78 resultados para Stan Brakhage


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A novel method for 3D head tracking in the presence of large head rotations and facial expression changes is described. Tracking is formulated in terms of color image registration in the texture map of a 3D surface model. Model appearance is recursively updated via image mosaicking in the texture map as the head orientation varies. The resulting dynamic texture map provides a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques for face recognition, facial expressions analysis, lip reading, and eye tracking. Parameters are estimated via a robust minimization procedure; this provides robustness to occlusions, wrinkles, shadows, and specular highlights. The system was tested on a variety of sequences taken with low quality, uncalibrated video cameras. Experimental results are reported.


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Based on our previous work in deformable shape model-based object detection, a new method is proposed that uses index trees for organizing shape features to support content-based retrieval applications. In the proposed strategy, different shape feature sets can be used in index trees constructed for object detection and shape similarity comparison respectively. There is a direct correspondence between the two shape feature sets. As a result, application-specific features can be obtained efficiently for shape-based retrieval after object detection. A novel approach is proposed that allows retrieval of images based on the population distribution of deformed shapes in each image. Experiments testing these new approaches have been conducted using an image database that contains blood cell micrographs. The precision vs. recall performance measure shows that our method is superior to previous methods.


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An approach for estimating 3D body pose from multiple, uncalibrated views is proposed. First, a mapping from image features to 2D body joint locations is computed using a statistical framework that yields a set of several body pose hypotheses. The concept of a "virtual camera" is introduced that makes this mapping invariant to translation, image-plane rotation, and scaling of the input. As a consequence, the calibration matrices (intrinsics) of the virtual cameras can be considered completely known, and their poses are known up to a single angular displacement parameter. Given pose hypotheses obtained in the multiple virtual camera views, the recovery of 3D body pose and camera relative orientations is formulated as a stochastic optimization problem. An Expectation-Maximization algorithm is derived that can obtain the locally most likely (self-consistent) combination of body pose hypotheses. Performance of the approach is evaluated with synthetic sequences as well as real video sequences of human motion.


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A method for reconstructing 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. The method takes advantage of the projective invariance properties of rational B-splines. Given feature correspondences in multiple views, the 3D surface is reconstructed via a four step framework. First, corresponding features in each view are given an initial surface parameter value (s; t), and a 2D B-spline is fitted in each view. After this initialization, an iterative minimization procedure alternates between updating the 2D B-spline control points and re-estimating each feature's (s; t). Next, a non-linear minimization method is used to upgrade the 2D B-splines to 2D rational B-splines, and obtain a better fit. Finally, a factorization method is used to reconstruct the 3D B-spline surface given 2D B-splines in each view. This surface recovery method can be applied in both the perspective and orthographic case. The orthographic case allows the use of additional constraints in the recovery. Experiments with real and synthetic imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach for the orthographic case.


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Ongoing work towards appearance-based 3D hand pose estimation from a single image is presented. A large database of synthetic hand views is generated using a 3D hand model and computer graphics. The views display different hand shapes as seen from arbitrary viewpoints. Each synthetic view is automatically labeled with parameters describing its hand shape and viewing parameters. Given an input image, the system retrieves the most similar database views, and uses the shape and viewing parameters of those views as candidate estimates for the parameters of the input image. Preliminary results are presented, in which appearance-based similarity is defined in terms of the chamfer distance between edge images.


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An appearance-based framework for 3D hand shape classification and simultaneous camera viewpoint estimation is presented. Given an input image of a segmented hand, the most similar matches from a large database of synthetic hand images are retrieved. The ground truth labels of those matches, containing hand shape and camera viewpoint information, are returned by the system as estimates for the input image. Database retrieval is done hierarchically, by first quickly rejecting the vast majority of all database views, and then ranking the remaining candidates in order of similarity to the input. Four different similarity measures are employed, based on edge location, edge orientation, finger location and geometric moments.


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A method for reconstruction of 3D rational B-spline surfaces from multiple views is proposed. Given corresponding features in multiple views, though not necessarily visible in all views, the surface is reconstructed. First 2D B-spline patches are fitted to each view. The 3D B-splines and projection matricies can then be extracted from the 2D B-splines using factorization methods. The surface fit is then further refined via an iterative procedure. Finally, a hierarchal fitting scheme is proposed to allow modeling of complex surfaces by means of knot insertion. Experiments with real imagery demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.


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An automated system for detection of head movements is described. The goal is to label relevant head gestures in video of American Sign Language (ASL) communication. In the system, a 3D head tracker recovers head rotation and translation parameters from monocular video. Relevant head gestures are then detected by analyzing the length and frequency of the motion signal's peaks and valleys. Each parameter is analyzed independently, due to the fact that a number of relevant head movements in ASL are associated with major changes around one rotational axis. No explicit training of the system is necessary. Currently, the system can detect "head shakes." In experimental evaluation, classification performance is compared against ground-truth labels obtained from ASL linguists. Initial results are promising, as the system matches the linguists' labels in a significant number of cases.


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Object detection can be challenging when the object class exhibits large variations. One commonly-used strategy is to first partition the space of possible object variations and then train separate classifiers for each portion. However, with continuous spaces the partitions tend to be arbitrary since there are no natural boundaries (for example, consider the continuous range of human body poses). In this paper, a new formulation is proposed, where the detectors themselves are associated with continuous parameters, and reside in a parameterized function space. There are two advantages of this strategy. First, a-priori partitioning of the parameter space is not needed; the detectors themselves are in a parameterized space. Second, the underlying parameters for object variations can be learned from training data in an unsupervised manner. In profile face detection experiments, at a fixed false alarm number of 90, our method attains a detection rate of 75% vs. 70% for the method of Viola-Jones. In hand shape detection, at a false positive rate of 0.1%, our method achieves a detection rate of 99.5% vs. 98% for partition based methods. In pedestrian detection, our method reduces the miss detection rate by a factor of three at a false positive rate of 1%, compared with the method of Dalal-Triggs.


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Scene flow methods estimate the three-dimensional motion field for points in the world, using multi-camera video data. Such methods combine multi-view reconstruction with motion estimation. This paper describes an alternative formulation for dense scene flow estimation that provides reliable results using only two cameras by fusing stereo and optical flow estimation into a single coherent framework. Internally, the proposed algorithm generates probability distributions for optical flow and disparity. Taking into account the uncertainty in the intermediate stages allows for more reliable estimation of the 3D scene flow than previous methods allow. To handle the aperture problems inherent in the estimation of optical flow and disparity, a multi-scale method along with a novel region-based technique is used within a regularized solution. This combined approach both preserves discontinuities and prevents over-regularization – two problems commonly associated with the basic multi-scale approaches. Experiments with synthetic and real test data demonstrate the strength of the proposed approach.


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The goal of this work is to learn a parsimonious and informative representation for high-dimensional time series. Conceptually, this comprises two distinct yet tightly coupled tasks: learning a low-dimensional manifold and modeling the dynamical process. These two tasks have a complementary relationship as the temporal constraints provide valuable neighborhood information for dimensionality reduction and conversely, the low-dimensional space allows dynamics to be learnt efficiently. Solving these two tasks simultaneously allows important information to be exchanged mutually. If nonlinear models are required to capture the rich complexity of time series, then the learning problem becomes harder as the nonlinearities in both tasks are coupled. The proposed solution approximates the nonlinear manifold and dynamics using piecewise linear models. The interactions among the linear models are captured in a graphical model. By exploiting the model structure, efficient inference and learning algorithms are obtained without oversimplifying the model of the underlying dynamical process. Evaluation of the proposed framework with competing approaches is conducted in three sets of experiments: dimensionality reduction and reconstruction using synthetic time series, video synthesis using a dynamic texture database, and human motion synthesis, classification and tracking on a benchmark data set. In all experiments, the proposed approach provides superior performance.


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Partial occlusions are commonplace in a variety of real world computer vision applications: surveillance, intelligent environments, assistive robotics, autonomous navigation, etc. While occlusion handling methods have been proposed, most methods tend to break down when confronted with numerous occluders in a scene. In this paper, a layered image-plane representation for tracking people through substantial occlusions is proposed. An image-plane representation of motion around an object is associated with a pre-computed graphical model, which can be instantiated efficiently during online tracking. A global state and observation space is obtained by linking transitions between layers. A Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach is used to infer the number of people and track them online. The method outperforms two state-of-the-art methods for tracking over extended occlusions, given videos of a parking lot with numerous vehicles and a laboratory with many desks and workstations.


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Object detection is challenging when the object class exhibits large within-class variations. In this work, we show that foreground-background classification (detection) and within-class classification of the foreground class (pose estimation) can be jointly learned in a multiplicative form of two kernel functions. One kernel measures similarity for foreground-background classification. The other kernel accounts for latent factors that control within-class variation and implicitly enables feature sharing among foreground training samples. Detector training can be accomplished via standard SVM learning. The resulting detectors are tuned to specific variations in the foreground class. They also serve to evaluate hypotheses of the foreground state. When the foreground parameters are provided in training, the detectors can also produce parameter estimate. When the foreground object masks are provided in training, the detectors can also produce object segmentation. The advantages of our method over past methods are demonstrated on data sets of human hands and vehicles.


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We propose a novel image registration framework which uses classifiers trained from examples of aligned images to achieve registration. Our approach is designed to register images of medical data where the physical condition of the patient has changed significantly and image intensities are drastically different. We use two boosted classifiers for each degree of freedom of image transformation. These two classifiers can both identify when two images are correctly aligned and provide an efficient means of moving towards correct registration for misaligned images. The classifiers capture local alignment information using multi-pixel comparisons and can therefore achieve correct alignments where approaches like correlation and mutual-information which rely on only pixel-to-pixel comparisons fail. We test our approach using images from CT scans acquired in a study of acute respiratory distress syndrome. We show significant increase in registration accuracy in comparison to an approach using mutual information.


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Locating hands in sign language video is challenging due to a number of factors. Hand appearance varies widely across signers due to anthropometric variations and varying levels of signer proficiency. Video can be captured under varying illumination, camera resolutions, and levels of scene clutter, e.g., high-res video captured in a studio vs. low-res video gathered by a web cam in a user’s home. Moreover, the signers’ clothing varies, e.g., skin-toned clothing vs. contrasting clothing, short-sleeved vs. long-sleeved shirts, etc. In this work, the hand detection problem is addressed in an appearance matching framework. The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based matching score function is reformulated to allow non-rigid alignment between pairs of images to account for hand shape variation. The resulting alignment score is used within a Support Vector Machine hand/not-hand classifier for hand detection. The new matching score function yields improved performance (in ROC area and hand detection rate) over the Vocabulary Guided Pyramid Match Kernel (VGPMK) and the traditional, rigid HOG distance on American Sign Language video gestured by expert signers. The proposed match score function is computationally less expensive (for training and testing), has fewer parameters and is less sensitive to parameter settings than VGPMK. The proposed detector works well on test sequences from an inexpert signer in a non-studio setting with cluttered background.