4 resultados para anti-American Islamism

em Adam Mickiewicz University Repository


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej


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W dzisiejszym świecie idea indywidualizmu jest nieodłącznie kojarzona z „amerykańskością”. Czy zawsze tak było? Czy Amerykanie wynaleźli „indywidualizm”, czy idea ta narodziła się w Europie? Autorka próbuje zaprezentować najważniejsze cechy indywidualizmu amerykańskiego. Przyjrzymy się czynnikom takim, jak: interes osobisty versus interes społeczny, presja społeczna do osiągania sukcesów czy protestancka etyka pracy, które mogą wpływać na samoświadomość, poczucie własnej wartości i autoekspresję. Przedstawione zostaną główne zasady amerykańskiego paradygmatu komunikacyjnego i powszechne wobec niego reakcje. W końcu, rozmyślać będziemy nad wpływem globalizacji i kultury masowej na wizerunek siebie oraz nad problemem antyamerykanizmu, włącznie z oporem przeciwko indywidualizmowi amerykańskiemu, jako reakcji na wszechobecność kultury amerykańskiej.


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The present book is devoted to "European connections of Richard Rorty's neopragmatism". The theme, chosen carefully and intentionally, is supposed to show the motivation behind the writing of the present work, as well as to show its intended extent. Let us consider briefly the first three parts of the theme, to enlighten a little our intentions. "European" is perhaps the most important description for it was precisely that thread that was most important to me, being the only context seriously taken into account, as I assumed right from the start that I would not be writing about rather more widely unknown to me - and much less fascinating (even to Rorty, the hero of the story) from my own, traditional, Continental philosophical perspective - American analytic philosophy. So accordingly I have almost totally skipped "American" connections (to use the distinction I need here) of Rorty's philosophy, that is to say, firstly, a years-long work within analytic philosophy, secondly struggles with it on its own grounds, and finally attempts to use classical American, mainly Deweyan, pragmatism for his own needs and numerous polemics associated with it - the questions that are far away from my interests and that arise limited interest among reading and writing philosophical audience in Poland, and perhaps also among Continental philosophers. It did not seem possible to me to write a book on Rorty in his American connections for they are insufficiently known to me, demanding knowledge of both post-war American analytic philosophy as well as pragmatism of its father-founders. I could see, setting to work on Richard Rorty, that a book on his American connections (leaving aside the issue that it would not be a philosophical problem but rather, let us say, the one of writing a monograph) written by a Polish philosopher in Poland and then in the USA was not a stimulating intellectual challenge but rather a thankless working task. Besides, having spent much time on Rorty's philosophy, writing extensively about him and translating his works, I already knew that the "Continental" context was extremely important to his neopragmatism, and that thinking about it could be relatively prolific (as opposed to the context potentially given by American philosophy).