented switching architecture into an advantage for TCP/IP. At the core of TCP Boston is the Adaptive Information Dispersal Algorithm (AIDA), an efficient encoding technique that allows for dynamic redundancy control. AIDA makes TCP/IP's performance less sensitive to cell losses, thus ensuring a graceful degradation of TCP/IP's performance when faced with congested resources. In this paper, we introduce AIDA and overview the main features of TCP Boston. We present detailed simulation results that show the superiority of our protocol when compared to other adaptations of TCP/IP over ATMs. In particular, we show that TCP Boston improves TCP/IP's performance over ATMs for both network-centric metrics (e.g., effective throughput) and application-centric metrics (e.g., response time).


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While ATM bandwidth-reservation techniques are able to offer the guarantees necessary for the delivery of real-time streams in many applications (e.g. live audio and video), they suffer from many disadvantages that make them inattractive (or impractical) for many others. These limitations coupled with the flexibility and popularity of TCP/IP as a best-effort transport protocol have prompted the network research community to propose and implement a number of techniques that adapt TCP/IP to the Available Bit Rate (ABR) and Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) services in ATM network environments. This allows these environments to smoothly integrate (and make use of) currently available TCP-based applications and services without much (if any) modifications. However, recent studies have shown that TCP/IP, when implemented over ATM networks, is susceptible to serious performance limitations. In a recently completed study, we have unveiled a new transport protocol, TCP Boston, that turns ATM's 53-byte cell-oriented switching architecture into an advantage for TCP/IP. In this paper, we demonstrate the real-time features of TCP Boston that allow communication bandwidth to be traded off for timeliness. We start with an overview of the protocol. Next, we analytically characterize the dynamic redundancy control features of TCP Boston. Next, We present detailed simulation results that show the superiority of our protocol when compared to other adaptations of TCP/IP over ATMs. In particular, we show that TCP Boston improves TCP/IP's performance over ATMs for both network-centric metrics (e.g., effective throughput and percent of missed deadlines) and real-time application-centric metrics (e.g., response time and jitter).


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We describe and evaluate options for providing anonymous IP service, argue for the further investigation of local anonymity, and sketch a framework for the implementation of locally anonymous networks.


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The development and deployment of distributed network-aware applications and services over the Internet require the ability to compile and maintain a model of the underlying network resources with respect to (one or more) characteristic properties of interest. To be manageable, such models must be compact, and must enable a representation of properties along temporal, spatial, and measurement resolution dimensions. In this paper, we propose a general framework for the construction of such metric-induced models using end-to-end measurements. We instantiate our approach using one such property, packet loss rates, and present an analytical framework for the characterization of Internet loss topologies. From the perspective of a server the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server with clients at its leaves, in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We show how end-to-end unicast packet probing techniques could b e used to (1) infer a loss topology and (2) identify the loss rates of links in an existing loss topology. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. We report on simulation, implementation, and Internet deployment results that show the effectiveness of our approach and its robustness in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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In our previous work, we developed TRAFFIC(X), a specification language for modeling bi-directional network flows featuring a type system with constrained polymorphism. In this paper, we present two ways to customize the constraint system: (1) when using linear inequality constraints for the constraint system, TRAFFIC(X) can describe flows with numeric properties such as MTU (maximum transmission unit), RTT (round trip time), traversal order, and bandwidth allocation over parallel paths; (2) when using Boolean predicate constraints for the constraint system, TRAFFIC(X) can describe routing policies of an IP network. These examples illustrate how to use the customized type system.


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The TCP/IP architecture was originally designed without taking security measures into consideration. Over the years, it has been subjected to many attacks, which has led to many patches to counter them. Our investigations into the fundamental principles of networking have shown that carefully following an abstract model of Interprocess Communication (IPC) addresses many problems [1]. Guided by this IPC principle, we designed a clean-slate Recursive INternet Architecture (RINA) [2]. In this paper, we show how, without the aid of cryptographic techniques, the bare-bones architecture of RINA can resist most of the security attacks faced by TCP/IP. We also show how hard it is for an intruder to compromise RINA. Then, we show how RINA inherently supports security policies in a more manageable, on-demand basis, in contrast to the rigid, piecemeal approach of TCP/IP.


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To construct high performance Web servers, system builders are increasingly turning to distributed designs. An important challenge that arises in distributed Web servers is the need to direct incoming connections to individual hosts. Previous methods for connection routing have employed a centralized node which handles all incoming requests. In contrast, we propose a distributed approach, called Distributed Packet Rewriting (DPR), in which all hosts of the distributed system participate in connection routing. We argue that this approach promises better scalability and fault-tolerance than the centralized approach. We describe our implementation of four variants of DPR and compare their performance. We show that DPR provides performance comparable to centralized alternatives, measured in terms of throughput and delay under the SPECweb96 benchmark. Finally, we argue that DPR is particularly attractive both for small scale systems and for systems following the emerging trend toward increasingly intelligent I/O subsystems.


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A number of recent studies have pointed out that TCP's performance over ATM networks tends to suffer, especially under congestion and switch buffer limitations. Switch-level enhancements and link-level flow control have been proposed to improve TCP's performance in ATM networks. Selective Cell Discard (SCD) and Early Packet Discard (EPD) ensure that partial packets are discarded from the network "as early as possible", thus reducing wasted bandwidth. While such techniques improve the achievable throughput, their effectiveness tends to degrade in multi-hop networks. In this paper, we introduce Lazy Packet Discard (LPD), an AAL-level enhancement that improves effective throughput, reduces response time, and minimizes wasted bandwidth for TCP/IP over ATM. In contrast to the SCD and EPD policies, LPD delays as much as possible the removal from the network of cells belonging to a partially communicated packet. We outline the implementation of LPD and show the performance advantage of TCP/LPD, compared to plain TCP and TCP/EPD through analysis and simulations.


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Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees are required by an increasing number of applications to ensure a minimal level of fidelity in the delivery of application data units through the network. Application-level QoS does not necessarily follow from any transport-level QoS guarantees regarding the delivery of the individual cells (e.g. ATM cells) which comprise the application's data units. The distinction between application-level and transport-level QoS guarantees is due primarily to the fragmentation that occurs when transmitting large application data units (e.g. IP packets, or video frames) using much smaller network cells, whereby the partial delivery of a data unit is useless; and, bandwidth spent to partially transmit the data unit is wasted. The data units transmitted by an application may vary in size while being constant in rate, which results in a variable bit rate (VBR) data flow. That data flow requires QoS guarantees. Statistical multiplexing is inadequate, because no guarantees can be made and no firewall property exists between different data flows. In this paper, we present a novel resource management paradigm for the maintenance of application-level QoS for VBR flows. Our paradigm is based on Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), in which (1) each application generates its variable-size data units at a fixed rate, (2) the partial delivery of data units is of no value to the application, and (3) the QoS guarantee extended to the application is the probability that an arbitrary data unit will be successfully transmitted through the network to/from the application.


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In this paper, we propose and evaluate an implementation of a prototype scalable web server. The prototype consists of a load-balanced cluster of hosts that collectively accept and service TCP connections. The host IP addresses are advertised using the Round Robin DNS technique, allowing any host to receive requests from any client. Once a client attempts to establish a TCP connection with one of the hosts, a decision is made as to whether or not the connection should be redirected to a different host---namely, the host with the lowest number of established connections. We use the low-overhead Distributed Packet Rewriting (DPR) technique to redirect TCP connections. In our prototype, each host keeps information about connections in hash tables and linked lists. Every time a packet arrives, it is examined to see if it has to be redirected or not. Load information is maintained using periodic broadcasts amongst the cluster hosts.


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Current Internet transport protocols make end-to-end measurements and maintain per-connection state to regulate the use of shared network resources. When two or more such connections share a common endpoint, there is an opportunity to correlate the end-to-end measurements made by these protocols to better diagnose and control the use of shared resources. We develop packet probing techniques to determine whether a pair of connections experience shared congestion. Correct, efficient diagnoses could enable new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that the conditional (Bayesian) probing approach we employ provides superior accuracy, converges faster, and tolerates a wider range of network conditions than recently proposed memoryless (Markovian) probing approaches for addressing this opportunity.


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The cost and complexity of deploying measurement infrastructure in the Internet for the purpose of analyzing its structure and behavior is considerable. Basic questions about the utility of increasing the number of measurements and/or measurement sites have not yet been addressed which has lead to a "more is better" approach to wide-area measurements. In this paper, we quantify the marginal utility of performing wide-area measurements in the context of Internet topology discovery. We characterize topology in terms of nodes, links, node degree distribution, and end-to-end flows using statistical and information-theoretic techniques. We classify nodes discovered on the routes between a set of 8 sources and 1277 destinations to differentiate nodes which make up the so called "backbone" from those which border the backbone and those on links between the border nodes and destination nodes. This process includes reducing nodes that advertise multiple interfaces to single IP addresses. We show that the utility of adding sources goes down significantly after 2 from the perspective of interface, node, link and node degree discovery. We show that the utility of adding destinations is constant for interfaces, nodes, links and node degree indicating that it is more important to add destinations than sources. Finally, we analyze paths through the backbone and show that shared link distributions approximate a power law indicating that a small number of backbone links in our study are very heavily utilized.