30 resultados para image databases


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We propose a novel image registration framework which uses classifiers trained from examples of aligned images to achieve registration. Our approach is designed to register images of medical data where the physical condition of the patient has changed significantly and image intensities are drastically different. We use two boosted classifiers for each degree of freedom of image transformation. These two classifiers can both identify when two images are correctly aligned and provide an efficient means of moving towards correct registration for misaligned images. The classifiers capture local alignment information using multi-pixel comparisons and can therefore achieve correct alignments where approaches like correlation and mutual-information which rely on only pixel-to-pixel comparisons fail. We test our approach using images from CT scans acquired in a study of acute respiratory distress syndrome. We show significant increase in registration accuracy in comparison to an approach using mutual information.


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Some WWW image engines allow the user to form a query in terms of text keywords. To build the image index, keywords are extracted heuristically from HTML documents containing each image, and/or from the image URL and file headers. Unfortunately, text-based image engines have merely retro-fitted standard SQL database query methods, and it is difficult to include images cues within such a framework. On the other hand, visual statistics (e.g., color histograms) are often insufficient for helping users find desired images in a vast WWW index. By truly unifying textual and visual statistics, one would expect to get better results than either used separately. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows the combination of visual statistics with textual statistics in the vector space representation commonly used in query by image content systems. Text statistics are captured in vector form using latent semantic indexing (LSI). The LSI index for an HTML document is then associated with each of the images contained therein. Visual statistics (e.g., color, orientedness) are also computed for each image. The LSI and visual statistic vectors are then combined into a single index vector that can be used for content-based search of the resulting image database. By using an integrated approach, we are able to take advantage of possible statistical couplings between the topic of the document (latent semantic content) and the contents of images (visual statistics). This allows improved performance in conducting content-based search. This approach has been implemented in a WWW image search engine prototype.


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We present a framework for estimating 3D relative structure (shape) and motion given objects undergoing nonrigid deformation as observed from a fixed camera, under perspective projection. Deforming surfaces are approximated as piece-wise planar, and piece-wise rigid. Robust registration methods allow tracking of corresponding image patches from view to view and recovery of 3D shape despite occlusions, discontinuities, and varying illumination conditions. Many relatively small planar/rigid image patch trackers are scattered throughout the image; resulting estimates of structure and motion at each patch are combined over local neighborhoods via an oriented particle systems formulation. Preliminary experiments have been conducted on real image sequences of deforming objects and on synthetic sequences where ground truth is known.


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A non-linear supervised learning architecture, the Specialized Mapping Architecture (SMA) and its application to articulated body pose reconstruction from single monocular images is described. The architecture is formed by a number of specialized mapping functions, each of them with the purpose of mapping certain portions (connected or not) of the input space, and a feedback matching process. A probabilistic model for the architecture is described along with a mechanism for learning its parameters. The learning problem is approached using a maximum likelihood estimation framework; we present Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithms for two different instances of the likelihood probability. Performance is characterized by estimating human body postures from low level visual features, showing promising results.


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A common problem in many types of databases is retrieving the most similar matches to a query object. Finding those matches in a large database can be too slow to be practical, especially in domains where objects are compared using computationally expensive similarity (or distance) measures. This paper proposes a novel method for approximate nearest neighbor retrieval in such spaces. Our method is embedding-based, meaning that it constructs a function that maps objects into a real vector space. The mapping preserves a large amount of the proximity structure of the original space, and it can be used to rapidly obtain a short list of likely matches to the query. The main novelty of our method is that it constructs, together with the embedding, a query-sensitive distance measure that should be used when measuring distances in the vector space. The term "query-sensitive" means that the distance measure changes depending on the current query object. We report experiments with an image database of handwritten digits, and a time-series database. In both cases, the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art embedding methods, meaning that it provides significantly better trade-offs between efficiency and retrieval accuracy.


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In an outsourced database system the data owner publishes information through a number of remote, untrusted servers with the goal of enabling clients to access and query the data more efficiently. As clients cannot trust servers, query authentication is an essential component in any outsourced database system. Clients should be given the capability to verify that the answers provided by the servers are correct with respect to the actual data published by the owner. While existing work provides authentication techniques for selection and projection queries, there is a lack of techniques for authenticating aggregation queries. This article introduces the first known authenticated index structures for aggregation queries. First, we design an index that features good performance characteristics for static environments, where few or no updates occur to the data. Then, we extend these ideas and propose more involved structures for the dynamic case, where the database owner is allowed to update the data arbitrarily. Our structures feature excellent average case performance for authenticating queries with multiple aggregate attributes and multiple selection predicates. We also implement working prototypes of the proposed techniques and experimentally validate the correctness of our ideas.


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Spectral methods of graph partitioning have been shown to provide a powerful approach to the image segmentation problem. In this paper, we adopt a different approach, based on estimating the isoperimetric constant of an image graph. Our algorithm produces the high quality segmentations and data clustering of spectral methods, but with improved speed and stability.


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Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624)


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Classifying novel terrain or objects front sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system used distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchical knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships.


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Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0423); National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NMA 201-01-1-2016); National Science Foundation (SBE-035437, DEG-0221680); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624)


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Under natural viewing conditions small movements of the eye, head, and body prevent the maintenance of a steady direction of gaze. It is known that stimuli tend to fade when they a restabilized on the retina for several seconds. However; it is unclear whether the physiological motion of the retinal image serves a visual purpose during the brief periods of natural visual fixation. This study examines the impact of fixational instability on the statistics of the visua1 input to the retina and on the structure of neural activity in the early visual system. We show that fixational instability introduces a component in the retinal input signals that in the presence of natural images, lacks spatial correlations. This component strongly influences neural activity in a model of the LGN. It decorrelates cell responses even if the contrast sensitivity functions of simulated cells arc not perfectly tuned to counterbalance the power-law spectrum of natural images. A decorrelation of neural activity at the early stages of the visual system has been proposed to be beneficial for discarding statistical redundancies in the input signals. The results of this study suggest that fixational instability might contribute to establishing efficient representations of natural stimuli.


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This paper shows how knowledge, in the form of fuzzy rules, can be derived from a self-organizing supervised learning neural network called fuzzy ARTMAP. Rule extraction proceeds in two stages: pruning removes those recognition nodes whose confidence index falls below a selected threshold; and quantization of continuous learned weights allows the final system state to be translated into a usable set of rules. Simulations on a medical prediction problem, the Pima Indian Diabetes (PID) database, illustrate the method. In the simulations, pruned networks about 1/3 the size of the original actually show improved performance. Quantization yields comprehensible rules with only slight degradation in test set prediction performance.


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A fast and efficient segmentation algorithm based on the Boundary Contour System/Feature Contour System (BCS/FCS) of Grossberg and Mingolla [3] is presented. This implementation is based on the FFT algorithm and the parallelism of the system.


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The What-and-Where filter forms part of a neural network architecture for spatial mapping, object recognition, and image understanding. The Where fllter responds to an image figure that has been separated from its background. It generates a spatial map whose cell activations simultaneously represent the position, orientation, ancl size of all tbe figures in a scene (where they are). This spatial map may he used to direct spatially localized attention to these image features. A multiscale array of oriented detectors, followed by competitve and interpolative interactions between position, orientation, and size scales, is used to define the Where filter. This analysis discloses several issues that need to be dealt with by a spatial mapping system that is based upon oriented filters, such as the role of cliff filters with and without normalization, the double peak problem of maximum orientation across size scale, and the different self-similar interpolation properties across orientation than across size scale. Several computationally efficient Where filters are proposed. The Where filter rnay be used for parallel transformation of multiple image figures into invariant representations that are insensitive to the figures' original position, orientation, and size. These invariant figural representations form part of a system devoted to attentive object learning and recognition (what it is). Unlike some alternative models where serial search for a target occurs, a What and Where representation can he used to rapidly search in parallel for a desired target in a scene. Such a representation can also be used to learn multidimensional representations of objects and their spatial relationships for purposes of image understanding. The What-and-Where filter is inspired by neurobiological data showing that a Where processing stream in the cerebral cortex is used for attentive spatial localization and orientation, whereas a What processing stream is used for attentive object learning and recognition.


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A feedforward neural network for invariant image preprocessing is proposed that represents the position1 orientation and size of an image figure (where it is) in a multiplexed spatial map. This map is used to generate an invariant representation of the figure that is insensitive to position1 orientation, and size for purposes of pattern recognition (what it is). A multiscale array of oriented filters followed by competition between orientations and scales is used to define the Where filter.