636 resultados para Technical reports.
The problem of discovering frequent poly-regions (i.e. regions of high occurrence of a set of items or patterns of a given alphabet) in a sequence is studied, and three efficient approaches are proposed to solve it. The first one is entropy-based and applies a recursive segmentation technique that produces a set of candidate segments which may potentially lead to a poly-region. The key idea of the second approach is the use of a set of sliding windows over the sequence. Each sliding window covers a sequence segment and keeps a set of statistics that mainly include the number of occurrences of each item or pattern in that segment. Combining these statistics efficiently yields the complete set of poly-regions in the given sequence. The third approach applies a technique based on the majority vote, achieving linear running time with a minimal number of false negatives. After identifying the poly-regions, the sequence is converted to a sequence of labeled intervals (each one corresponding to a poly-region). An efficient algorithm for mining frequent arrangements of intervals is applied to the converted sequence to discover frequently occurring arrangements of poly-regions in different parts of DNA, including coding regions. The proposed algorithms are tested on various DNA sequences producing results of significant biological meaning.
We present a thorough characterization of the access patterns in blogspace, which comprises a rich interconnected web of blog postings and comments by an increasingly prominent user community that collectively define what has become known as the blogosphere. Our characterization of over 35 million read, write, and management requests spanning a 28-day period is done at three different levels. The user view characterizes how individual users interact with blogosphere objects (blogs); the object view characterizes how individual blogs are accessed; the server view characterizes the aggregate access patterns of all users to all blogs. The more-interactive nature of the blogosphere leads to interesting traffic and communication patterns, which are different from those observed for traditional web content. We identify and characterize novel features of the blogosphere workload, and we show the similarities and differences between typical web server workloads and blogosphere server workloads. Finally, based on our main characterization results, we build a new synthetic blogosphere workload generator called GBLOT, which aims at mimicking closely a stream of requests originating from a population of blog users. Given the increasing share of blogspace traffic, realistic workload models and tools are important for capacity planning and traffic engineering purposes.
This thesis elaborates on the problem of preprocessing a large graph so that single-pair shortest-path queries can be answered quickly at runtime. Computing shortest paths is a well studied problem, but exact algorithms do not scale well to real-world huge graphs in applications that require very short response time. The focus is on approximate methods for distance estimation, in particular in landmarks-based distance indexing. This approach involves choosing some nodes as landmarks and computing (offline), for each node in the graph its embedding, i.e., the vector of its distances from all the landmarks. At runtime, when the distance between a pair of nodes is queried, it can be quickly estimated by combining the embeddings of the two nodes. Choosing optimal landmarks is shown to be hard and thus heuristic solutions are employed. Given a budget of memory for the index, which translates directly into a budget of landmarks, different landmark selection strategies can yield dramatically different results in terms of accuracy. A number of simple methods that scale well to large graphs are therefore developed and experimentally compared. The simplest methods choose central nodes of the graph, while the more elaborate ones select central nodes that are also far away from one another. The efficiency of the techniques presented in this thesis is tested experimentally using five different real world graphs with millions of edges; for a given accuracy, they require as much as 250 times less space than the current approach which considers selecting landmarks at random. Finally, they are applied in two important problems arising naturally in large-scale graphs, namely social search and community detection.
Recent advances in processor speeds, mobile communications and battery life have enabled computers to evolve from completely wired to completely mobile. In the most extreme case, all nodes are mobile and communication takes place at available opportunities – using both traditional communication infrastructure as well as the mobility of intermediate nodes. These are mobile opportunistic networks. Data communication in such networks is a difficult problem, because of the dynamic underlying topology, the scarcity of network resources and the lack of global information. Establishing end-to-end routes in such networks is usually not feasible. Instead a store-and-carry forwarding paradigm is better suited for such networks. This dissertation describes and analyzes algorithms for forwarding of messages in such networks. In order to design effective forwarding algorithms for mobile opportunistic networks, we start by first building an understanding of the set of all paths between nodes, which represent the available opportunities for any forwarding algorithm. Relying on real measurements, we enumerate paths between nodes and uncover what we refer to as the path explosion effect. The term path explosion refers to the fact that the number of paths between a randomly selected pair of nodes increases exponentially with time. We draw from the theory of epidemics to model and explain the path explosion effect. This is the first contribution of the thesis, and is a key observation that underlies subsequent results. Our second contribution is the study of forwarding algorithms. For this, we rely on trace driven simulations of different algorithms that span a range of design dimensions. We compare the performance (success rate and average delay) of these algorithms. We make the surprising observation that most algorithms we consider have roughly similar performance. We explain this result in light of the path explosion phenomenon. While the performance of most algorithms we studied was roughly the same, these algorithms differed in terms of cost. This prompted us to focus on designing algorithms with the explicit intent of reducing costs. For this, we cast the problem of forwarding as an optimal stopping problem. Our third main contribution is the design of strategies based on optimal stopping principles which we refer to as Delegation schemes. Our analysis shows that using a delegation scheme reduces cost over naive forwarding by a factor of O(√N), where N is the number of nodes in the network. We further validate this result on real traces, where the cost reduction observed is even greater. Our results so far include a key assumption, which is unbounded buffers on nodes. Next, we relax this assumption, so that the problem shifts to one of prioritization of messages for transmission and dropping. Our fourth contribution is the study of message prioritization schemes, combined with forwarding. Our main result is that one achieves higher performance by assigning higher priorities to young messages in the network. We again interpret this result in light of the path explosion effect.
The Java programming language has been widely described as secure by design. Nevertheless, a number of serious security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Java, particularly in the component known as the Bytecode Verifier. This paper describes a method for representing Java security constraints using the Alloy modeling language. It further describes a system for performing a security analysis on any block of Java bytecodes by converting the bytes into relation initializers in Alloy. Any counterexamples found by the Alloy analyzer correspond directly to insecure code. Analysis of a real-world malicious applet is given to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach.
In this paper we introduce a theory of policy routing dynamics based on fundamental axioms of routing update mechanisms. We develop a dynamic policy routing model (DPR) that extends the static formalism of the stable paths problem (introduced by Griffin et al.) with discrete synchronous time. DPR captures the propagation of path changes in any dynamic network irrespective of its time-varying topology. We introduce several novel structures such as causation chains, dispute fences and policy digraphs that model different aspects of routing dynamics and provide insight into how these dynamics manifest in a network. We exercise the practicality of the theoretical foundation provided by DPR with two fundamental problems: routing dynamics minimization and policy conflict detection. The dynamics minimization problem utilizes policy digraphs, that capture the dependencies in routing policies irrespective of underlying topology dynamics, to solve a graph optimization problem. This optimization problem explicitly minimizes the number of routing update messages in a dynamic network by optimally changing the path preferences of a minimal subset of nodes. The conflict detection problem, on the other hand, utilizes a theoretical result of DPR where the root cause of a causation cycle (i.e., cycle of routing update messages) can be precisely inferred as either a transient route flap or a dispute wheel (i.e., policy conflict). Using this result we develop SafetyPulse, a token-based distributed algorithm to detect policy conflicts in a dynamic network. SafetyPulse is privacy preserving, computationally efficient, and provably correct.
We introduce Collocation Games as the basis of a general framework for modeling, analyzing, and facilitating the interactions between the various stakeholders in distributed systems in general, and in cloud computing environments in particular. Cloud computing enables fixed-capacity (processing, communication, and storage) resources to be offered by infrastructure providers as commodities for sale at a fixed cost in an open marketplace to independent, rational parties (players) interested in setting up their own applications over the Internet. Virtualization technologies enable the partitioning of such fixed-capacity resources so as to allow each player to dynamically acquire appropriate fractions of the resources for unencumbered use. In such a paradigm, the resource management problem reduces to that of partitioning the entire set of applications (players) into subsets, each of which is assigned to fixed-capacity cloud resources. If the infrastructure and the various applications are under a single administrative domain, this partitioning reduces to an optimization problem whose objective is to minimize the overall deployment cost. In a marketplace, in which the infrastructure provider is interested in maximizing its own profit, and in which each player is interested in minimizing its own cost, it should be evident that a global optimization is precisely the wrong framework. Rather, in this paper we use a game-theoretic framework in which the assignment of players to fixed-capacity resources is the outcome of a strategic "Collocation Game". Although we show that determining the existence of an equilibrium for collocation games in general is NP-hard, we present a number of simplified, practically-motivated variants of the collocation game for which we establish convergence to a Nash Equilibrium, and for which we derive convergence and price of anarchy bounds. In addition to these analytical results, we present an experimental evaluation of implementations of some of these variants for cloud infrastructures consisting of a collection of multidimensional resources of homogeneous or heterogeneous capacities. Experimental results using trace-driven simulations and synthetically generated datasets corroborate our analytical results and also illustrate how collocation games offer a feasible distributed resource management alternative for autonomic/self-organizing systems, in which the adoption of a global optimization approach (centralized or distributed) would be neither practical nor justifiable.
This paper proposes the use of in-network caches (which we call Angels) to reduce the Minimum Distribution Time (MDT) of a file from a seeder – a node that possesses the file – to a set of leechers – nodes who are interested in downloading the file. An Angel is not a leecher in the sense that it is not interested in receiving the entire file, but rather it is interested in minimizing the MDT to all leechers, and as such uses its storage and up/down-link capacity to cache and forward parts of the file to other peers. We extend the analytical results by Kumar and Ross [1] to account for the presence of angels by deriving a new lower bound for the MDT. We show that this newly derived lower bound is tight by proposing a distribution strategy under assumptions of a fluid model. We present a GroupTree heuristic that addresses the impracticalities of the fluid model. We evaluate our designs through simulations that show that our Group-Tree heuristic outperforms other heuristics, that it scales well with the increase of the number of leechers, and that it closely approaches the optimal theoretical bounds.
We study the problem of preprocessing a large graph so that point-to-point shortest-path queries can be answered very fast. Computing shortest paths is a well studied problem, but exact algorithms do not scale to huge graphs encountered on the web, social networks, and other applications. In this paper we focus on approximate methods for distance estimation, in particular using landmark-based distance indexing. This approach involves selecting a subset of nodes as landmarks and computing (offline) the distances from each node in the graph to those landmarks. At runtime, when the distance between a pair of nodes is needed, we can estimate it quickly by combining the precomputed distances of the two nodes to the landmarks. We prove that selecting the optimal set of landmarks is an NP-hard problem, and thus heuristic solutions need to be employed. Given a budget of memory for the index, which translates directly into a budget of landmarks, different landmark selection strategies can yield dramatically different results in terms of accuracy. A number of simple methods that scale well to large graphs are therefore developed and experimentally compared. The simplest methods choose central nodes of the graph, while the more elaborate ones select central nodes that are also far away from one another. The efficiency of the suggested techniques is tested experimentally using five different real world graphs with millions of edges; for a given accuracy, they require as much as 250 times less space than the current approach in the literature which considers selecting landmarks at random. Finally, we study applications of our method in two problems arising naturally in large-scale networks, namely, social search and community detection.
We propose a multi-object multi-camera framework for tracking large numbers of tightly-spaced objects that rapidly move in three dimensions. We formulate the problem of finding correspondences across multiple views as a multidimensional assignment problem and use a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure to solve this NP-hard problem efficiently. To account for occlusions, we relax the one-to-one constraint that one measurement corresponds to one object and iteratively solve the relaxed assignment problem. After correspondences are established, object trajectories are estimated by stereoscopic reconstruction using an epipolar-neighborhood search. We embedded our method into a tracker-to-tracker multi-view fusion system that not only obtains the three-dimensional trajectories of closely-moving objects but also accurately settles track uncertainties that could not be resolved from single views due to occlusion. We conducted experiments to validate our greedy assignment procedure and our technique to recover from occlusions. We successfully track hundreds of flying bats and provide an analysis of their group behavior based on 150 reconstructed 3D trajectories.
The Java programming language has been widely described as secure by design. Nevertheless, a number of serious security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Java, particularly in the Bytecode Verifier, a critical component used to verify class semantics before loading is complete. This paper describes a method for representing Java security constraints using the Alloy modeling language. It further describes a system for performing a security analysis on any block of Java bytecodes by converting the bytes into relation initializers in Alloy. Any counterexamples found by the Alloy analyzer correspond directly to insecure code. Analysis of the approach in the context of known security exploits is provided. This type of analysis represents a significant departure from standard malware analysis methods based on signatures or anomaly detection.
We introduce Active Hidden Models (AHM) that utilize kernel methods traditionally associated with classification. We use AHMs to track deformable objects in video sequences by leveraging kernel projections. We introduce the "subset projection" method which improves the efficiency of our tracking approach by a factor of ten. We successfully tested our method on facial tracking with extreme head movements (including full 180-degree head rotation), facial expressions, and deformable objects. Given a kernel and a set of training observations, we derive unbiased estimates of the accuracy of the AHM tracker. Kernels are generally used in classification methods to make training data linearly separable. We prove that the optimal (minimum variance) tracking kernels are those that make the training observations linearly dependent.
We propose a novel image registration framework which uses classifiers trained from examples of aligned images to achieve registration. Our approach is designed to register images of medical data where the physical condition of the patient has changed significantly and image intensities are drastically different. We use two boosted classifiers for each degree of freedom of image transformation. These two classifiers can both identify when two images are correctly aligned and provide an efficient means of moving towards correct registration for misaligned images. The classifiers capture local alignment information using multi-pixel comparisons and can therefore achieve correct alignments where approaches like correlation and mutual-information which rely on only pixel-to-pixel comparisons fail. We test our approach using images from CT scans acquired in a study of acute respiratory distress syndrome. We show significant increase in registration accuracy in comparison to an approach using mutual information.
We survey several of the research efforts pursued by the iBench and snBench projects in the CS Department at Boston University over the last half dozen years. These activities use ideas and methodologies inspired by recent developments in other parts of computer science -- particularly in formal methods and in the foundations of programming languages -- but now specifically applied to the certification of safety-critical networking systems. This is research jointly led by Azer Bestavros and Assaf Kfoury with the participation of Adam Bradley, Andrei Lapets, and Michael Ocean.
Locating hands in sign language video is challenging due to a number of factors. Hand appearance varies widely across signers due to anthropometric variations and varying levels of signer proficiency. Video can be captured under varying illumination, camera resolutions, and levels of scene clutter, e.g., high-res video captured in a studio vs. low-res video gathered by a web cam in a user’s home. Moreover, the signers’ clothing varies, e.g., skin-toned clothing vs. contrasting clothing, short-sleeved vs. long-sleeved shirts, etc. In this work, the hand detection problem is addressed in an appearance matching framework. The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based matching score function is reformulated to allow non-rigid alignment between pairs of images to account for hand shape variation. The resulting alignment score is used within a Support Vector Machine hand/not-hand classifier for hand detection. The new matching score function yields improved performance (in ROC area and hand detection rate) over the Vocabulary Guided Pyramid Match Kernel (VGPMK) and the traditional, rigid HOG distance on American Sign Language video gestured by expert signers. The proposed match score function is computationally less expensive (for training and testing), has fewer parameters and is less sensitive to parameter settings than VGPMK. The proposed detector works well on test sequences from an inexpert signer in a non-studio setting with cluttered background.