11 resultados para Formulated

em Boston University Digital Common


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A method is proposed that can generate a ranked list of plausible three-dimensional hand configurations that best match an input image. Hand pose estimation is formulated as an image database indexing problem, where the closest matches for an input hand image are retrieved from a large database of synthetic hand images. In contrast to previous approaches, the system can function in the presence of clutter, thanks to two novel clutter-tolerant indexing methods. First, a computationally efficient approximation of the image-to-model chamfer distance is obtained by embedding binary edge images into a high-dimensional Euclide an space. Second, a general-purpose, probabilistic line matching method identifies those line segment correspondences between model and input images that are the least likely to have occurred by chance. The performance of this clutter-tolerant approach is demonstrated in quantitative experiments with hundreds of real hand images.


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This paper introduces BoostMap, a method that can significantly reduce retrieval time in image and video database systems that employ computationally expensive distance measures, metric or non-metric. Database and query objects are embedded into a Euclidean space, in which similarities can be rapidly measured using a weighted Manhattan distance. Embedding construction is formulated as a machine learning task, where AdaBoost is used to combine many simple, 1D embeddings into a multidimensional embedding that preserves a significant amount of the proximity structure in the original space. Performance is evaluated in a hand pose estimation system, and a dynamic gesture recognition system, where the proposed method is used to retrieve approximate nearest neighbors under expensive image and video similarity measures. In both systems, BoostMap significantly increases efficiency, with minimal losses in accuracy. Moreover, the experiments indicate that BoostMap compares favorably with existing embedding methods that have been employed in computer vision and database applications, i.e., FastMap and Bourgain embeddings.


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In many multi-camera vision systems the effect of camera locations on the task-specific quality of service is ignored. Researchers in Computational Geometry have proposed elegant solutions for some sensor location problem classes. Unfortunately, these solutions utilize unrealistic assumptions about the cameras' capabilities that make these algorithms unsuitable for many real-world computer vision applications: unlimited field of view, infinite depth of field, and/or infinite servo precision and speed. In this paper, the general camera placement problem is first defined with assumptions that are more consistent with the capabilities of real-world cameras. The region to be observed by cameras may be volumetric, static or dynamic, and may include holes that are caused, for instance, by columns or furniture in a room that can occlude potential camera views. A subclass of this general problem can be formulated in terms of planar regions that are typical of building floorplans. Given a floorplan to be observed, the problem is then to efficiently compute a camera layout such that certain task-specific constraints are met. A solution to this problem is obtained via binary optimization over a discrete problem space. In preliminary experiments the performance of the resulting system is demonstrated with different real floorplans.


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In many multi-camera vision systems the effect of camera locations on the task-specific quality of service is ignored. Researchers in Computational Geometry have proposed elegant solutions for some sensor location problem classes. Unfortunately, these solutions utilize unrealistic assumptions about the cameras' capabilities that make these algorithms unsuitable for many real-world computer vision applications: unlimited field of view, infinite depth of field, and/or infinite servo precision and speed. In this paper, the general camera placement problem is first defined with assumptions that are more consistent with the capabilities of real-world cameras. The region to be observed by cameras may be volumetric, static or dynamic, and may include holes that are caused, for instance, by columns or furniture in a room that can occlude potential camera views. A subclass of this general problem can be formulated in terms of planar regions that are typical of building floorplans. Given a floorplan to be observed, the problem is then to efficiently compute a camera layout such that certain task-specific constraints are met. A solution to this problem is obtained via binary optimization over a discrete problem space. In experiments the performance of the resulting system is demonstrated with different real floorplans.


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A novel method for 3D head tracking in the presence of large head rotations and facial expression changes is described. Tracking is formulated in terms of color image registration in the texture map of a 3D surface model. Model appearance is recursively updated via image mosaicking in the texture map as the head orientation varies. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. Parameters are estimated via a robust minimization procedure; this provides robustness to occlusions, wrinkles, shadows, and specular highlights. The system was tested on a variety of sequences taken with low quality, uncalibrated video cameras. Experimental results are reported.


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An approach for estimating 3D body pose from multiple, uncalibrated views is proposed. First, a mapping from image features to 2D body joint locations is computed using a statistical framework that yields a set of several body pose hypotheses. The concept of a "virtual camera" is introduced that makes this mapping invariant to translation, image-plane rotation, and scaling of the input. As a consequence, the calibration matrices (intrinsics) of the virtual cameras can be considered completely known, and their poses are known up to a single angular displacement parameter. Given pose hypotheses obtained in the multiple virtual camera views, the recovery of 3D body pose and camera relative orientations is formulated as a stochastic optimization problem. An Expectation-Maximization algorithm is derived that can obtain the locally most likely (self-consistent) combination of body pose hypotheses. Performance of the approach is evaluated with synthetic sequences as well as real video sequences of human motion.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is then achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2-D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The warping templates are computed at the first frame of the sequence. Illumination templates are precomputed off-line over a training set of face images collected under varying lighting conditions. Experiments in tracking are reported.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The formulation is tailored to take advantage of texture mapping hardware available in many workstations, PC's, and game consoles. The non-optimized implementation runs at about 15 frames per second on a SGI O2 graphic workstation. Extensive experiments evaluating the effectiveness of the formulation are reported. The sensitivity of the technique to illumination, regularization parameters, errors in the initial positioning and internal camera parameters are analyzed. Examples and applications of tracking are reported.


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A novel method that combines shape-based object recognition and image segmentation is proposed for shape retrieval from images. Given a shape prior represented in a multi-scale curvature form, the proposed method identifies the target objects in images by grouping oversegmented image regions. The problem is formulated in a unified probabilistic framework and solved by a stochastic Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mechanism. By this means, object segmentation and recognition are accomplished simultaneously. Within each sampling move during the simulation process,probabilistic region grouping operations are influenced by both the image information and the shape similarity constraint. The latter constraint is measured by a partial shape matching process. A generalized parallel algorithm by Barbu and Zhu,combined with a large sampling jump and other implementation improvements, greatly speeds up the overall stochastic process. The proposed method supports the segmentation and recognition of multiple occluded objects in images. Experimental results are provided for both synthetic and real images.


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The combinatorial Dirichlet problem is formulated, and an algorithm for solving it is presented. This provides an effective method for interpolating missing data on weighted graphs of arbitrary connectivity. Image processing examples are shown, and the relation to anistropic diffusion is discussed.


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This article introduces a quantitative model of early visual system function. The model is formulated to unify analyses of spatial and temporal information processing by the nervous system. Functional constraints of the model suggest mechanisms analogous to photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and retinal ganglion cells, which can be formally represented with first order differential equations. Preliminary numerical simulations and analytical results show that the same formal mechanisms can explain the behavior of both X (linear) and Y (nonlinear) retinal ganglion cell classes by simple changes in the relative width of the receptive field (RF) center and surround mechanisms. Specifically, an increase in the width of the RF center results in a change from X-like to Y-like response, in agreement with anatomical data on the relationship between α- and