4 resultados para Cellular automata model

em Boston University Digital Common


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One-and two-dimensional cellular automata which are known to be fault-tolerant are very complex. On the other hand, only very simple cellular automata have actually been proven to lack fault-tolerance, i.e., to be mixing. The latter either have large noise probability ε or belong to the small family of two-state nearest-neighbor monotonic rules which includes local majority voting. For a certain simple automaton L called the soldiers rule, this problem has intrigued researchers for the last two decades since L is clearly more robust than local voting: in the absence of noise, L eliminates any finite island of perturbation from an initial configuration of all 0's or all 1's. The same holds for a 4-state monotonic variant of L, K, called two-line voting. We will prove that the probabilistic cellular automata Kε and Lε asymptotically lose all information about their initial state when subject to small, strongly biased noise. The mixing property trivially implies that the systems are ergodic. The finite-time information-retaining quality of a mixing system can be represented by its relaxation time Relax(⋅), which measures the time before the onset of significant information loss. This is known to grow as (1/ε)^c for noisy local voting. The impressive error-correction ability of L has prompted some researchers to conjecture that Relax(Lε) = 2^(c/ε). We prove the tight bound 2^(c1log^21/ε) < Relax(Lε) < 2^(c2log^21/ε) for a biased error model. The same holds for Kε. Moreover, the lower bound is independent of the bias assumption. The strong bias assumption makes it possible to apply sparsity/renormalization techniques, the main tools of our investigation, used earlier in the opposite context of proving fault-tolerance.


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In a probabilistic cellular automaton in which all local transitions have positive probability, the problem of keeping a bit of information for more than a constant number of steps is nontrivial, even in an infinite automaton. Still, there is a solution in 2 dimensions, and this solution can be used to construct a simple 3-dimensional discrete-time universal fault-tolerant cellular automaton. This technique does not help much to solve the following problems: remembering a bit of information in 1 dimension; computing in dimensions lower than 3; computing in any dimension with non-synchronized transitions. Our more complex technique organizes the cells in blocks that perform a reliable simulation of a second (generalized) cellular automaton. The cells of the latter automaton are also organized in blocks, simulating even more reliably a third automaton, etc. Since all this (a possibly infinite hierarchy) is organized in "software", it must be under repair all the time from damage caused by errors. A large part of the problem is essentially self-stabilization recovering from a mess of arbitrary-size and content caused by the faults. The present paper constructs an asynchronous one-dimensional fault-tolerant cellular automaton, with the further feature of "self-organization". The latter means that unless a large amount of input information must be given, the initial configuration can be chosen to be periodical with a small period.


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The Boundary Contour System neural vision model reproduces perceptual illusory boundary formation by a conjunctive boundary completion process within a large cellular receptive field. The conjunctive chain allows the same kind of conjunction to occur across multiple receptive fields, which allows for sharper, more flexible boundary completion.


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A neural network model of synchronized oscillator activity in visual cortex is presented in order to account for recent neurophysiological findings that such synchronization may reflect global properties of the stimulus. In these recent experiments, it was reported that synchronization of oscillatory firing responses to moving bar stimuli occurred not only for nearby neurons, but also occurred between neurons separated by several cortical columns (several mm of cortex) when these neurons shared some receptive field preferences specific to the stimuli. These results were obtained not only for single bar stimuli but also across two disconnected, but colinear, bars moving in the same direction. Our model and computer simulations obtain these synchrony results across both single and double bar stimuli. For the double bar case, synchronous oscillations are induced in the region between the bars, but no oscillations are induced in the regions beyond the stimuli. These results were achieved with cellular units that exhibit limit cycle oscillations for a robust range of input values, but which approach an equilibrium state when undriven. Single and double bar synchronization of these oscillators was achieved by different, but formally related, models of preattentive visual boundary segmentation and attentive visual object recognition, as well as nearest-neighbor and randomly coupled models. In preattentive visual segmentation, synchronous oscillations may reflect the binding of local feature detectors into a globally coherent grouping. In object recognition, synchronous oscillations may occur during an attentive resonant state that triggers new learning. These modelling results support earlier theoretical predictions of synchronous visual cortical oscillations and demonstrate the robustness of the mechanisms capable of generating synchrony.