18 resultados para Grignan, Françoise Marguerite de Sévigné, comtesse de, 1646-1705.


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A América Latina atravessa, actualmente, significativos momentos de avanço e de recuo na sua estabilidade política interna. Os conflitos políticos da região e os regimes recentemente instalados em alguns Estados poderão criar situações de um permanente adiamento do desenvolvimento económico e de garantias democráticas de protecção dos direitos humanos. Na falta de consenso entre os Estados e a sua própria incapacidade de intervenção, a Organização dos Estados Americanos deverá assumir a sua missão e intervir no sentido de concretizar a estabilidade política necessária ao progresso económico e ao incremento de relações pacíficas no continente. Nowadays, Latin America lives significant periods of advance and retreat in its internal political stability. The political conflicts in the region and the regimes recently installed in some states will conduct to situations of a permanent postponement as to the economic development and democratic guarantees in the protection of human rights. While a consensus between states is not possible and their own capacity of intervention is limited, the Organisation of the American States will assume its mission by intervening in order to materialize the political stability needed to reach the way to economical progress and pacific relations in the continent.


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Tendemos ha hablar del término diáspora como el lugar del desprendimiento, del desplazamiento hacia otros territorios de existencia, sin embargo la realización de ello indica la contaminación y generación de nuevos lenguajes, que en el arte latinoamericano manifiestan un continuo retorno. Un ir y venir que puede ser inscrito por medio de la acción diferida establecida en el momento en el cual el hecho diaspórico es registrado por otro capacitado de recodificarlo al historizar la realidad fundante del desplazamiento artístico como perturbación del orden simbólico y a su vez enunciar la relectura de las diásporas artísticas latinoamericanas, desde las vanguardias hasta la contemporaneidad como medio de reinscripción del movimiento en cuanto a espacio primordial de sus representaciones. La premisa central de este estudio es la de visualizar cómo el desplazamiento de distintas diásporas artísticas latinoamericanas han trasformado el lenguaje del arte de nuestro territorio, dentro del permanente ir y venir de una acción diferida que las hace eficaces a través de nuestro posicionamiento al releer el presente de nuestras diásporas y cómo los actos del desplazamiento sólo pueden aparecer en la historización de su continuo retorno. There is a tendency to treat the term diaspora as the place of detachment, of the displacement toward other territories of existence; however, its fulfilment implies the contamination and the generation of other languages which in Latin American Art involves a continuous return. A Come and Go inscribed by means of the deferred action, established in the moment in which the diasporic fact is registered by another one capable of recoding through history-making in the funding reality of the artistic displacement as a disturbance of the symbolic order and simultaneously enunciating the re-reading of the Latin American artistic diaporas, from the vanguards to contemporaneity as the means of re-inscription of the movement as the primary space of its representations. The central premise of this study is that of visualising how the displacement of different Latin American artistic disporas have transformed the art language of our territories, within the permanent Come and Go of a deferred action that works efficiently through our positioning in re-reading the present of our diasporas and how the displacement acts only can appear in the history-making of its continuous return.