28 resultados para Characterizing Network Traffic


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Numerous problems exist that can be modeled as traffic through a network in which constraints exist to regulate flow. Vehicular road travel, computer networks, and cloud based resource distribution, among others all have natural representations in this manner. As these networks grow in size and/or complexity, analysis and certification of the safety invariants becomes increasingly costly. The NetSketch formalism introduces a lightweight verification framework that allows for greater scalability than traditional analysis methods. The NetSketch tool was developed to provide the power of this formalism in an easy to use and intuitive user interface.


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Formal correctness of complex multi-party network protocols can be difficult to verify. While models of specific fixed compositions of agents can be checked against design constraints, protocols which lend themselves to arbitrarily many compositions of agents-such as the chaining of proxies or the peering of routers-are more difficult to verify because they represent potentially infinite state spaces and may exhibit emergent behaviors which may not materialize under particular fixed compositions. We address this challenge by developing an algebraic approach that enables us to reduce arbitrary compositions of network agents into a behaviorally-equivalent (with respect to some correctness property) compact, canonical representation, which is amenable to mechanical verification. Our approach consists of an algebra and a set of property-preserving rewrite rules for the Canonical Homomorphic Abstraction of Infinite Network protocol compositions (CHAIN). Using CHAIN, an expression over our algebra (i.e., a set of configurations of network protocol agents) can be reduced to another behaviorally-equivalent expression (i.e., a smaller set of configurations). Repeated applications of such rewrite rules produces a canonical expression which can be checked mechanically. We demonstrate our approach by characterizing deadlock-prone configurations of HTTP agents, as well as establishing useful properties of an overlay protocol for scheduling MPEG frames, and of a protocol for Web intra-cache consistency.


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Internet Traffic Managers (ITMs) are special machines placed at strategic places in the Internet. itmBench is an interface that allows users (e.g. network managers, service providers, or experimental researchers) to register different traffic control functionalities to run on one ITM or an overlay of ITMs. Thus itmBench offers a tool that is extensible and powerful yet easy to maintain. ITM traffic control applications could be developed either using a kernel API so they run in kernel space, or using a user-space API so they run in user space. We demonstrate the flexibility of itmBench by showing the implementation of both a kernel module that provides a differentiated network service, and a user-space module that provides an overlay routing service. Our itmBench Linux-based prototype is free software and can be obtained from http://www.cs.bu.edu/groups/itm/.


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Prefetching has been shown to be an effective technique for reducing user perceived latency in distributed systems. In this paper we show that even when prefetching adds no extra traffic to the network, it can have serious negative performance effects. Straightforward approaches to prefetching increase the burstiness of individual sources, leading to increased average queue sizes in network switches. However, we also show that applications can avoid the undesirable queueing effects of prefetching. In fact, we show that applications employing prefetching can significantly improve network performance, to a level much better than that obtained without any prefetching at all. This is because prefetching offers increased opportunities for traffic shaping that are not available in the absence of prefetching. Using a simple transport rate control mechanism, a prefetching application can modify its behavior from a distinctly ON/OFF entity to one whose data transfer rate changes less abruptly, while still delivering all data in advance of the user's actual requests.


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A number of problems in network operations and engineering call for new methods of traffic analysis. While most existing traffic analysis methods are fundamentally temporal, there is a clear need for the analysis of traffic across multiple network links — that is, for spatial traffic analysis. In this paper we give examples of problems that can be addressed via spatial traffic analysis. We then propose a formal approach to spatial traffic analysis based on the wavelet transform. Our approach (graph wavelets) generalizes the traditional wavelet transform so that it can be applied to data elements connected via an arbitrary graph topology. We explore the necessary and desirable properties of this approach and consider some of its possible realizations. We then apply graph wavelets to measurements from an operating network. Our results show that graph wavelets are very useful for our motivating problems; for example, they can be used to form highly summarized views of an entire network's traffic load, to gain insight into a network's global traffic response to a link failure, and to localize the extent of a failure event within the network.


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Formal tools like finite-state model checkers have proven useful in verifying the correctness of systems of bounded size and for hardening single system components against arbitrary inputs. However, conventional applications of these techniques are not well suited to characterizing emergent behaviors of large compositions of processes. In this paper, we present a methodology by which arbitrarily large compositions of components can, if sufficient conditions are proven concerning properties of small compositions, be modeled and completely verified by performing formal verifications upon only a finite set of compositions. The sufficient conditions take the form of reductions, which are claims that particular sequences of components will be causally indistinguishable from other shorter sequences of components. We show how this methodology can be applied to a variety of network protocol applications, including two features of the HTTP protocol, a simple active networking applet, and a proposed web cache consistency algorithm. We also doing discuss its applicability to framing protocol design goals and to representing systems which employ non-model-checking verification methodologies. Finally, we briefly discuss how we hope to broaden this methodology to more general topological compositions of network applications.


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NetSketch is a tool that enables the specification of network-flow applications and the certification of desirable safety properties imposed thereon. NetSketch is conceived to assist system integrators in two types of activities: modeling and design. As a modeling tool, it enables the abstraction of an existing system so as to retain sufficient enough details to enable future analysis of safety properties. As a design tool, NetSketch enables the exploration of alternative safe designs as well as the identification of minimal requirements for outsourced subsystems. NetSketch embodies a lightweight formal verification philosophy, whereby the power (but not the heavy machinery) of a rigorous formalism is made accessible to users via a friendly interface. NetSketch does so by exposing tradeoffs between exactness of analysis and scalability, and by combining traditional whole-system analysis with a more flexible compositional analysis approach based on a strongly-typed, Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to specify network configurations at various levels of sketchiness along with invariants that need to be enforced thereupon. In this paper, we overview NetSketch, highlight its salient features, and illustrate how it could be used in applications, including the management/shaping of traffic flows in a vehicular network (as a proxy for CPS applications) and in a streaming media network (as a proxy for Internet applications). In a companion paper, we define the formal system underlying the operation of NetSketch, in particular the DSL behind NetSketch's user-interface when used in "sketch mode", and prove its soundness relative to appropriately-defined notions of validity.


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NetSketch is a tool for the specification of constrained-flow applications and the certification of desirable safety properties imposed thereon. NetSketch is conceived to assist system integrators in two types of activities: modeling and design. As a modeling tool, it enables the abstraction of an existing system while retaining sufficient information about it to carry out future analysis of safety properties. As a design tool, NetSketch enables the exploration of alternative safe designs as well as the identification of minimal requirements for outsourced subsystems. NetSketch embodies a lightweight formal verification philosophy, whereby the power (but not the heavy machinery) of a rigorous formalism is made accessible to users via a friendly interface. NetSketch does so by exposing tradeoffs between exactness of analysis and scalability, and by combining traditional whole-system analysis with a more flexible compositional analysis. The compositional analysis is based on a strongly-typed Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for describing and reasoning about constrained-flow networks at various levels of sketchiness along with invariants that need to be enforced thereupon. In this paper, we define the formal system underlying the operation of NetSketch, in particular the DSL behind NetSketch's user-interface when used in "sketch mode", and prove its soundness relative to appropriately-defined notions of validity. In a companion paper [6], we overview NetSketch, highlight its salient features, and illustrate how it could be used in two applications: the management/shaping of traffic flows in a vehicular network (as a proxy for CPS applications) and in a streaming media network (as a proxy for Internet applications).


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Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees are required by an increasing number of applications to ensure a minimal level of fidelity in the delivery of application data units through the network. Application-level QoS does not necessarily follow from any transport-level QoS guarantees regarding the delivery of the individual cells (e.g. ATM cells) which comprise the application's data units. The distinction between application-level and transport-level QoS guarantees is due primarily to the fragmentation that occurs when transmitting large application data units (e.g. IP packets, or video frames) using much smaller network cells, whereby the partial delivery of a data unit is useless; and, bandwidth spent to partially transmit the data unit is wasted. The data units transmitted by an application may vary in size while being constant in rate, which results in a variable bit rate (VBR) data flow. That data flow requires QoS guarantees. Statistical multiplexing is inadequate, because no guarantees can be made and no firewall property exists between different data flows. In this paper, we present a novel resource management paradigm for the maintenance of application-level QoS for VBR flows. Our paradigm is based on Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), in which (1) each application generates its variable-size data units at a fixed rate, (2) the partial delivery of data units is of no value to the application, and (3) the QoS guarantee extended to the application is the probability that an arbitrary data unit will be successfully transmitted through the network to/from the application.


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The increasing practicality of large-scale flow capture makes it possible to conceive of traffic analysis methods that detect and identify a large and diverse set of anomalies. However the challenge of effectively analyzing this massive data source for anomaly diagnosis is as yet unmet. We argue that the distributions of packet features (IP addresses and ports) observed in flow traces reveals both the presence and the structure of a wide range of anomalies. Using entropy as a summarization tool, we show that the analysis of feature distributions leads to significant advances on two fronts: (1) it enables highly sensitive detection of a wide range of anomalies, augmenting detections by volume-based methods, and (2) it enables automatic classification of anomalies via unsupervised learning. We show that using feature distributions, anomalies naturally fall into distinct and meaningful clusters. These clusters can be used to automatically classify anomalies and to uncover new anomaly types. We validate our claims on data from two backbone networks (Abilene and Geant) and conclude that feature distributions show promise as a key element of a fairly general network anomaly diagnosis framework.


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The heterogeneity and open nature of network systems make analysis of compositions of components quite challenging, making the design and implementation of robust network services largely inaccessible to the average programmer. We propose the development of a novel type system and practical type spaces which reflect simplified representations of the results and conclusions which can be derived from complex compositional theories in more accessible ways, essentially allowing the system architect or programmer to be exposed only to the inputs and output of compositional analysis without having to be familiar with the ins and outs of its internals. Toward this end we present the TRAFFIC (Typed Representation and Analysis of Flows For Interoperability Checks) framework, a simple flow-composition and typing language with corresponding type system. We then discuss and demonstrate the expressive power of a type space for TRAFFIC derived from the network calculus, allowing us to reason about and infer such properties as data arrival, transit, and loss rates in large composite network applications.


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A common assumption made in traffic matrix (TM) modeling and estimation is independence of a packet's network ingress and egress. We argue that in real IP networks, this assumption should not and does not hold. The fact that most traffic consists of two-way exchanges of packets means that traffic streams flowing in opposite directions at any point in the network are not independent. In this paper we propose a model for traffic matrices based on independence of connections rather than packets. We argue that the independent connection (IC) model is more intuitive, and has a more direct connection to underlying network phenomena than the gravity model. To validate the IC model, we show that it fits real data better than the gravity model and that it works well as a prior in the TM estimation problem. We study the model's parameters empirically and identify useful stability properties. This justifies the use of the simpler versions of the model for TM applications. To illustrate the utility of the model we focus on two such applications: synthetic TM generation and TM estimation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first traffic matrix model that incorporates properties of bidirectional traffic.


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In the framework of iBench research project, our previous work created a domain specific language TRAFFIC [6] that facilitates specification, programming, and maintenance of distributed applications over a network. It allows safety property to be formalized in terms of types and subtyping relations. Extending upon our previous work, we add Hindley-Milner style polymorphism [8] with constraints [9] to the type system of TRAFFIC. This allows a programmer to use for-all quantifier to describe types of network components, escalating power and expressiveness of types to a new level that was not possible before with propositional subtyping relations. Furthermore, we design our type system with a pluggable constraint system, so it can adapt to different application needs while maintaining soundness. In this paper, we show the soundness of the type system, which is not syntax-directed but is easier to do typing derivation. We show that there is an equivalent syntax-directed type system, which is what a type checker program would implement to verify the safety of a network flow. This is followed by discussion on several constraint systems: polymorphism with subtyping constraints, Linear Programming, and Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) [3]. Finally, we provide some examples to illustrate workings of these constraint systems.