78 resultados para Stan Brakhage


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Establishing correspondences among object instances is still challenging in multi-camera surveillance systems, especially when the cameras’ fields of view are non-overlapping. Spatiotemporal constraints can help in solving the correspondence problem but still leave a wide margin of uncertainty. One way to reduce this uncertainty is to use appearance information about the moving objects in the site. In this paper we present the preliminary results of a new method that can capture salient appearance characteristics at each camera node in the network. A Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model is created and maintained at each node in the camera network. Each object is encoded in terms of the LDA bag-of-words model for appearance. The encoded appearance is then used to establish probable matching across cameras. Preliminary experiments are conducted on a dataset of 20 individuals and comparison against Madden’s I-MCHR is reported.


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A common design of an object recognition system has two steps, a detection step followed by a foreground within-class classification step. For example, consider face detection by a boosted cascade of detectors followed by face ID recognition via one-vs-all (OVA) classifiers. Another example is human detection followed by pose recognition. Although the detection step can be quite fast, the foreground within-class classification process can be slow and becomes a bottleneck. In this work, we formulate a filter-and-refine scheme, where the binary outputs of the weak classifiers in a boosted detector are used to identify a small number of candidate foreground state hypotheses quickly via Hamming distance or weighted Hamming distance. The approach is evaluated in three applications: face recognition on the FRGC V2 data set, hand shape detection and parameter estimation on a hand data set and vehicle detection and view angle estimation on a multi-view vehicle data set. On all data sets, our approach has comparable accuracy and is at least five times faster than the brute force approach.


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Some WWW image engines allow the user to form a query in terms of text keywords. To build the image index, keywords are extracted heuristically from HTML documents containing each image, and/or from the image URL and file headers. Unfortunately, text-based image engines have merely retro-fitted standard SQL database query methods, and it is difficult to include images cues within such a framework. On the other hand, visual statistics (e.g., color histograms) are often insufficient for helping users find desired images in a vast WWW index. By truly unifying textual and visual statistics, one would expect to get better results than either used separately. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows the combination of visual statistics with textual statistics in the vector space representation commonly used in query by image content systems. Text statistics are captured in vector form using latent semantic indexing (LSI). The LSI index for an HTML document is then associated with each of the images contained therein. Visual statistics (e.g., color, orientedness) are also computed for each image. The LSI and visual statistic vectors are then combined into a single index vector that can be used for content-based search of the resulting image database. By using an integrated approach, we are able to take advantage of possible statistical couplings between the topic of the document (latent semantic content) and the contents of images (visual statistics). This allows improved performance in conducting content-based search. This approach has been implemented in a WWW image search engine prototype.


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A vision based technique for non-rigid control is presented that can be used for animation and video game applications. The user grasps a soft, squishable object in front of a camera that can be moved and deformed in order to specify motion. Active Blobs, a non-rigid tracking technique is used to recover the position, rotation and non-rigid deformations of the object. The resulting transformations can be applied to a texture mapped mesh, thus allowing the user to control it interactively. Our use of texture mapping hardware allows us to make the system responsive enough for interactive animation and video game character control.


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A combined 2D, 3D approach is presented that allows for robust tracking of moving bodies in a given environment as observed via a single, uncalibrated video camera. Tracking is robust even in the presence of occlusions. Low-level features are often insufficient for detection, segmentation, and tracking of non-rigid moving objects. Therefore, an improved mechanism is proposed that combines low-level (image processing) and mid-level (recursive trajectory estimation) information obtained during the tracking process. The resulting system can segment and maintain the tracking of moving objects before, during, and after occlusion. At each frame, the system also extracts a stabilized coordinate frame of the moving objects. This stabilized frame is used to resize and resample the moving blob so that it can be used as input to motion recognition modules. The approach enables robust tracking without constraining the system to know the shape of the objects being tracked beforehand; although, some assumptions are made about the characteristics of the shape of the objects, and how they evolve with time. Experiments in tracking moving people are described.


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A method for deformable shape detection and recognition is described. Deformable shape templates are used to partition the image into a globally consistent interpretation, determined in part by the minimum description length principle. Statistical shape models enforce the prior probabilities on global, parametric deformations for each object class. Once trained, the system autonomously segments deformed shapes from the background, while not merging them with adjacent objects or shadows. The formulation can be used to group image regions based on any image homogeneity predicate; e.g., texture, color, or motion. The recovered shape models can be used directly in object recognition. Experiments with color imagery are reported.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is then achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2-D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The warping templates are computed at the first frame of the sequence. Illumination templates are precomputed off-line over a training set of face images collected under varying lighting conditions. Experiments in tracking are reported.


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A mechanism is proposed that integrates low-level (image processing), mid-level (recursive 3D trajectory estimation), and high-level (action recognition) processes. It is assumed that the system observes multiple moving objects via a single, uncalibrated video camera. A novel extended Kalman filter formulation is used in estimating the relative 3D motion trajectories up to a scale factor. The recursive estimation process provides a prediction and error measure that is exploited in higher-level stages of action recognition. Conversely, higher-level mechanisms provide feedback that allows the system to reliably segment and maintain the tracking of moving objects before, during, and after occlusion. The 3D trajectory, occlusion, and segmentation information are utilized in extracting stabilized views of the moving object. Trajectory-guided recognition (TGR) is proposed as a new and efficient method for adaptive classification of action. The TGR approach is demonstrated using "motion history images" that are then recognized via a mixture of Gaussian classifier. The system was tested in recognizing various dynamic human outdoor activities; e.g., running, walking, roller blading, and cycling. Experiments with synthetic data sets are used to evaluate stability of the trajectory estimator with respect to noise.


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A combined 2D, 3D approach is presented that allows for robust tracking of moving people and recognition of actions. It is assumed that the system observes multiple moving objects via a single, uncalibrated video camera. Low-level features are often insufficient for detection, segmentation, and tracking of non-rigid moving objects. Therefore, an improved mechanism is proposed that integrates low-level (image processing), mid-level (recursive 3D trajectory estimation), and high-level (action recognition) processes. A novel extended Kalman filter formulation is used in estimating the relative 3D motion trajectories up to a scale factor. The recursive estimation process provides a prediction and error measure that is exploited in higher-level stages of action recognition. Conversely, higher-level mechanisms provide feedback that allows the system to reliably segment and maintain the tracking of moving objects before, during, and after occlusion. The 3D trajectory, occlusion, and segmentation information are utilized in extracting stabilized views of the moving object that are then used as input to action recognition modules. Trajectory-guided recognition (TGR) is proposed as a new and efficient method for adaptive classification of action. The TGR approach is demonstrated using "motion history images" that are then recognized via a mixture-of-Gaussians classifier. The system was tested in recognizing various dynamic human outdoor activities: running, walking, roller blading, and cycling. Experiments with real and synthetic data sets are used to evaluate stability of the trajectory estimator with respect to noise.


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An improved technique for 3D head tracking under varying illumination conditions is proposed. The head is modeled as a texture mapped cylinder. Tracking is formulated as an image registration problem in the cylinder's texture map image. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. To solve the registration problem in the presence of lighting variation and head motion, the residual error of registration is modeled as a linear combination of texture warping templates and orthogonal illumination templates. Fast and stable on-line tracking is achieved via regularized, weighted least squares minimization of the registration error. The regularization term tends to limit potential ambiguities that arise in the warping and illumination templates. It enables stable tracking over extended sequences. Tracking does not require a precise initial fit of the model; the system is initialized automatically using a simple 2D face detector. The only assumption is that the target is facing the camera in the first frame of the sequence. The formulation is tailored to take advantage of texture mapping hardware available in many workstations, PC's, and game consoles. The non-optimized implementation runs at about 15 frames per second on a SGI O2 graphic workstation. Extensive experiments evaluating the effectiveness of the formulation are reported. The sensitivity of the technique to illumination, regularization parameters, errors in the initial positioning and internal camera parameters are analyzed. Examples and applications of tracking are reported.


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We present a framework for estimating 3D relative structure (shape) and motion given objects undergoing nonrigid deformation as observed from a fixed camera, under perspective projection. Deforming surfaces are approximated as piece-wise planar, and piece-wise rigid. Robust registration methods allow tracking of corresponding image patches from view to view and recovery of 3D shape despite occlusions, discontinuities, and varying illumination conditions. Many relatively small planar/rigid image patch trackers are scattered throughout the image; resulting estimates of structure and motion at each patch are combined over local neighborhoods via an oriented particle systems formulation. Preliminary experiments have been conducted on real image sequences of deforming objects and on synthetic sequences where ground truth is known.


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We propose to investigate a model-based technique for encoding non-rigid object classes in terms of object prototypes. Objects from the same class can be parameterized by identifying shape and appearance invariants of the class to devise low-level representations. The approach presented here creates a flexible model for an object class from a set of prototypes. This model is then used to estimate the parameters of low-level representation of novel objects as combinations of the prototype parameters. Variations in the object shape are modeled as non-rigid deformations. Appearance variations are modeled as intensity variations. In the training phase, the system is presented with several example prototype images. These prototype images are registered to a reference image by a finite element-based technique called Active Blobs. The deformations of the finite element model to register a prototype image with the reference image provide the shape description or shape vector for the prototype. The shape vector for each prototype, is then used to warp the prototype image onto the reference image and obtain the corresponding texture vector. The prototype texture vectors, being warped onto the same reference image have a pixel by pixel correspondence with each other and hence are "shape normalized". Given sufficient number of prototypes that exhibit appropriate in-class variations, the shape and the texture vectors define a linear prototype subspace that spans the object class. Each prototype is a vector in this subspace. The matching phase involves the estimation of a set of combination parameters for synthesis of the novel object by combining the prototype shape and texture vectors. The strengths of this technique lie in the combined estimation of both shape and appearance parameters. This is in contrast with the previous approaches where shape and appearance parameters were estimated separately.


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A novel approach for real-time skin segmentation in video sequences is described. The approach enables reliable skin segmentation despite wide variation in illumination during tracking. An explicit second order Markov model is used to predict evolution of the skin color (HSV) histogram over time. Histograms are dynamically updated based on feedback from the current segmentation and based on predictions of the Markov model. The evolution of the skin color distribution at each frame is parameterized by translation, scaling and rotation in color space. Consequent changes in geometric parameterization of the distribution are propagated by warping and re-sampling the histogram. The parameters of the discrete-time dynamic Markov model are estimated using Maximum Likelihood Estimation, and also evolve over time. Quantitative evaluation of the method was conducted on labeled ground-truth video sequences taken from popular movies.


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A specialized formulation of Azarbayejani and Pentland's framework for recursive recovery of motion, structure and focal length from feature correspondences tracked through an image sequence is presented. The specialized formulation addresses the case where all tracked points lie on a plane. This planarity constraint reduces the dimension of the original state vector, and consequently the number of feature points needed to estimate the state. Experiments with synthetic data and real imagery illustrate the system performance. The experiments confirm that the specialized formulation provides improved accuracy, stability to observation noise, and rate of convergence in estimation for the case where the tracked points lie on a plane.


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A novel approach for estimating articulated body posture and motion from monocular video sequences is proposed. Human pose is defined as the instantaneous two dimensional configuration (i.e., the projection onto the image plane) of a single articulated body in terms of the position of a predetermined set of joints. First, statistical segmentation of the human bodies from the background is performed and low-level visual features are found given the segmented body shape. The goal is to be able to map these, generally low level, visual features to body configurations. The system estimates different mappings, each one with a specific cluster in the visual feature space. Given a set of body motion sequences for training, unsupervised clustering is obtained via the Expectation Maximation algorithm. Then, for each of the clusters, a function is estimated to build the mapping between low-level features to 3D pose. Currently this mapping is modeled by a neural network. Given new visual features, a mapping from each cluster is performed to yield a set of possible poses. From this set, the system selects the most likely pose given the learned probability distribution and the visual feature similarity between hypothesis and input. Performance of the proposed approach is characterized using a new set of known body postures, showing promising results.