34 resultados para Genetic programming (Computer science)

em Boston University Digital Common


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In a recent paper (Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and Caching Implications by Barford, Bestavros, Bradley, and Crovella) we performed a variety of analyses upon user traces collected in the Boston University Computer Science department in 1995 and 1998. A sanitized version of the 1995 trace has been publicly available for some time; the 1998 trace has now been sanitized, and is available from: http://www.cs.bu.edu/techreports/1999-011-usertrace-98.gz ftp://ftp.cs.bu.edu/techreports/1999-011-usertrace-98.gz This memo discusses the format of this public version of the log, and includes additional discussion of how the data was collected, how the log was sanitized, what this log is and is not useful for, and areas of potential future research interest.


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This paper investigates the power of genetic algorithms at solving the MAX-CLIQUE problem. We measure the performance of a standard genetic algorithm on an elementary set of problem instances consisting of embedded cliques in random graphs. We indicate the need for improvement, and introduce a new genetic algorithm, the multi-phase annealed GA, which exhibits superior performance on the same problem set. As we scale up the problem size and test on \hard" benchmark instances, we notice a degraded performance in the algorithm caused by premature convergence to local minima. To alleviate this problem, a sequence of modi cations are implemented ranging from changes in input representation to systematic local search. The most recent version, called union GA, incorporates the features of union cross-over, greedy replacement, and diversity enhancement. It shows a marked speed-up in the number of iterations required to find a given solution, as well as some improvement in the clique size found. We discuss issues related to the SIMD implementation of the genetic algorithms on a Thinking Machines CM-5, which was necessitated by the intrinsically high time complexity (O(n3)) of the serial algorithm for computing one iteration. Our preliminary conclusions are: (1) a genetic algorithm needs to be heavily customized to work "well" for the clique problem; (2) a GA is computationally very expensive, and its use is only recommended if it is known to find larger cliques than other algorithms; (3) although our customization e ort is bringing forth continued improvements, there is no clear evidence, at this time, that a GA will have better success in circumventing local minima.


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This paper presents a lower-bound result on the computational power of a genetic algorithm in the context of combinatorial optimization. We describe a new genetic algorithm, the merged genetic algorithm, and prove that for the class of monotonic functions, the algorithm finds the optimal solution, and does so with an exponential convergence rate. The analysis pertains to the ideal behavior of the algorithm where the main task reduces to showing convergence of probability distributions over the search space of combinatorial structures to the optimal one. We take exponential convergence to be indicative of efficient solvability for the sample-bounded algorithm, although a sampling theory is needed to better relate the limit behavior to actual behavior. The paper concludes with a discussion of some immediate problems that lie ahead.


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In this paper, we study the efficacy of genetic algorithms in the context of combinatorial optimization. In particular, we isolate the effects of cross-over, treated as the central component of genetic search. We show that for problems of nontrivial size and difficulty, the contribution of cross-over search is marginal, both synergistically when run in conjunction with mutation and selection, or when run with selection alone, the reference point being the search procedure consisting of just mutation and selection. The latter can be viewed as another manifestation of the Metropolis process. Considering the high computational cost of maintaining a population to facilitate cross-over search, its marginal benefit renders genetic search inferior to its singleton-population counterpart, the Metropolis process, and by extension, simulated annealing. This is further compounded by the fact that many problems arising in practice may inherently require a large number of state transitions for a near-optimal solution to be found, making genetic search infeasible given the high cost of computing a single iteration in the enlarged state-space.


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Inferring types for polymorphic recursive function definitions (abbreviated to polymorphic recursion) is a recurring topic on the mailing lists of popular typed programming languages. This is despite the fact that type inference for polymorphic recursion using for all-types has been proved undecidable. This report presents several programming examples involving polymorphic recursion and determines their typability under various type systems, including the Hindley-Milner system, an intersection-type system, and extensions of these two. The goal of this report is to show that many of these examples are typable using a system of intersection types as an alternative form of polymorphism. By accomplishing this, we hope to lay the foundation for future research into a decidable intersection-type inference algorithm. We do not provide a comprehensive survey of type systems appropriate for polymorphic recursion, with or without type annotations inserted in the source language. Rather, we focus on examples for which types may be inferred without type annotations.


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The purpose of this project is the creation of a graphical "programming" interface for a sensor network tasking language called STEP. The graphical interface allows the user to specify a program execution graphically from an extensible pallet of functionalities and save the results as a properly formatted STEP file. Moreover, the software is able to load a file in STEP format and convert it into the corresponding graphical representation. During both phases a type-checker is running on the background to ensure that both the graphical representation and the STEP file are syntactically correct. This project has been motivated by the Sensorium project at Boston University. In this technical report we present the basic features of the software, the process that has been followed during the design and implementation. Finally, we describe the approach used to test and validate our software.


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The proliferation of inexpensive workstations and networks has prompted several researchers to use such distributed systems for parallel computing. Attempts have been made to offer a shared-memory programming model on such distributed memory computers. Most systems provide a shared-memory that is coherent in that all processes that use it agree on the order of all memory events. This dissertation explores the possibility of a significant improvement in the performance of some applications when they use non-coherent memory. First, a new formal model to describe existing non-coherent memories is developed. I use this model to prove that certain problems can be solved using asynchronous iterative algorithms on shared-memory in which the coherence constraints are substantially relaxed. In the course of the development of the model I discovered a new type of non-coherent behavior called Local Consistency. Second, a programming model, Mermera, is proposed. It provides programmers with a choice of hierarchically related non-coherent behaviors along with one coherent behavior. Thus, one can trade-off the ease of programming with coherent memory for improved performance with non-coherent memory. As an example, I present a program to solve a linear system of equations using an asynchronous iterative algorithm. This program uses all the behaviors offered by Mermera. Third, I describe the implementation of Mermera on a BBN Butterfly TC2000 and on a network of workstations. The performance of a version of the equation solving program that uses all the behaviors of Mermera is compared with that of a version that uses coherent behavior only. For a system of 1000 equations the former exhibits at least a 5-fold improvement in convergence time over the latter. The version using coherent behavior only does not benefit from employing more than one workstation to solve the problem while the program using non-coherent behavior continues to achieve improved performance as the number of workstations is increased from 1 to 6. This measurement corroborates our belief that non-coherent shared memory can be a performance boon for some applications.


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Coherent shared memory is a convenient, but inefficient, method of inter-process communication for parallel programs. By contrast, message passing can be less convenient, but more efficient. To get the benefits of both models, several non-coherent memory behaviors have recently been proposed in the literature. We present an implementation of Mermera, a shared memory system that supports both coherent and non-coherent behaviors in a manner that enables programmers to mix multiple behaviors in the same program[HS93]. A programmer can debug a Mermera program using coherent memory, and then improve its performance by selectively reducing the level of coherence in the parts that are critical to performance. Mermera permits a trade-off of coherence for performance. We analyze this trade-off through measurements of our implementation, and by an example that illustrates the style of programming needed to exploit non-coherence. We find that, even on a small network of workstations, the performance advantage of non-coherence is compelling. Raw non-coherent memory operations perform 20-40~times better than non-coherent memory operations. An example application program is shown to run 5-11~times faster when permitted to exploit non-coherence. We conclude by commenting on our use of the Isis Toolkit of multicast protocols in implementing Mermera.


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The ML programming language restricts type polymorphism to occur only in the "let-in" construct and requires every occurrence of a formal parameter of a function (a lambda abstraction) to have the same type. Milner in 1978 refers to this restriction (which was adopted to help ML achieve automatic type inference) as a serious limitation. We show that this restriction can be relaxed enough to allow universal polymorphic abstraction without losing automatic type inference. This extension is equivalent to the rank-2 fragment of system F. We precisely characterize the additional program phrases (lambda terms) that can be typed with this extension and we describe typing anomalies both before and after the extension. We discuss how macros may be used to gain some of the power of rank-3 types without losing automatic type inference. We also discuss user-interface problems in how to inform the programmer of the possible types a program phrase may have.


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Predictability - the ability to foretell that an implementation will not violate a set of specified reliability and timeliness requirements - is a crucial, highly desirable property of responsive embedded systems. This paper overviews a development methodology for responsive systems, which enhances predictability by eliminating potential hazards resulting from physically-unsound specifications. The backbone of our methodology is the Time-constrained Reactive Automaton (TRA) formalism, which adopts a fundamental notion of space and time that restricts expressiveness in a way that allows the specification of only reactive, spontaneous, and causal computation. Using the TRA model, unrealistic systems - possessing properties such as clairvoyance, caprice, in finite capacity, or perfect timing - cannot even be specified. We argue that this "ounce of prevention" at the specification level is likely to spare a lot of time and energy in the development cycle of responsive systems - not to mention the elimination of potential hazards that would have gone, otherwise, unnoticed. The TRA model is presented to system developers through the CLEOPATRA programming language. CLEOPATRA features a C-like imperative syntax for the description of computation, which makes it easier to incorporate in applications already using C. It is event-driven, and thus appropriate for embedded process control applications. It is object-oriented and compositional, thus advocating modularity and reusability. CLEOPATRA is semantically sound; its objects can be transformed, mechanically and unambiguously, into formal TRA automata for verification purposes, which can be pursued using model-checking or theorem proving techniques. Since 1989, an ancestor of CLEOPATRA has been in use as a specification and simulation language for embedded time-critical robotic processes.


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Predictability -- the ability to foretell that an implementation will not violate a set of specified reliability and timeliness requirements -- is a crucial, highly desirable property of responsive embedded systems. This paper overviews a development methodology for responsive systems, which enhances predictability by eliminating potential hazards resulting from physically-unsound specifications. The backbone of our methodology is the Time-constrained Reactive Automaton (TRA) formalism, which adopts a fundamental notion of space and time that restricts expressiveness in a way that allows the specification of only reactive, spontaneous, and causal computation. Using the TRA model, unrealistic systems – possessing properties such as clairvoyance, caprice, infinite capacity, or perfect timing -- cannot even be specified. We argue that this "ounce of prevention" at the specification level is likely to spare a lot of time and energy in the development cycle of responsive systems -- not to mention the elimination of potential hazards that would have gone, otherwise, unnoticed. The TRA model is presented to system developers through the Cleopatra programming language. Cleopatra features a C-like imperative syntax for the description of computation, which makes it easier to incorporate in applications already using C. It is event-driven, and thus appropriate for embedded process control applications. It is object-oriented and compositional, thus advocating modularity and reusability. Cleopatra is semantically sound; its objects can be transformed, mechanically and unambiguously, into formal TRA automata for verification purposes, which can be pursued using model-checking or theorem proving techniques. Since 1989, an ancestor of Cleopatra has been in use as a specification and simulation language for embedded time-critical robotic processes.


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This report presents an algorithm, and its implementation, for doing type inference in the context of Quasi-Static Typing (QST) ["Quasy-static Typing." Satish Thatte Proc. ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages, 1988]. The package infers types a la "QST" for the simply typed λ-calculus.


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A framework for the simultaneous localization and recognition of dynamic hand gestures is proposed. At the core of this framework is a dynamic space-time warping (DSTW) algorithm, that aligns a pair of query and model gestures in both space and time. For every frame of the query sequence, feature detectors generate multiple hand region candidates. Dynamic programming is then used to compute both a global matching cost, which is used to recognize the query gesture, and a warping path, which aligns the query and model sequences in time, and also finds the best hand candidate region in every query frame. The proposed framework includes translation invariant recognition of gestures, a desirable property for many HCI systems. The performance of the approach is evaluated on a dataset of hand signed digits gestured by people wearing short sleeve shirts, in front of a background containing other non-hand skin-colored objects. The algorithm simultaneously localizes the gesturing hand and recognizes the hand-signed digit. Although DSTW is illustrated in a gesture recognition setting, the proposed algorithm is a general method for matching time series, that allows for multiple candidate feature vectors to be extracted at each time step.


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The Science of Network Service Composition has clearly emerged as one of the grand themes driving many of our research questions in the networking field today [NeXtworking 2003]. This driving force stems from the rise of sophisticated applications and new networking paradigms. By "service composition" we mean that the performance and correctness properties local to the various constituent components of a service can be readily composed into global (end-to-end) properties without re-analyzing any of the constituent components in isolation, or as part of the whole composite service. The set of laws that would govern such composition is what will constitute that new science of composition. The combined heterogeneity and dynamic open nature of network systems makes composition quite challenging, and thus programming network services has been largely inaccessible to the average user. We identify (and outline) a research agenda in which we aim to develop a specification language that is expressive enough to describe different components of a network service, and that will include type hierarchies inspired by type systems in general programming languages that enable the safe composition of software components. We envision this new science of composition to be built upon several theories (e.g., control theory, game theory, network calculus, percolation theory, economics, queuing theory). In essence, different theories may provide different languages by which certain properties of system components can be expressed and composed into larger systems. We then seek to lift these lower-level specifications to a higher level by abstracting away details that are irrelevant for safe composition at the higher level, thus making theories scalable and useful to the average user. In this paper we focus on services built upon an overlay management architecture, and we use control theory and QoS theory as example theories from which we lift up compositional specifications.


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Programmers of parallel processes that communicate through shared globally distributed data structures (DDS) face a difficult choice. Either they must explicitly program DDS management, by partitioning or replicating it over multiple distributed memory modules, or be content with a high latency coherent (sequentially consistent) memory abstraction that hides the DDS' distribution. We present Mermera, a new formalism and system that enable a smooth spectrum of noncoherent shared memory behaviors to coexist between the above two extremes. Our approach allows us to define known noncoherent memories in a new simple way, to identify new memory behaviors, and to characterize generic mixed-behavior computations. The latter are useful for programming using multiple behaviors that complement each others' advantages. On the practical side, we show that the large class of programs that use asynchronous iterative methods (AIM) can run correctly on slow memory, one of the weakest, and hence most efficient and fault-tolerant, noncoherence conditions. An example AIM program to solve linear equations, is developed to illustrate: (1) the need for concurrently mixing memory behaviors, and, (2) the performance gains attainable via noncoherence. Other program classes tolerate weak memory consistency by synchronizing in such a way as to yield executions indistinguishable from coherent ones. AIM computations on noncoherent memory yield noncoherent, yet correct, computations. We report performance data that exemplifies the potential benefits of noncoherence, in terms of raw memory performance, as well as application speed.